HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1988-02-08city of springfietd 235 n. 5th street A E. SPF|INGFIEI-E' Ltu)E I N FO RMAITON : 726-3753 INSPECTto|ST 726-3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION . LOCATTON OF SIGN (ADDRESS) LECAL DESCRIPTION _sz, OIINES, OR PROPERTY VENDORS, COMRACTORS: SIGN ERECTOR + N€ CITY LICENSE IIIJ}IBER SIGN I.TANUTACTURIR CIF OTIER TI{AN ERECTOR) ADDPTSS or+ s s OQE. LOT t b- Dpt otaAr{l OIJNER OF SIGT{ CIF OTIIER THAII PROPERTY OITNER) ADDRESS NAIIE oF Busu,rEss, FrRM, .Erc. A6 q_tli\ C*,nps:e'S ldlC, rtpE or.BusrrrEss D. ??q2 r N ^l Prrcm -"V?--E 4€'S.. S^tA USE AI{D CEA.RACTER OF SIGN Y rortnrrr' INCIDEI{IAL _DOUBLE FACE X srNcr.s recs . I,ITILTI-FACE - PJADER BOARD BILLBOARD ?oc{? o C G . EXISTING SIGNS ARE TIIEIIE ANY E(ISTI!]G SIG}IS?YES {tto ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR EUSINESS, EIC. . I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA}IIIIED ThC completed applicatlon for E and do herebylnformarion ls true and correc t and I furcher. certi 'permi that a 11 work perforireSpringfield Sign Ordin'ance,oEher Ordinances of che Cic J LLT. certlfy EhaE a1Id shal1 be done infy Uni Sign Code as adopted by the City oflaws of che Scace of Mgn bv sp accorciance qrith the the forrnSorinqfield hnd all y of Sprinqfield and cheCregon ger[alning cense with the Ci Co Ehe worlt <Jescribecl ilerr:r!l f further certl.fv tha: nrv Contraccor Ll- 8-2-6(3) and 9-7- cy 20 ofS pringfield is in full f,I uill lequesc all required sign inspec! orce and effecc as Ehe aporoved - reouired ringfield Codes pe:mic. NA}TE (PLEISE PRINT)t .8. ,rrr oF woRK: AI.TERX Bnncr . RELOCATE OTHER STPJ'CTT'RAL IYPE OF SIGN: trALL l( rnrrsralroillc _RooF PRoJECTTNG MAROUEE QlOt c. 0 . I'NDER I,IAROUEE OTIIER DII.fETIS IONS, UISTALI-ATIOII & CONSTRUCTIO}I TOTAI. HEIGHT ABOVE GMDE VEPJICAL DI},IENSION OF SIGN IIORIZONTAL IfIDTII OF SIGN DI}IEIISION TROM GRADE TO BOTTO!{ OF SIGN TIIICK]IESS OR DEPTE DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? _YESIF YES, DI}IE}ISION BEYOND PROPf,RIY LINE !oTE: Ir PROJECTIOI IS IroRE THAN 12',OVER PUBLIC PROPEP.TY TIIE SIGN ERECiORI.ruST FILE I.IITI{ THE BUILDING DIVI'IONCOPIES OF HIS/}IF:R LIABILITY AND PiOi-ERTY DA}IAGE I}ISUP"A}ICE POLICIES. _---- E 3'/p ' G -tqgrt .v-o ta /*o lg"Jilt" . I'ILL SIGN }IAVE ELECTP.I,CAL I,IIRITTG? XIF YES, IJI{ICE APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGN -ILLTJ}IINAIED (INDIPJCTF LIG}ITED) ELECTRICA! CONTP-A,CTOR ADDRESS H LISC DESCRIBE TYPE OR YATERIAIS SIGN IS CONSTRUSIED OF. t. Srg*t (noo.Y-,Eo To @) ce"*t " 0r, Pcsr t, I?{+ 3k"A.}t'L+3 6oLri > PoS rg 'L10" ccsrq, Q- l+E,+tLr . VALUE OF SIGN: K(0" K 2p ) 'SITE INFOFI{ATIOIi (LArrD USE) -- EXISTTNG USEOF BUILDI}IG OR LAND (OR IjST USE IF VACANT) X rnooon BusrNEss _ourDooR r.rERcHANDrsrNG PF.OPOSED USE OP BUILDINC OR I.AND: J l,n A^l.-,Fcqc Sr,rA'1ilQ ( SIGNA (2) trtr ea s ions listed on 1) 2) 3) PLEASE READ f;w:Aseparaceapp1icat1on1erequ1'redforeachseparates1gn.asdefined Electrical: Any perzrlc lssued under thls application wirl include wiring Ln or on stgn struccure,the suppiv wires for connection 'ousc u" "o"EI"a-;;-;; ;r;;r;i;;i-p="iiii. Erecrricar fonnecc,ionurusc be made onlv by a srace Llcensed gr.ctii""-r-doi"r".aor. rllurninace.d "1g.: (borh incernarryelljX::'"auv) irust ;"#;; ;;-I;;i;i=ilili"toi"['<5r-i"i g:7:rii-oI'ri,u springrierd iign or- Plans Required: [l1.agglicatlon 1: 9o be submLrted wlth trro conrpleEe sers of plans showing dl-Eeni\fi-anffi'eietri-or-liil;-;a;;rii"ing ;";;;;;-;; sisn; locatlon of slgn on properEy with dl-1:":lo": co ProPerty tinei, -structural ietails"of-supoSi; a;;;i;;; ui".iie ana'iolci"is; n"rerlatsot conscrucEion for sign and sign strucrure; elecrrit;l-;q;iil;"E'."a-iigf,rlng;-;i;; ;;,i locarionof exiscing.slgn!.on pioperty f{r the same 6;i;;;;-arr js-l.q"ir"J-to dereroine comnllance wirhthe sPrtnsf ield slgn. ordinante (Artlcle -7 of the spir"gii"ra-ciri-E.a;i. --;i;;.';rr"i-'it.' follow-lng lnforroation on-che plot plari (pran showing pr"i.itv rlnes and locarion oi-Jig""j,---- e) show the rocacion of all existing slgn(e) as well as proposei srg.o(s).b) Show the lengch of the street frontage taken up by the business or building. For wallsigns, show che length of the buildiilg frontagl. ' - ---l-"--- c) show the locacion of entrances open to the pubtlc and drlveways. when required, because of design,-slze, etc., engineered drawings and calculations urust be pre-pared by a'licensed engineer oi shall confo::u ro"design standaris o" rir" at rh; B"iiai"; Divi-gion Office. Plans of lnsufficienE clarity or detail will be returned to the appltcanE with no pernit beinglssued. signs must Eeet corner vislon clearance requirements as described in Figure g of the springfieldCooprehensive Zoning Code. NPTE: .No-sign-nay be erected which ls less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overheaderect=ical conducEors in excess of 750 volcs, oi r.r" than 5 feec in'any direccion froo overheadeleccrical lines which are energized .r i"""'tt""-750 volts.If a sisn is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this pernit, the perrrit sha11be voidl fnsoecEions: a) Site rnsoection - to be uade before the sign is placed. usually, the Footinq rnsoecticn7-(ir appr:-E56r6) qay qe Eade ar rhe same tif;e.as. tru sii" i;;;;;;i";' tion is to be nrade- after hole(s) rs excaviieo, our prr.or Eo tne praceoenE of concrete. c) lllectricar - arl electricar.signs uust be lnspected for eleccrical hook up afcer the signis ereccet and before the sign"i" i"."a-onl- C$IT FOR. TIIE REQUIRXD INSPECTIONS ON T1ld 24 HOT'R INSPECEON LI}IE AT 726.3759 srcN DrsrRtcT HT ZONE DISTRICT IJT TOIAL'SQUARE FoOTAGE OF SIGN REOUIR.ED INS PECTIOTIS: a4ootrue oR METHoD oF ATTAcHMENT OTiiER SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OE SIGN: ADDITIONAL IMORMAIION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISST]ED: APPROVED DATE 4) s) 6) 7> 8) e) _sIiE/LoCATI0rr ELEC]3'ICAI.ylrtttN. ELECTR,ICAI PER}IIT FEE : 2 14- 9 8 u"rrr, [o 47. STATE SI]RC}IARGE: TOTA.L: DATE { CLERX 6 e- 4 s-o JoB # SIGN PER}TIT FEE: SECTION:SPRINCEIELD SIGN ORDINA}ICE TYPE OF WORK: X unrct ArrER . RELOCATE _oTHER STPJ'CTTJRAL TTPE OF SIGN:. -f,-var.r. FREEsrANDrlrc ROOT PROJNCTING MARqUEE I'NDER I,IAROUEE OTIIER B DutEirsroNs, ursrALIITrbu e coNsrRucrroll TorAr HETcHT ABovE GRADE 4l' .,,- DI}IE}ISION FROM GEADE To . - I Borro!.1 oF srcN l7 ",( TlrrcKlrEss oR DEprE _ A" DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYONDpRopERTy LrNE?--- -----'-_yEs _f,wo--IF YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE I{OTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS IIORE ,-rA^, 1r" 9vER puBt.rc pRopEp.Ty rltx srGN unncioR}ruST FILE WITI{ THE BUILDING OTVTSTOIIqglrEs oF Hrs/lrER LrABrLrry er,rp proi_ ERTY DA}IAGE I}ISUP"A}ICE POLICIES E tVEP.IICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN HORIZONIAL WIDTII OF SIGN ' I.[LL srcN ilAvE ELEcrp.rcAL rvrnmcz ,U O IF YES, IT{ICH }.PPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGII -ILLIJ}TINATED (INDIP.JECTE UCHTTO) ELECTRICAI CONTPj'CTOR H LISC.NI'M3ER ADDRESS . VALUE OF SIGN:K 7 . SITE INFOF}IATIOII (I.A}TD USE) -. EXISTING USEOT BUILDI}IG OR LAND (OR IAST USE IF VACANT) ,INDOOR BUSINESS -OUTDOOR, I4ERCHANDISIIIG PB.OPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR I.AND J x FA N ci(y of springtietd 225 n. sth street A. E. SPFIINGFIEI-ED LOCATIoN OF SIGN .(ADDRESS) LECAL DEscRrprroN FtcE e SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION 5 ,+ 3 sctoE I <cJ,\)I I N Fo RMATtoN : ?25-3753 INSPECTIONST 726-376s sPpo. ot?E- 6 '/r,c ct3 TA"Y LOT ? OTINER OR PROPERTY +PHONE 1t+q ?q)( ADDRESS NAIIE OF BUSrr'rESS, rrRM, .ErC. (-ott-til'S c *mpE,e:< llJC. r1jpE oF.Busrr:Ess AlJoF^.(-rU.A| D.USE AIID CEA.RACTER OF SIGN: -llrorrwrr' INCIDEIIIAL - DOUBLE FACE X srNct.u recs . !,ILTLTI.FACE P&\DER BOARD BILLBOARD VENDORS, SIGII ERECTOR ng. .rJD!XSS CITY LICENSE o SIGN I.TANUFACTURER CIF OrIGR TIiAN ERECTOR)i*nE ADDPTSS G. or+ E(P EXISTING SIGNS ARE THERE A:[T E(ISTITTG SIG}IS? ALL EXISTING SIGNS rOR EUSINESS, ETC. YES -Lto ' I IIAVE CAREFULLY EXAIIIIIED the complerlnformation ls true and correct, andaccordance srith the Sprinefield SienSoringfiela bnd al1 other"ordinancEsCregon oerEalning Eo t:te worll <tescribcense srith Ehe Ciry of Springfield is8-2-5(3) and 9-7-20(2). 't ultt requelperrnic. .ed application for permit and do hereby certify rhar a1II further certify thar all work gerformed shall be done inOrdinance, che Uniform Sign Code as adopced by che CiCy ofof the CiEy of Springfield and che laws of chL Scace ofed iletcrn. I further certl.fy thaE nv i13n ConEractor Ll-in fulI force and effecr as- reouired by-sprin6field Codessc all required sign inspecE,ions lisced-on che'approved NA}IE (PLEASE PRINT SIGIIATURE FF {.RA s DATE C. DESCRIBE TYPE OR YATERIAIS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED OF. t. -J PLEASE READ 1) 2) 4) i;"EI:tstil"E-t::tt""tt"": A separace applicarlon ls requtred for ""th ""p".ace slgn.as defi.ned Electric?l: Any perrrlt lssued under.thls applicacion wirl tnclude wiring ln or on stgn sEructure,Ehe suPprv wires for connecEion rsusE u" "".,!l"a-;;-; ;i;;E;i;;t_;-"iii;'. Etecrrical Eonnecrionmusc be made onrv by a Scace Llcensed er".iii""r-dolirn".o.. rlruminared "is.,: (boirr-incernallyand exEernarlv) rnusc conform co seccion"-i:i:i-tqi"i"tSl-."i g:7:riiaor-tt" springfield sign or-dlnance. 3) a) show the locarion of all exisr,ing slgn(e) as well as proposed slgn(s)b) show the lengch of the street frontage taken up by the bufne"" Jt bullding. For wallsigns, show che lengrh of the brrildiig trontal!.-' c) Show che locacion of entrances open to the publlc and drj.veways. When required, because of design, size, etsc., engineered drawings and calculations unrsE be pre-pared bv a licensed engineer oi shall conforro to-design standaris."-eii" "r-ii"-n"ii;i"; Divi-sion Offlce. 5) Plans of lnsufficient clarity or detail wilL be returned to t}te applLcanr with no peruit beinglssued. 6) signs must Eeet corrler visioo clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the SpringfieldCooprehensive Zoning Code. 7) NgrE: .No-sign,nay be erected which ls less than 12 feet horizontalry or verticarly frour overheaderectrl'car conducEors in excess of 750 volis, o" r.." than 5 i""i-ir, any direction fron overheadeleccrical lines whlch are energized at ress'chan zso volEs.B) If a sien is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this perait, the perniE shall. be voidl 9) InsoecEions: a) 9*-q" In?P!!!i9! - to be made before the sign is placed. usuarly, the Footine rnsoecricn(ii appr:--i6131 Tay ge uade aE rhe saue tiie as 'rhe sice rrr"p""iioition is to be nade-afEer hore(s) ts excavatea,-aui-pii;; ;;-'d praceneni oi-"o"tr"c". c) Yl"::ll:lt - all electrical.slgns rnust be Lnspected for elecErical hook up afrer the signj.s erecced and before the sign"i" t,r:l".a-or,l- cArI ro.R rrE REQUTRED INSPECTTONS ON mE 24 HOtrR rNSpEcrIoN LrlrE AT 726-3769 SIGN DISTRT1T IIT zoNE DIsTRrcI H-T TOIAL SQUARE FoOTAGE OF srcN /p1 s.E REOUIRED INSPECTIOIIS: _sIrE/LoCATIOlr _ELECTRTCAI. _rooTING OR METHOD OF ATTACHMENT glrrna* SPECIAL CONDITIONS T"O BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAL INTORI,IATION NEEDED BETORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSIIED: APPROVED BY: <0n c U DATE 0 7 -//.c( p*cEtpr / o 47. STATE SIIRCIIARGE: TOTAI,: e-O9- CLEBX _g 5A CAI, PER}IIT FEE: JOB # SIGN PER.YIT FEE: SECTION: Cr- SICN ORDINAIICE '1rkr,,",., 1:, )Effi