HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1993-02-025 f ( / /,(,/)/t Z/il u6,8 Er.tW* tlloo,X?Z-ff REAUEST FOR:I NSTALL SAND F I LTER SYSTEM reby certily that all information ls tru e and correct - L -qvs of thls appl Fs acarefu READ CAREFULLY! Your Authorlzatlon ls Based On The Following Conditions FEES DUE: S APPBOVED BY: CALL FOB NSPECTTONS (SEE BACK OF FORM FOR INSTBUCTTONS) 687-4065 SEPTIC permlts are good for one year. ALL other permits expire efter 180 days unless lnspectlons are current, LMD 040 Rev. 6/92 05 70 RE OVER HILL ON THE RIGHT. PHONE 7 26" SAfqE PERRCO.STORRS oo PHq!@, 2t'ro srREET, t MAIN STREET TO SOUTH a2 I NGLE FAM I LY DWELL I NG AND GEX I ST I N T0M WIRFS, SAPIE AS THE ABOVE PRIVATE U *f'ff5"TourH Zr,ro srR I NSTALL SAND F I LTER SYSTEM I 1 ost\-s.!t[.a.p J VIOLATIONS SBTBACKS AND OTIIR, CINDMONS OP APPROVAL MUST BB STRICTLY OBSEAVSD. VIOI.ATION CAN RESI'LT IN NBVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT. CITATIONS MAY BB IIISIJED I,NDBR, THB PROVBIONS OF I.A!{E COI,,NTY,S INI'RACTION ORDINANCB A}IDiIOR OTHBR RBMEDIES AI,OWBD BY LAW. A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE MUST BE GTVEN FOR INSPECTION REQI.'ESTS Have the following information ready when you call: 687-465 Permit number - Job address - Type of inspection required - When it will be ready Your name and phone nrmrber - Any special directions to the site powERroBNrERupoNLAND. .,r*""ffi,:l?.?:1ff^i#3Fl{Hffi:S&1"1ffi"#[3Hlg]ift'*H--"^r*oFrHBrRprrNcrroNs.M^y BNTER I.JPON ANY LAND AND MAXB BXAI\{INATIONS AND SI,JRVBYS AND PLACB AND MAINTAIN TIIB NECESSARY MONI.'ME}ITS AND MAR,KERS THEREON. REQI.IIRED INSPECTIONS FOLJNDATION INSPECTION: To be made after excavations for footings are complete and any required reinforcing steel is in place. LJNDERCROLIND PIPING INSPECTION: To be made after all undergound piphg has been installed, pnor to any backfill. CONCRETE SLAB OR LJNDER-FLOOR INSPECTION: To be made after all in-slab or under-floor building service equipmeng conduit, piping accessories and other ancillary equipment items are in place but before any concrete is placed or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor, ROUGH MECHANICAL INSPECTION: To be made after all ducting and gas piping has been installed and prior to being covered. ROUGH PLUMBING INSPECTION: To be made after all plumbing rough-in is in place, prior to being covered. FRAMING INSPECTION: To be made after the all framing, fire blocking, bracing and roof are in place and atl pipes, chimneys and vents are complete and ttre rough electrical, plumbing, and mechanical inspections have been made and approved. INSULATION INSPECTION: To be made after all insulation and vapor barriers are in place, prior to covering. LATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION: To be made after sll lathing and gypzum board, interior and exterior, is in place but beforc any plastering is applied or before gypaum boardjoints and fasteners are raped and finished. ADDITIONAL INSPECTIONS MAY BE REQUIRED, such as but not limited to; BLOCK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poryed. The inspection is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. FINAL MECHANICAL INSPECTIONT To be made just prior to the struchre or remodeled area being occupied and prior to operating any equipmenr FINAL PLUMBING INSPECTION: To be made just prior to the building, strucnrrc or rcmodeled rea being occupied. FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION: To be made after finish gading and the building, structure or remodeled area is completed and ready for occupancy. MOBILEMANLTFACTURED HOMES: An inspection is required after the mobile home is cormected to an approved sewer or septic system, prior to covering sewetr or water lines, for setback requirements, blocking, tiedowns and plumbing connections. Footings and piers to comply with State fotrndation requirements for mobile homes or as recommended by the manufacturer. Minimum finishd floor elevation shall be certified when required by Floodplain Management Tiedowru, if required, shall be installed and ready for inspection within 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns shall be installed per enclosure. APPROVAL REQTIIRED No work shall be done on my part of the building or struchre beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the aplxoval of the building official. Such qproval shall be given only after an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the construction as indicated by each of the irspectioru required" APPROYED PI.ANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WMHIN I8O DAYS, OR IF WORK IS STOPPED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN I8O DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF T}IIS PERMT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS E.IFORMAfiON. AIIYONE PROCEF'INGPAST THE POINT OF REQI.IRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. Your signanre on the front of this form verifies the following: I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THIS COMPLETED APPUCATION, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is tnre and correct, and that I have a legal interest in the property as owner of record or authorized ageil. I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of Lane County and the laws of the State of Gegon per- taining to the work described herein. I furtlrer certify that if I am not the owner of the property, my registation with ttre Builders Board is in full fo; and effect as required by ORS 701.055, and that ifexernpt the basis for the exemption is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on the job. SUBSURFACE & ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: When subsurface constnrction is complete, the permit holder shall notify the County Land Management Division by submitting the installation record foTn. 4l^i^pection wil.l be made by a qualihed sanitarian. If construction complies wittr all rules a certificate of complerion will be issued to the permit holder. If construction does not comply with rules, thc permit holder will be notified, and all corrections shall be madobefore a certificate of compietion will be issued. Failwe to meet satisfactory completion within the alloued time constitutes a violation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this rule. ST,BSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SETBACKS SEPTIC TANK DRAINFIELD From: Interior property lines 10' l0' Edge ofroad right-of-way 10' 10' Building foundation 5' l0' Wells or other water sources 50' 100' lb)e^'ot, o)(f(- Jr<-arpi =j a q) oo o o € o I q oofoo z 9 l ,t f, &J a S6al:o36_dq =o'. { o o Permit No.279.'92 MUST BE Twnshp. I t IN BLACK INK Range Standard System Alternative Job Location (Street Address) Supdivision/Partition #Parcel Block -- DETAIL SYSTEM PLOT PLAN AS CONSTRUCTED f2 t-(.,*sqUn I { 6 U)z !,) 3o eo oo- o @a oa lo6-tr Lr..J f r0'7 IJ "A)E 0 U/"-T'f !r oq) o oa o oIt o F 4t I I J I I I I I VICINITY MAPo d i)e.- t t*r'*,. \,...* USE BLACK INK ONLY\\trr.,-^\FOR INSTALLER'S USE Tank Meas COMPLETE THE I (installer's name) and Me Signature FOR SANITARIAN'S USE ON COMMENTS Trench Depth 1 Manulacturer to Tank Gravel Depth Below Tile\,,Dr Capacity \oq: - qso rc.r;ured Distance from Well\\^N From Drainfield o N THIS \\\ \." Total Length of Lines INSTALLATION tv,*\.'1.-(Model tto.1 5 i{ Ef S.l eump.) qV.9o- '.J. h ;d b*" ir"t'll"d with this sewage installation Date \). System Approved iJ System Disapproved ! Needs Correctionx// L", ate ate D DSystem Capacity gal./day Signature INSTALLATION RECORD & CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETION When signed by the County Sanitarian dence as per ORS 454.665 ol satislactory completion of a subsurface sewage disposal system at the above location To request inspection, return all three (3) copies of this form to: Lane County Environmental Health Services, located in the basement ol the Public Service Building, 125 E. 8th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401. certificate is evi- 5.\<Cr.,L S t form c55-11O2,L Tax Lot 7OO Scale t "= aa I I I t I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I Switch IFA *-a I \5115 bDlAd EVERGHEEN LAND TITLE COMPANY 1570 Mohawk Blvd. P.O. Box 931 Springfield, Orego n 97477 (503) 741-1e81 Telefax No.: (503) 741-0619 Telex No.: 221120 EUG UR CONSUMER INFORMATION REPORT PREPARED ESPECIALLY FOR: CT'TY OF SPRTNGF'TET.N DATE: DFr. 9, | 99. ATT'N: PROPERTY ADDRESS: On'rn OW .EHO,$q Vi"IBETS PLEASE SEE AT-LACHED LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION PRINTOUT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. COPY OF: DEED x CONTRAgT MAP X OTHER X THIS TITLE INFORMATION HAS BEEN FURNISHED, WITHOUT CHARGE, IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE GUIDELINES APPROVED BY STATE OF OREGON INSURANCE COMMISSIONER. THE INSURANCE DIVI- SION CAUTIONS INTERMEDIARIES THAT THIS SERVICE IS DESIGNED TO BENEFIT THE ULTIMATE IN- SURED; INDISCRIMINATE USE ONLY BENEFITTING INTERMEDIARIES WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. SAID SERVICES MAY BE DISCONTINUED, NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED FOR ANY ERRORS IN THIS REPORT. lssuing Agent for: THANK YOU. WE APPRECIATE YOUR TRUST. STE\A/AR.T TITLI' a l90t-t- GUARANTY COMPANY rfir-rfrcX 1il) 9256G08 TL tro. l8-03-02-20-00700 lrPtto lo27o6-<./G.,6967 lct. Io. '579191 { r 1ll il 1,,' { fl I: il ii l' I ! 15' 1V ?,o- Alt ! r@rdlng rrturn tor fuoana 0R 971{0 YTSTTRX PIOXTTR TI C0. P. 0. Bor 10116 I1II8 INSTRI'}IENT TIILL TOT AIJ.OW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRT'XEIf,I IN VIOLATION OP IPPLICABI,BIAND USE IAIIS N{D REGUIATIONS. BEPORE SIGNTXG OR ACCEPTINC lrHIS INSTRUXENT, TTIE PERSON ACQUIRTXO AITY I}ITEREST IN OR TO THB PROPERSY EHOULD CIIECX I{IIE I'IIB APPROPRIATE CITY OR COU}(rY PI.INNIXG DEPARIITENT TO VERITY APPROVED USES. III I{ITNESS WHEREOP, the partlea have caueed thlc ltarranty Dsed Pag6 1-I{ARRI,NTYDEED (l I th\cttUoc\ffrrt,.td) I mltr?Y pkrTr fgA{ET.G''tili4nEC l5.O rxcrl.ts'g?m'PrLro $.m rRAxx A. xoacrorrx and rosrr E. roscrorrx, url$ffJ'Ti&a$ttrfl'o a'm Grantor, conv.y. and yarrant Co TBOma C. rIRfa and DIAf I. EIf8,hurband and vlfo, crant.., th. lolloylng dcrcrlbod rrat proprrtyi 8c. InmBrr A attacb.d b.r.to and by t!l.r ntrr.ncolncorporat d bareln. Corrcnly brovTl ar 1275 6outb 2nd 6treet, Sprlngfl.Id,Lan. County, Or.gon 97a77. harelnalter the rsal, prop.rty rhall be raferred to a. iprolxrtyr. Ttr. tru. and actual conrldoratlon lor thlr convryanco 1r $25, OOO. OO. }laD and addrctr of p.r.on or enttty boldlng 1lrn or otbrr lnttrortcralt d by tllr doclDnts Xon.. Tho dcrcrlb.d Prop.rty Ir lroc o! enculobranc.r .xc.pt: 1. Zonlng ordlnancel, bulldlng and ua. rortrlctlonr,eaaeE€nta, covenanta, condltlona and rertrlctlont o! rroord, 2. Llens or oncunbrancca attachlng aft.r th. _ dayol SopteDbor, 1992, or vhlch arlae by, through or undci tbccrantroa i l. condltlonr and rcrtrictlonr apparcnt fron a vlcuallnapcctlon of thc Prop€rty and rcstrlctlonr and rogrrlatlonrdlacovrrablo ln the publlc r.cordr o! any gov.rnrntal agcncy. {. Rlght of publlc ln and to any portlon o! tho hrrrlndascrlbed tract o! ),antl J,ylng ylthln th. boundarll o! B.condStr..t. i;.Ir:i{lIJ- ffi rffiiil, 8.nd all tar atat -ntr tos no chanoc 9z56GOS to b. .x.cut d r. ot t!1. -!!f!_ <hy ot A.pt rb.r, 1992. GR.DflfPRr STATE OT ORECO}I County o! Lan. al: A. : R6a1 Propsrty Deacrlptlon Page2-WARR^I{ITYDEED (l ltn\c(lU*\,-r-ty.d, Xy Conlrrlon bcplror:lel ffir I ) ) ) 9z56G08 ., EXHTBTT A ln 8'lock ll of A,{ElloEo PL^T 0F.s Dlattcd rnd recor&d rt Paoa 78: thcncr North .lono thr Er3t-lln.,.02 feet to thr Erst:rly llnr of57' Erst rlono srld tritcrly Elock ll (tl citended llrst):-,st crtcnslon. 219.02 fcct to thcl0 md ll ol $ld Slocl ll. ln Southngrl .: .. ..'i.'.,1,t.I r,dt'l THEREFRO{ .ny Dart that lt13 ytthtn thc'doundarlcs of shcd ln thc Subdlvlrton of AI{ENoE0 PIAT 0F |ILLX{nE NGFIELo. rr plrttcd rnd rGcordcd tt Pagt 7t of YoluncPl.t Rccords; tn Lrn. County, oragon. EXCEPI cstrbl I TO SPRI 0rcgon a dII n trr,, t-;o) bd 3F II:r t! Ii, it ffi 8(, H , ,, I ,r,r.ilr ., , .r., r,l fl.riI txiltllt A Drgr I ol Sccond Strmt rt NEI6T15 AoDlItonl, lml Gounty 't' ,tl rl C i 1; y of $t,r'i n{]'[ i. n i. qj aeS Fi.fth Str'eet $pr'ingf i.ei.,i, LlR '.i;'47? . rlrh r ,1aE.i \J(JJ, {C.L-r--Jl*J.) Tr'ansacl:iun nrlnrtrer' 0?'1343 Sep'Leg'5s1r' 93, t33'i 3: L't' PM Recei.vecJ ir'nnr r Ifi7Y i-iiir"iL.5 f,on{;r'acizUrpn ; 41.3$ $ i. gT[,l'r-'i-T Addr'essi; l.ti'S e STFI'tIT Ci1;yr SFRINGFIELTT !l{; I ttR ilri-' - Hr.i i I d:. n,J- .loLr * I 9i'0uEli ltescr'i pt i on Reinspect ion Fee TotaI: Anrl 6s** i u*O t tlheck *; &. :1t.t( ( BH .i.!trlJu ts.ct0 [h*,:k eCI85il Tharrll you 7 li;:yu l^i . f, "l!S CBf t,rt 5 Exlstlng Bulldlngs or lmprovements on Property ..Eff,ouse[f Bam F'{xage-E lvlcbile. Home E Shed SEPTIC INSTALLEDl-l Yes )=16 Waler Distric{ Please complete all llnes lnslde whlte boxes, if posstble. b{t-7 PTIONE ztP TFI'E_ ztP llc.n--T- lar I/VL Dlrectlons to slte lrom nearest maln lntersectlon Bryr -z- '' f tYU --7 MAP, PARCEL NUMBER (Found on l.r mrp. ln th. A.3...manl & Tar.llon D.pL,){ Q3 d/,0 J.D 700.l6-rEii- EnF Ciiin- rIIEiiil -lf,E5i- ffiit*,r_FffirEiiil-ffi Tom3hlp n nec Ectlon tL E.ctlon Tu Lot (, n-. srTE Z /9 7z/zz For Moblle Home Placement Only No. of Bedrms License #- Brand Year Size CITY ztP MATL PERTli'r7 TO: O-: n€,./ Dlstance lrom Moblle Home to: Water Sewer/S€ptic Land Managemsnt Div. staff can not be held responsible for evaluations or recommendations based on false, inaccurate or 1*s- z,z incomplete i ril4-68 02/92 OWNEn OF PROPEHIY (f ml m. r. .bov.) .1 .*ryq<- 4 bb r -1.'a't*O rtt-Z CITY { -t--Q*oE. Q.* s$ \ r5VYr 56(,.6 --.,4i *f ''-o t'\rn \\ o*b'\\ Q-\'' --\ oov\' (, IJ \cr.\' \' io-G {o,.,, 2. , Y"- _ )gQ.,r",r 3r' ,9G,,8r.16 3 0'--{ 5\*q Fl. o,' t"\., lat.lo -'-{F" tt*.* \r*{ - .-$ aawe\ - --o so 5o 5o SEI"JAGE DISPOSAL PLOT PTAil IPPROUED A permit is required Frbto construction. il:alth Seryica 125 Er:t tth Avenue Eugene, Cr. ,r !7,i01 \.r,. l"rt*qs C.b"t $-r^.c9 L"ts to {, tr t}5!\\"^r^<\te \ls ffi'!!,ilr cr,g i* 5t. \op oT -fc1\1 Ll ?q,., 0 L") t ()11Lt' il\B c,3 c- -i. \J o1.2 'too \\- 1\s r\_a\ = .ao I t 5L...1 t <1 . HATJDLE WATERTIGHT CONC .o* RISERS A LIDS Z,,G.V. CHECK VALVE t DISCONNEC UI o I I I# PUMP SCREEN 2" 5 20'l l- NEMA.3 WATERTIGHT JUCTION BOX L!o llg" 4"x4" PT. Posr F lr, lrJro - _J .l=i'=----\_CONDUIT CONTROL A ALARM PANEL /2,, LIFT ROPE =\ 2" Pv.c ALARM' l2t' 4tl lot' H.W. ONr . L.W. OFF lt- B" gt' ;?* ISOO 6AL. COMBINATION SEPTTC A PUUP TANK PRE-CAST, pRE-ENG|NEERED, D.E.Q. APPROVED GUARANTEEO WATERTIGHT g"coNc. BLocK PUMP: I. OSP M HYDROMATIC PARTIAL PLAN ( NTS} tr)F I I I (i.1.'(,\=--- ----- -- I ----t PUMP SCREEN J -t _t t_ r r- - - - --l ,?-.-d-tl-. '!r ii-i\_i I t- fAUf CnOSS SrCrtoru txrct t?' t2" LOAM CAP FILTER CLOTH c.P:l,ERLINML.30 NAS ta FPIRERIDPEG4 . ,,..:.. D UMTHECLOM ROCKd-iz':+ Bo cOFtrlul*,o COARSE SAND URFACE WATER DIVERSION BERU PLANT WITH LAWN GRASS 30 ulL. PV.C. LINER l2 FABRICATED PIPE BOOT (AT ALL LINER PENETRA 4 ott DAYLIGI.ITED 4U DERDRAIN \*- d'Bv.C. PIPE TO DRAINFIELD 4.'RIGID PERE PIPE TIONS) UNDERDRAIN TO O.L.OAESE SAND IL D S FI Rto ll4" . l'- O' DOSING SYSTEM A EFFLUENT UNDERDRAIN PIPING MAY BE ROTATED IN 90" INCREMENTS TO FIT SITE ' f D N-PIC AL PV C.LTE !l I I- I/4" LATERALS 2" MANIFoLD lr ,lll* 9- OUT u DfiAINROCK t-il lrJ or )oo $J L-__l OUTER EDGE 30 MIL. PV.C. L INER a" lN FEE0 tlrl l. LJ a lrJ CDo trJ E. rF LrJ u- E 3 a P 3/ 16 :l o -ENO CAP t-t/4" PV.c. LATERAL wtTH ON TOP OF PIPE l"r l'- ot' Yg " ontrtctes EHEET \ OT \ -t I 2':O" O.C. - I 3'lrT SANI RUACT0R l;F;D I,0Sl, & lliri,r: .i 'l,r'("'I1,r1 j r)t' .;.]i,'i iC ]iEAD COIIPL'IATIO}I : Lrrw Nr t- rr e I ev . (prlrop tarili)'lon of orl f ice (dos lng bed ) L)J.f l"e;:ort:e (statlc l:oad ) q'l 6, 'r.g Llq'b . 35 i'r . o1 II.iJW t','r';'l ' /r5 i,/3'' or'lflces at 0.41 GPI{ Ft\" = 18.4,i CF,r FI}J FII.I C'rI O}i LOSS : \1r: r't. 2 rNcii pvc L,r c' = 160 0.8628 ft./100 ft. ar 18./+5 GPr{ 0.t62S x \.1- l.'l?ft. loss LOS;, Sllr'l]ARY: static heacl- t'? .o'lft. flssu-rrcd bet! loss 'l- 5 ft - 5.ol'::ictiorr loss----- | ,q7 fl. Tocal system heaa 2m; ruilF S]iLEtITIOI,I: llse i{yd:-or:n ttc g a 5o ut \ Puiri, cepar'ity 4o GPii G Ttt .o f r. TH. St,..r S <I d:[]E.1,.:I r:: .i [Al- ] ijl'i Ai 1 rn,iteri a.l s r-.rs.erJ n{?!'J, { j.r's.k qlra.l rty aqenl. the c,nrrEtr-r-r(:t::i rrr nf nppr-o'itld hy t-ltel il.1-: -.1.- LiI:l\l[::fiAL. IiE:$iiitil.lTiAL Eirrrf'ln FI[.-TE.i;i SF'f:[:IF:1t-:A'T Itif'J3 t.lREf.i{-}l,J D[:n " sl"F\-rE s]l-Alr.lD[if;:I] !iYsl-r:.f"l " l ttiisi r:y'r.tr::nr nrLrst- he ll) . IJ i r ryc-: t r:r- c:r- h i. s:. ?. F.E,nf-rv€,', *11 lar-qe recl,: s." rt:at$ clr ctthelr- sharp mh-i elcts:. th"rt r.r:i 11 d;-tnrar1 e the F!'fl I i rrer nr r.ri l1 cle*r:nm;:t:rsr: f rcrni t-iir* rcrefr cl{ the liilu-id'f i lt-er'" li" l'la'Lr:r'" j.;rI dr:ptl-rs. a,-E? sihc,Frn as. ::.st+;.i erJ c1r:1:th* r-rr af 'f er- natr-.ri'-al. cmmprrr:: ti nrr lras ncrlrrmrJ, Thr.l earrtj i:ecj sh(:lt.tl rJ Lre H'tLfrrr- rilnr;-r;'rc:tt3ci ta prervent srrbs.elcquent :;r*ttlJ.ng o{: the di:r.:inct tre,r'icht:s. and piping, in a:i /.1 E:..! ALl \/*:5r:.r1r1.:.i {:;rr:hrE* t-lip{* cc-rnner::t:i.nn::, tanll r-is;*rr.. tcr ic.rrit:.:l , \'a1.,'e-]t.r, arii-i tl're .title uilric:l-t fit-{.i piarl nf ttr:i.gi ::.hall. he:irrsit;:11ecJ to irrs.lrre yrtrtc:r tS.qhtrres:l . --l"hti,: l:1,\,,,,{-1" plastic :;{-i,ni1 linElr (F1....[)':*F-l!_.E. Flf;i'ii:'.(f;jr:)i.Ii:: rrrr..lr:.1.. ffir?F:r'l, Illr-i,l E[:cjicj."f:j.c,:,iLian*. pa'ir'Il*:c:i:iun ]i4il*)2:l --{-1i:.1'i'; nf:i.i " fif'J*ti I .T E. 5Ei,JfiGE Il I5F'OEirll- RLIL.E$ " " ... .,.. . '. '-, -.1Lll !l!!,rL., r:: r r rr. l' cr rr: Tlir:.+ l--;trtr..r Cnr..trit\. Er-rilcl j.nq arili Sani.tatimn [iect.:it:rn nf th*i F'.[ ani-ii nq ancJ l]ornmiini ty Oe'.rel ap:,rent Depar-tnrerrit u'ri L l r-eie:i i.ri r-ei.r ,:ic: r'uie*rii. rirl r'n6:nr"tr:. (:tri tht* DE{ll St;rtrrJar" rJ f'led:i t-rni Si:,rrrJ " " l'1*rrl .r r.rnr Sarir..l " fiic!,i,rrtE, ;t mi.ii tt.tr-n c,{ .j.aricJ lti'Lli 1.{..i|..t:i [,r::'.:rsi.ricil tlrr* ]i.,/[:l itrt:lt r.i e','Er, 9t:t"l t-ci 1{:ii:i:': pasr.inq thei l'.k:r, 4 Eit:+.,.ri:, r,.iii," t.c-': !t.:ti:i:i, i.riq.st:rj.ire 'Llre [Jr" ]r-i s.j.eve. 45:l {:n []:jli ;:.:s::i.nr.l t-l-rrl t'dcr" JC: r..j.{i':',rt:, ;:;[ ta lillli pas:.s.inq the Nn" 3i.) s.j.HV*]r 5;{ tr::i L::i..il{ pfiEiEiri!.1 the ltin" 5i-i s:i€i.,,e, 1i:l:i or 1es,s passinil the li.lr:r, ni:i :ii.ei.ieo ancl 4'i or" Lerg.s prls.r.ing the Na. lilfl s:.:iev*.1 , ['l-rt* s.e;:tl.c tan[': ,:h;*1] be a pre*-c;rst" pre-Err](lirteir.rrE:d nr:r11on tan[,: t,lit]t a prlrtition EeF,aratinrr crr:ati.rtq fi ga"llan e.eptic tan[r, frBd a 5[t4l quilon F]Lrrn[] t*rnk ser:1,j.nn" tanir j.lr trr [:e certifiecl arrcl prclridecl r"r,3trjr t:ir-tlil h'i' rni:nlt{:;rrtitre,r'.,/=.urpplier'. Frc:r;ide, a yrat-er- pr-aa{: r"iser- nvt}r [ii..r,r];.l serc l-i r:n *rnd thr'r sep{:i c tanit $(:.rcti r--rns" Tlir:: trrr-tfip i:= tr:r L.I l'.lf-n i r:f t li r* 15i:ii-i I {:,i:)i:i '1"lie t hr,: tlie: tJhl 5\e.\ {.o <f il :- t:trr..: [. .t F: .i [:A-i 1 t_il..l r;[r'(n1{nr']ijd., fjcr-eer-r mntr*r'jal ig t:n bp €t nc]rt--cctrrnd:inq ,na.rter-:i mi. uitlr a 1r'ti jrrrh rna.ril j.murm clpe?n:inrl:i. Flrmps. iir-r-e6lr'l$ ,:1rel ti'p:i ca.[ 1'r' r:l'{' a mr:lrJr:'rcl [r. t'"(-], m,:\ter iaI . t-!s.e: ;.r l.lyrJr-r:t -nrat j (: pt.t,ltp r BE si. : ed j n the aCEclfnFlarry j nr; he*;rcj Lnrir. Eil'tr-,t€)'1., cr:nl:r'cl11ed t-1 'y' llydr-n--nratic J?iJ{) sit::ries ,I}r3rr-t..tr'\' { I n,,1 L :=.wj. tltcr-,* i 1-lrr-ec.r requri reld ) clr ttre S. J, E.[ e*ctrn ::t'rl tch 11.r.s, {.:{irmg. F'rnl'itjt* A Ltrliorl Crr qutic[,: diScnrln€iict, 'f itti rlq,, a checl,: \'a1vr:r. arrtJ a c:tats:','alve in thei di.scharq*.Lin* fr-c:m ths,t F! L.r flrFl , Jrr,:.{:.;rl I a l.lifPlA--..j; urfi{:clr tic-tht _jlrnctj.mn hr.-'}i at- t-he e*rJc;e...r n-{' 'tl-rcr t:ier;.Jr::j.r:: l:atril pt.rnl[:] tein['; ,]ti--rLintecl c!r] B pres.s.t-trEr tr-eated 4" l': 4" ;rl:rlt.l.:.. f,lci[:]{:'r a1l. prt:'..:-.ihLe e':}ec{:r-ical c::nnner:tj.c:rrs:. .in 1':lrer l'.ll"l''lii-J jt-rric:. 1..j.13rr hr:i:i, E.l.r*ctr-jca.l cclnrlricticttrs: j.n ttie Fl(fiIf:t teir:[,: €r!-E' r:lrl.i jet-1: t c.: ::if',$r-t- I i. {:ei: cJt.tt:: 'Lm ;lttAt:l:: tty' COrrcr::i',re E.tii!'l;rfl6i 8c1i.i" 'l'ttr,.: Fr(.rfiji.) rrrrrt.,.1.. lr;i.it: cfl rii[:i(;r(:::ia.l. wat.er ancJ vc\f](:]r' {:ictht e.l.ec'Lr.ir-i,t.l. cclt')nElct.Gl,- u,rhi.clr i.r;. iri tl'ie ther g:utrnpr tcitnl:: el'lvirc:rrnret'th- i:nr- [:rLirnfr niai ritcinfirr(-: t3 retnr:rt.,'a.[ " 'Il-ie c: clrltr-t:l panel S.lral:1. ha','(.' at-tt-t:nt,:{.:i c: (:r[:ir:r;i'l-:ic-:r] l:,.1-etlrr:,. 1:ir:.ll-itg.,, [:';l'ie1 oF€t'etti.crn alrrl rrrltt-.er'.ie.i.":l' siha.l..l l:c.: t-c: t.j[.i.: g".t:"Lrrt:i,.',tr-d'.;,, ;:::'6g-f,'tlc;tld trre--rtgE'enrLrl(:d L'iirrlf::'.lE ar-e a .r ir. :i .1. ,"r f-i l. e 'f: t' ct t'ri l'j "r tJ t' t-i -' rt ;-r 1.: i. c: . 1i..i,, F'r'-s:,1;::.r.rr-ri,l rJ:i:,ii..r-i.l:t..tL.it-,tr illl:r(ni is:i tt: l:rt'l c::1ar..r. liril F:,\,'"[, 11" L...,iir-tetrr {..lcrlrnt.i l-:i,,:rri:ita'L:iclri r.,r.i11 requrire L.orlF-.tt-t-tr.ti.ctrr perrnits anci lrtft,:.1!:rrr i.rrs1:c.rc: 1.. j c:n cil.rr- j.rrc: ct.:trt*.{:.r-Lr(:tic:!rl . Tl"re r:: cln'h.rac: tc:tr- r,.lr,','r.1, J r:u-,.r:,r,-rJ.i. r.rar;r=i, ,r-.clietJr_r1,..:" and hr: r-esp-tcrng.i b1e f or. E,r-r(It1 per-mi t ti ertt.1 i. rttl 1.:ec: 1. i c:in'.1 , 'rhr-e:rel i rtl;:pc:ct'i anr' $r-e re*c.rt'ti re':d arj {crl 'i nr'r*: [,.1c:', ]. - --,..1 r..rr.,i.. 6:il-:i c:r- tt.t I :i. rrr':rr' l.l 1 ai:erltt',nt. ldr':r, :: --,r"\'1" {.:he: cJ.Bc:\r-urtr{:er- pLlrnF'tees.t. jutst Fr-inr- tt: c:r:ie.'rincl t l-: cr l-r er cl cl n :r, i t"i ,,,1 6: i. pr r* s; \,/ !s t e,tl . lili:i, ,-i **i:r f i. i-i.i.i. :i. rt:*.ptt':c: 1:.t c:ri a.i: r:(:r,n[rJ. tirl:i nrt, i.:?, 'l. lir:,. cler:.iqn i::. a1i:i pr*r-nrittt"rrl and s:ipelcjfierJ h)r the {lr-Eiclnrl liitatel Lier;:i.rr-tn,ci!i'i.. c:r'{: [:iri','ir'-cnmr*rit,-,r.[ i]r.taIity' Orec;c:n ArJmin j.s.tt'-*t-.i.ve:r f;.r-i.[l::ri ilirapl:.t,ir'-:i4i:j,, l\lc !.ri:rt't''ant.yt ir. c].armecl ctr s[]€:ci{ir:cl aE: *;ct r.:+:{:l.L.te*nl.: c1t-.t;r}.i.1:',,' L'rr- .l.j.fci* siparl. The eqltil.:n;elt-tt. j.s r:rrJ.1,' ulatr"rt'iritatl a9:. 1::.[.iti,(:.rfrr.'t:] l;l',,'t. lrer mant-t{e\c: tLtref o"f: giR(n(3. SLect \ "(f loo t2 o l e a ;h I rclr,o o 1 *3 t t'1 t"' .:'r l"* I' &i ! \J r'U\'J tt. I."r FiII.P il't...+ HILI ;I r-.I{::itl","t H l lii).i{J:il;:'tl i*t-$fi. 'IYl:i 1...r\NH:':ilLli'J1'Y IJH:l 'tI ,il, ?git,:]:j ilAl't:: (,:;tf-1:i.?3 ij{1.-u$ ", 1;l}p.ri,{l;l:r.iH.-} : t.[:T'"1 ti$i 'ilI)fiRq:'f:t nJ a4 L'll},_, I'' ii r] Lr t-l - [:{l} Ii E$fti.l.:; rii i.l $[i:sI ri I l] T' l: L] l..l f'J' " l,,J'I'li : i,ii::.{:ll-lAtJ I. t.,rrl... F L:[:. Jl'ri'Ifi.,it.ll'iUl'lr*rHIli FI...Al'l {:Hl:;{]!i F'[:[:. ..iiIi:; tii(i 1 [] il... I'rl...uI} " , V ri i...l.ldi l' l. {l Fl l;:rt .t N r.i .l L:. I r:' {a ,.} I't ui:i l:H;i.' ;:! i:[::i,l t.t i',1 :1. 1' .[ Ii1t lf [:. Fl ii :t il{:i:;T' iililNHfi Ni"lH iJ:[ !:it':';; rtr:JIiH: dlrilil... i.ir'i ii:[r I xri Ilpr]'Ll :,1 i! .i l,r ,: r' I' L:. l::. ,5 U ,: f t,-l t2:' ,-..' 1 t.t t.tl', '-' l'l I tr t'l 1.1 I .!. - il't:'fflt : I i\H [:.Fl I'JY l{i::::i'l' " Ii:]f'11"'1...!;:. i' ]: r-li.l uf-I I *.! 8 et t' $ olI