HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1993-07-07st'tl (il:lELf) RESIDENTIALFrnutr AI'PLlcATloN lltspcr:llotrs: /l'0'376$ Ollice: 726'11/5!) JO8 NUMBEN 221i Flltlr Stretlt Sprlrrglleld, Olegrlrt 9/477 TAX LOT SUBDIVISION: t o fla LOCAI lOl.l ()l l'llol'o ASSESSOIlS I"IAP: LOT: . -.-.-... ..RLOCK PHONE:e ZIP: 1 "7_t<- f^ s ?r: CI TY:llv owNER: -€ sr.a,A. " ADDnESS: - - tl --*..:.- I STATE: NEW.,_--.,. NEMODEI- ADDITION DEMOLISH OTHER #eqDESCNIBE WOFII(: N DDNE[;S EXPIRES PI IONE ry {0:ffi COI.I TNACIOII'S NAME El-ECl'RlC/rL MECIIA CONST. CONTRACTOR '' GENEIIAL: - PLUMBING: - FLOOD PLAINI ZONING CODE: -., OF BDRMS:.__ WAf En llEAl l:R:SQUARE FOOTAGE: _ a OF UNITS: -_"- - oFFtcE usE - LAND USE: HEAT SOURCE: -*-RANGE: ---. , OF STORIE.(i: .--_. CONSI n. TYPE: ___. QUAD ATIEA: r OF BLDGS: OCCY GIIOUI' ' yotiltr'r:;l call 726 376$ Tlrls ls a 24 hcr.tt recottllt't0. All lnspectlorrs rtrrluesterl helore 7:oo;r rrr. will trr.:clay, lnspecllons reqttesle(l after 7:Oo a.tn. wlll be ma<Je ltre fottowlng work day. REOIJ!RED INSPECTIONS Rotrgh Meclranical - prlor lo cover. ,{ Flnal Plunrblrrg'- Whcn allplurnblng worl< ls c<trrrplele. [-l UnOcrslirb PlurrrblrrglEleclrlcall.J Meclrarrical - Priol lo cover. 'lb rcrlucr;I arr irrs;J.recllorr rrtatlc llro t;arrro workltrg [--'l Terntror;rry Electrlc Sile lnsgrecllotr - To be rnadealler ext:avalion, bul prlor loselll,)0 ir.rrnts. Fooling - Alter trencllcs are excaval r]ri. Masonry - Steel locallorr, borrrl beanrs, Uroulln0. Foundirlion - Afler fornrs are erecle(l l)ut prlor lo concrele place rrrcn L Underground Plumblng - prlor lo filllrrg lrenclt. Undelll<lor Plurrrblrrg/ Mochanlcal - l)rlor lo lnsulallon or decklng. Posl anrl Beanr - Prlor lo lloorlnsulalion or rlccklng. Floor lrrsulallon - Prlor lo decklng. Sanllary Sewer - Prlor lo lilllrrg lrenr:lt. Slorrrr Sower - Prlor to lllllrrg lr ench, Eleclrlcal Serulce - Musl bo approved lo obtaln perrnanenl eler:lrlcal powcr, Flraplace * Prlor to faclng rraterlals and lrarnlng lrrsp. l_l Frarnlng - [)rtor to cover. l-_| walUcelllng Insulatlon - prtor to-....- cover- [--l Drywalt - prlor to taptng. l-l Wood Slovo - Altor lnstallatlon. [l lnsert - AIer llreplaco aplrroval'- ancl lnstallallon ol unlt. Curbcul & Approaclr - Aller lorrns are enrcled bul l)tlor toplacemonl ol concrete. ll St<lewalk & Drlvoway - Alrcr'J excavallon ls cotnplole, lorns an<l sub.l.rase ntatorlal lrr place. tlough Eleclrlcal - prlor lo cover. Slreel Troes - Whon all requlred lrees are ;llanted. Flnat Eleclrlcal - When all eleclrlcal work ls cotrl)lole. Flnal Meclrarrlcal - Wlrun all rnoclranlcal w<lrk ls cortplctc. Flnal Bulldlng - Wlrcn all roqulred lnsJrecllons lravc boclrapproved and bulldlng ls corrrplele<1. Ollrertl MOBILE HOME INSPE TIONS Blocklng and Sel.Up - When allblocklng ls complcla, lt, Plunrblng Corrnecllorrs - WhurrItotne has becrr conrreclod lowalor and sower. Waler Llrre - Prlor lo llllllrg lrencll.l----l Fence - When cornl)lote(l Rough Plumbing - Prlor to cover.tl Eleclrlcal Colrnocllon - Wlrcrrblor:klrr0, $ol.rrl.,, arr<l ;rluntblrrglrrsfrocllon$ lrave boen apptovtt<land tlte horrro ls corrnoclcd lollre servlcc panel. Flrral - Alter all rerlulrc<l Inspectlons uro apl>rovc<I antlporchos, sklrtlng, decks, anrlventlng havc lteen lnslallecl. &3 !. SECONDARY HEAT:_ tl r_1 ft ft t_l Lol lrtces Lol s(1, llg. l-ot covslago Topograplry Total helght Lrrl Tylre _ -,-- lnlorlor --.-- Cornor - Panhandle -- Cul-de-sac SE .ACq Sel s lllE,'tloPos[t) wonl( lfl lllE -rill; ronlcAL t)lsrlrtcl otl ot'l I l tE I lrs IoRlcAL ,lEGlS lF.R? ..-... -.- - ll yr,ro, tlrls apllllt:all<.rn rtltt:;l lrrl slgrttl<l arr<l ;rpproved by lllc I'lislorlcal Coordittalor prl()r to pellrlil lssuance' APPROVED: -: PL. _N_ S W E BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECI( AND BUILDING PERMIT Tlrls permlt ls grantecl on llle cxpress conclillorl lllat lhe said consirtrction strall, ln all reslrecls, conlorm lo tllr.l or(linilnce "J"pi",l by tlro City ol Springllcltl' inr;ltrtlrt.lg llte Doveloprnenl Corle, re0ulaf irrg tlre collslruclitrrt attrcl uso ol Lufi,ltn'g", ancl nlay lle suspenclerl or tevoketl at arly tillle upon violatlon ol any provisiot.ts ol said ortlirrances' Plan Check Fee: --,---.----- RocelPt Nurnbor:-_ [);r I cIjians tlcvlcwcrl aY Date Pald Focelve<l BY: BU!LDING PERMIT VALUE (A) SO. FT. X $/SO, FT'I1'EM Main GaraSle Carport Tolal Value Bullcllng Pormll Fes Sliltc S(lIcll.rl0c Total Fee .--_.:€ Systetrts Dcvclol)lllcnl Cllill (lc is <ltrc on all (ltl(ltlvclclllccl 1:roperf ies wllltilr llre City lilllils wl)icll ale belr)g itttptovetl'SYSTEMS DEVELOPM ENT CI'IARG (B) E (sDc) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ITEM Flxtures Eesldenllal Balh(s) SanllarY Sewer Water , *it Storm Seweil Moblle llome PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FT. FT. FT. (c) Plumblng Permll Stato Stlrcllaroo Total Clrarge Woocl Stovel lnserl/Flreplace Unlt Dryer Venl MECHANICAL PEBMIT (D) Meclranlcal Permlt lssuance Stale Surcharge Tolal Permlt Furnace Exhausl tlood Vent Fan By slgnature, I slale atrd a6;ree' lhat I ltavc carelrrlly exalnined the conrpletetl aplllicallon ancl <1o ltcreby ctrr tily lhat all ln(ormallon ltortton ls tl'tro ancl corrccl' and I ltllllror cellily llral any and all work Perlorlnr:d slrall bc <lot'lo irr ar:r:or<latlce wllh lhe Orclinances ol tl.re City ol Springlield' ;rntl llte Laws o, the State of Otcilon perlainlng lo the w()rl( tlcsctil>ecl hereln, and tllat NO OCCUPANCY will be nra<lc ol any structure withoul pertlrissiotr ol tlre Building Salety Division' I lurtlrer certlfy tflat orlly conlraclors ancl etnliloyees who aro ln Golnpllance witll ORS 701'055 wlll be trse<l on lltis prolect. nsure tltat all requirecl insllections are tlnle, lhat cacll a<lclress is readable ol the ProPertY, and llro aPproved on fho slto al all lllnos tlutltrg cotr Slgtlaturo Dato --------1- l:13 I lurther aglee lo e roquestccl at tllc Proper mit cartl ls localod al llre lront lrom the slreel, tllat llte Per sel ol Planl; will rrltrrain st rur:llonMISCELLANEOUS PERMITS MoDllo Hollle Slale lssuance Slalo 6urcllarge Slrtewalk -- lt Culbcul - ll Dr:tnollllon Stalo SuIchaloo (E)Tolal Mlscel laneous Permlts TOTAL AMOUN (A, B, C, D, ancl T DUE (oxclucllng electrlcal) E Cornblned) VALIDAI'ION llECElt'r DATE PAI q AMOUN-r Fl RECEIVED BY l) l3 qAI] N0