HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1982-03-16Job Locaticn, /?/.aP €€7 Assessors Mao #?as Lot # Subdiuision: Ctmer: ?y €Phone: ?Address: City: Desczibe Hoyk: 1-nNq-T &n',vaa 5,R Ba-Lf- S4ryrrun? :>etY€R. Va7-ue Additian RenoCeL " RESILiNTIAL" 22 s Nopth srt, ironiPPLrcAT r,N /PER,[? SprLngfield, )negon 97477 BuiLding Diuision t 4O-O ( AO Sau*r CD-1A. loo'00 # sPtlNGFlFl rr 1Lu.tL--tup 4/' /0.00 ,40 Siqred:,a "a) Date:.3- L - 9.e- Contracua?s Ad.dreas Liac.Ertiz,es Plane CqteraL L OR Sutilary saser eapped et Wopar4i Lire Septic tank p'lryed aad fnlled ttith gra;set PinaL - l{hen abcue ixens ate ecrwLetei and ulten Cqtolitiot is conplete'oy struc-tute noued orl. preniaes eleaneC up. ilcmee Blocking otd. Set-up PZmbinX connections -- aane? od, ualet Electriccl Connecti-on - Blocking, set-u, and plwnbing connections nust be apprcted before requesting eleclr'Lcal inspeelion Aeeessory BuilCing Pir."al - Aftar pcrehee, skirting, decks, etc. @e contpleled. Construction Lender qT?d TilqDnantnit, 6^ I-t ia the responsibi-Lity of -the pernit holdet to aee that aLL inspectLone ote nad.e at the ptope! tine, ihdt each ad.dtees is z,eadabie iry.-tln s;reet, atd tint the-pez.nrit -cai ia Loccted ct the frcnt- of the p?operiry.*9uildirq )iuisiot cpproteci pI.an shc.ll ranain on the Building slte at zLL'tikes.' PRocgDUPE" ?04 I\SPEII)N.IISyES?:CALL726-3769 (vecorder) state you? City design-zted job nurber,, job aCfueas, type of inspeelicnte.quested a-d. uhen Eou uill be t'eady fo_t ittspection, contTd.ctars cir a,ners nane -otd ptoie m,onb*. -pequests rcLe;,uZa bZicne'Z:00 a:tLILL be nade the sane dcy, "equests nade aftet ?:00 an ttill be nade the nert twkinq dag. x t:l arcaiatiot6 but priar tc se! torms. after up of UNDERSLAB PLUI,{BTNG, 4LECTRICAL & I1ECH|\IICAL: 7o be made before any uork is eotseyed. F1O?LNG & FAaNDATI)N: ?o be rm.Ce A?TA-'" " "-L;G;' ar' ;-es c ant e d arui forns arp- erected, but prior topoutlng ecncteta. UND\RGRAUM P\|TWBINC, SIWP. WATER, DRAIIIACE: To be naie prior to fil-Lir4 trenchee. UIIDEP,FLOAR PLUI\E ING & IIECHANI CAL :@o1floor ineulation or decking. ?05? AND 9EA(: ?o be nade pr\or toffitalfficf floot, itrsu?;tioft ot deckirq. JOI-IGT| ?LAIBIJG. ILECIPICAL & :[ECH- ffi|T-these t-nspectiot:s haue been nade and, aparoued.. ITP.EPLACE:,nat;ffi You" CitA Deeigrated Job Nunber Is:8 a caal INSULATION/VAPCR BARRTER IIISPECTIAN : ?o be rm.de after all insulaticn ed. z,equired uapor butie?s @e in pl,ace but before ag 1.ath, Wpslt t bcayC or tnLL eoueting is cpplied, ar.d. befare o'ty irculation is concealeci. Pz.tor to placirq ard. befot,e frontng DRWALL IIISPEC?I)N: Tc be na<ie@ez.ZT@;s in ptace, but prior to any taping. I,!ASCNR!: Steel Location, bond beanc, gtoutin4 or lerticdl-s f:n aeeord.otce ulth U.B.C, Secticn 2415. ilO1DST1W: After irntaLlation is atnpleted. qURB & APPRCACH APPON: After formsG,;Zz,ect7nut @o" to pour.:ng cotLc?ete. SIDWALK & DRf',EWAI: For aZL con- c"ete @-;lrd" street r.Jght- of-uny, to be naCe after ali. ezca- oating eonplete & forn tnrk & sub- base rm.terial in place.facing LnsPee- tion, ?RAl.|IllG: ttust be z.equested after approual of rough plwrbin4, electti-cal & nechanical. AL?. toofing bracLnq & ehinmegs, etc. nusi be ar@Leted. lto acrk is to be con--.".Lnd until tltis inspection ins'besn moLe anC apptoted. IEIICE: rtrhen eotnplete -- Pz,ottiCe gates or motsable sectians throagh DIIP ALL pnoject condirions, such as the i.nstallation of atz,eet xz,ees, edroLe;ion of the required Laniseapir:g, ete., rntst be satisfied before the BUfLDING FIIIAL can be raquested- ?INAL BUILDING: The linal Buildrng Inspection nast be requested after the linaL PlumbingElectrtcal, dnd Mecharical Inspections haue been naCe and apoz,ooeC. ITIIAL PLUI4EIIIG PINAL MECANICAL FiNAL ELECTRICAL *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUS?IIENI ?O BE \L4DE !t? !t0 C1ST fC CITy Page 1 of 2 Date of Application_ /-'-- 2 JOB NO.8 JD}>I dSOLARAC :SS REQ,.L-CO Bedtoons r-at Sq. Etg. % cf Lct Ccuerage_ # of Stortes LCT rW! _ Interior _ Co"ne" _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac lotal Eeight Topogtcphy Acces$. lleat L Lot Faces - Lace Building Volue & Permit This pernn t is granted on the ec?Tess cond.ition tkat the saiti eonstz"tction slall-, in all rZsoects, confcrrn io the Crdirnnce adop.teC 5:y the City cf Sprr)ngfield, :.ncluding the Zoning Crdinanee, regulcting th.e ccnsttuc'"icnqui use o! buildin4s, onC mey be suspendeil. or reuckei at cr,1 tine upon ui.c- lation of any prcuisions of said Cy,d,irnnces, ?AIAL VALUE F?G Va Sigred: S.D.C. 1.5 t Building Perftit State Plumbing Permit No person shall constr,.tet, install., alter or chanqe arry r.ea cr eristina plutnbittg cr tfu,ainage syste'n in alole or in pott, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plunberts License, escept that a pet,son nag do plunbing aork to prope?t'! uhich is otnted, Leased or operated by the qppli- cant, Plunbing Penntt //o.?o 7Cr CARGE * acl Resident'i.al (1 bath) Saner Electricol Permit ff\pve State Lan requiree tha,t the electz"Lcal aork be dane bg an ELectrLcal Cont"aeto", the electrlcal portion of thi.s permit slw.LL not be ualiC ufiiLthe Label lns been eigded by the ElectricaL Contractor. CHARCE * Mechqnicol Permit Na,t/Eatend. Ciretits Sentice khatst HooC 'rlcodstoue VeTrt Fcn Pernrit Issltstce Mechanieal Perrrtt Sec,tm.ty Deposit Stotaae !4ainter,ance Peedt Sideualk !ence ElectricaT. Label Mobt le Home TOTAL NIOUII? DUE: *//0 40 I HAW CAPAIALLy EX.LAINED the eonpleted application for pernit, c,nd doherebg cettifg tha.t aL1. infotnation hereoi is tz,ue arrd correct-, anC f f&,tkey certifg that any ard aLL uork perfor-ned sVnLL be dnne in accot,- dance trtth the 1rdinances of the Citi| of Spr"ingfield, arui the Lc;s of the* Sf.ate of aregan pertaining to the uork CescribZd herein, cr,"d that NO OCCA- PANcy uilL be nad.e of any stzuctrte tithout permisaion of the Build:.ng Dt -ttisio-n. I further. certifg that o:tLy eo7lt?actors ad. enplcyees ako u"e incorpllance adth CRS 70L.055 uiLL be uaed on this project 7-/4- I z 3 -tZ -trl/ #Total Clurges l7Ti,t I llatct Total Chcraes NA.FEE State Sutehzrqe Total Citeaes