HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-12-29J.*"- J^a?-----:// -'-' - .. RESI^ ENTIAL.. APPLICITION/PERT/IIT 225 North |th Street Springfield, )regon 97477 BUL Ldlng DLULs'Lon 7 26-37 53 SPHINGFTELD SsqWlfirrJob Locaticn: Aesessore Map # / nOS 3 Coa4 lao /ooIcs Lot # Subdioision: asl b- qts a Atmen: City: Address:, Phone: 1q /- ww(. Describe Hork: 12.>q-&?Value t--l Neu <ecDate of App Lication Aildition RemoCel Cont?actors Ad.dzess L- Meclwrical Page 1 of 2 !D5 4u olr/- o /c- p'ro ,*;'t1*4( GsnetaL signed i 2'e4 -8 a ' nwnbe!, job aCitess, type of inspec=icn numbet'. Requesis receixed befcre 7:00 an, L It ia the reepon*ibili.ty of tle penrtt hotde" to eee that aLL i.nspections ee nade at the p?ope! time' that each addtess is z'eaCable fran the st?eet, and that the permit catd is Loeated at the fzotrt of the property.*guilding Noicion appto"*ed plan shall remain on tVte Building Site at aLL times. PROCEDUPE FOR INSPECTI1N_R98W!!.'CALL726-3769(recoydet) state you! City designated job eady fot, inspection, Contraetcrs olr A,ners- rrore cnd ptare ''viLL be made the sane dag, "equests made aftet, 7:00 sn uyLLL be made the nect aorking dag. Iour City Desigr"ated Job Nutnber fs:flclrr Reauired fnsoections SITE INSPEC?I)!: ?o be made aftez' ercao;tlorl, but priar tc set up of forns. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECH!-IIICAL: To be made befot,e any tloyk i,s cotlered. F11TLNG & F)UNDATfCN: To be naCe after trenches a?e anl forns are erected, but prior to pouring ccncrete. f,TDrcr A rU . ^at;;m; FTilAL PLUUAING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL TNSULATTON/VAPOR BARRIER ITISPECTION : Io be made after aLL insulaticn ald. required oapor bmriers ee in pLace but before oty Lath, Wpswn bcatC ot' tnLL couering is appLied, cnd before any insulation is coneeaLed. DRYWALL INSPECIf)N: Tc be made -. after aLL dtguaLl is in place, but prior to any taping. I,IAS1NRI: SteeL Location, bond diffilgrouting or uerticals in accotdutce uLth U,B.C, Section 2415. DEI.IOLITIO!! OR I,IOWD Sanitotg seuer capped et properQi Lir:e Septic tank pu=ped ann filled trith gra:tel linal - h1zen abctse itens aze ecntpleted and uhen d.ancl'ttion is eomplete o" struc- ture moued anC y'enrLaes cleaneC up. Le Hcmes Blocking od. Set-up Plunbing connections -- satr)ev and uater UNDERGROUND PLUMETNG, SEWR2 tl,ArER' DRAI\\4GE: To be made pnior to fil- @'6inches. UIIDERFLOAR PLUI,EING & IIECIIANICAL : floor ineul,ation or decking. POFT 4!p PE4M: ?o be made priot' to TGliTTatl)n of floor insulation ot' decking. R)IJCH PLAIBIIIG. ELECTRICAL & I,IECH:- nUtCnf: No uork is to be coo-et'ed ffi|T-the"n inspections haue been nade ard. approueC. PrLor to placirq facing and befot,e franing inspec- CURB & APPRCACH APPON After forns WO2DST)\/E: After instal atnoLeted.'), > ee-eriiid but pioi to pouring ancyete. SIDEWALK & DRIIWAY: Eot' al,L ccn- cret enau@-;ltffi street right- of-teA, to be made after aLL etca- oating canplete & forrn wYk & sub- base material in place. Electrical Cc,nnection - Blocking' sei-up and pLwnbing connections rn;st be apprcued before requesting eleclrical inspectioti Aecessory BuilCing Latton is Final - Aftet, etc. ate contpt pcrehes, skirting, decks, Leted. tion. FRALIING: l4uet be requested aften aptptooal of rough plwr,bing, electri- cal & meclwnical. ALL roofing bracLng & ehitrmegs, etc. rmtst be completed. lto ucv,k is to be con- , cecled until this inspection Las 'been made anC approoed. IENCE: hhr.en conPLete -- ProuiCe gatea or nottable sections through P,U.E. ALL p?oject conditions, such as the Lnstallation of slreet tz'ee_s,_ co,:pletion-of the ,rqu.i,r|h Landscaping,|tu., mtst be satisfied befot,e the BUILDTN? EINAL can be requested' 7INAL BaTLDTNG: The Fi.nal Building Inspection mtst be reqtested after the Final Plunbing ElectricaL, and Meehanical rnspections hatte been made artd appt'ooed' *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITENI TO BE I'IADE A? NO CCST TO CI?Y C^llot* 7,', Arrt'/r) vt ,!- Date: Consln ction Jedet : I r JoB "0.870 SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO C Df House Aecess, th LC? ?WE _ Intericr _ Conner _ Panhand.Le Cul-de-sac Zone: Lot Faces - Topography BeCtoons SoureesIpt Sq. Ptg. % of Lct Casetage_ # of Stories Total Eeight rTEM FTG x Value TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 c Fee: Date Paid: !. This pertnr,t is granted on the erp?ess condttion tlwt the said constractionslwll., i.n all respects, confonn to the Ordinance adopted 6ig the City of Spt tngfield, incT.udtng the Zoning Czdinance, regulatirzg the ccnstructtcn and..use of buildings, artd may be susperd.ed ot, y,euokeC qt cnA time upon oic-Lation of qnJ prcuisions of said Ordirances. * * Building Volue & Permit Building PermLt Total Clnrgee State Signed: NO.FEE CHARGE Pittures Resil.enttal (1 bath) Saner Plumbing Perrnit No_ pereon shall constm,Let, instalT-, alter or clutrye anA nea cr. etisting qlutnb,ing or dtainage sAstnlt in uhole or in patt, inlesb sueh pet,son is- the Legal -possessot, of a oalid plumbet,ts Licensb, eeeept ttnt a pZt,sonnay doplwnbing uork to prope"tA uhich is otmed, Leased oi operated by the ippli- cant. Plunbing Pernit State Neu,/Estepd Cincuits Iatpcroy Setuice Electricol Permit where state Lau requines that the eleetrieal uork be done by an Electrical Contz,actor, the eleetrical portion of this permit slnll not be ualiC untilthe Label ltas been signed by the Eleetrical- Contractot,. State ?otal NC.FEE CIlARCE E?U, khanst Hood. Vent Fot Vcodstooe o<) 7 S >v * Mechqnicql Permit Permit fssuqoe Mechanical Pey,mtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Permtt Cuzbcut SidewaLk Mobile Honte TOTAL AMOUI|T DUE: */5,?5 f HAW CAREFULLY EYAUINED the cornpleted application for permit, and dolrcrebg certify tha.t aLL info,rnation hereoi is ttue and. e'oz,r,ect, and. ffu,tket, certify that anA ard aLL aork perforned shall be dane in accor-dnnce vtth the ovdinances of the city bf -sptingfieLd, and. the Lcas of thestate of )regon pertaining to the aork cesctibed herein, and tlat No occa- PANc.y tlill b_e rm,1.e of an-y structtu,e uithout permission of the Buitd.ing Di-uision_. r fut'ther centifs- that onLy contractoz.s and. enplcgees uho arb ineonpLiance uith 1RS Z01.0SS uiLL be- used on this project DotA Total 142"'-Signed PLan Can aae North Fa< f tt FireolacettWood.e toue ,lest l Sec"o'itu Deposit Storage Maintenattce - Fenee Eleetrical Label Planning Department TPPUGTTIOII TOB TEITPONf,NT USE PEBIIIIT. GOXIIITIOTIAT USE PINilIT, ZOMilG ON YInIAIIGI TO ZOilIIIG OBDIIIf,IIGE T0: THE COMMOI{ C0UNCIL Al{D CITI PTANNING C0MMIS$OI{ SPRINGTIEID, OREGON Gentlemen: The undersigned applicant hereby requests that the lollowing described real property that is either owned by or under contract ol sale to the applicant, in Springlield, 0regon: Part of Lot I H. L. a R. Stewarts Plat Ta Lot 400 t7 03 36 24 as recorded in Deed Book- , Page in the County Clerk's Ollice, said property situated at on the side ol the street between and , be granted special consideration in accordance with the laws ol the State ol Oregon and ordinances ol the City ol Springlield as checked below ARIANCE FROM LAND USE RESTRICTIONS x ONDITIONAT USE PERMIT TEMPORARY PER}/IIT FOB NONCONFORMING USE RETO NING RESOTUTION OF INTENT OTHER APPTICANT PRQPQSES T0: (State lully .nd clearly what is intended to be done on or with the property il this application is approved) Continue operatinq the A & D Nursery in R-l e CHINGE OT ZONI OR VARIANCE TO ACCOMPTISH ABOVE USE Conditional lJ se Perm i t Date 3-24-70 I SignedI Telephone 74 6-517 1 Mailing Address 539 Nor th lSth Date [i 3-24- Fon orFrcE usE oltrY Journal Number Date fixed for Planning Commission Hearing Apri I 6, lqTo lction Taken c'J"r $ s-70- r r Fee Paid $10.00 Receipt Issued flt'r OA / be ..rtate /ea v@ ..1.Aclppeal By lpplicant Date Fixed for Common Council Heariag: Action Taken: lo 0rdinance [Io.: tliret t +/+lzs 4- o rp fr-t R-t CITY OF SPRINGFIELD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1970 AT 7:30 P.M. lN THE MUNICIPAL I,IEETING R00M 0F THE SPRTNGFIELD UTILITY BOARD AT 250 NORTH !AI STREET ON THE FOLLOU'ING REqUEST FOR A CONDITIOI'IAL USE PERMIT: Albert Bur a (n a O Nursery) (Journal No. S-70-ll) Assessorrs Map No. 17 03 36 24, Tax Lot No. 400. Located at 539 North lSth Street on the east side of the street just south of rEr Street. Requests a Conditional Use Permit to continue to operate a plant nursery in a residential (n-f Single Family) area. Richard Johnson, Secretary Springfield Planning Commi ssion fr-t r<-l R-t R-t fr1 I k $ lA N N EC Lrh t1-l R-l t<-l A North Scale: lrr = 400t AREA TO BE CONS I DERED FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. 1.. t h Nc t^t<-l fr-/