HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-03-24# APPLICAN6N/PERMIT 225 Nonth |th Street SprLrryfield' 2regon 97477 Bui.Ldi,ng Dhti,sio.n "'726-37 53 ob Laeaticn: eseesots Map # tubdirsision: )tmer: 4ildress: SPTIINGFIEI.D !ou" CitA Desi,gr,ated Job lfutnbet fs N'L Hotk:4 Value inspection,Contaactors or A,mets rwne cnd plane nunber. P,equests aftet 7:00 an rvill be rrude the nart :mtking dag /fu //e.L n Addition RanoCel Date of appri."otton ?-/0'86 (,- Q2;GeneraL Co@__Leadet_ It i, tl? rcaportibility of tlr penrit hoaa. tp aee tlnt aLL irppectiola oe nade at the puope? tine, th.at ecch cddrees is reaCt fian tho etteet, @d that thc pentt col ia loeated at-t-hs frpttt of the-gopetty.'*Auitding Noicio* qpra.ed plbt shcll z.etnain on tlte Bunlding Site at aLL tines. 26-3769 (z,ecordet) state yout City deeignated job mmber, job aliress, type of i.nsPee--icPRocEDIt!,F FoR I:ilSPECII1N RS1WST:CALL 7 eadY for u'tl.L be ttade the sane dcg' reqtests made recei,xed befcre 7:00 tac Re-ati-rari Tn sn eeficns BlockLng old. Set+tp Plmbing eonnections -- aarte? d ualer Electtical Connection - Blocking, set-uD and plunbing connections rrust be apptctsed before requeating eleclrLcal inspectiot Aeeessor.g Btti.Ldnng Pinal - After pcrckes, slortiag, decks, etc. @e cornpleted. Page 1 of 2 7H 3 ?c.r lat #2 Phone:/{rrt a ANDERSLAB PLUMBINC. ELECTRICAL & l,EClt4.NIC4L: To be made befot e any ffit-is couered. W1 roormc & F)UNDATT)N: To be truCe Lf\) Aft;; t?.rlc6 are elcatsated and forns are erected, but prior to pottt'izrg ccncreta. forne To to INDERFLOOR PLU.EING & MECEANICAL:of floot insul,a,tion or decking. ?08! 4!P-!8414: ?o be nade PrLor toffiffiof ftoot iwulation or deckittg. ROAGH PLTII{BIIIC. ELECTRICAL & MECP- lntCaf,: No uork is to be cooeYed ffiif,these inspeetions l'nrsa- been nade od approtted.. DRIWALL INSPECIfON: Ic be made @-atl@tTl* in place, but prior to any taptns. IILAS1NRI: Steel Loeation, bond dffilg?outi.ng or uerticals in accordaree ?tith U.B.C. Section 24L 5. w00DST01,/E: e*pT;TA. After i.nstallation is CURB & APPRCACH AP@N: After fonns d,e aectAffiVfio" tu pouring @nctete. SIDE\IALK & DRf'IEWAY: For all eon-c"etenilfrAffi et?eet rtght- ef-txA" to be made after aLL esca- oating corplete & forn twk & sttb- base nwterial in pLace. NP Sanitary seuer capped et pt'operfi1 Lire Pinal - h1ten abcue itens ore ccnpleted ar.d. uhen d.q,olition is canplete o? atluc hpe nooed otd. ptewlses cleaneC up. Hcmes SITE INSPECTION, e-.aoatlonr-but FTP.EPLACE: ,natefuG tion. FTilAL PLUUAINC PrilAL +|ECILANICAL FTfiAL ELECTRICAL tuLor to plaeirg and before fz,anting lo be rrude after pt iot, tc set up of IIISULATTON /VAPOR BARRTER ITISPECTION : lo be made after aLL insulati.cn ed required uqor botieas @e in Place but before ory Lath, Wpswn baatC or tnLL cooering i.s qpli.ed, atd before ag insu-Lation is eoncealed. faeing inepee- FRAilfNG: thtst be req-uested aftet, @it of rough pltrrbing, eiectri- a,l E neelnnical. ALL toofing bracittg E chinmeys, etc. nntst be . onpleted. Ilo uork is to be eorz- . cecled unti,L this i,nspection lae:beer rcde atd. approtted. ANE:gates hhen co;nplete -- fuotsiCe ot mooable sectians thnough P.A.E. - --- ALL pnoject eonditions, such as th.e installation of stl,eet trees, eonoletion of tie required Landsccpirg, etc. " rmtet be eatisfied befone the BUTLDING EINAL cah be reqtested. /P\ FrNAL BaTLDTNG: The ?inal Building rnepection nult be reEtested after the Final Plunbing Yl/ Electn'tcal, od l,teclunical Inepections l14te been nade atd approoed. *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUS?!|EIy ?O BE t44DE AT NO COST TO CI?I t--l Septic totk pla:tped a'nd fi.Lled tith gz'a;; tr Pcge 2 JOB NO 0 65soLAR Aq.qEss REe.-L-co c Gt ot LCT ?WE Bedtoons: Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Couenage # of StorLes Total Height Iopography ruEM n.U.L. -1. b i Building Pemrtt State ?otal Clangea Intericr Corner Panltandle Cul-de-sac toDe Building Volue & Permit ?his permLt is granted on the esp"ess cordition that the said. constraction s^LnL.L, in_all -r,espe,cts, gonforn to the Ordinance adopted 6iy the City ofspringfieT.rl, tarycl,udnng th,e zoning crdinance, regulatZng th"e ccnst?,tbtibnod .use of buiLdtng.s,. ord n-ay b_e- euapend.ed oy rbrsokeC Lt "ry tine upon uic_Lation of any pncuisiona of said Oydinances. Sigtred: z_qz# I HAW CAREFULLy EXA]LfNED t?e eornpleted appltcation for permit, and do hez,ebg certify that. aLL information het,eon is true anl. ebrrect, cnd I fut:tket, certify that any ard aLL uork perfotned sVnLL be done in aecor- dance tith the 1tdinances of the City of Springfield, and the La,:s of the* State of Oregcn pet'taining to the uotk Cesbribbd herein, and tlnt No occa- PANCY ?nLlL be nnd.e of any st/,ltctu"e uithout pernisaion of the Buitding DL-uision. f further eertify that only contraclops md ettplcyees uho arb in conpliance uith oRS 707.0ss uiLL be used on this pz,oject Lot Faces - Df House Ca.yaqe Aceess. North %bsEast Fire South 2S' West /2. SQ. FTG X Value :arT'oz,&/m Aceessot tl TOTAL VALUE Fee:.70 Date Paid: Plumbing Perrnit Nq person stn'L.L eonstrwct, instalT-, alter or eltange cnA net) cr eristingqltnlirW or dz,ainage sAlte! in uhole oz, in patt, Lnles-s such pe,son is- theLegal.possesso, of a ualid glnbel,s Licens-e, ezeept that a pZr"o, nay doplunbing uork to p?ope?ty uhich is oumed, Leased o, operatei ty tt n "ppli-cant. Reeeipt #.20 NO FEE CHARGE * ti.shtres Resil.ential (1 bath) Seuet, Plumbing Pern:tt 9tate Electricol Permit were state Lau reqtires tlnt the electrical uork be done bg an Eleeh-tealContractor,, the electrical port.ion of this permit sIta,LL not be ualid untilthe Label lns been signed by the Electrical Contractor. NO Petmit Nau/Eatend. Circuits Sez,uice State ?otaL NC FEE t,iuulaL Mechqnicql Permit bhanat Hood Ilcodstote Vent Fot PermLt fssufrice Mechanical Pernrit Sectrtt! Deposit Stotage Maintenartee PerwLt C'utbcut Sideualk Eleetrieal Label Mobile Hotne TO?AL AI4OANT DUE: *zo Date 2 nEfl,i.ce PTU I S State Surcha,ae ?otal C'hmaes ?otal C'ltan aes ?ence tsil:rt. .\i-]i-i. :-r-:si_r : J.xglhi: f.alit_ :..-*Jji-.*:.*!\r.taa.,:?irr - " RES,DE*. ilA[ " APPLTCATTON/PERMTT 225 North ith Street Sprtrqfield' 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 # SPF'NGFIEI! @ i -.'- . .\ : U:'.---:li I r. I Jr .qt \./ - b Locaticn: sessors Map # ddress: Na,) Aildition Retnodel GeneraL bdioision: '.met: Hot'k: VaLue /* . / /:t/ffi(aq //. Date of appri.ootun ?-/0'86 3b Tcs Iat #0 4 Ptone:/,(*t ; Plwtbing ft ic the rcapon*ibitity of tlc perwit hotds b aee that aLL inopectiotts ee nade at ttte F)rope" tine, th,at ecch cddtess is tea4ahi-e fron the atreet, and. tllat the penrtt easd, ie Located at th9 frcnt of the propetty.*zuilding biticiot appru^ed pLot sltcll remain on tle Buiiding Site at aLL times. t4eclwical Conatruction Ldet_ Reouirerl fnsoecticns PROCIDUPE FOR INSPECTIOII RTA,UEST :CA e"'iY ,Y|LL be rrude the sane dcy, ?equests LL726-3769 (recotden) state yout, Citg designated iob nzmbet', iob aCiz.ess, type of inspee;icn for inspection, Conttactc?s o? A)ne"s nc,tne cnd pinne rrunber. Requests receie'ed befcre 7:00 c:t nade after ?:00 on tvLLL be nade the nect aorking *'' E boIoLtz, CitA Desi-gr,ated Job Nunbet Is: SI?E INSPEC?IOII; ezcat;;lon;-but FTPEPLACE: mateyLals tion. FTilAL PLUMBIIIG PTNAL MECITANICAL FTNAL ELECTRTCAL To be nade afterprtor tc set up of INSULAT r)rv / vAPaR BAER!EBJ!E!!!!!p!:DEi.lOLrTr)lt 0R ):cwt W1 PcorrNG I FIUNDATTIN: To be npCe l^ 1 ;fter tre"cnes at,e ezcatsated and forms are erected, but prior to potz-ing ccncleta. 8 LL"g ,?encne". tFl#Y forns. UNDERSLAB PLAMBING, ELECTRICAL & i,lECHnilICAL: To be nade befot,e any uork is couet,ed. UTIDERFLOOR PLUIIBING & IiECHANICAL : of floor insu1,ation or decking. P)ST AND BEAI,I: To be nade pr[oz, toffiiffiGiof floor insulation oz' decking. ROUGH PLAEIIIC, ELECTRTCAL & MECH: ANfCAL: No uor.k is to be co"^et,ed w: T-these inspections lnrse been ma.de and appz,oueC. To be made after aLL insulaticn ed rcquired uapor bavie?s de in Placebut before otg Lath, Wpatm bcarC or tnLL cotsering is applied, and before oty irculation is concealed. Sanitory seuer eapped ct propert:1 Lire Septic tutk purped ald. filled tith gza:;el Final - l{hen abctse itens are cctpleted and uhen Certcli.tion is conplete or st/'Lic- tuz.e mooeC and. ptertses cleaneC up. Llobile Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plwnbing connectiona -- sarer otd. uatet Electrical Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-up and plwnbing connections tntst be apprcued before nequesting eleelr'tcal inspectiott Accesso?i Buidnng Pinal - After pcrehes etc. are cornpleted. skirting, decks, DRWALL INSPECII)N: Tc be made -. after aLL CtyuaLL is in pLace' but prioz, to any tapirq. I4ASONRY: Steel Location, bond 6iffilgnouti-ng or oetticals i-n accordotee trith U.B.C. Section 24L5. WOODSTO'IE: eCTetA. After irzstallatlon is CURB & APPRCACH APP,ON:ee e"ect;A-biin;7or After fonnsto pouring eonerete. SIDELALK & DRf',EHAY: For aLL con- ""et;n"o@-frTi:- street right- gf-txA, to be made after aLL ecca- oating canplete & fotn uork & sttb- base material in place.Prtor to placirq and. before froning faeing Lnapec- Ffu1.t114:: l,lust be nequested after @t of nough plwnbing, electyi- eal & neclnnieal. ALL toofing bracLng & chinmeys, etc. rntst be ; completed. Ilo uoz,k is to be con-. cecled until this inspection has:been nade and apptorted. ??^taF. gdtA L4ren eonplate -- PtotiCe or notsable sections tht'ough @ Dftd ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, con.oletion of tie required Landscapirg, etc., mtst be satisfied befote the BULLDING TINAL cah be requested. FINAL BUILDIN7: The Final Building Inspection nwst be requested after the Ftral Plumbing Electrieal, ord. Mecltanieal fnspections haue been made and approued. iALL IIANHILES AND cLEANours ltusr BE AIzESSTBLE, ADJUSTIIEW ro BE I,ADE AT No ccs? ro cny Page 1 of 2 Zone:Lot Eaces - Access.Df House% of Lct Cooerage- Total Height TopographY Iot Sq. Ftg. # of StorLes Inteticr CoTne? Panhandle CuL-d.e-sac x Va & TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 x 5o Cheek,70 (,-Date Paid: -:1 .20 ruEH CHAPCE Pistz-z,es Resid.ential (1 bath) Seuer lt0 Nau/Eztend. Cincuits Sensice rEE C:1A,RCE bhanst HooC Vent Fot -- ENCROACHI4ENT -. Cvrbcut Sideualk Mobile Hone 2 L-co c JOB NO.0 SOLAI ;CESS RE a.- Seclaons: ieat -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This pernn t is granted on the erpress condition that the said constraetiors_lnll, i.n,aLL.respects, conforn to the Ordirwnce tdopteJ 6,y the City ofSpr-ingfield, ineluding the Zoning Crdinance, reguLating t|rZ ccnstuuZticn and..use of buildings, and may be suspended oy reuokeC it "*y ti.ne upon uiclation of cnA prcoisions of said Ordirttnces. Buildingl Petrxt t State ?otal Clwrges PLumbLng Pem:Lt State Permit Yol;aL Pennt t fsaucnee Meclnnice.L Perrmt Signed: Plumbing Fer!'nit No_ person s|nll constmlet, install, alter or clunge anA net) cr existinqplwnbin4 or drainage sAsten in ahole on in pott, inlesi sueh person is theLegal .possessor of a ualid plunberts License, eseept th,at a pZrson nay doplunbing uork to propert7 uhich is omed, Leased ot, operated by the a:ppli.-cant. Electricql Fermit Wez,e State La requires tlnt the electrical uork be done by att Eleetz.iealcontraetor, the electtical portion of this permit slwll not be ualil untilthe Label lns been aig:ned. by the Eleetyical Contractor. Mechonicql Permit 7=qze I HAW CAREEULLY EXAI|INED the cornpleted application for pennit, cnd do hereby eertifg that aLL info;mation hereon ts tnue and. eotrect, cnd. I furtkez, cet,tify that ang ard aLL aork perforned slnll be done in aecot- dance uith the Oydinences of the City of Spz.ingfield, anC the Laxs of theState of Oregon pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein, cnd ti,a.t N0 OCCA- PANCY uiLL be mad.e of any st"ucture uithout permisaion of the Building Di-tision. f fur.ther eez,tify that otly contlacto"s anid enpLcyees uho are in conpliance uith ORS ?01.055 uiLL be used on this project * * ?otal /' , :OTAL A}IOUII? DLIE:'€t,g. zD ,42 Cdraae Ilortk Fireo 29tJouth/23-llest llai n ff,dte Canort /M Accessoru /y"4 . Wctet Tctal Chanaes ttlAlitrL I Res. So. fta- Furnace PTutS I,lcodstoxe Total C'ltcrqes Stdfa Secttity Deposit Storaqe l4aintenance Pence- Eleetrical Label