HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1978-11-27a JOB ADDRESS: a/PoSTTHISPERMIToNMAINBUILDINGATSITE 1405 South *fi 5pa1ttgfle1d, oregon 97477 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT + TMrr-3643-78 Violation can TRS, TL: 1g-03-O2 # 600 Subdivision, F This permit for the referenced property is hereby approved. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed result in revocation of this permit,'citaiion undei proviii-ons of Lane County's lnfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Alfred A. Allen, L405 South 2nd street' sprlngfleld, oregon 97477 Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: 83046-37 I I Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address Contractor's OS + Construction approved by this permit: Total Construction Value: I Temporary Moblle Hone structures now on propertys house, barn, and moblle hore I I I I ,Vater Supply + Bedrooms na +r Plumbing Fixtures:Z # Employees: narral I PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: trnzoned Partitioning +r na Parcel + Minimum requireo itructural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: na ; interior property lines: na jl'€?r property line: Speciallnstructions: na na Parcel Size: na ; centerline of road, a 39.63 acre I For information call 687-4394,Su.ean Ke11er WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection + na lnstallation specif ications: ns lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: gal. min. septic tank capacitY;na na Special lnstructions: See permlr # l,lII-601-74. Setbacks Tnteil-o r p ro perty I i n es tr.lge of road right-of-way rilding foundation Wells, other water sources Septic Tank 10' 10' 5', 50' Drainf ield--T0'- 10' 10' 100' I I II For information call n 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., t{H Group: R-3 Fire Zone: 3 Use Classification t[1/DlreLltngCONSTRUCTION PE RM ITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction: lnstructions: na II I For plans information call 687-3763 For inspections (see back of this permit) between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Merle Nellaon call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Directions to Site: Date lssued: c55-1 3 n8 I LL-27-78 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 BY: John E, Boes/ly hne county c&-- D l)-ro^aaL lane county Water Pollution Control Division Envi ronmental Manaqement Department I 25 East 8th Avenue Eugene, 0reqon 97401 L0CATI0N: Twp. LB Ranqe-O3-sectjon 02 ( Complete the followdnq,Subdivision Name Tax Lot #600 if applicable) Lot #- Block #- syst the a em upon I have no information that the existing subsurface sewage disposal em located on this property has ever failed by discharqing sewage upon ground surface or into public waters, by clogging or backing up, orin other manner. I have information that the existing subsurface sewage disposal sys- ocated on th"is property has failed in the oast by discharging sewage the ground surface or into public waters, by clogging or backing up, orin some other manner, and that: The system has not been repaired. The system has been repaired and has operated continuously since the repair without other failures. Date(s) repai red- I have had personal subsurface sewage disposal years and- months. knowledge of the performance of the system located on this property for exi sti ng 20 The existing sewage disposal system consists of: a b c d Septic tank [65 6 1OOO ga11on capacity.EAU]i Number of drainlines 3 Length of draintinesE, Distribution box? Yes X No- ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT EUGENE. OREGON 97401 / (503) 687-4061 This system last served a dwelling having 3 bedrooms (include all rooms which could be used as a bedroom, though actually used for other purposes such-i-s for a den or a sewing room) 0R-F-ToF commercial use, this system last served an establishment having- employees, and-gallons/ The existing septic system was installe ?rn (Date), under Lane County Bu'i'lding Permi t #- day sewage flow. This system was last used o (Date) In case of an addition, the new portion will be-feet away from the existing drainfield. APPL I CANT: PROPERTY OWNER:Yes DATE I.1-7-78 c74-756 WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION / 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING x No ) rlilil-s6(3-7F Date 11-?-78 Envl-ronmental l'lanagement Department Dlvislon of Construction Permlts & Inspection L25 - 8th Avenue Eaet Eugene, Oregon 9740L Gentlemen: Re: Temporary Mobile Home Permit Appllcation This requesE for a temporary mobl1e home permlt is made under the general provlsions of LC 11.100-10(4): Q, A personal, but not necessarlly flnancial, hardshlp exlsts whereby lt 16 necessary to have someone llvlng on the same premises. Ttre mobile home wlll be used for the applicantfs personal use during the time a conventlonal dwelIing ls being constructed on the premises, after whlch lt will be removed; The mobile home will be used b7 an employee of thls applicant for bona fide agrlcultural, forestry management, or mineral extraction purposes; The moblLe home wl1L be used for resldentlal purposes for a watchman or caretaker, in conJunctlon wlth a cosmercial or industrlal use Jr (a) _ (b) _ (c) (d) The speciflc circumstances necessitating thls reques t are I understand that this perurit is valid for one year only, and is subject to reevaluation and renewal at the expiratlon of that tlme. Signature Address 974'77 M74-t52 Telephone 746-3830 r7474(:OB Zlp Code 7/ 1.8-05-o2 il6oo 39.65 adres Reorrost for carot$kor and farrn handyman asslstance under lano code /111.1o (4) Pemnlt for use of exlstlng dwoI}lng, uso and dwel}lng not to be changed vrlth approval of thls roquost. I und.erstand that approval unden code has been for caretaller and.r/or fann holp asslstance for moblle home resl-Cence only ancl thenefore reallze that technlca)-Iy thls woulcl not beperrnisslble unCer cor1o. Iiowever, glven the reasonlng descrlbed.belovr, I belleve tho splrlt and lntent of the code should al lovr me thl s us 0 r Flrst of allr nT buslnoss donand.s ]ong hours da1ly as well as absonce from tho proporty froquently throughout the ;rear.Therefore, to contlnuo to uso ny acreaie for resource wlth1nttre lnteni of the goneral agrl-cultural or farrn/forest <1eslgnatlon,f nust havo asslstanco and yet f cannot reI1, upon lt for asubstantlal lncomo. Such thlngs as feedlng cattle and generalIlght handlrnan work are currontly needed. Secondl:,', glvon tho locatlon of tnls property 1n relatlon to the general netropolltan area, I ezperlonce excoptlonally hlgh trespasslng problems (vanCallsn b;r people and. notorcyclos both d.av and nLght ) that &re a mattor of offlcla1 roeord and have carrsed extonslvo d.ama65e and monotary loss to m€ as r,reI} as concern to my vrlfe, espoclally when she ls at hone aIong. fn concluslon, I belleve that the splrlt and. tntent of the code, as well as the use of my proporty, should allow a'iproval for a caretai<er resld.enco tn the oxlstlng farmhouse. I'ty porsonal cholcoto Ilve ln a now small moblle trome rather than an old largo far:rhouse shouLd not restrlct ne from the sane lntont and approvalthat other carotal:er requests have enJoyed.. ena 1]-7-78 lone county Noverntrer 13, l97B Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Allen 575 So. rrA' Street Springfield,0R 97477 RE: Map I8-03-02, MH 60] -76 and Dear Mr. and Mrs. Allen: Superv'i so r ng Section lot 600'ing Appiication TMH 3643-78 v)1/ tax Pend The purpose of this letter is to confirm our conversation of November 9, l97grelative to your request for a caretaker's residence on the referenced property. Your mobile home permit #60]-76 was 'issued in 1977 with the understancling thatit would rep'lace the old farmhouse as the one perm'itted dwell.inq on the iropeity.The farmhouse l'ras to be used as a guest lrouse on1y, and the kitchen sjnk r.*ouuior disconnected. Your most recent request (TMH 3643-78), .i.e., to allovr temporary use of thefarmhouse for caretaker/watchman use, cannot technically fli inio requirementsof Lane code chapter I l ..l00, "l,1obi le Home Si ting.', Howiver, i iu.r that thel,anguage.of Chapter ll.l00-lQ(a)(a) is broad enough to allow one permanent resi-dence and one temporary mob'ile home on the premis6s without being specific as tooccupancy.- Fg. that reason, with your concurrence, we have chanled'the riuiru--of-IH 601-76 (a permanent mob'ite hbme permjt) to tempori.y-f iNi joqs-28). --i;i, wil'l be renewable annually until such time as you no longLr'nu.A to use the farm-house.for help on the property. At that time we should [e notiried of the-chinfeand rvill reinstate your permanent mobile home status. Because of the nature and isolated location of this request the Director ofConstructjon Permits and Inspect'ions has waived posting requirements, and givenperntission to reconnect the kitchen s'ink wi thout' t[e iristo,ii"v-pir*bir; in;p"Iiion. If I can be of further help to you in th'is matter please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, %&4v l{e'len El I {ott,g Perrni t ProcessS llEl I s cc: Bob l,lood l'.ri'4ll"Jlsr[inrlvF r)lvlsloN / tNVtRoNi\,itNlAr. t,r ANnGf l,ri NT Dt-pABTLraNT / l:rt, t AST 0Tt.t AVE. / FUGFNE, oB 07401 / {503) 6fl7.40rir APPLICATION o.r,,.o* Alf!3ed A. Allorl .ro*, 746-5850:t40s s 2nd. St Spfd",,, 97477CITY CITY ADDRESS coNTRAcroR,s oRE. srATE UCENSE_ io{z E -! zo Ifi I ! 6 =oz l-l MArL coMpIETED pERMrr ro Appr"rcANT/owNER,/coNTRAcroR (crRcr.E oNE) *l pREFER ro prcK up. 6as1 747-4OOBu 'dL__] l. PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY (residentiol; typ€ of lorming; commerciol or industrioli voconti etc.)Reerl d entJ- aL-3an:-F.ock Plt \ 2. DESCRIEE STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY. NOTE ANY STRUCTURES IO BE DEMOTISHED.House -Barn-Mobt 1 B': Ifore 2 @0 no I o 5* s\ 3. IMMEDIAIE PTANS FOR THIS PROPERTY (THIS APPI,ICATION) ARE:Sane 4. FUTURE PTANS:Sar:e 5. PLOI PLAN. Sk€rch (,A) oll rods (B) boundories ol property (C) oxisting/proposed buildings (D) existing/proposed sewoge disposol or6os (E) existing/proposed drivewoys (G) eosements (H) droinogewoys, slr€oms, croeks, ony oth6r perlinenl leotures. lf commerciol o. industriol, show lreeslonding signs, pork- ing oreos. INOICAIE DIMENSIONS. x I o 3 ;i 2o- 3z d = \\ \ 6. TOTAT- IOT S|ZE OR ACREAGE 39.65 7. SITE INSPECTION TEST HOTES REAOY NA 8, METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAI"SDS 9. pRoposEowATERsupply wrrr X spRrNG- sTREAM- LAKE- puBuc: IO. ETECTRICITY FURNISHED BY SIJ-B II. NAIURALGASBY NA I2. FIRE DISTRICT }IA 13. scHoot- otsTRtcT I'. PI.UMBING BY LrA BEFORE YOUR APPIICATION CAN BE PROCESSED YOU MUST FURNISH: -87rxlt PLOT PI.ANS -tEGAL DESCRIPTION (DTMENSTONED) c71-t7l il!'\r- 8Y TANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAT MANAGEMENT I25 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 9740I owNER (rF S,nr"lnrlfJe'lr1 LANE COUI 'DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMEN' 125 E,.JT 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON MANAGEMENT 401 AVERAGE PROCESSINGPIANNING DIVISION Current Zoning P!rtltlonlnE I n/h4 f]rend i ns Parccl xo, -n 7- Partl lonl o HATEN POLLU?ION I of Slt.ee U6u Slt. InBp€ctlon(s) 6DS Con.tructlon l-J New Nunb€r of Bedroonar. Corancrclal/Industr lil - f] Repalr Othcr le ted r n ItctdtlH H U\ fo ro tr Ho |a Hoz E >tF N I h t^t t \ N \ t t\ 0 0 lof yee a CONSTRUCTION PERHITS AND INSPECTION(Sea abovc for I of bedrooms,/l of employeea) w i.tobl la Hone FEE s U.ls\n Frl Permanent Temporary Renesa I ,,%ffiM s $Total vtluntion S *-_-- Pluitrbing fixtures at g -_- SewerAater Conn. ^t t {t State Surcharga Pl.ana Check Fec Change o( Occupancy Each S t]ach 3 Subtota L TOTAL BUILDING PERHIT T'EE s $ s s H I I q Mlnlnura rLructural BCtbackB : From centerlina o( atreet, Front Exterior Slds Frola lntorlor lot lines: Side Rear ''/tttu',hg# tttrxf[ Conuu'l plans ahee,t to app|lw f] CurU cur. ro appltcant PUBLIc LANDS n Addresr t] Minimun Elev,rtion PUBLIc troRKs D pacillty pernit r)L/| ( E}IvIRONT{ENTAL HEALTH ca.h- cn "t t-3K ^o",o o, fu-ar-TOTAI, S ArFIDAVIT: It thls permlt ia for an agricultural building, I hereby declare that thIB bulldlngwill be used for agrlcultural purposes as all.osed by zoning and/or the state Building code, andfor no other purpose. I further certify that the statementg and other information subnltted onthls application are true and accurate, and that I have the followlng legal intercat in theprop€rty: --ouner of recordt contract purchaBerr lesseei _holder of an exclurlve optlonto purchate, _duly authorize[-Eo act for a person rE6-has the lb]flowing legal interest: -r or that the owner of record is knowledgeable of thiaI further agre€ Lo comply uith all applicable code8 relatlng S ignature THIS IS YOUR RECEIPT, AND DOES NOT GIVE YOU PERI"TISSION TO BUILD, FOR INFOfu,TATION ASOUT THE PROGRESS OP YOUR APPLICATION, CALL PERMIT CONTROL, 587-'357 (687-HELP} rpglication, if I am not the-ownEito thls peEmlt. *.. l/-9-7( AppricanL,s i I i I I I i Address s s s s s $ l,!inlmunr Elevation c74-L70 bre coLrnty u tln I : I I I I I I I I I I l M-<-I ) s / /71//'An/-71 | s ./n, r>n sf 7v/ Appllcatlo, *@tu, WORK SHEET I{ater Pollution ControL STTE TEASIBILITY REPORT Sfte f] meets State standardst fJ does not meet State standards. InO- SDS INSTALLATION Mlnimum Septic Tank Capaclty (Gallons) Drainfield Req uired Ilaximum Depth of Trenches rf Equal Setback R€quirementq Froml Interior Property Lines Centerline of Road (Front) Centerline of Road (Siae Exterior) Building Foundatlon [Je1ls, other domestlc water supplles except publtc Stream, lake, ponds Serial f Other Dlstribution System Septlc Tank Drainfleld ,/d/-7 M74-L65 Date 7f- Sanitarian - b S v \9 Name App lication # fH H3b 4 4,-78 for WORK SHEET Construction Permits & Inspection Type of Construction Group Fire Zone Use Classification TO BF TYPFN ON PFRIT{TT T Dat 7 '-l f 7E ture I f/ *,'T2ry /4"-rrrA €/-s \axLane County Variance/nral Areas -- Itechnical Revieh, Water Pollution Control Division A5plicant:Date: uailing -g Phone: '7 +z f 21l--IdfEcE- 7+77 (Ilome) Ioca'tion: Ttvp. / Q - sectionf)'-'- Tar rot * @Range Site Inspection }fimber:Zoning: The applicant hereby requests a preliminary technical review of the subject property for the feasibility of site approval under a "Rural Area" zoning designation, or Variance procedure. eM.-/ c (?e t The subject prope rty has been reviewed and the following determin ron has been made: Iv l7-7Q dt Appears to be feasilcle. Does not appear to be feasiJcle Iti,l. BY: Stt,-oJ-rt Lbo letter on The applicant was informed of the determination described above by llNn )c tNr ) g/fl or iJnP 0l tIIA au flb M74-L28 2 n 4.--->a1ol,,t O Zru"- ,lJ \ I lane county November .l3, .l978 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Allen 575 So. rrA, Street Springfield,0R 97477 7-u RE: Map 18-03-02, tax lot 600 MH 60.|-76 and Pending Application TMH 3643-78 Dear Mr. and Mrs. AIlen: The purpose of this letter is to confirm our conversation of November 9,.l978relat'ive to your request for a caretaker's residence on the referenced property. Your mobile home permit #60.l-76 was issued 1n 1977 with the understanding thatit would replace the old farmhouse as the one perm'itted dwellinq on the [roperty.The farmhouse was to be used as a guest house only, and the kitchen sink removeior disconnected. Your most recent request (TMH 3643-78), i.e., to allow temporary use of thefarmhouse for caretaker/watchman use, cannot techn'ically fit inio ".qrirementsof Lane Code Chapter ll.l00, 'fllobile Home Sit'ing. " Howiver, I feel dfrat tnel,anguage.of Chapter ll.l00-.I0(a)(a) is broad en6ugh to allow one permanent resj-dence and one temporary mobile home on the premis6s without being'specif.ic as tooccupancy. Fg. that reason, with your concurrence, we have chanled'the status0f-IH 60.l-76 (a permanent mobile hbme permit) to temporiiv-finn 5o+:-ia). --irlit will be renewable annually until such time as you no longlr need to use the farm-house for help on the property. At that time we should 6e notified of the chingeand will reinstate your permanent mobjle home status. Because of the nature and isolated location of this request the Director ofConstruction Permits and Inspections has waived posting requirements, and givenpermission to reconnect the kitchen sink without'the Cilstoniirv-piumUing inip.I[ion. If I can be of further help to you in thjs matter p'lease feel free to contact me. Sincerely, tlel en El I i ott, Superv i so r Permj t Process i ng Section HEll s cc: Bob Wood ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION / ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT i 135 EAST 6TH AVE. / EUGENE, OR 97401 / (503}687.4065 I lone countyWATER SUPPLY SYSTEM REVIEW Permir * --T Yt+--3-Q1 3- 7 Y The folLowing information has been forwarded to the permit processing section. If there are any questions regarding the information below contact Lane County Envirorrnental Healthr 125 E. Bth Avenue, Eugene, 0R 97401 6B7-405L tw Name s zt\l Addr.", Zip Code ff.aO*^ITY oR PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY A. i lApproved (Name)-r-rr B*" record of indicated public or contrnunity water supply system. f Pending approval due to improvernents.being made I I Not approved (Name) veJ fitl**, tt-3-Z- 6oo B. :-] Wirhin warer district (wame) I c.E T Not within water district indicared, check with Boundary Commission liater District cannot extend services to this parcel at this t,ime System not adequate for more services without irnprovernents Existing conneclion *L I u.rorvrDuAl wATER suPPLY A. E Permit on file E *o permic on file; permit required before installation from Envirormrental Health B. I Spring or surface water supply needs variance approval c. t Existing water supply SCormnent s : Envirorunental Health S an'tarian s te / /-tZ-7<{ c+r LANE COUN--' DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTA]. MANAGEMENT 125 .ST BTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGO ,401 /.a.\ '/.,...n nw PIANNINC DIVTSION Parrlttonlnq a n//al ParcGl No 7', PartI ion hrr I Currcnt Zoning lPencline fti"^pr.."a --.-t- F :.tobI l. Hom. f] Permanent F Tempor.ry f] RenevalStrucrptgl bgr#d"r'E . HEATHSN NC b.re county r IANE t{r.?fa PoLLutIoN RoL I ol slrer Ury S I t. JnspGct lon (. ) 6DS Con.rruct!,on [-l Ncu f] nepalr Hurl})€r of Bedroomrr Consnc Othcr rclal/Industrlrl - | o(yee r ti Cto H H UAtto }lFtt ;F \, I \ Ir \ ,L\ Tl coNsrRUcrIoN pERHrrs AND tNspEcrloN(see abov6 for I of bedrooms/l o! e: rEEmployeoa) $ r6 sg Total Vllu.rtion S *-*_, Plrunbing fixture3 a! t _-.- __-_ s€rerAa ter Conn. At g { t St6to Surchargo Planl Checl fcc Changc ol Occupancy Each $ t-'ach 3 Subtota I s TOTAI, S Nt\ I ) 0 0 4 tr, on, s I 5 s TOTAL BUILDING PERHIT TEE lrlni,ntur atructura!, lctbrck!2 r t I NA From cenrarirnc o! ttr.eL, tronrW Exterior rl,l"....._- fron lntrrlor lot lincsl Side Rear I con-r'l planr ahee t to .pp] lW f] CurU cuL ro appllcant PUBI-IC TANDS tr Addres, t] Minlmrm Elcvrrion q E' ^ ,PUIiLIC r.roR.{S I racillty pernit [}ryIRONYf,IITAL Hf,ALTH crrh- cn.ct I -?33 Rcc,d by 'o thls permlt. . &ta Applicanti s Siilnature AFI'IDAVIT: I! thls pernlt la for an agricultural bulldin9, I hereby decl.are thrt thl! bulIdlngurII be used for agrlcultural purpose. as alloved by zoning ind/or Lhe state auilding code, andi:I n" other purPosc.. r further certify that the "iot"^.nir and other inform,tion,ubmlcted onthls application are true and accurate, and that I have the folloulng l€9.1 intarast in theProl'8rty: .--"-oen!r of record; contract purchaser; ressee; holdei of on cxclurlve opLlonto putchdaei .-drrlv authorizeil-Co act for a person'wF6-hag rh; Iofi;;i;; i;g;i ]it.re"t, f p plTclTi o n, iT -T-'Jm--E6f -1 hl;E-n c. r-.-- -r''or that the oser of record is knowledgeable of thiefurthcr agree to comply vith alI epplicjUle code. relatlng THIS IS YOUR RECEIPT, AND DOES NOT GIVE YOU PER'IIISSION TO BUILD. roR TNToRMAT:ON A.BOW lttE PROGRESS Or YOUR AppLrCATrON, CALL pERXrr CONTROL, 6t7-a157 (687-HEL!) ,'i4-L70 -.--.-TrnG hs[ ] I I 1 Address s 5 s I s 5 -.. ol{I Hlnlmunr Elevatlon T ( rf ts 'Urr a l_t e N N.It Itx ls'\K lqt\ \ \ yrn I APPLICATION PHoNE 746 -5850 I +OS S. 2nd. St CIIY Spf -r"- 97477 owNE, rr. orrrErENrl- PHONE -ADOTISS ,.. clIY ltP cor{rt^clot ADDIESS CONITACIOI'S OTE. SIAIT TICENS€- tr MArr cor,rp!rr[o rtr^ rr ro Arp.rc^nr/owNtr/coxrR^ctor (c*cr: oNa) X;l prEFEr ro prcr( up. 6^1g '747-4O08 L lltStNT USt Of ?IOFIIIY (r..id.nlaoli typ. oa lorhlng; (o6m.rclol o, lndutt,lol: ,o<onli ak.)ResJ.dentl.al-?arr:-Roclt Plt ! 6 62 o6 o _io of2 I .! 6!i I \ i 3 2 o !\ \ 2. OTSCTIIT STTUCIURES NOW ON THE PIOPTITY. NOTI ANY SIIUCTUITS IO 8f DEMOLISH€D.Hou s e -Bar n-l',{obl 1 g/- Ilore 3. rMMEDrAlS PTANS FOI TH|S PTOPEITY (THlt AP?UCAnON) ArE:Sar:e .. FUTUIE PIANS:Ser,.te 5. llol PIAN. Sk.r(h (A) oll rodr (t) boundo'i.. ol groporty (C) rrlttlng/propo..d beildlng. (O) .xLtlng/propo.od rwogo di.porol 016. (E) .xi.tinglpropdod drivowoyr (G) oromontr (H) droinogowoyr, tt,Gmr, cralr. ony olh.r,rrllnanl laqtvr.r. l, co66.rclgl or Indurl,lol, rhow lrcortondlng rignr, porl- ing o..c.. INDICAIE DIMENSIONS. 6. ror^r r,or srzE oR AcREAo, 39 . 6 5 - 7. srrr rNsprcr,oN Trsr HorEs REAoy ro^nt }'i[,/[. -8. MEIHOO OT SIWAGE DISPOSAT SDS wt[-X 5pilNc-- srttaM- tlxf-- pu!r,c: sll'i3 9, PROPOSTOWAITTSUPPI,Y IO. ILICIRICIIY FURNISX'D TY II. NAIUIA!GASIY NA I2. FIRE OISIRICI i,JA 13. SCHOO|. DrSr&CT SnnJ nrrf i e lct I'. PTUMIING IY 1.IA lEFoiE Youl APPIICAIIC|{ CAN iE ftOclssto YoU MUST FUtNlsH: -0rirlt PtoT PLANS --.-LrcAr otscnpTrot(otMtNstoNtD) gY LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT I25 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 9740I c7r. l, I --t S\ \\t\ s'\s\\F \\1 \ 'J v TRS, TL Plcrt I, lan Job Locatlon (Add Perolt # Permlt Permlt trx Permit # Permlt tf Permit # For Fot- For For For For Subdivision Lot Block Mtb \A/ oll ' I f{t:'. ,@ [? o cK PtT. I rr.rtr,\i"/ t1 Sel-t I D,<r;. t't I t- l-n'l, u > nr t.)2l)--t (orte cj ,/ J I-ar(\'/- ),, l l,ci . v : /! n,/et I iVlclnlty t{ap I hr lf l / I lane county Novernbe,r '13, I978 Hr. and f*lrs . Al f red Al i en 575 So. rrA, Street Springfield,0R 97477 RE: Map l8-03-02 MH 601-76 an ax lot 600 ending Appl ication TMH 3643-78 v;/ ,tdP Dear Mr. and Mrs. Allen: The purpose of this letter js to confirm our conversat'ion of November 9, 1978relative to your request for a caretaker's residence on the referenced property. Your mobile home permjt #60]-76 was issued in .l977 with the understanding thatjt wou'ld replace the old farmhouse as the one permitted dwelling on the [roperty.The farnrhouse was to be used as a guest house only, and the kitihen sjnk re*orelor d'isconnected. Your most recent request (TMH 3643-78), i.e., to allow temporary use of thefarmhouse for caretaker/watchman use, cannot technical'ly fit lnio requirementsof Lane Code Chapter 1'l .100, ':t'lobi I e Home Si ting. " Howlver, I feel dnat the).anguage.of Chapter ll.l00-10(a)(a) is broad en6ugh to allow one permanent resj-dence and one temporary mobile home on the premisis without being'specific as tooc-cupancy._ For that reason, with your concurrence, we have chanled the statusol IH 60]-76 (a permanent mobile home permit) to temporiry (Tt,lH 5O+3-ZA). Thiswill be renewable annually until such time as you no longlr need to use the farm-house for help on the property. At that time we should 5e notified of the change and rvill reinstate your permanent mobiie home status. Because of the nature and isolated location of this request the Director ofConstruction Permits and Inspections has waived posting requ'irements, and givenpernrission to reconnect the kitchen sink without the cistoriary plumbing inipection. If I can be of further help to you in this matter please fee) free to contact me. Sincerely, L-'//. @lz-Helen Elliott;q "Perrni t Procesfr HE/1s cc: Bob Wood Supervi sor ng Section I)N4lNlSTnATlVF DIVISION / t:NVIRONNIt:NTALi\4ANAGtNltNTDtPnnTNltNT / I35tASTOTHAVE. / EUcENE,OR9740l / (5031 687-4065 E - 18-o5-o2 iiaoo 59.65 acres Request for earetaker and farm handyman assistanco undo:: Is.ne code /111.1o (4) Perrnlt fon use of exlstlng dweIllng, uso and. dwe]11n9 not to bo ohanged. wlth approval of thls request. f understand that approval under code has been for caretaker and./or farm hel-p asslstanee for moblle home resld.ence -onlyand therefore reaJ-lze that technloall3' tr61s would not be permisslble under coc1e. However, gLven the reasoling descrlbed. 6e1ow, f bellevd the splrlt and intent of the code should a]low me thls usoo Flrst of all, tqy business d.enands long hours dal}y as well as absonce fnom-the property frequontly tkrroughout the ;ro&ro Therefore, to continue to use rly ao::oa,qe for resourcs wlthln the lntent of the general agricultural or farm/forest -deslgnatlon,f must havo asslstance and yet f cannot rely upon lt for a substantlal lncome. Such things as feedlng cattle and general llght handlrman work a,re currently needed. Secondly, glven the locetlon of thls property ln relation to ttre geneial netropolltan area, I experlence exceptlonally ltgl,tres[asslng pnoblems (vanda].lsm by_peo-p1e and. motorcycles both day ind nf[frt ) that are a matter of offlctal record and have caused ext6nslve d.arnage and monetany loss to me as well as concern to my wlfe, eipeclally when she ls at horne along. In concluslon, I belleve that the splrlt and intent of the codo, as weff as th5 use of rry propenty, shoulcl allow s':rpfoVs'} fon a caretaker resid.ence fn tne exlstlng farmhouse. 1'{y porsona} cholee to }lve ln a nevr small moblle horne rather than an old la::go i*rohoo.e should not restrict me from the same lntent and approval that other caretai';er nequests have enJoyed. ent 11-7-78 fi+vn TRS, TL Plcrt Plan Subdivision Lot Block ) ) - 1 r <-'rlJo,, 1?nd. v r )s, ,f*t,ee / t ! rtr/e s I c74- 150 Vlclnlty Map N Job Location Permit il Pernit /l Permit ll- For For Permit Permit For For For Permlt Forzo c) tr,y -l?,acR PrT, It st) 7 Ferrm ly'e u srlp utotl '.e{,nt n Fcn l, S ht h D h $orn P efi,, 7('( I z N L T I