HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-09-20!.. RESIDL-.JTlAL" APPLICAT ION /PERTIIT 225 North Sth StY'eet Springfteld, 1r'egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFII{GFTEI.D Desq,ibe Not'k: Va 5oo You? CitA Desigr,ated Job Nunber fs: INSULATION /VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTIAN : ?o be naCe after aLL i,nsulaticn azd tequired uqor barriers @e in pl-ace but before oty lnth, Wpsun baarC oY rnLL couering is applied, and before ay insulati.on i.s concealed. DRYWALL fNSPECTI?N: Tc be nade afrA-Tdx.il;;Lfis in plac e, but prtor to any taping. I,\AS0NRI: Steel Location, bond Gffg?outi.ng or oerticals in accordotce Lrith U,B.C. Section 24L5. ru q/a.,1v, M Additicn k) L Date It io the responsibi.|ity of tlc penrtt holda. to aee that aLL inspectiotts ee nade at the F;ro?e! tine' that ecoh cddress is z'eaCahle fran the at?eet, and tltat the pe.rntt eard is Luated at !h,e ftofi of tlte-property. *Suitding D.Joiciot appro"*ed plan shc.Ll remain on tlp Bunlding Site at aLL times, pRocEDupE FoR rNSpEcrIoN Rq7mST..CALL726-3769(pecorder) state your City Cesigna-ted job mmber, iob aCiress, lafe-9f inspe_cti-cn eadyforinspection,cont?aeta?aoia,,n","-,*,eZndptonenwnbet.Requestsreceixedbefcre7:00altiLL be nude the eane dcy, ?equests nade after ?:00 dn mLLL be nade the nert wrking daE. Date of App Licaticn GeneraL ELectricaL Constuuetton_lender SIIE INSPECTI1N: To be nwde after er;Aatl;n, but pr.Lot, tc set up of forne. UNDERSLAB PLUI@INq, xLEqlqll{L 3 WCHA-\IICAL: To be nade before any Gi(-iii)tset ed. PC)TING & F)UNDATICN: ?o be npCe after trenches are and forns are erected, but prior to pour'tng ecncreta. UNDERGROUIID PLT]MBING, SEWP,, W.4TER, DnnIltAcE To be maCe pr"Lor to fil- T@-66nchee. UIIDEPXLOOR PLUT,DING & MECHANICAL : oy floor insul,ation or decking. POS! A{P BEN4: To be made priot to ffiffitffo| floor insulation or decking. ROUGH PLATEITIG. ELECTRICAL & MECH: lntCAf: No uov,k is to be co'-et'ed ffiiTthese inspeetions haue been made and appnooeC. FLPEPLACE: Pt ior to plaei.rg faeingmaterials and before franing ineptee- tion. FRA].IING: thst be tequeated after apptooal of rough plumbing, electrL-q,l & mec?unical. ALL toofing After installation is 7 I W 1URB & APPS.ojgE A!!plr: After fonns @,e et,ect;A but iio" to pouz"ing conetete. SfDEWALK & DRf'"EWAI: For aLL eon-c"etenilfuA;fr" etneei tight- of-teA, to be nade after aLL etca- oating conpl,ete & forn wt'k & sttb- base trntet'ial in Pl.ace. IENCE: When cotnplete -- Prou'iCe @5i or mottable seetions through P.A.E. ' bractng t chinnege, etc. rrust be , ailpleted. lto uork ia to be con- .- eecled until this inspection laatbeen rrude anC apprcued. FINAL PLUUBITIG FINAL MECITANICAL EINAL ELECTRICAL ALL pnoject eonditions, such aa the i.nstallation of st/'eet trees, cc:nletion of the required Landsccpir:g, etc., rmtst be satisfied before the BUfLDfilC FItfAL can be z'equested. FINAL BUfLDLNC: The tinal Buildittg fnepeetion rruet be requested a1-ter the linal Plunbi.ng Electtical, anC Meclunical fnspections harse been nade atd approoeC. DEI4OLITIOT| OR |:OW' Scnitaty seaer capEted ct Pt'oPerfui Lire Septic taak p,it-,tped ard. filled trith g'a;seL Pinal - I{hen abctte itens ate ecrnpleted and uhen Cenclition is conplete o! sttac- ture noued atd. premiees cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd, Set-up Plutnbin4 connectione -- aa)er od. ttatet Electt'ieal Cc*nection - Bloeking' ael'-up and plurnbing eonneetions trust be apprcted before requesting eleclrLcal inspection Accessory Bui.Ldittg Pital - After pcrehes, skirting, deeks, etc. are cornpleted. Page 1 of 2 Job Locaticnt 44 O Tas lot #Aesessore Map # Subditiston: Otmer: Phone: /Addtess uL 14ecltarieaL I ,ALL I|AI]HCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIE\IY ?O BE !,LADE /1,T IIO CCST TO CITY tr , n .{a PhoneEroires--Tofrnactot,s Adlress Lisc. Plwnbi,ng JOB NO.0 (,SOLAR A(d"SS REQ.-L-CO BeCtoons: rat Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Ccoetage LCT ?W8 _ fntericr _ Cor.ne? _ Panhandle _ CYl-de-sae Lot Paces - ks Ileat DT House Access# of Stories ?otal Height Topogtcphg Laee -- Fees --ITEII x Value l.lain Building Volue & Permit This pernit is granted on the erpt,ess condition tlut the said consttuctionslnll, in all respeets, eonform to the Cr&inance adopted 5y the City ofSptingfield, ineluding the Zoning Ctdinance, regulating thb ccnstruZticnqnd.use of buildtngs, and may be suspended ot, reuokeC at cn7 time upon oic-l.ation of atLA prcoisions of said Ordinances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1..5 c Bui,Lding PermLt State Total Clwrgea NO FEE CHARGE Plumbing Permit Ilq pereon shall construct, install, altez' or elnnge anA nea cr eristingplwnbirq or dtainage sAste:n in uhole or in pott, unless such person is- the Legal posseasor of a oalid phttnber's L.tcense, eacept tlnt a pe"son nag doplunbing uork to propertg uhich is ouned, leased ot opez,ated by the qppli- cant. Fi.stuz,es Resi^d,ential (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Penrit State'Surclnrge Electricql Permit Were State Lau requires tlwt the electrical uoy,k be done by an ELectrical Contraetor, the electz*tcal portion of this permit slnll not be oaliC untilthe Label ?ns been signed by the Electrical Cont?acto". IO Total lleu/Ectend. Circuits Setoiee iTEM NC fLL CIIARCE 0 Mechcrnicql Permit llcodstooe Vent Fot bha$t Hood. ,S PermLt fssuaarce Meclnnical Petmit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sec,u.it! Deposit Storage Iilaintenance Penrit - Clt'bcu SideutaLk lenee Electz,ical Label Mobile ltone % rTEM L Receipt #: Signed: PLan Epaniner I HAW CAREFULLY ?XA|IINED tle cornpleted application for permit, and do herebg certifg that aLL infornation hereon ia t?ue and conect, and. f fantker cettify that ang ard. aLL aork perfo*ned slnll be done in aceor- ilance rrLth the 1rdinances of the City of Spt"tngfield, and the Las of the State of 1regon pez,taining to the Ltotk Cesc"ibed het,ein, and tlat NO )CCU- PANCy ?iLlL be nade of attA structuye uytthout petmieaion of the BuiTding N-oision. I further eertify that only eontractors ad. enplcyees uho a"e in eanpliarrce dith ORS 701,055 wiLL be used on thie project 7--)l-) TO?AL AMOUNT DTIE:*/5,60 * / SPRTNGFIELD CMY OF SPRINGFIELD Department oI Public Works 1 885- 1 985 Sprinqlield Centennial year I'lay 24, 1985 Mr. Lowell 01aen 3060 Yolanda Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Ms. O1aen: The Springfield Building Code Administrative Code requires that, in order for apermit to remain valid, construction work authorized by it must begin within 180 days from the date of purchase of the permit. If work is suspended or abandonedduring the course of construction for a period exceeding 180 days, the permit willautomatically expire. If a permit has expired and suspension and/or abandonment of work on a project has not exceeded one year, a permit to start or resume work may be purchased for one half the fee required for a comparable new permit, provided that no changes have been made in the original plans and/or specifications. If a permit has not yet expired and a permit ho]der anticipates the need for more time to begin construction work, the Superintendent of Building may choose togrant a one time extension of the permit not to exceed 180 days upon receipt fromthe permit holder of a written request explaining why the extension is necessary. The attached form indicates the most recent information in our records with regard to construction activity associated with your permit. Please advisethis office of your intentions with regard to the permit by ten (10) days from the date of this letter. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division at726-3659. Si rely, a Hoppe Building Safety V si on attachments 225 North sth Street o Sprinsfield, oreqon 97477 o 503/726-3753 \ DATE: JOB #840678 NO INSPECTION RECORDED: CURRENT STATUS OF PERI{IT: ,. VALID: However, your permit will expire on If you wish to request an -extension of your permit, please notify thisoffice in writing prior to the above mentioned date. X EXPIRED:Your permit expired on March 20, 1985 If you plan to start or resume work on the project, a new permit nust be applied for. * *If the tr June 4, expired" 1985 box, above, is checked and we do not hear from you by(ten (10) days from the date of this letter), we wi 11 clear ourfiles of all related information with regard to the permit. x