HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 1976-10-11a&(tu", ft DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ()I:['TT O}- SP}TT}T'G]]']:EI,]f SPR ING I.-I EI-D. OREGON 97 47 7 0:l-ober 11, L976 346 MAIN sTREET 7 47.4221 Ulr. Greg Dolbin 740 South 38th Street Spr:'ngfield, OR 97477 RE: Hor.rsilg Code fnspection Dear Mr. Dotbin: Atyor]rrequestt]reBuildingDepartlEntoftheCiQzofSprirrgfieldmadean o".ipurrql iispection on October B, 1976, at the br.ildings located aL740 Souttt 38t-tr Street, Sprilgfield, Oregon. Ttre follcx^iing items were found thaL vrere il need of repair and/or were not jI ccnpliance *itfr the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springifeld: 1. ,Ihe bedrocrn door passage lock nmst be repaired or changed to be able to open frcm either side. 2, - An automatic <loor closer nmst. be installed on the door between tle house and the garage. A11 necessary permits nn:st be obtained before work is started and all work nmst be ccxrpleted- alcording t-o applicable codes and inspected before a Certificat-e of Conpliance is issued. If you have any further qr:estions, please feel free to contact t1e Springfield Building Deparbrent at 747-422L. Sincerely, Ir{arion Buildilg fnsPector I MJ: s;rn CITY OF SPRTNGFTELD, oR-EGON ( Bu{.ldlng DePartmenE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ttlo corc{f,loe EhaE the bulldlng and proporty.locatod aE has ecri intspected a ound Eo complY wl the o inoncea of the CIEY of Sprlngflold, Orogon. Greo i.,t r'; r'tOwnere Name Addre e a 3BUl Snri nofi eldCity Itene of apeclal consideratton are: October l--5, 1976 Dato lding Inspecto.f '-