HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-02-19.. RESII NTIAL.. 225 NOrth SIII STTEEAPPLICATION/PERMIT SprLngfieLd, )regon 9Z4ZZ Building Diuiston 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIELD Simed: L/-or l.\\ \ .lt ? CL Date 3-/:tR Genetal rt i8 the tespontibi-lilv of -tte pendt hoaa' to aee tlnt alt inspectiotts oe nad,e at the p?oFte? time, that ecch a,l4ress ts req4ahletyl-W at?eet, and tltdt tha p*nrtt card ia Located. at the frorti of tre wope,w.*Building Diuiciot approu^ed ptot slnll remain on-tG a"l.7il"h'Zile at aLL times. PP)jEDUPE FoR rNSPEcrr1N R!?wsr:CALL726-3769 (veeond,er) state yout city designzted. job nttrber,, iob acdtess, type of inspecticntequeated ar'd uhen uou uiLL be ,eadg fot' i,rnpection, ciii".lii"- oi a,ners- rwne Lnd ptoie nunbir.' iA;; - nn"eixed befcre ?:00 an'*iLL be nade the edte dcg, ,"qrrn"ii"^,"in iitu z,oo'*, ttill be r*;;ii:;;L7';ri;irr"Ar. 8?C 13Reati-Tnsoeeti.ans Iour City Desi-gated Job ltunbet fs: Job Locaticn:3 o (oooAesessors Map #Taz Lot #o 5 svbdioision: Aaaer: Address:Phone:4 City: Describe llork: \ D to*b r vtc- - GczLC . ,r'\Jkbl or MMt cilAf a^Yc, n Value ('lluil-- oy |ra, L q- Additicn RenoCeL Date of App us_ULATI0!/VAa0R BARRTER IttSpECTr2N : ?o be made after aLL insulaticn ail t equired oapor beriers ee in placebut befote any Lath, gApswn bcatC or ta.LL cooering is applied, and. beforeay insulation is coneealed. DRYI,IALL TNSPEC?TON: Tc be nade @e"ZlT@Afis in place, but prior to ang taping. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL &wcltt'ycnr,: io be-ffiiiefie ansttotk ie cooeted. FO0?IN} & FOUNDA?ICN: ?o be made - afxer trenches a?e eseansated and. forns ote erected, but ptioz, topourlng ccnereta. ulpglcR)uvp PLU\BTNC, S D.!!,IllAcE: To be maCe pttor to fil-Litq trenehee. .. To be made p"ior to installation of floor insulation or decking. P1S? AND BEAM: ?o be made priot toinstallatian of floor insuT.ation ot decking, ROUGH PLUIBIIIC. ELECTRICAL & MECH-AiIiar:@ w:tiL these inspeetiotis hatse been mad.e and. approtsed.. FIFTPLACE: Ptiot to plccirq facinanatertals and before framng inepeZ-tion. FRAI.:ING: ltust be requested aftet, approval of rough plwr,bing, electri-eal & neclnnical. ALI roofing btaeing E chirnneys, etc. trust- be . conpleted. llo ucrk is to be con-. cealed until this inspeetion lasrbeen made anC approted. DEI-IOLTTIO!] OR Sanitary eeuer eapped at p,opetfii Lire Septic totk pmped and filled vtth gta;set SI?E TNSPECYION escaoation, but fotns. ?o be made aftez,pt4ar tc set up of Pinal - h1ten abctse items axe cottpleted and uhen denolition is canplete bt sttuc-tttye mooed ond. y,enrlses cleaneC up. MASONRI: Steel Locatton, bond beons, gz.outing or oetticals in accotdotce uith U,B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: ccnal;m.After installation is Le Hcnes Blocking old. Set-up Phnbing connectiona -- ea)e? otd. aatet Electrieal Connection - Bloekittg, set-up and plutnbing connections m;st be apprcied before requeating electrical inspeetion Accessory BuilCtng Pirnl - Aftet, pcrehee, skinti)ng, deel<s,etc. @e cornpleted. CURB & APPROACH APPON: After fornsee erecteC but prior to pouring conErete. SIDEI,TALK & DRfIEWAY: Fot aLL eon- cz,ete patting uithin street right-of-tny, to be naCe after aLL erea- uating canplete & fotn tsotk & sub- base matertal in place. ?ElCEt h4ten conplete -- ProuiCe gates or notsable sections through P.A.E. ;c\ FTilAT, PLUUAINO QA rlfiti aecaanrcar tlR FITIAL EWC?RICAL ALL proiect conditions, such ae the ".lnstallation of street tyees, co.:pletion of therequired Landseqir'g, etc., tmtst be aatisfied befoz.e the BULLDfNG FII\AL ean be reqtested. YINAL BUILDING: The Final Builditrg Inapection taat be requeated aftet the Fi.nal PtunbingElectrical, otd, Meclanical fnspeetions hate been nade and'appnooed. *ALL I4ANITCLES AND CLEAT'IOU?S MUS? BE ACCESSLBLE, ADJAST!{ENI ?O BE \L4DE t1.? NO CCST fO Cny Page1of2, //u Consfuuction_Lendg!_ l r I SOLAR A/^ESS REQ.-\3 Bedrooms: "-*cod th t DT House Ipt Eaces -bt Sq. Ftg. _ % of Lot Cottenage_ # of Stortes LOT TWE _ fnterior _ Cor"net, _ Pan?nndle CUL-de-sac JOB NO ?otal Hei,ght Topography -- Eees -- This permLt ts granted on the erp?ess condition tlwt the said-constlwction slnLl', tn all rZspects'- ioitiiiio the crdLrnnce adop.ted tiy the Ci'ty o-f Spring1ield, including- the \oning Crdinance, regulcting the ccnsttacttcn *ra u"uZ of -buildings,- ar-td may be suspended oz, reookeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of arry prcoisions of said 2rdir,ances. TOTAL VALUE s. D. c. Fee: x Value Signed: I?EM lQatn 1.5 c Total Clnrgea Building Pernrtt State Date Paad PLan Building Volue & Permit Plumbing Permit No pe?son stnll consttaet, instaL'!., altet or ehcnge ,anA nev -cr existing ptt^[nbing or drainage systan in ttlole or in part' unless sueh pet'son is the iegaL plossessor of a ualr:d plwrbet"s Lieense' e$eept that a pe"son nail Qoptintlig uork to p?ope?ty ihi.h is oaned' Leased or opetated by the dppli- cant. N0.FEE dO * ITEM Fistures Resil.enti,al (1 bath) Seuez' Plwnbing Petrit State Electricol Permit Wtpre State La requires th.at the electr'Lcal uot'k be done by an Elecfu"ical Contractor', the elietr"Lcal portion of thie permit shaLl not be taliC until the label has been sigzed by the Electtical Contractor. NO FEE gr u a 3 -q Nau/Eotend. Circaits Set'uice State ?otal NC FEE CIIARCE I v * Mecho nicql Permit kha.tat IIooC Vent Fot llcods Permit fssuqnee Meelnnical Perrrit Sectm'ity Deposit Stotage I,laintenance Perwit Cvzbcu! Sida,taLk !ence Electt ieal Label Mobile Horne , Receipt # PLarL Eroninet'Dd.te I HAW CAREFULfi EXAILINED the eompleted application for pettnit' and do hereby cet,tifA that aLL inforrnation hereon is true and. cotrect, and. f furtkbr cettify that any ard aLL uork perforned slnll be done in aecor- danee urith the Ordinancbs of the City of Spr"ingfield, and. the Las of the State of 1regon pertaining to the uot'k Cescribed herein, and that N0 occa- PANCY ttill bb ru-de of any strueture uithout pemnission of the Buildtng DL- rsision. f furthen eet,tify that only contractors a.-d. enplcyees uho are in cazpliance uith oRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this proiect TotaL * TO?AL AilOUIE DUE:'55.( *