HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1992-03-03[>c{o\ SPFII 'IELO DEVELOPMEffT SERY'CES PUBLIC WOR'(S M ETRO POLITAN WAST EIryAT ER M AN AG EM ENT Tom ]larx Iluilding Inspector D:rre Puent. Building OI'!'icill Don )loore. Construction Reprsentatire L'25 F',ait-:-F;ir :Ptsr'\ -r-,f . J - - _- - :.4'!\-'; ---:'- CERTIFIED LETTER Ilarch 3,1992 Garl'Pierce 857 N. 28th Street Springfield, OR 97477 SUBJECT: Occupancl' Inspetion at 815 N. 28th Street, Springfield, Oregon. Proposed Use: Commercial Painting Company Dear IIr. Pierce: .At 1,our request, the Springfield Building Safety Division conducted an inspection of the building(s) at the above address. The purpose of the inspection n'as to determine the suitabilitl' of the building(s) for tlte p;'oposed use as inriieted. Based on the proposed occupanc)', the existing conditions u'hich are mentioned belou' do not nleet the nrinimum Building Safety Code requirements. Correctile measures must be taken prior to occupanc1' to install, repair, replace or modif-y the follou'ing items in order for the Building to conform to applicable safetl'codes: Structural l. Street numbers a minimum of four inches in height and plainll'r'isible from the street need to be placed on the building. The abtrre items are requirements for the existing structure onl.r'. Other items such as parking. paring, site irnprovements, sideuatks, etc., hale not been addressed as part of this inspection, and ma1'be required. Please contact the Planning Dilision of this office regarding an]' necessarv improvements to the site. It'.r'ou need an1'further information or ha'r'e any questions regarding the above reguirements. plurse c0ntrct rhe appropriate inspector noted belou,betu'een the hours of 6:00-9:00 a.m.. 1:00-2:00 p.m., 0r 4:tl0-1:30 p.m. ur i26-3759. Si n cerelr', CC: \-1 OCCTIPANCY INSPECTION APPLICATION CITY OF SPRTNGFTEII)BUTIDING DIUTSION DATE: ?-25-92 JOB NUMBER: ADDRESS 0F fNSpECTf0N: Bt 5 North ?81 h Street Sorino fi eld. 0R 9 0IINER: R i nh rd & Cvnt ia Hard'i e PHONE NUMBER: 4I5-934-2L67 OIJNER' S ADDRESS: 2L6O Strand Road, Walnut Creek , cA 94596 7478 APPLICANT: Ga I Pierce Paintino APPLICANT,S ADDRESS: A.7 Nn rt.h 28lh Str eet Sorino fi 1d. 0R. 974 7B FOR ACCESS T0 PR0PERTY - TELEPHONE NUMBER: 747_34 (Gary Pierce) PROPOSED USE: Cnmmcrn ial Paintino omDanv A THTS APPLIi INSPECTED. $35.00 INSPECTION FEE IS REQUTRED AT THE TIME OT APPLICATION CATTON FORM I,IUST BE STGNED BY THE O}INER OF THE PROPERTY TO BE S OF OIINER FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DATE PAID:-75- DATE OF INSPECTION: DATE OF CERTIFICATE OF COHPLIANCE: COMHENTS: RECEIPT NUMBER: DATE OF REPORT: 38 z-I 1'zaz7Y 4o L '/!\- ' Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services.. Complete items 3, and 4a & b. ' Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this card to you. ' Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back il space does not permit. ' Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number. The Return Fee will provide you the signature of th€ person to and the date ol 3.Article Addressed to: I also wish to receive the following services (for an extra fee): t . E/eoaressee's Address 2. E Restricted Delivery Consult for fee cle Number Type 4a--A(3i,v ?s Pnnev ^) } geAkln C /b r, jfie_\ 0, o|^, e1vr, 4b.! EI' n Registered Certif ied Express Mail E coo Return Receipt for lnsured 7 5.8.,s if requested and fee is paid) Signature (Agenrl re (Addressee) PS Form , November 1990 ru.s.GPo:1ee1-287-066 DOMESTIC RETITRN RECEIPT UNITED STATES POSTAL Officia! Business t8 PM 4MA /39?- Ilo k*)L a R (o (\ dG.\ PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $3OO f1 I *_r.:- ,.a.L1a11 !aF.*r* Print your name, address and ZIP Code here I