HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1991-07-18Rcceipt .f a 3crfta) .. RESIDENTIAL.. \_ - APPLTzAT- t/PERMrr 225 Nonth ith Street Sprlngfield" 1negon 9747? Building Diu.ision ? 26-l? 5l SPHINGFIEIJ' Pon all eon- crete atneet fight- to made after all exca- oating conpleta & forn llark i sub- base nsterial in plase. Signeil:frs Date:')'4t It io lhe reaponaibility of the permit holder to aee that aLL inopectione are nade at the proper tine, that ecch cddrees ia readabie froor the atreet, atd that the permit oard, ia Looated at bhe fnont of the propenty.t9uildiwJ Uluicion appror;cd plan slall renain on the Building Sttc at aLL tines. PSQCSDUPE Fon INSPE1TQ! fP9IES?:CALL 726-3769 (record,en) atate your City deai.gnated iob eady for inepeotion, Contraotone ir Anters- ttctte and phoner'ill be nnde the eane dcy, requests ncde aftat ?:00 an viLL be nnde the nert:,wking day. Iour City Deaigr,ated Job Nunben fa: SITE INSPE*ION: To be nade after eraantation, but prtor to set up of forns. uilDEnsLA! PLANBINC. ELEq|WCAL e ny wk ie cortcred. FOOTING ,3 FOUNDATICN: To be Imde @et tr.enc6;ar.eZrcavated aru! D\YHAI,L fi'ISPECIION: ?c be nadeifren-a|TfiiGlTta in place, but prior to any taptrrg. MAS2N[?I: Steel location, bond iffijgrouting or oertiiala in accordance tLth U.D.C. Section 241 5. are erected, but priot to pouning ccnerete. nunber, job aCdleso, typentnbct. Requeetl teceived of inspeclictr before 7:00 cl UTIDERFLOOR PLUI.IBIIIC & MECIIANICAL:of floor inaulction or decking. ?0Sa-AlLlE4l|: To be nadc prion toffidtlifr{of ftoot insulation or deckitq. K--yrNsuLATroN/vApoR BARRr En r nspscrrot't : l-X,l fo be nsde al'ten aLL ineulaticn ad V rcquined. oapZn bavpiera are in plaoe,; but befone any lath, Wpoun board on raLL cooeri.ng is applied, ard. befora' @ty inoulation is concealed. "K R7 wooosrovet After installation io) e,pl-.tA. ?hD c/Dtl, f,p. a CURB E AryRCACll liPruN: Aftet forns ar,; erectedfr;V;lor" to poufinil conatete. thcse inspections harte been nnde arul approved,. FT!?EPUCE:ffiql;G Prior to plccirg aruI bcfot,e franing faaing inapec- tton. FfrAtlING: llust be requeoted aften ffit of rangh plir,bing, itectrt-ul. t neclanical. All toofir4j braoirq A chilmeys, etc. naat be . conpletad. No tprk ia to be cor '.goclel un|!L thtt inaputian nas 'beon iiii<Ic and, appri'i5il. lfiltcB: l{hen conplete -- ProuiCe fi6 ot tpuable' aections through P.U.E, -.: r'.- ALL pnojebt condibione, ouch. ae ble tnetaLLation of atreet trerzr" .o;:,pi,r'l;ion-of the required LanCeccpitcgo ctc., nn:at be eatie !i.:,i bcfore the EUlLDillC FIIIAL can be teqrceted,'FIIIAL PLUMOIIIC FINAL MECIIANICAL FIIIAL ELEETNICAL /(7, FINAL AUILD|I1: The Final Buitdi.ng fnapection m$t bo requeated alter tho Final Plwrbing ),^/ Electrical,'and Meolanical fnspeetiono lteuo been nade atd approved Job tocation: l-091 S. 45th Street Springfiel-d, OR t ?c,z tot ilAaceaoors Map ll Sttbdiviaion: Lucerne ltleadows Oarcr: Capstone Homes, Inc. of Oregon Phone:6 89 -5 567 97402 Aildress: P.O. Box 22636 ci ,oR DescYibe l,lork: Addition SF',.-p{,,o) Date of t-l NPi)n RenoC.el vatue (D I A QI General tone Hones, fnc. of OR P.O.B. 22535 oR 97402 62078 10-18-97 689-5567 P Iurnb S-J PTumbin Co 1147,Main St. S d oR 97477 4666 4 3- 78-92 7 47 -59 89 l.lechanical Garibag Heating 4207 W. 5th Ave. Eug., OR 97402 70545 12-21-91 344-2 4 I f SrrDer.vetr.;;rrg tilecLr:ician Phif Rose 15685 5U/2rtA.G aO i*l%tZ SliA 6 85-090 589976 Da LaneliJ,ectr!:a1 Rose 54431 9-30-91e, OR 97402 San'tlary eets* capped at propartg l,ine Septic tork y,tnped atd fitled wtth grwel ?inal - l{hen aborte itons are canpletcd and uhen darclition ie eorplete br ah,uc- ture tpved atd pnemisee aleaneC up. llcmes Blooking attd, Set-np Plunbing connecttons -- aa)ep and, r,talen Electrical Ccqneotion - Blooking, eet-up and plwbing conneotione Drast be apprroi*ad befonc requeeting el,ec2rtcal inspeclion Acceesory BuilCitrg Finat - Aften pcnchea, okirting, decks, eto. oe aanpleted. |Al.f, ilAltttll'E:i nilD C|,EANOW: t,tllj? M ACL-ESSIN,E, ADJ.USTltt:ilt TO nE ttltDl: /tT t:o ClsT TO el'lv P.:t!lc ! of :; I Arrzfif Tzsa L-co *SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-JOB NO. [ot Faces - lloueeP lace Bedrooms: Lot Sq. Ftg. Z of lot Coverage I of Stortes Total Height Topogmphy b447 w ?APE 2/ ?- V ntenior 3?a Corne? Panhandle Cul-de-sac ITEM FTC x Va rOTAL VALUE S.D.C. I.5 r 3/?,el 6;A:; a Date Paid: Receipt ll: Building V<llue & Permit This pennit ia gnanted on the egpress ootd_ition tlat tle said conattwction "i-LL', i, all nLspecti,-ioiJir*'to the otdinance adopted bv the gity 2fSpiiigli.nti, inolitding'the'Uni.ng Crdinanc-e, negula;ittg bhe ccnstnucttcn ina ""oL of Luildinge,- and may \e- suopended or reuokeC at cny ti.ne upon oic- lation of any prouieiona of eai-d ondinancee. * { BuiWing Permit Iotal Clntgea State Plumbing Permit No peroon alull conattact, inetall' alter or clnnge-cny net-c? ezieting ptwb;,ng or drainage syatat tn ulple or in part, unleas auch pereon ia the iegal pZaaes"on of o oialid pl.r,ber'e lic-eneb, ezcePt that a P?"son,naa 40-ptintiig wrk to property ihich ta oumed, Leased or openated by the appli- ant. /60 !a CITARCEI?EM NO. 2 * Fi.stures Reaid.entia.L (1 bath) Seuer Ptubing Pernit State a.) ad Electricql Permit Whete State La requires ttat the electrical work be done by an Electrtcal contractor, the electrical porti.on of this permit ehall not be oalic until the label lae been aigned by the Electrical Cont'rdctor. < ITotal Na,t/Ertend Cincuits Seroica ITSM NC.FCE cilAncE 6.0oFvrndee YIU)S I 4,foExhanet llooC I vent Fa ltlcl, t4an 4 lz9e llcodstotte I )5,e /D no 37,rc2-pt I a Mechqnicol Permit Penrtt foaudoe Neclnnical Pertt Seearity Deposit Storage l"bintenance Permit / 3,7oCvrbcu!2/r', 2D3s7s'Sida,nl,k lence Electrical Label tlobtle Eane 3.t qs /u/so, niTL e4:*' ?otal \<o33-Jl- I ttAvE cARgFULLy EXAIIINED the conpleted application fo.r permit, and do hereby certify that all infonntion hereoi ia tnue atd cor-nec,tr- atd I futth-er eentiiy that any ira on wnk perforned elnll be done in aceon- 'dance vith thi Ordinancbe of the City of Springfield, atd the la;e of thc state.of \regon pertaining to the lurrk ceacribed herein, cnd tlat N0 qccu' p\iCy oittt b"e ,mbe of dny atructute uithout permiaaion of the Building D.i- ii"ior. I furthen iertiiil that only contraitote and.enplcyeee uho are in cmpliance uith oRS 701.055 ui,LL be uaed on thie proiect ?/,il/ ,olwAl iunt,Nl illF.l Signed Date a ,#//* t 225 FIFTE SI3,EET SPRINGPTBLD, oREGON 97 477 INSPECf,ION RBQUBST3 726-3769 0FPICE: 726-3759 1 OF INST ON atr)Amns-- Electrical Contract Address Ci ty Phone Supervisor L e Number Expiration Date 2_- SPfIINGFI€LO ELESIRICAL PERHIT APPLICATION City Job Number q to8+I 3 A COHPLETB FBE SCIIEDUI^E BELOII I,lev Residential-Single or Hulti-Family per dvelling unlt. Service Included: Items Cost 1500 sq.ft. or less $ 85.00 Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof I $ 15.00 Each Manuf,d Home or -Modular Dvelling Service or Feeder $ 35.00 Temporary Services or FeedersInstallation, Alteration or Relocation Permits are non-transferable and expireif vork ls not started vithin 180 daysof lssuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. COI{TRACTOR INSTALI,ATION ONLY Sum go /E:" aSoF B. Services or Feeders (1,0 Branch Circuits ineluded). Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 100 amps or less 101 amps to 400 amps -40L amps to 600 amps -601 amps to 1000 "rps-Over 1000 amps/volts -Reconnect Only 05 $ 3s.00 $ 60.00 $ e0.00 $130.00 $300. 00 $ 3s.00 <\.) t cConstr Contr. Number Expiration Date Supervi Electrician s Name Address cit Phone OLTNER IN TION The installation is being made onproperty I own vhich is not intendedfor sale, Iease or rent. Ovners Slgnature: DATE:1-t9-4 I RECEIPT *: 200 amps or less t/ $ 35.00 201 amps to 400 amps - $ 40.00 over 4o1 to 6oo amps - $ go.oo Over 600 amps or 1000 voTts see ilBtr ? <O,J-r D. Branch Circuits I.lew, Alteration or Extension per panel One Cireuit Tvo to ten Circuits Each Addt,I ten orportion thereof SIIBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5X State Surcharge TOTAL $ 35.00 $ s0.00 s 1s.00 F Hiscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation g 36.00sign/outline Lighting- $ 36.00Signal Circuit orlimited energy panel $ 36.00 5 RECEIVED rrt