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Office of Community & Ecorromic Development Planning and Development Department
December 10, 1985
Mr. Merlin R. Stam
c/o Durbi n Truck'ing Co.
37600 Upper Camp Cr eek Road
Springfie'ld, Oregon 97478
Dear Mr. Stam:
I'm writing wit
own at 1189 North
#17 02 30 43
Dens'i ty Res'identi
with approval forbe a trucki ng
industrial zone.at thi s 1 ocati on ,an appropni ate
des'i gnated mi xed
Medium Industrial zoning currently exists in the immediatevicin'ity, it is l'ike1y that the Planning Commiss'ion would
grant the rezoning.
Attached'is a Land Use Request for your convenience. Ifyou choose to rezone the property, the appl i cati on
submi ttal deadl i ne i s January 3, 1986 for the next
available Planning Commission Meeting of February 5, 1986.If you do not submit for a zone change by this date, Joumust discontinue business operations at this locat'ion by
January 6, 1986. Your ant'ici pated cooperat'ion i s
appreci ated.
h regard to property our records show you
36th Street or Lane County Assessor's Map
Tax Lot #2300. This property is zoned Lowal (RL) whjch allows only residentia'l uses
mobile homes. The present use appears to
operation which is permitted only in anIf you wish to cont'inues the business useit is necessary to rezone the propenty toindustrial designation. Since the area is
use by the l,letropolitan General Plan and
225 I{oCh Sth Street o Springfield, Oregon97477 c 503/726-3753
Sa1 1y J
Associ a te
P I anner
c.c. Cindie HarmonPermit Coordi nator
c.c. Greg tlott
Devel opment Code Admi n.i st rator
Please d'ir"ect __1ng!i ries to cindie Hanmon, permitcoordinator, at 726-3753 who w'ill answer.p"Cirlc questionsabout rezon'ing and/or development requirements.