HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1982-03-22CTTY OF SPRTNGFIELD--BUTLDING DIVTSION 346 MArN ST. 726-3753 (BUsrNEss) 726_3769 (rNSpECTroNs) APPLICATION FOR ELECTRTCAL I,ABEL(S) BY A BUTLDING OWNER The Erectrical safety Law of the State of oregon does not reguire a person to obtaina license as an electrician and,/or electricaf ""orrtr."a.r-a.-^i";; "r, el-ectrician in_stallation on property which is owned by hi-mseIf or a member of his immediate farailywhich is not intendeci for sale, Iease. or rent. (PLEASE PRINT) APPLICANTI S NAI4E ADDRESS Sa. Ac-:f( gt. ADDRESS FOR PROPOSED WORK 4c*'*--* PHONE a(- - BUILDING OWNER (TF OTHER THAN APPLTCANT) ADDRESS P}IONE r certify that aI1 of the above information is true and correct, and that no portionof any wiring system requirinq a labe1 as applied for herein and intended to be con- cealed by any permanent portion of the building or structure shall be concealed until inspected and approved. When the installation of the system is complete, an ad.ditional and final inspection shall be nrade. Inspections are generally reguired for at least the following conditions and or stages of construction: I z ? Temporary Service Underground Service Service Rough Electric Cable Heat New Circuits or Extensions 7 I 9 4 5 6 Mobile Home Connections Signs Swirmning Pools r further certify that I wiII notify the Building Division when any of the above ELEC- TRICAI INSPECTIOIIS .=" ready, that all work will be done in accordance with the Electri- cal Safety Law of the State of Oregon, and that if not the building o\^,rler, I am a member of his or her immediate familY. e.)Signature Date -Ja-&s INSPECTION RBQUESTS SHOULD BE MADE ON THE BUILDING DIVISION,S 24 HOUR A DAY INSPECTION LrNE. fIiE rNSpECI'roN NUMBER IS 726-3769. rNspE'c'sao\I RE()'uEsTs WI{ICH ARE CALLED IN BE- rloR 7 A.M. WILL BE IIIADE ON fHE Szu4E DAy. I,ABEL NUMBERS LABEL ISSUANCE FEE RECEIVED BY FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY DATE c 60 to ), o c,.t\ I q*