HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1990-01-25htil CITY OF OPEGOA' DEVELOPMENTSERY'CES ADMINISTRATION PLANN/NG / BUILDING PUBLIC WOFKS M ET RO PO LI TAN WAST EWAT ER M AN AG EM ENT . Allen nd Street 0R e7477 225 FIFTH SIEEEI SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (s03) 726-s753 January 25, 1990 Mr. Alfre 1405 Sout Spri ngfi e Lot Line Adjustment (Journal No. 90-01-11) - Located 'in a portion of Block 3 of Mountajn Vjew Mobile Home Estates in Springfield, Oregon. Dear Mr. A'l 1 en , Staff Decision: Preljminary Approval and Fjnal Approval - see below. Findinqs of Fact Request The request is for a Lot Ljne Adjustment to combjne three lots into two lotsin order to permit larger manufactured housing un'its. Backqround Mountain View Mobile Home Estates was submjtted to the City in 1979 and recejved Fjnal Plat approval in 1980. The intent was the creatjon of a mobile home planned unit development (PUD). The proposal called for reduced lot sizes and lot coverage standards. This request would split Lot 5 Block 3'in half and add one half to Lot 4 and the other halfto Lot 6 to permit larger manufactured housjng units. Upon approva'l of this request, Lot6 (Parce'l I) w'il1 be 5,2I7 square feet and Lot 4 (Parcel II) w'i1'l be 5,014 square feet. Both I ots are vacant. Criteria of Approval (Ref. Section 33.040 of the Springfield Development Code) The lot line adjustment does not: 1. Create a new lot or land-locked parcel No new lot or land-locked parcel is proposed to be created. Three lots existed prior to thjs app'ljcatjon; two lots will ex'ist upon approval of this application. Z. Reduce an existing lot below the minimum dimensions established by the applicable zonin! district or otherwise violate the standards of the Springfield Development Code, or Structural Specialty and F'ire and Life Safety Code standards; dA h2 td, Re Page 2 Al I en LLA The zoning is Low Density Res'idential; the Metro Plan Designat'ion js Low DensityResjdential; the lots are in the East majn Street Refinement Plan. Upon approval,the lot dimension and area wjll the min'imum standards (60 feet of street frontage and 5,000 square feet) for thjs zonjng district both Parcel I and Parcel II w'ill meet thefrontage standard and the area standard). Approval of this request will not violatethe standards of the Springfield Development Code, or Structural Specia'lty and Fire and Ljfe Safety Code standards. 3. Impede the implementation of adopted transportation or public facilities plans; and Both lots have access to an approved private street which in turn has access to DaisyStreet. Thls request will not impede the implementat'ion of adopted transportatjon oi publ ic facil itjes p1ans. 4. Violate any previous requirements or conditions the Approval Authority imposed at aprior public hearing or meeting. This appl icatjon does not viol ate any previous requirements or conditjons the Approval Authorjty imposed at a prior public hearjng or meeting. Deci si on The request compl i es w'i th the cri teri a of approval spec'i f i ed above .submitted a survey showing pins set and 1egal descriptions of the two latwo items would have been condjtions of "Prel'iminary Approval ". Prel'im'inary and Fjnal Approval are granted at th'is time Appeal Th rg T e applicant haser I ots. These herefore, both An._appeal_of thjsdec'isjon maybe filedby anaffected partywith thePlann'ing andBuildi!g _Qepgrtment withjn 10 calendar days of this lettbr lner. Article t5 oi theSpringfi.eld Development Code), Any action taken pursuant to Development Approval beforethe 10 day appeal period has e'lapsed shall be solely at the applicant?s risk'.' Additional Information ustment maps. Therefore, yOu should request that the and Taxation comb'ine the property being transferrednt lot. The recip'ient lot should then 6e consjderedr tax purposes. The City does not record lot line adj Lane County Department of Assessmentjnto the same tax lot as the recipie as a consolidated sing'le land unjt fo If you have any questions, please call me at (503) 72G-3759 S i ncerel Ga .Ka TP, Pl annerAssoci atecc: 0lson & Thompson, Inc.