HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1983-01-31SPRINGFIELD CTry OF SPRINGFIELD Fire Prevention Bureau Building Division January 31, 1983 Ms. Linda Boothe 0regon Dome, Inc ig-t^I.it- iQi - st...tSpringfield,0regon 97477 RE: occupancy Inspection at 815 North 28th Street, Springfield, 0regon Dear Li nda, 0n December 14 , !982 a joint inspection was performed by the City Building Division and the Fire Pievention Bureau to determine the suitability of the existing building at the above location for possible relocation of your dome manufacturing and office facilities. This inspection revealed that the following items are required prior to occupancy of the building for your proposed use: 1) The 1979 Edition of the Uniform Fire Code, as amended by the City of Spring-. field August 4, 1981, requires that the building be provided with a fire sprinklei system, complying withNFPA Standards, to be used for the proposed H-3 occupancy classification (Section 10.309-c). 2) Coordinate this requirement with Mike Hudman of the City Fire Prevention Bureau, phone 726-3737. Section 908 of the State Structural Specialty Code and Fire and Life Safety Code (S.S.C.) requires that equipment or machinery which generates or emits combustible or explosives dust or fibers shall be provided wi!h an adequate dust collecting and exhaust system instal'led in conformance with U.B.C. Stan- dard No. 9-3. - For reference I have attached a copy of Uniform Building Code Standard No. 9-3. I recommend that, due to the techn'ical nature of a dust re- rnoval system, you contact an engineer famil'iar with the requirements and have a system enginbered to meet youi partjcular needs. Please coordinate thjs re- quirement with both the City Bu'ilding Division and F'ire Prevention Bureau. The south wall of th'is build'ing is constructed adjacent to the property line, and therefore requires a parapet(S.S.C. Section 1709). In-lieu-of q parapet the Fire Prevention Bureau has agreed to accept a box alarm as an alternate rnethod of satisfying this requ'irement. Please coord'inate this requirenrent with the City Fire Preventfon Bureau. Since the adjacent property to the south of this bui'lding is a mobile home park, we are concerned about noise generated by your manufacturing operation disturbing the adjacent residents. 3) 4) 225 North Sth Street a Springfield, Oregon 97 477 503 / 7 26 -3V 53, 503 / 7 26-3V 37 Ms. L'inda Boothe Occupancy Inspection 815 North 28th Street January 31, 19E3 Page 2. Noise control regulations enforced by the Oregon Department of Environmentalquality (0.0.E.Q.) govern in situations of this type, so I have enc]osed an excerpt from these regulations for your reference. Please have your: Acoustical Engineer coordinate with the City Bui'lding Di- vision and the 0.D.E.Q. how these regulations wi'll be satisfied. 5) The fol'lowing items were noted by Ed Brath, City Plumbing Inspector: a) The drinking fountain sha'|1 be trapped and vented. Oregon State Plumbing Specialty Code (0.S.P.S.C. ) Section 701. b) The service sink shall be provided with a backflow prevention device in the water fittings. 0.S.P.S.C., Section 1003 (i ). c) Elongated toilet bowls shall be provided in restrooms. 0.S.P.S.C., Sect'ion 901. d) Al'l vrater piping should be insulated in unheated areas (no requirements;for your protection). e) Access doors to e'lements on water heater shall be exposed. 0regon Struc-tural Specialty Code and Fire and Life Safety Code (S.S.C.), Section 5308. f) The trough and area drain in the building shall have solid covers to pre- vent debris from being swept into the Storm Sewer. 0.S.P.S.C., Section 304 Coordinate these requirements with the Plumbing Inspector, phone 726-3665. 6) The City Electrical Inspector, Charlie Watson, recommends that you have an e'lec-trical contractor estimate the total power requirements for new 3 phase service equipment capable of serving your machinery. Coordinate this requirement withthe Electrical Inspector, phone 726-3662. Questions regarding these items may be directed to me at 726-3669. Si ncerel y, /*/aZ*,^fr/r.4-/fu Mi ke Hudman Fire and Life Safety Plan Review Lorne ll. P1eger Senior PIans Examiner attachments Lt,lP/l h OCCUPANCY CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATE. JOB ADDRESS: 8] 5 North 28th, SprinEfiel d t1-02-31-oo-orq 8aaol5 INSPECTI qN APPLICATION EXISTING BUILDINGS BUILDING DEPARTMENT NI]MBER OF UNITS::1 OWNER: A {-r veV sen altor OWNERS ADDRESS:e 00 APPLICA}IT: APPLICANTS ADDRESS: 28 ,0, Stre t, Spr f iel-d I e ,Iesse Robertson (Wes over Realtv\ I t+7-9971 THIS APPLI INSPECTED, A $24.00 INSPECTION FEE IS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION CATION TORI,I }ruST BE SIGNED BY THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY TO BE 6,en 0 A SI FOR OFFICE USE Y DATE OF INSPECTION:DATE OF CERT. OF COMPLIANCE: DATE OF REPORT:RXCEIPT NIDEER:(nOOhS- CIr REI4ARKS: Oregon Dome, Inc. is researching the posslbility of rnoving ourmanufacturing operati-on and corporate offices to 8:5 North 28th Street inSpringfield. We would be manufacturlng geodesic dome products (cutting, assembling, building accessories, and loading trucks) in tfre same manneras we do at 28 West I'Qrr Street in Springfield. Offices that service ourdeal-er network, do deslgn and engineering, and handle the corporationfsbusiness woul-d also be located on this sitb. We would need to have available three phase power,lights, and overhead hanging heaters. Other requiremnts of tSpringfield are being sought. We also request that a noise r made of our present operation. additional he City of ati-ng be 31 ,- I s addre ss: 2i Wav. Boothe 747 FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - PLEASE INCLUDE TELEPHONE NIJMBER: h, PtumantdS*ffif INSPECTION REPORT JOB ADDRESS .9*tt1 28s-- Ol',lNER DATE PHONE ADDRESS TENANT oR occuPAw ZZaaa/L)D-- TYPE OF INSPECTION: HOUSING L/ OCCUPANCY COMPLAINT FIRE DAMAGE 7dl e)I /a ?asr ^q.s. ZrqzP.ue ?fu, qd/ 7e!<-rtoA) -fa c53aP Oz lle,-rlzrta r, Ii'ISPECTOR 4:^ /. J /a/er ,e,/terZ 2 o * /u ot*;- &