HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-03-24INSP€CTION I.INE 72(..3769 _- CIIY OF SPRINGfIETD COMBINAIION APPTICAIION i ]NFONMATION IINE 726^3753 lDe oo 5 Add re rr (oddre rs)(licr. no (phone no.) a 6 SinglePho ne Phone (nomc) $<too Lct 8vr Permit nfolding WorkDercr i be .e(i Fo i,Re Atto.h d 5q. FrE. Orhrr ENERGY SOURCES: Volue of Work: Heol nttlu(lion Addrer: OESIGN TEAM Pr imo r Wolar Heoter Rqn oo _-Othcr - Sq. ftg. Moin Sq. Fts. Acccrr. SlJo+- .-New,.-Add .-Alter-Rep. - -Fence--Demo-Chonge/ Usc Structvrol Electricol Ate cho nico I AcioRS Plu Elecrricql Mechonico I PTUAlEING ETECTR ICAt CHA.RGE CHARGE Residence oflc fixture FEE r.lo.FEE Eoch fr MECHANICAL NO FEE CHARGE furnoce/burner to I R"lo.or"J I (new {ir- buiiding odditionol)2+New circuils, olterqtions or exlensions l5#tlS,*/Appiionce vent sporote q 2oo S.F. Rcridence (l borh)SERVtCES Slolionory evop, cooler Duolex I both) eqch Temporory Conslruclion I Veni fon with single duct aao Additionol borh ,n.p'.26D 2s99 oR06 Yent syslem oport from heofing or A.C. Woler rervice Mechonicoi e:hourl hood ond duct Scwcr Wood slove/heoier Slorm Sewer FEEDER S Heqt Pump I Ampr. Air hondler to t0,000 cFM Air hon<iler over I0,000 cFl I5SUANCE OF PERHIT OC, # 2s,qTOTAT CHARGES TOIAI CHARGES S q6.o9 WHERE STAIE IAW REOUIRES tho, th. Elactricol work be dona by thc Eleclricol ConrTsctor, rhc ctectricol portion of rhis pcrmit 3hq1 not bc vclid unril olcbcl hor bmn signrd by on Elcctricol Conirdcror ond ottoched to ihc elecrricol ponel. ooIOIAI CHARGES JDATEATURE CAREFULTY 'ony lo ihe I be mode of ony effect os required HA VE EXAMINED comlhe forcotion ndo do lhot olloPPlirpletedir,Perm hereby cer tify informotion Ithereon irue ond qndcorrect,furtherthooondwithncaOrdinoncethesholldonebeoccordooftheofcertifypcrformedCiiyndgLqw sthe ofSpringfield lhe ofStote Oregon f,hedercribcd q rhond NO PANCYOCCU will restruclupartoining thoul tha 5lronpermi of Buthe ldin Division.furtherIthotndwithBuithclder'Boord ir{'fu fcre o 70oRs4rrlf\t 6Y regitlIotion by .055,iflhot the bo€rompt 5r3 tor ls tednoexemption onl tuoco n o,ro glort nd ho qre e ORSirh 701complion be onusedemployear this proiect. NAME (plaore heron, ond thot 8o:is for Buildcr's FOR OTTICE UsE CiNtY flood Plcin - SrorierJ-f- -occy Group 11 I Sq. Frg. orhcr- :EI:i:: x --lqls6TOTAI VAIUATION,nFP- So Ftq, Muin Frl.,rccers 8lt?,."a '.f- tcFire Zonc , Bedroomr---tA- ry pr i co n rt. -J{-AI-U ni tr Systems Developmeni Chorqe ( I .59i,) BUILDING PERMII Chorger ond Surchorge r da oO 1,79 65?',"1 B Pet Btd,Per Plon Ck. Comm/lnd Plon Ck- Rer q, bg ')lbt Qua ?la*Clccl 2bo ffb1t{J.B o.46,oe-.__PTU}'{8ING PERIAIT oo Demo Chorgc: ond Surchorgcr Totol Comb. Permit /33,q9 {o."9--r-6E---lO- PERMIT A SidewolkChorger ond Surchorges MECHANICAI. PERMIT Chorgcr ond Surchorger _t_b!9____ o.bJ IOTAI, 1<q zs.e9 Zone Fance Curb Cur COMBINATION APPLICATION, PERMIT (LA' l. Appliconf. to furnish A. Job Address B. Legol Description l. exomple-rox lot 100, Lone.Coynty Mop Reference 'l 7 03 .43 2. ero-"lE-Lot l. Block 3,2nd Addition to Springfield Estotes C. Nome, etc. of owner ond construction lender C ID. Energy Sources i- l. exo m p le- h eo t " e_!Sc!rr ccte{rn g,/or forced o i r gc 2. il" m;6-- o te r IEEIE?lEIil.i co I ror-lEior-.-- E. Squore footoge or voluotion, etc. l. exomple-l 250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot goro, 2. elffio-G-iTi& proiect, check-new-ii oddition, < odd, e?c. F. Building permit informolion: l. exomple-construcl single fomily house with on o goroge 2. excmple-remodel exisfing goroge into fomily ror 3. exompie-convert single fomily residence into EliEI?6nr (chonge o1 use) G. Volue of ,^zork os definecj in Section 303 (o) of the Structurol Soeciolry Code H. DESIGN TEAI.I AND CONTRACTORS To ovoid design or construciion deloys, Building Divi Stoff must be obie to contoct oppropriote persons re( design informction or [ob site corrections, etc. ll. .Abbrevioted Plumbing, Mechonicol & Electricol Schedule A. Except where bionk spoces occur in the description p( of the Mechonicol ond Electricol Schedules, the opplic need fill.in oniy the No. Boxes odiocent to the opprop item(s) to be instolled 8. Fuil Plurnbing, Alechonicol, ond Electricol Schecjules ore ovoiloble ot the tsuiiding Division I. To conserve sooce on the permit form the scheduler' hcve been cbbrevioted 2. lf the item(s) to be instolled ore not covered on the. oted scheduies you should consult the fuil schedule: C. sUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AN CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES lll. Applicont to sign onci dote Whenever possible, the initiol opplicotion will be used os c worksheet oniy. Where possible, Builciing Division Stoff wi prepore o typewritten copy ond rerurn it to the opplicont o the rime the octuol permit is issued for his signoture. PER;!VAIIDATION TY OF SPRINGFIELD CirY Holl SPringfield, Oregon o.oJ-"-nt of Public Works_ OFFICIAT RECEIPT No. B ( 5 6152 r( ( I y/ d dr ( ( ( ( )Hi. (- ( ( ( ( b& 4 c/c,o ( b0 (r Amou nt l ORIZEO SIGNA TURE SHELION'iUTiBULL PRIT1EF3 ' EU6ENE OR 97'OIlV. Fees ond Chorges Plon check fees ore due ond poyoble ot the time of the cpp ond no plons will be processed until these fees ore poid. Al ( other fees ond chorges ore due ond poyoble when the pernl_ is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Permit Clerk PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: Additionol Proiect lnformotion: nome signotuEra <r'rcrr.bon dote 3-21:l9bl ( ( ( (.. PLANS REVIEWED BY: