HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1981-10-26-. RESIDENTi^, .. COI,IBINATION/APPLICATION PERMIT FECEIPT I SPRINGFIELD CITZ '! SPRI|ICFIELD 225 !:CWH .cff S:.?fE| iPRI:|CFIELD, 1RECQll 97477 auilding Diuisiot 72A-37 53 M4* T?O $.47 .0a .14n N. t q*lJob Location: .. Subd'i.uisicn: .4ssesso"s tlap tt 11- O 3-3b-l j ?az Lot # t>)tt) Mdtess .4qD N. lq Phote il lt// g? t .Z A,ne!. .-*fu-l-(. &h*rl-ar.-, r;,vu^.t t Ar# Slvrg 0 r- tsz/v'rz & rcri.be llork itdlition Y ,^a.", ,ol.t?dcto?s il@E Addrese Li scl EzV;.res Plone fl General Mln-bW Plmbing llectria.L l.lechozical Cowttucti,on Letdet 9age ! of 2 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS !t is the responsibiUty of th€ p.nnit holder to see thst all iesgections are rsde at th! ProPer tlne, that each add:ress is readable frcrn the street, aod that tha pe:rnit card is located at the fuont of the property.r.{.Ll manholec and c.Ieanouts arc tc be adJusted at no cost to thc Clty llTEruspecTrcI.'excavation, but forrs. To be made after prior to set up of frDFD' AAF naterials Prior to placiag facing and before franing ins rOODSTOVES: After instaltation ffii-retea. t UTDERSLAB PLUUBING, ELSCTRIC.qL E HECHANICAL! To be nade before any EiFfilco.,ered. FOOTI}IG t F0UIIDATION: To be nrade ffiAffiA='-:.cavated and fonns are er"cted, but pnicr to pouring concrete. tioa FRAI{IIIG: apFoilal Uust be requcsted afte::. of rough plunbing, cal. 6 mechanical. A11 roofing" bracing 6 chinrneys" etc. must be cslp1eted. No work ls to be con- cealed uDtil tbis inspection has be€n trade and approved. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulation and required vapor bamiers are in place but before any 1ath, gJrpsun board or day CURB 6 APPROACI{ APP.ONffi;Aftel forns to pcuring cdlcrete SIDEHALK 6 DRIVEHAY: For all con-EffiFC streat right- of-way, t. be rade after dL exca- 'ratlng ccEpletc 6 form work 6 sub- base materiel in placc. POST 6 BEAM:fi,G;il=Ic"To be nade prior to of floor insulation UNDERGROUND PLWBI}IG, SEI{ER, I{ATER, DRAIHP.GE: To be made prior to fiJ.- ling trenchcs. UIIDERFLOOR PL'JI.IBING T, MECHANICAL:ffiorfloon insu.l.aticn or decking. OTHER INSPEC?IONS: may be required in accor:dance rith Bui.lding CoCe, to be indicateC in ;Iars on by no- tice fron Building Inspector. wal.l covering is applied, and any insulation is concealed. DRYI{ALL INSPECaION: To be madeffi@I.s in prace, but prior to auy taping. }IAIQNRY: Ste€I locatlon, bond Effiftrouting cl vert:.cals in accordance with U.8.C. Section 2rr15 . FINAL BUILDIIIG: The Final EJ.ectrical, and Hechanical ticn Contractors 0sners nane aad phoneor will be n:ade the sa$e or Cecking. ROUGH PLU!{BING, ELECTP.IC.|L 6 }.rECt{-fucIffi .rn these inspections have been rnadc and approved. x FINAL PLUMBI}IG FINAL ELEC'TRIC.{L FINAL MECHAI{ICI.L All project conditions' such as the installation of stlcet tre€s, conpletion of thErequired landscaping, etc.' must be satisfied before the BUILDING EINiL can be requested Buildlng Inspection raust be nequested after the Final plumbing Inspections have 5een rnaCe and apprcved" llo oecupancy of the premises cen be made until the Final Building Inspection has been rNAdC ANd APPTOVEd, ANd A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAilCY HAS EEE}I ISSUED BY THE BUILDIIIG DIVI- SICN AND POSTED ON THE PREMISES. PRoCEDURE FOR INSPECTIoII REQUEST: CaIl number, job address, tlpe or inspection requested you rcady for r.nspec- 726-37b: (r.eccrder state your Clty designated job will ou:rbers received before 00 a lD. r:equests made 3ftetr 00 a.m the next working YOUR CITY DES IGNATED JOB NUHBER, 7 7 day Aoent zip qil77 n Net P:qe 2 REFIiRENCE NiTIIBERS L-COC .'JOB I'ITNIEER.tD 7\f IYPE/ CONSTRI]CTIOI{OCCUPANCY GROUP BEDROOI'1SZONE Lo+. Facee: Df House ;i7?A.Ae Acccs; East South ,,lect So'-,:,.es Setbacks He1tet Lot Squa,re !tg. :, cr' Lot Cotsened '! of Storteslctal Hright !c2ography Lot TA?e Inten'ior Conle? Pothotd 0thet FEES BU TLD T il G V ALLIE,/ PER!{IP Sq. Ftg. Corage Thi.s pernit is grantzd on the ee"€ss c.ndi'-':on :hc: the said coTstn&tion sltall, in ali ?es=ect;, eonlcr to the Ovdins.ces a&opted bg the Ci;y o;' Spnngiield, incluiing the Zoning Ardinoee, reEtlating :7,e ecn- struction ttd use of buildings, anc q.dy be tsierd,ed, ot re.toked at @q tine r4oa oiolaticn ci' dtl ??aui- eiona of eaid. Minoees.tlalue Otattes PLqr Oeek lee IOTAL CIL4EOES Date Paid # PLIJI4BINC PMMIY Setttiee No peveon sltall constmct, inetzll, aller cy chotge Gry neu o" ecl.stir1g plunbing on d.rcinage sys=an in uhcle or in pat, unlees such peteo:,. ie :he ',egel posseqao" of a oali.,l plwbet's Licerse, .ic.li that Z pnr"on ^ag ,ic plmbing -ilo"k to p?e?e?--! ui':ch is ouned, Leased ot operated bg the q:licant. Serset Stata Suteharye TOTAL CHARGES ELECIETCAL PEPT4I! !:lai o? llhere Stale La.t requites tla+. the eiectn)cai uork be done bg or Electrical C2nt?dctot, tha ei.ecL-)caZ ?o"-tton cf thia peztnit elnlZ not be oalid until, ahe Za- bel has been signed by the ilectticcl Ccnt!c,3to?. ihe Electrical Safety La,t daee r2ot !?qua"e . ?e?sonto obtain a .icanse as dt 2lect?tctst ad/ct elec- Lz.Jcal contrlcic" b make a elect?:-cal ine::Lleticn ai p?o?s?t! uhich ie cwvd bV hinae',i ot a zatbet ,of Itts- ilmedia'"e iatrtly DMeh is not itlett:ed ;':r sale' Lease cr rent. Co't:st*ttction sa3?o!AL T/IAL CIIARGES MECEA!|TC.AL PRI4IT Hood Vent Fat ilood Stove/Heatet SUB?AHL EltcR0AcHitE!l? Seatd geposit PLor Ezom.tet Date t'laincnc4ce I EAW CAREPULLy EXAMINED the conpleted, qplicatioa fot pemrit, aln dD hereby certifg that aLL infomnatioi heveot is tmte atd, cortect, *td. I fwthet cett,)fg that @ry atl aLL wrk perfot'nted shall be Cona in accor- funee a*th tlte- fudinances of tho City of Sprtngfield' attd, the La,te of the State of Orcgot pettaining tc the ootk deecribel heratn, ad. thdt NO 0C' cWANCy vtLL be nada of dnV stuctue ttitltout pemrLesion of the tsuiHing Di,:isdon. I f,uther e*tifg tlnt onlg eont?dcto"s otd a-.ployees Dho a?e in conpliance- utith lRS 701.-055 tti,Ll be used on lhis ptoiect. Perntt ,ornt orrovllT Dt)E Sida,talk ELectvteal ta.bel o b ilIOAUT DUE ti.mes DLuision approsed pla slall ratain on the Building o at aLL { ,t 1UBTOT.4L