HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1992-07-01, PERMIT #'-""'a-c_72 I N STALL SAND F I LTER SYSTEMREOUEST FOR: ['o"n'"'' 18 8^NGE 0, sEcnoN oz.21T* r^rl'i2040"'dvm7' nd t'iAIN STREETT TURN S0UTH 0N T0P 0F HILL. GREG B IBEN, SAME AS THE JOB ADDRESS ABOVE Lo'/ PAFCEL IL6CK Mr. of sToBtEs I'O. Of EIPLOYEE9 cor€TRucilota coal/YALUE DTBECTTO}{g TO gllC Fiolt COUnTHOUSE APPLICANT NAME I DDEESA FX9iE 7 46-555t1 PH9BE PH E #vfzH0' PNOPOSEO USE SEPIC NST LLED PR IVATE USE B I LL B0YD, NONE GIVEN BRAVADO CON ST . GLE FA14I LY D\]vELL I NG q55NST. IN , PLEASANT HILLI OREGON I have carefully read BOTH sldes of thls B I LL BOYD that all lnformatlon ls true and correctoncsrt DAIE READ CAREFULLYI Your Authorlzatlon ts Based On The Foilowt Condltlons APPEOVED BY:DATEFEES DUE: $ CALL FOR TNSPECTTONS (SEE BACK OF FOBM FOR TNSTRUCTTONS) 687-4065 SEPTIC permlts are good tor one year. ALL other permlts explre atter 180 days unless lnspections are current. .> .OU WAIEE ffSTALED I NSTALL SAND F I LTER SYSTEM Ztrto STREET, spRINGFIELD, oREGoN Ioo E!ta o, i a I Exlstlng Bulldlngs or lmprovements on Property la-l{ouse 't-----t Barn l-] Garage f---1 lvlobile. Home I---I Shed SEPTIC INSTALLEDI--'l Yes I---I No Water District Please complete all lines inside white boxes, if possible. ,6€tJ OWNER OF P (il not smc s5 ztP , ; z-{J -Eo_sil-_-- 4 ztP TH-6F-- fr D OWNERS AOORESS (il not samc ar 6bovc) e7 oro Jo 7-H-?/]trTr- 7%-9s{/*?zr,s // Ba v. MAP, PARCEL NUMBER (Fouod on tax mspt in lhc Ari.3.mcnt & T!xation OcpL)#$i#Z,#+P r*""hIp R*r" $;x"il rZEiii- Ems[- Ens-- Si;irc-;- rffii- -E;Ti.r- fax Loi (@"**REQUEST FO S s TS TA N CE Land Management Div. 125 E. 8th Ave. Eugene, OR 97401 I OlVlSlOn Directions to site f rom Courthouse -fclO Ct 4 3o -ro )o( D ,L'AI.N SITE ADDRESS a47 ztP '- 1^ 7t s-S TO r) ztP oBo 4. yt7 otL MAIL PERMIT-/For Mobile Home Placement Only No. of 1ip-outs - No. ol Bedrms License # -- Brand Year Size Land Management Div. staff can not be held responsible for evaluatlons or recommendations based on lalse, inaccurate or lncomplete lnformation .- STAFF EVALUATION COI,IMENTS / FOLLOW-UP Partition / Subdivision Lot & Block TRS Verified Allovred Use I---..l YesrYes No No Request ,for: ?7+7 D.lc SEWAGE DISPOSAL PIOT PUil IPPROUED A pormit b nquhdpr"af gtsfrnction Enrircnmemrl Halth Senices 125 East 8th Avenuo [ugene, 0regon 9740! t )"," 2,; I, )r'u I I I I o t-l i,' I'ir A o I i. rl: ! i |,D a2 'aI {,/ \ 'l g /- ,. ... .,1 ai I z'_t-' I + '2 .;, '.1 Rt .t.. k' -:a - I I t I r r oFF I 6" t- ,. I I ! !o P t.-. t: i I i I I I I i ) ,) I i I i Ilt: I I I i i I I I ; I ! !;i ! I I \ I I I i i : ,b -.r..l./ \IG F.. ?rolor'.) SePro' sys?oa -a 6 q _/- - ( I / I I ., a, ') ;, .t o 75 €ot IRI .!,. ,' i/'t, I Sy'.rl 7 af fSTRr'c/aS..aTh 2 ----/'' I I ?n foseD Aoqse oAK tt o nl e L rt5'5 Cqtlop Siptloo $ottorrr of faurc4t -f lo,o 5 ARR,cq{i TP,c lLevr,froarpr ToP oF Sarvl p, r l,o EL e Bot 4colo' GreC BtBetts lef u ?r-rt t* zal sf Spr)pap,itd , o E Scel, t": !o' 2o F?p Scr D ?ir Sy'.ef 3 "f f SPECIF ICATION GENERAL RESIDENTAL SAND FILTER SPECIFICATIONS OREGON DEO "STATE STANDARD SYSTEM" l. All materials used in the construction of this system must be new, first quality as approved by the D.E.0. Director or his agent. 2. Remove all large rocks, roots or other sharp objects that will darnage the PVC liner or will decompose from the area of the sand f ilter. J. llaterial depths are shown as settled depths or arternatural compaction has occured. The sand bed should be watered compacted to prevent subsequent settling of the dozing trenches and piping. 4. All vessels, tanks, pipe connections, tank risers to ground level, valves, and the like which are part of this system shallbe installed to insure water t ightness. 5. The Lane County Building and Sanitation Section of the Planning and Com- munity Development Department will require screening reports on the DEQ Standard lledium Sand. "Medium Sand" means a mixture of sand with 1OA% passing the 3/B inch sieve,90% to 100% passing the No. 4 sieve, 62%to 100% passing the No. l0 sieve, 45% to 82% passing the No. 'l 6 sieve, 25% to 55% passing the N0.30 sieve,5% to20% passing the No.50 sieve,lO% or Iess passing the No. 60 sieve, and 4% or less passing the No. 100 sieve. 6. The P,V.C. plastic 30 mil liner (FLEXABLE IIEllBRANE LINER) must meet DE0 specif ications per section 34O-71-085 of the DEO "ON SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL RULES". 7. The septic tank shall be a pre-casted pre- engineered 1 000 gallon tank. ST 204 DOSING SIPHON. The tank is to be certified and provided water tight by the manufacturer/supplier. Provide a water proof riser over the siphon section. B. Pressure distribution pipe is to be class 160 P.V.C. 9. Lane County sanitation willrequire construction permits and phase inspection during construction. The contractor shall co-ordinate, schedule, and be responsible for such permits and inspections, Three inspections are required as f ollows: No. I -- At completion of excavation No. 2-- At the clear water pump test. Just prior to covering the bed dozing pipe system No.3-- A final inspection at completion. l0,This design is as permitted and specified by the 0regon State Department of Environmental Quality. Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 340. No wanranty is claimed or specified as to eff Iuent quality or Iife span, The equipment is only warranted as speclfied by the manufacturer of same. sHEEr-4- tf y 6 @sfl Orenco Syslems lnc. :31:..,"J1,?L!*,,Roseburg,oregon9747oAPF|Ll987.@et FIBERGTASS LID WITH S.S. BOLTS RIBBED RISER 2I'OR 24'DIAMETER I.T/4' PVC AIR-RELIEF PIPE ST2O4 OOSING SIPHON IN PVCSCREENEDVAULT. 15' DIA. X 48' 30" MtN. - 2' x 1-1t4'x 3' DTSCHARGE FtTTtNG -D TO DRAINFIELD OR SANDFTLTER TANK WALL FITTING 2'PVC HOSE WITH OUICK.OISCONNECT FlrNNGS 64" ST 204 DOSING SIPHON IN TYPICAL lOOO GAL. SINGLE COMPARTMENT SEPTIC TANK O rHE sr 2o4 DGTNG stpHoN HAs BEEN usEo SUCCESSFULLY TO OOSE SANDFILTERS ANO DMINFIEI..OS FOE SEIEN YEARS. HUNDREDS ARE IN USE. AND AUDITS HAVE SHOWN THE OSI SIPHONS TO BE EXTREMELY REUABLE. O THE 4" DRAWDOWN WILL YIELD A 90 TO IOO GALLON DISCHARGE PER DOSE FrcMA TYPICAL IOOO GAL SEPTIC TANK. 3 THE otscttnncE RATE ToA TyptcALoREGoN SANDFILTER IS 20 GPM. THE MAXIMUM AVEMGE DISCHARGE RATE tS 30 Gpirt O THE SIPHOf{ ANO VAULT ARE EASILY UFTED FROM THE SEPTIC TANK To ALLow AccESs FoH PUIIJFNG THE TANK. ORCLEANINGTHESCREEN. o THE t oRE THAN 12 sa. FT. oF scREEN AREA wtLL ].IORIVIALLY REQUIRE.CLEAIIING I.Jo fvl3RE HECUENTLY TI{AN THE SEPTIC TANK REQUIRES PUMPING. o THE I t/4- DtA HoLEs ARouNo rHE pERIMETER oF THE VAULTARE L@ATED MIDWAY BETWEEN THE SEPIIC TANK.S SCUM ANO SLUDGE TAYERS. IHE EFFLUENT FROM THE CLEAR ZONE ENTERS THE VAULT THROUGH THE I I/1' OlA. HOLES AND tS THEN FTLTERED THROUGH THE t/8" I/ESH POLYEIH\tENE SCRE EN BEFGE BEING DISCI'IARGEO THrcUGH IHE SIPI-ION. tE 1.111" DIA. HOLES 4--on+offl- S/rr{ -t 'f g J l2' l2' LOAM CAP AINROO(th'. FILTER CLOTH I 4" ILT cF^t.ERNo AS N F PPI CPEfR0ro URFACE WATER OIVERSION BERU 30 TIL. PVC LINER PLANT WITH LAWN GRASS t/2 @AR3E s N0 A_ 4t-O'O, L5 OAYLIGHTE O 'UNOERORAIN \-- 4" pvc. ptpE To ORAINFIELO v ."RIOIO PERE PIPE FABRICATED PIPE BOOT UNOERORAIN TO O.L.(AT ALL LINER PENETRATIONITI SE SAilO secnoru -rvprcar x ll.-'t l'- o' DOSING SYSTEM A EFFLUENT UNDERDRAIN PIPING MAY BE ROTATED IN 90' INCREMENTS TO FIT SITE. v) i\.I(\ s\ 5a, aa 'l BRAvADlho*srRUc r roN rNC. P.O. Bor {9 r Plcut Hill, Ol 9ll5l, r.I I I I I I ,a 9- aa a uJ trl E. tt +{ (r :) -@ 2 "LATERA 2" MAN|FoLD .--- c lr, (l OUTEDGE OF ORAINROCK I l_J OUTIR EDGE .3O MII-. PVC LINER -2" lN FEI_D/ I i I I I I I PL VIE\ry _PICA SAN ILTER ost YST MV 16"= l'-O" 2'-o" o c.t'lJ -ENO CAP. " pv.c. LATERAL wrrH I ON TOP OF PIPE ltt= l t- ot' I " oRlFIclE s Srftnr 7 ot f I I I I I I I I -_a8rflq_Es_Ar-ad9-c---.1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I sno srql,srca lof stze buibing se.ft. moin house guest house deck sq.ff. mc,n house guest corPcrt sg.ft. lotol Iot covercge % of lot.or"r"O= 45.690 sg.ff. r.610 2.4& sllq plon notes t2u 326 34 1A l. 2 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 4& 384 .05 moin house corporl guest hcuse deck drivewoy retoining woll ook tree 5\ aL o S" \ AJt(n