HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1973-05-29Building Application is hereby made by the undersigned property owner for permission to connect to the following described property to a trunk line sewer owned and maintained by the City of Springfield, and I agree to pay such a hookup charge of $3.40 per front of the property for the first 150 feet in depth to be served by such trunk line sewer in lieu of an assessment against the described property. An additional $0.02 per square foot will be charged for any additional property beyond the first l!0 feet. Property Description:Address : 4t0 l{orth trBttr S treet Boglnnlng 8t the Soutlusst corner of Lot 5, Block 2, Slnons Addltlon as platted and recorded ln Bok 12, Page 26, Lane Cannty, 0regim Flat Recorcls; thenre Ho:,th 53r 2ar27" Ueqt 77.95 feet to a point or. the Easteriy rlght-of-way line of Co.rnty Road I'lo. 1238 (&Eth Street); thence So'.ltturesterly along the Suthoaste;'11, right-oi- bray ilne of Courrty Road 1238 lI5 feet nore d' less; thence South 53c 2sr27rr East parallel to and 120 feet frm tha flrst Rentloned course 200 feet more or less; thence North 0'0!t'Lreet l&9.1C fec; to rire point of beglnnlng, ln Lane County, 0regon. Sewer hookup charge: ($f .r+O per front foot) $ t?or a $j 4n frant Eoat - $Lron nn This agreement has been computed as being one-hatf (*) of the equivalent cost of an eight (8) inch lateral sanitary sewer at the rate of.$3.40 per abutting front foot and does not include the cost of a house connection to said trunk sewer; sewer user chargesr plumbing permits or other such costs to be assumed by the pro- perty ou'rner. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. OREGON PROPERTY O}JNERS: By:Ilalen L. 01aon lRon --,r*n-'f iL 'g Date: May 8, 1970 T%A T4.-rn./t tJ-o ; STATE oF oREGoN )) rt County of Lane ) BE lT REMEMBERED, That on this-!$day of Usy , I93, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the said County and State, personally aPPea red the within names EeaJaoria t. Baeer sud Delortce Baear trusband and lri.fe known tomg to be the identical individualg described in and who execut ed the witnin instruoeht and acknowledged to me thatttrey executed the same freely and voluntEfi ly. kITNESS my h:nd and seal this day and year last above written. el Notary P I ic 5-29-73 My Cormission Expires CITY OF' SPR!NGF!ELD APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR TRUI,'IK L!NE SEWER HOOKE _: fur.+ ?b lc= cz n\rto \s:\rri {rr\ q fin Fl l-l\ i l- rlf,(,r .,' 0 4/ ,o'N 4 T4*41 asQ sr t GT(vI x 491. o /x4 I r! li\in \ {'i 1.o T ,,, o I rt xfr I \ I I I 7 493.1 ra a' 54 !* t,'a NT6si +x r' :, A.t')H?O 9t t 44.01 tc 76.t3 76.2' \t' '1 x 439.6 "490 0 il x { 5x s , Lx $ fI g- z ;xt, I I I I t I i i t) x 491.5 H-tu5JnAlt?+ 1t I "I i x 493.O t 3/z-, t {i .) +] T REES AI{D BRUSH 1) l l .J l x i92.f: 4ag.u \. 490.6 X ./ a J t 4C?'3 484.6 /. \ a hsl.B t zi6c Ia 1.. .*.. t _ .1 T 5t15 ,E 7 6rol T 6*e3 7t77 7 OtJT I t- \s 3t rf ?.o Nt\ l- I: Prl ..5,r N+ (/) I o\o*..q F. ssa\ott- x 493.7 46C: I \atv1 I 1 \ I t; :r I /I ai H -,.11 56 x'l 6lo(! ?..r1 I I _-/ et. 1 I ; i x I I I I I I i T -]--t_1_ THE.cRANToR coNvnys.to.rrustee, r;;;;.:$;"#'""^Ji*ii"rir-r;',;ti; wrr, powER oF 'ALE, the rolrowingdeacribed neat propertv, wtrictrto--;,;: a;""id three (st acreiTii-i.ie", Bc9inning at tire southeast cornerof that po-cion of ti:e iie::.lohnston Donation Land Ciaii-. No- 62, Section 32, Tor.rnship Isouth, Ilange 2 west of the l,filLariette Iuieridian, conveyeci toit. R. Robertson and wife, to weyerhaeuser Tinber co;inpany oy Deecl ::ecorded in Bool< 3L7, page 169, cated Ivlarch S, Lct46, L County Oregon Deed Records; thence North along che East bounciary of said.oortion 526.8 feet, nore or less, to the East boutrdary line of the County Road described in an easemenE, from i'treyerhaeuser Timber Company to Lane County, oregon, recorded January 6, 1953, Clerk's FiIe No. 946L6, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence Southweeterly al"ong the Southeasterly boundary iine of said County Road to a poinE on tire South line of said portion of the Ilerod Johnston Donation Land Clairt conveyed by ti^^e said deed of March 5, L946, and which point is also the Northeast co:Trer of that portion Of the A. W. I-iammitt Donation Land Clairn conveyed by Cyril M. Perry and rvife to Weyeriraeuser TircJcer Company by oeeo dated January L7 , L946, and recorded in Book 3L?, Page165, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence East aiong the South boundary line of the saicl above oescribed portion of the Herod Johnston Donation Land Claim 3L2 Feet, rnore or less, to the point of beginning,.in Lane County, Oregon, od 7 ane t lt EXCEPT: Begiirning at a L/2" iron pipe on the West line of Sinmons' Addition, 30 feet East of and opposite to Engineer's centeriine scation 18+89.1 P.T. back, and 19+00.6 P. T' ahead of County Road No. I23B; thence South 0o 05' East L39'4 feet io a L/2;,iron pipe at6he i{orthwest corner of Lot 5, Block 2, of said Simmonsl Add,ition; thence South Oo 05' East 96'0 feet to a L/2" iron pipe at the southwest corner of said Lot 5; rhence )io::-uh 53; 1O' 27" West 77.g5 feet to a i/2" iron pl-oe on the Easterl.y right of way line of said county Road No' L238i rirence,'orlowing said nasterly ri-ght of way 2O2'4 feet aiong I 3}6.48feetradiuscurvetotheieft,thelongchordofwhich bears North I8o 14, IT" Easc 198.97 feet tO the.ooint of :eginl:ing,allinSection32'iali'ownshipLTsouth'R'ange2 west of the wirrarnette Meridian, in Lane county, oregon- and the due date of. the last such- pa'vment shall be the dqle of maturitv of tlhis Hit"'#*"neficiary as provided bv para- Two: Payment "t=tioltiJiit"a"""cet' and interest thereon' wht t*rlfr::Ioi"v-.r,t of all other moneys herein agreed or provided to be paid bv Grantor. Four: performance of each agreement ;;;;;;; i"tii" contained or incorporatcd herein bv reference' - 7.^7 Pose:r lGo )r17- /d 4 rrt' ' FTra W(