HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 12/7/2020AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET EewfeFenee ReeAa 69-F StaffRevlew: Tuesday, January 5,2021 9:00-10:00a.m. 1. Final Master Plan Modification 811-20-000225-TYP3 811-18-000047-PROJ Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC Assessor's Map: 17-03-25-11/17-02-30-00 TL: 2300/1800 Address: Marcola Rd. & 28" Street Existing Use: Vacant Applicant submitted plans to modify the Master Plan to facilitate development, conform with adopted zoning, update phasing boundaries, renumber lots. Planner: Andy Limbird Meeting: Tuesday, January 5, 2021 9:00 - 10:00 virtual meeting via GoToMeeting The Complete DRC Packet for this meeting is available online for you to review or print out from the laserfiche website: htto://www.sr)rinafield-or.gov/weblink8/browse.asr)x VICINITY MAP 811-20-000225-TYP3 Final Master Plan Modification 17-03-25-11 / 17-02-30-00 TL 2300 / 1800 Marcola Road and 28" /31'' Street Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC November 2020 A K ENGINEERING &FORESTRY Andy Limbird City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 RE: Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Modification (Comprehensive) Pre -Submittal Checklist, Local File No. 811 -20 -000115 -PRE Dear Andy: Thank you for reviewing the Marcola Meadows Master Plan Modification (a comprehensive site update) application. This letter and accompanying information respond to your request for additional information that we received in the letter dated lune 26, 2020, attached. The list of additional information requested is shown in italics, with the Applicant's response directly below. Planning Notes: No notes Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application: 1. Conditional approval of the Master Plan modifications can be done subsequent to the initial Planning Commission review of the Metra Plan amendment and Zone Change. 1. Approval of the Master Plan modifications will be contingent upon approval of the Metro Plan Amendment and Zone Change already in process. 3. There are no "North" directional far streets in Springfield so the N can be removed from 18t' and 31" Streets. 4. Street naming and numbering far future phases will be subject to review and approval by the City through the Master Plan modification. 5. PIP standsfor Public Improvement Project. Response: The comments above are understood. Please see the updated Preliminary Plans for updated street names. Public Work Notes 1. Applicant has also prepared a Geotech reportfar a large portion of the site demonstrating good infiltration over the northwest corner of the Marcola Meadows site. Response: The comment above is understood and does not require a response from the Applicant. 1. The likelyeasement locations shown on the mosterplan/subdivision sheets appear to be adequate for this level of scrutiny. Additional easements or a change in exact width and alignment may be BEND, OR I KEIZER, OR I TUALATIN, OR I VANCOUVER, WA www.aks-eng.com necessary during the PIP plan design phase of the development. Either dedication of a tract or an easement far the Pierce ditch through the church site will be required. Response: Please see the updated Preliminary Plans for required dedication of the Pierce Ditch tract on the church site. It is understood updates to easements may be necessary during the PIP plan design process. 3. There are several items on this checklist that are best determined as part of the required PIP to be completed during the buildout of each phase. The general layout and concept of the design appears to be feasible to meet public works requirements for the residential phases north of the Pierce ditch, except as noted in the additional comments below. Response: It is understood the general layout appears to satisfy public works requirements and there are elements best determined as part of the required PIP process that will be completed in the future. 4. The required improvements and rehabilitation far the Pierce ditch need to be addedfar phase 3 or phase 4 in Table 5: Phase Timeline Table, and this would include the improvements through the church phase since that is downstream from the overflows of bath phase 3 and 4 and will need to be done to ensure the channel can convey the increased flaws. Currently, the channel is slightly under the needed capacity in this area far ordinary large events that occur almost every year. Response: Please see the updated Phase Timeline Table within the submittal materials. Required improvements and rehabilitation (e.g. removal of invasive vegetation and debris) for the Pierce Ditch are included with Phases 3 and 4 construction, and the multi -family, school, and church phases. Additional Public Works comments not related to the completeness of the application: 5. The Pierce ditch can remain in its current/ocation as proposed, but restoration work on the channel will be required, such as removal of invasive plants, removal of any obstructions in the flaw line, planting of trees and other native vegetation. The final restoration work may require some adjustments or additional area that is shown through the residential areas of the site and especially the church parcel. Response: The comment above is understood and will be addressed at the time of Site Design Review and the PIP design process. 6. It appears the developer is proposing using the existing agricultural access crossing of the ditch as part of the future pedestrian access from the end of the 18th Place cul-de-sac. The City will not accept this crossing/culvert/bridge as part of the public infrastructure as it wasn't built to any known standard, no known plans exist showing its construction and no inspection was not performed as part of its construction. Pedestrian connection from this cul-de-sac to the required north -south corridor between the school phase and the multifamily phase is required and will need to fallow the lot boundary between lots 139 and 140 and a new crossing of the Pierce ditch. This is also likely to be what is required for the sewer alignment to the south to minimize the number of manholes and turns in the public sewer line connection to the south. Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, the subject pedestrian pathway is planned to be located between Lots 231 and 232, along with the sanitary sewer easement. AVO Marcola Meadows Master Plan Modification (Comprehensive) November 2020 Completeness Response, Local File No. 811-20-000II5-PRE Page 2 of 3 Transportation Notes 1. The applicant's plans show the retention of the major access point onto the public system in line with the previously approved master plan. 1. The applicant's submitted TIA is under review and not yet approved. Response: The notes above are understood and do not require additional action by the Applicant. An updated TIA is included with this application submittal. 3. The narrative provided is sufficient to address the internal street network change associated with the removal of the Nodal designation and zone changes. Previous internal private streets needed for the Nodal designation are no longer relevant with the applicant's proposal. New streets proposed that were not part of the approved master plan must be reviewed under our current street network standards. Response: Please see the updated narrative included within the submittal, addressing Section 4.2- 105 Street Standards (i.e. block length, block perimeter, dead end streets, etc.). Additional Transportation comments not related to the completeness of the application: N/A The intent of this letter and the attached material is to provide all the missing information addressed in your letter of lune 26, 2020. In accordance with ORS 227.178(2), our application should be deemed complete and scheduled for a decision. Thank you for reviewing this information and please let us know if you have further questions. Sincerely, AKS ENGINEERING & FORESTRY, LLC Chris Goodell, AICP, LEEDAP, Associate 12965 SW Herman Road, Suite 100 Tualatin, OR 97062 503-563-61511 chrisg@aks-eng.com Enclosures Marcola Meadows Master Plan Modification (Comprehensive) Pre -Submittal Checklist Updated Land Use Application (includes the following) Updated Narrative Updated Preliminary Plans Updated Transportation Impact Analysis AVE Marcola Meadows Master Plan Modification (Comprehensive) November 2020 Completeness Response, Local File No. 811 -20 -000115 -PRE Page 3 of 3 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 FINAL MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION PRE -SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Project Name: Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Modification SPRINGFIe ti ELD it C OREGON Project Proposal: Modify the configuration of roads and utilities, phasing plan, zoning, land uses, and overall layout of the Marcola Meadows neighborhood master plan Case Number: 611 -20 -000115 -PRE Project Address: Marcola Road at 28"/31" Street Assessors Map and Tax Lot Number(s): Map 17-02-30-00, Tax Lot 1600 Zoning: Medium Density Residential (MDR) Mixed -Use Commercial (MUC) Overlay District(s): Nodal Development (/NDO) Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Applicable Refinement Plan: Refinement Plan Designation: Metro Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential (MDR) Commercial Pre -Submittal Meeting Date: June 26, 2020 Application Submittal Deadline: December 23, 2020 Associated Applications: 811-20-000081-TYP2 (Tentative Partition); 811-20-000117- TYP3 (Zoning Map Amendment); 611-20-000118-TYP4 (Metro Plan Amendment); 811 -20- 000116 -PRE (Pre -submittal for subdivision tentative plan) POSITION REVIEW OF NAME Prosect Planner Land Use Planning Andy Limbird 726-3784 Transportation Planning Engineer Transportation Michael Liebler 736-1034 Public Works Civil Engineer Utilities Sanitary &Storm Sewer Clayton McEachern 736-1036 Deputy Fire Marshal Fire and Life Safety Eric Phillips -Meadow 726-2293 Building Official Building Chris Carpenter 744-4153 Kiril Ivanov Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC 9550 SE Clackamas Road Revised 11/8/12 Chris Goodell AKS Engineering & Forestry LLC 12965 SW Herman Avenue, Suite 100 FINAL MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION PRE -SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST PLANNING o Application fee - discuss the applicable fees o Copy of the Master Plan Area reduced to 81/2"x 11" Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) ® 8 Yz" x 11" Copy of Master Plan Area o Copy of the deed and a preliminary title report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. If the applicant is not the property owner, written permission from the property owner is required. Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) ® ❑ Deed and Preliminary Title Report o Project narrative explaining the purpose of the modification(s) to the Final Master Plan, the status of existing development within the Master Plan Area (if any), and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken. The narrative should also include a list of all proposed modifications to the Final Master Plan to determine if the application will be processed under Type I. Type II, or Type III procedures. Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) ® ❑ Project Narrative o Final Master Plan Phasing and Timeline Where applicable, the Final Master Plan Modification application must include a new phasing plan indicating any proposed modifications to the approved phasing plan, including the boundaries and sequencing of each phase. Phasing must progress in a sequence promoting street connectivity between the various phases of the development and accommodating other required public improvements, including but not limited to, sanitary sewer, stormwater management, water, and electricity. The applicant must indicate which phases apply to the Final Master Plan Modification being submitted. If the applicant is requesting to extend the Final Master Plan timeline, they must indicate which phases are affected and shall provide a revised phasing schedule up to the maximum limit allowable by SDC 5.13-135.13.9. Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) ® ❑ Modified Phasing Plan ® ❑ Modified Master Plan Timeline Revised 11/06/12 o Modified Final Master Plan The Modified Final Master Plan must incorporate any proposed changes to the required elements of the Final Master Plan, including the plan area boundary; zoning, plan designation and listed uses; placement and appearance of principal buildings; public and private utilities; streets and transportation system capacity; site access, vehicle circulation and parking; landscaping; stormwater management; and protection of natural resources. Complete Incomplete See Planning Revised 11/06/12 Note(s) ® ❑ Prepared by an Oregon Licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, or Engineer ® ❑ Proposed modification to timing and/or scope of required public improvements ® ❑ Proposed modification to zoning, plan designation or discretionary use ® ❑ Proposed modification to public and/or private utilities plan including location, timing, and sizing ® ❑ N/A Proposed modification to incorporate newly adopted State or Federal regulations ® ❑ Proposed modification to public and/or private streets including changes to alignment, timing of construction, and connectivity ® ❑ Proposed modification to traffic patterns, including increase to number of PM peak - hour vehicle trips ® ❑ N/A Proposed modification to location and/or number of parking spaces ® ❑ Proposed modification to number and/or location of residential dwelling units or overall dwelling unit density ® ❑ Proposed modification to principal buildings: quantity, location, height, footprint, size (gross floor area in relation to original Master Plan approval), setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings ® ❑ Proposed modification to site design guidelines ® ❑ Proposed modification to location, dimensions or other characteristics of the landscaping scheme Revised 11/06/12 Planning Notes: 1. Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application: • Conditional approval of the Master Plan modifications can be done concurrently with or subsequent to the initial Planning Commission review of the Metro Plan amendment and Zone Change. • Approval of the Master Plan modifications will be contingent upon approval of the Metro Plan amendment and Zone Change already in process. • There are no "North" directionals for streets in Springfield so the "N" can be removed from 26' and 31" Streets. • Street naming and numbering for future phases will be subject to review and approval by the City through the Master Plan modification. • PIP plans stand for Public Improvement Project. Revised 11/08/12 FINAL MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION PRE -SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Engineer: Clayton McEachern Case#: 20 -115 -PRE PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING o Site Assessment of Existing Conditions Complete Incomplete See PW Note(s) ® ❑ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer ® ❑ Vicinity Map ® ❑ The name, location, and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed. For existing structures to remain, also indicate present use, size, setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings ® ❑ 0 The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services Department ❑ ❑ n/a The 100 -year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision ® ❑ The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department ® ❑ Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 '/1 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands, and rock outcroppings ® ❑ 1 Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table Revised 11/8/12 o Improvement and Public Utilities Plan must be in compliance with the regulations of SDC Sections 5.17-100, 4.1-100, 4.2-100, and 4.3-100 and must include the following information: ❑ Complete Incomplete See PW ❑ Note(s) ® ❑ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer ❑ ® 2 Location and width of all existing and proposed easements ® ❑ 3 Location of existing and required power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units, and similar public facilities ® ❑ Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site, including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points o Grading and Paving Plan Complete Incomplete See PW Note(s) ® ❑ 3 ® ❑ ® ❑ ® ❑ 7 3,4 97 Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) Amount of proposed cut and fill o Stormwater Management System Study - provide four (4) copies of the study with the completed Stormwater Scoping Sheet attached. The plan, calculations, and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. Complete Incomplete See PW Note(s) ® ❑ 3 Scoping Sheet and attached Stormwater Management System Study Revised 11/06/12 PW Notes: 1. Applicant has also prepared a geotech report for a large portion of the site demonstrating good infiltration over the northwest corner of the Marcola Meadows site. 2. The likely easement locations shown on the master plan/subdivision sheets appear to be adequate for this level of scrutiny. Additional easements or a change in exact width and alignment may be necessary during the PIP plan design phase of the development. Either dedication of a tract or an easement for the Pierce ditch through the church site will be required. 3. There are several items on this checklist that are best determined as part of the required PIP to be completed during the buildout of each phase. The general layout and concept of the design appears to be feasible to meet public works requirements for the residential phases north of the Pierce ditch, except as noted in the additional comments below. 4. The required improvements and rehabilitation for the Pierce ditch need to be added for phase 3 or phase 4 in Table 5: Phase Timeline Table, and this would include the improvements through the church phase since that is downstream from the overflows of both phase 3 and 4 and will need to be done to ensure the channel can convey the increased flows. Currently, the channel is slightly under the needed capacity in this area for ordinary large events that occur almost every year. Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application: • The Pierce ditch can remain in its current location as proposed, but restoration work on the channel will be required, such as removal of invasive plants, removal of any obstructions in the flow line, planting of trees and other native vegetation. The final restoration work may require some adjustments or additional area that is shown through the residential areas of the site and especially the church parcel. • It appears the developer is proposing using the existing agricultural access crossing of the ditch as part of the future pedestrian access from the end of the 26" Place cul- de-sac. The City will not accept this crossing/culvert/bridge as part of the public infrastructure as it wasn't built to any known standard, no known plans exist showing its construction and no inspection was performed as part of its construction. Pedestrian connection from this cul-de-sac to the required north -south corridor between the school phase and the multi family phase is required and will need to follow the lot boundary between lots 239 and 240 and a new crossing of the Pierce ditch. This is also likely to be what is required for the sewer alignment to the south to minimize the number of manholes and turns in the public sewer line connection to the south. Revised 11/06/12 TENTATIVE MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PRE -SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Transportation Engineer/Planner: Michael Liebler, P.E Case#: 20-000115 Applicant: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC TRANSPORTATION o Ingress/Egress Adjustments - information analysis and/or justification for adjustment of access points laid out in Master Plan. Complete Incomplete See Transportation Note(s) ® ❑ (1) o Traffic Impact -an increase of 10 percent or greater to the PM peak traffic related to the Final Master Plan requires a traffic impact analysis. Complete Incomplete See Transportation Note(s) ® ❑ (2) Traffic Impact Study o Parking Impact - an increase of 10 percent or greater to the parking supply related to the Final Master Plan requires a parking impact study. Complete Incomplete See Transportation Note(s) ® ❑ NA Parking Impact Study o Internal Street Adjustment - if the applicant proposes to alter the placement of interior streets by 10 percent or greater from their approved location, then documentation is required for this request with modifications maintaining connectivity established by the approved Final Master Plan. Complete Incomplete See Transportation Note(s) ® ❑ Documentation of proposed adjustment of internal streets. Revised 11/06/12 Transportation Notes: 1. The applicant's plans show the retention of the major access point onto the public system in line with the previously approved master plan. 2. The applicant's submitted TIA is under review and not yet approved. 3. The narrative provided is sufficient to address the internal street network change associated with the removal of the Nodal designation and zone changes. Previous internal private streets needed for the Nodal designation are no longer relevant with the applicant's proposal. New streets proposed that were not part of the approved master plan must be reviewed under our current street network standards. Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application: Revised 11/08/12 THIS APPLICATION IS: ❑ COMPLETE FOR PROCESSING ® INCOMPLETE AND NEEDS MISSING INFORMATION NOTED ABOVE 6/26/2020 Date This is not a decision on your application. Springfield Development Code Section 5.4- 105 and Oregon Revised Statutes 227.178 require the City take final action on a limited land use decision within 120 days after the application is deemed complete. The 120 -day processing period for this application begins when all the missing information is submitted or when you request that the City proceed without the information. You must indicate by either signing this form or by submitting a written response to the City within seven days of the date of this farm asserting your intentions regarding the provision of the missing information. If you indicate herein or in your written response that the missing information will be submitted, then you have 180 days from the date the application was submitted for Pre -Submittal Review to provide the City with the missing information. If you refuse to submit the missing information, then upon receipt of the full application packet and processing fee, the City will deem the application complete for purposes of starting the 120 - day clock and begin processing the application. No new information may be submitted after the start of the 120 -day period unless accompanied by a request for an extension of the 120 -day processing time. Upon receipt of a request for extension, the City may extend the 120 -day period for a reasonable period of time. The City may also require additional fees if the new information is submitted after the Notification to Surrounding Property Owners is sent out and a second notification is required or if the new information substantially affects the application proposal and additional review is required. I, the owner/applicant, intend to submit all missing items indicated herein to the City within the 180 -day timeline. Revised 11/08/12 Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Modification Application Date: June 2020 Updated November 1010 Submitted to: City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Owner/Applicant: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC 27375 SW Parkway Avenue Wilsonville, OR 97070 AKS Job Number: 7736 KIK ENGINEERING & FORESTRY 12965 SW Herman Road, Suite 100 Tualatin, OR 97062 (503)563-6151 Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Modification Application Submitted to: City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Applicant/Property Owner: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC 27375 SW Parkway Avenue Wilsonville, OR 97070 Applicant's Consultant: AKS Engineering & Forestry, LLC 12965 SW Herman Road, Suite 100 Tualatin, OR 97062 Contact: Chris Goodell, AICP, LEEDAl Email: chrisg@aks-eng.com Phone: (503)563-6151 Applicant's Transportation Lancaster Mobley Engineer: 321 SW 4`h Avenue, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97204 Contact: Todd Mobley Email: todd@lancastermobley.com Phone: (503) 248-0313 Site Location: North of Marcola Road and west of 31" Street Lane County Assessor's Map: 17023000; Adjusted Tax Lot 1800 17032511; Adjusted Tax Lot 2300 Site Size: ±100 acres Existing Springfield Medium Density Residential (MDR), Community Land Use Districts: Commercial (CC), and Public Land and Open Space (PLO) Existing Metro Plan Medium Density Residential and Commercial Diagram Designations: AVC! Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application -City of Springfield Pagel 1. Executive Summary — Master Plan Modification The Marcola Meadows site has been the subject of previous land use permits over many years, most relevantly, a ±100 -acre Master Plan in 2008 (the Marcola Meadows Master Plan). In 2018, a Modification to the Marcola Meadows Master Plan was approved by the City of Springfield. Most notably, the 2018 approval amended the zoning (±19.3 acres of Community Commercial to Mixed Use Commercial) associated with the expired site plan for a home improvement department store. This land use action resulted in a ±45 -acre Mixed Use Commercial (MUC) District and ±55 -acre Medium Density Residential (MDR) District designation on the subject site. In October 2020, the Springfield City Council approved a Metro Plan Diagram Amendment (from Commercial to Medium Density Residential) and various Zone Map Amendments. These land use actions resulted in a ±76 -acre MDR District, a ±15 -acre PLO District, and a ±9 -acre CC District designation on the subject site. The condition of approval associated with the decisions above require the Applicant to initiate modifications to the Master Plan for the neighborhood. Therefore, this Modification application submittal is necessitated by the Marcola Meadows Master Plan's approved changes in land use. The adopted amendments lay the framework to provide for multi -family homes, a new school, a convenience market, and a church site, as discussed in great detail in this written document. Preceding this application, several recent land -use decisions and developments have advanced the Marcola Meadows site towards the development proposed by the Master Plan. In December 2019, a 170 - lot residential subdivision (for single-family detached homes) was approved for the northernmost ±23 - acre portion of the property. In spring and summer 2020, an approved Property Line Adjustment (Lane County CSF No. 45090) and a Partition Plat (2020-132972) facilitated ownership transactions and put financing mechanisms in place for needed improvements across the site. A subsequent Master Plan Modification was approved in July 2020 (Case No. 811-20-000105-TYP2) to resolve infrastructure sequencing and allow continued progress toward construction plans. Phase 1A of the subdivision is currently under construction and close to completion; Phase 1C is following suit. Finally, the site is advancing with single-family homes and a comprehensive street network aligned as envisioned by the Marcola Meadows Master Plan. Therefore, Phases 1A through 2C remain involved in this Master Plan Modification application as specified and on the Preliminary Plans these phases are shown faded back for clarity. As illustrated on the updated Preliminary Plans, the Marcola Meadows Master Plan demonstrates an intentionally -planned community and contains a variety of housing types to serve a diverse housing market and accommodate residents. An efficient site layout and appropriate mix of residential and commercial uses will bring life to an existing urban property that is uniquely vacant in comparison to the surrounding area. In summary, this application involves the following modifications intended to facilitate successful development of the subject site: • Conformity with adopted changes to the underlying zoning • Updates to the phase boundaries, nomenclature, and timing • Renumbering of lots (to correspond with updated phasing) • Updates to the approved stormwater drainage report The Modified Master Plan is consistent with relevant goals and policies within the City of Springfield's Development Code (SDC) and satisfies the applicable approval criteria for Master Plan Modifications. This AVC Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page application includes the City application forms, written materials, and preliminary plans necessary for City staff to review and determine compliance with the applicable approval criteria. The evidence supports the City's approval of the application. it. Site Description/Setting The Marcola Meadows site includes a total area of ±100 acres and a configuration based on recently recorded Partition Plat 2020-P2972, which divided the property into manageable parcels to begin master plan implementation. Please see Property Ownership Information (Exhibit C) for documentation of the current property configuration. The Preliminary Plans show the adjusted property boundaries of Tax Lots 1800 and 2300. Additionally, the property is flat and currently exists as a grassy field. It is vacant and fronts on Marcola Road to the south and both 281" and 31" Street to the east. The subject site is currently designated with MDR, CC, and PLO District zoning designations, as illustrated in Table 2. Table 1: Description of Surrounding Area Ara Jurisdiction Zoning Land Uses North City of Springfield Public Land & Open Space (PLO) Public/Institutional (i.e. educational facility) Medium Density Residential (MDR) Residential Single -Family Phases (1-5) Residential District South City of Springfield Low Density Residential LDR Residential MDR East City of Springfield Light Medium Industrial LMI) Industrial Medium Density Residential Multi -Family Medium Density Residential West City of Springfield Low Density Residential (LDR Residential Community Commercial (CC) Public/Institutional (i.e. medical facilities, future church, etc.) Table 2: land Uses and Zoning Designations Future Phase Existing Base Existing Metro Plan Envisioned Zoning District Designation Land Uses Existing Zoning Single -Family Phases (1-5) Residential District Medium Density Residential Single -Family Medium Density Residential MDR Multi -Family Phase Residential District Medium Density Residential Multi -Family Medium Density Residential (MDR) Commercial Phase Commercial District Commercial Commercial Retail/ nity Commercial (C Convenience Market/ Coffee Shop School Phase Commercial District Commercial Elementary School Public Land & Open Space (PLO) Church Phase Commercial District Commercial Church Community AVC! Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Al Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 111. Applicable Review Criteria FINDINGS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Table 3: Findings for Compliance with Conditions of Approval AVC! Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Modification —Conditions of Approval (Local Case No. 811-18-000054-TVP3; Decision Issued July 16, 2018) Conditions Applicant's Response 1. Prior to approval of the modified Final Master Plan, the The condition has been satisfied. zoning of the property shall be amended as initiated by Planning Action 811-I8-000053-TYP3. 2. Prior to approval of the modified Final Master Plan, the The condition has been satisfied. applicant avill record a deed restriction stating that all the Additionally, as shown on the Preliminary residential unit needed to meet minimumresidential Plans, the phasing schedule implements density in the MDR zone (14 dwelling unit per net acre residential housing prior to commercial of MDR zoning area) and in the mixed-use/nodal n development area 12 dwelling 't t acre overall)uses. pmen ( gum per net will be constructed prior to or concurrently with any commercial develo mentin Marcelo Meadows. 3. Prior to approval of the modified Final Master Plan, the Please see the updated Phasing Plan within applicant shall provide an updated construction phasing the Preliminary Plans and the plan consistent with City requirement and the findings Transportation Impact Study for further of the revised TTA, including but not limited to ensuring information. The condition is satisfied. thatMarcola Road improvement are constructed prior to or concurrently with introduction of additional traffic generated by the Master Plan develo ment area. 4. The developer(s) shall design and construct each phase's Understood public road system using the City's Public Improvement Permit (PIP) process and in accordance with the requirements of the City's adopted EDSPM in effect at the time of PIP submittal. 5. The developer(s) shall design and build each phase's Understood public sanitary sewer system using the City's PIP process and in accordance with the requirement of the City's ado ted EDSPM in effect at the time of PIP submittal. 6. Prior to approval of a subdivision plan or site plan fir Understood Phases 1112 2112 3A and/or 7 of the Final Master Plan, the applicant shall obtain all required state and federal permits for work within delineated wetlands and provide evidence thereof to the Ci 7. The developer(s) shall design and build each phase's This master plan modification involves public stormwater system through the City's PIP process updates to the approved stormwater ordan a with the approved drainage report and nne management design and drainage report. mecting therequirements of the adopted EDSPM in The updated report demonstrates effect at the time of submittal. The final alignment and compliance with the required standards. configuration of the stornnwater mains, laterals, detention ponds, and conveyance channels shall be determined through the PIP process. AVC! Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page Marcola Meadows Phases 1 & 2 Subdivision —Conditions of Approval (Local Case No. 811-19-000262-TYP2; Decision Issued December 23, 2019) Conditions I Applicant's Response 1. The subdivision phase boundaries and The condition has been satisfied. nomenclature shall be consistent with the final Master Plan as modified in 2018 (Planning Case 911-I8-000054-TYP3 . AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page Marwla Meadows Final Master Plan Modification —Conditions of Approval Local Case No.811-18-000054-TYP3; Decision Issued July 16, 2018 Conditions Applicant's Response 8. To ensure a fully functioning water quality system that Understood .maintainable, the developer(s) shall install awater quality manhole of a swirl/vortex-type design that provides sufficient pre-treatment per the Washington Some Department of Ecology "Technology Assessment Protocol — Ecology" (T.A.P.E.) list prior to discharge to the public treatment pond. The developer shall design and install the water quality manholes as part of the PIP construction for each construction phase. 9. As part of the development review and approval process Understood for each construction phase, the developer(s) shall provide sufficient utifity easements as determined at that lime for all required udfities. Current City policy is for a 7 -foot wide public utility easement (PUE) along both sides of all public street rights-of-way. 10. As part of the PIP review and approval process for each Understood construction phase, the developer(s) shall provide utility plans with sufficient detail to provide for all uti ity access, ADA facilities, and required landscaping along the frontages ofall public street rights-of-way. 11. The applicant shall record the modified Final Master The condition has been satisfied. Plan document, revised plans, and conditions ofappmval against the property at Lane County Deeds & Records and provide evidence thereof to the City. 12. The applicant shall record a notification of Final Master The condition has been satisfied. Plan extension against the property at Lane County Deeds & Records and provide evidence thereof to the City. The timeline extension is granted to July 25, 2023 at which time the Final Master Plan expires. 13. The modified Final Master Plan document' revised plans, Understood and conditions of approval arising from Planning Action 811-I8-000054-TYP3 shall supersede the prior Master Plan recorded as Document 112008-043041 and the CC&Rs corded as Document 112008-039321. Marcola Meadows Phases 1 & 2 Subdivision —Conditions of Approval (Local Case No. 811-19-000262-TYP2; Decision Issued December 23, 2019) Conditions I Applicant's Response 1. The subdivision phase boundaries and The condition has been satisfied. nomenclature shall be consistent with the final Master Plan as modified in 2018 (Planning Case 911-I8-000054-TYP3 . AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page Marcola Meadows Phases I& 2 Subdivision —Conditions of Approval Local Case No. 811-19-000262-TYP2; Decision Issued December 23, 2019 Conditions Applicant's Response 2. The Final Subdivision Plat shall depict the The condition has been satisfied. The Phase IA/C Phase 1A Subdivision area as being the 100 configuration is illustrated on the updated Phasing Plan lots bound by the EWEB pathway to the within the Preliminary Plans. The previous master plan north; 31-Strect to the east, V Street to the modification application (e.g. Local Case No. 811 -20 - south; and Pierce Parkway to the west. 000105-TYP2, approved July 7, 2020) involved a Alternatively, the Final Subdivision Plat must modification to the approved phase boundaries of the be consistent with r Plan Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan in accordance with modification approvveedd under the standards n and process provided under SDC 5.13-135, to SDC 5.13-135. Ovide for a different phasing scheme. 3. The Final Subdivision Plat shall depict the The condition has been satisfied. The Phase 2A/C Phase 2A subdivision area as being the 70 configuration is illustrated on the updated Phasing Plan lots and one tract bound by the EWEB within the Preliminary Plans. The previous master plan pathway to the north; Pierce Parkway to the modification application (e.g. Local Case No. 811 -20 - east, V Street to the south; aad "27v Street" 000105-TYP2, approved July 7, 2020) involved a and the western boundary ofTract A to the modification to the approved phase boundaries of the east. Alternatively, the Final Subdivision Plat Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan in accordance with must be consistent with a Master Plan modification approved under the im ndardc SDC 5.13-135. and process provided under SDC 5.13-135, to Ovide for a different phasing scheme. 4. Prior to approval of the Final Subdivision As shown on the Preliminary Plans, the subject Plat, the applicant's PIP plans shall provide improvements between V street and U street are for full improvement of 31st Street from the U planned to be completed with the applicable phase of Street intersection to the northern edge of the development —Phase 3. Therefore, this application EWEB property. The street mprovements involves a modification to Condition of Approval 4. shall .meet City of Springfield requirements Please see the additional narrative responses for and include right-of-way dedication, paving, further details. curb and guffer, street trees and sidewalks. 5. Prior to approval of the Final Subdivision Understood. Additionally, the Phase SA plat recorded Play the applicant's PIP plans shall provide on September 30, 2020. for fill intersection and road improvements for the entire Phase IA and 2A area, including the western edge of the Phase 2A boundary in accordance with the Master Plan. 6. Prior to approval of the Final Subdivision Understood Play the applicant's PIP plans .oust corporate the following additional traffic calming modifications: (1) a compact urban mini -roundabout at the intersection of V Street and Pierce Parkway with raised center median as shown on the approved Master Plan; or (2) raised intersections/crosswalks with bulb -outs at the intersection of V Street and Pierce Parkway. All traffic calming components .oust be designed and constructed to meet the applicable standards in the City's Engineering Design Standards andj!' eedume Manual. AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page Marwla Meadows Phases I& 2 Subdivision —Conditions of Approval Local Case No. 811-19-000262-TTP2; Decision Issued December 23, 2019 Conditions Applicant's Response 7. Prior to approval of the Final Subdivision Understood Play the applicant's PIP plans for the subdivision shall provide for setback sidewalks along all public sheets within the subdivision area, including the segment of Pierce Parkway between V and W Streets and the segment of"27b Street' north of V Street. 8. Prior to approval of the Final Subdivision This application involves a modification to the Play the appliermes PIP plans for the application of standards required within Section 3.2 - subdivision must show and incorporate 225. This condition of approval is to be removed and decorative LED lighting that meets the affect all lots in the Marcola Meadows Final Master standards in EDSPM section 5.02.I.B. Plan. Please see the additional narrative responses for further details. 9. Prior m approval of the Final Subdivision As shown on the Preliminary Plans, the subject street is Play the cast -west street lying between V and planned to be named Tenya Street' The condition is W Streets shall have unique street name satisfied. selected that is acceptable to the City and the Lave County Road Namin, Committee. 10. The Final Subdivision Plat shall provide for As shown on the Preliminary Plans, V Street' naming is the "W Street' naming to extend the frill planned to extend through the curve described. The distance from the intersection with 31st condition is satisfied. Street, past the point of curvature at TractA where the road deflects 90° to the south, to the intersection with the unnamed east -west street between V and W Streets. 11. Prior m approval of the Final Subdivision Understood Play a 20 -foot wide public sanitary sewer easement centered on the pipe alignment shall be provided for the segment of public sewer main extending southward from the intersection of "27^ Street" and W Street to the manhole in the existing sewer hunk fine. The 20 -foot wide public sanitary sewer easement shall be dedicated by separate easement document recorded at Lane County Deeds & Records. 12. Prim to approval of the Final Subdivision Understood Play the applicant shall provide evidence of a wedand 611/removal permit or exemption from state and federal agencies for the extension of public sanitary sewer fines across the Pierce Ditch. AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page Marwla Meadows Phases I& 2 Subdivision —Conditions of Approval Local Case No. 811-19-000262-TTP2; Decision Issued December 23, 2019 Conditions Applicant's Response 13. Prior to approval of the Final Subdivision The previous master plan modification (e.g. Local Case Play the applicant shall relocate the No. 811-20-000105-TVP2, approved July 7, 2020) stormwater facility from the Phase 4 area to relocated the stormwater facility under the standards the Phase IB and 2B area of the Master Plan. and process of SDC 5.13-135. As shown on the Phasing The applicant shall construct the stormwarer Plan within the Preliminary Plans, this condition is Facilities as shown on Sheet 9.OA of the satisfied. Master Plan within Phases IB and 2B as part of the PIP process. Alternatively, the PIP plans and Final Subdivision Plat must be consistent with stormwater facilities and phasing in an approved Master Plan modification. The Master Plan .modification for the stormwater facilities and/or phasing shall be approved under the standards and process of SDC 5.13-135. 14. Pror in approval of the Final Subdivision This master plan modification involves updates to the Play the applicant shall provide a revised approved stormwater management design and stormwater drainage report and engineering drainage report. The updated report demonstrates plans for Basins BI and B2 showing a design compliance with the required standards. for stormwater treatment and discharge that Bets the requirements of the City's EDSPM (Chapter 3) and the adopted portion of the Eugene Stormwater Management Manual for design of stormwater treatment areas (Chapters 2 and 3). Alternatively, the applicant shall provide a stormwater drainage report and engineering plans for stormwater facifides approved in aMaster Plan .modification that show the design for stormwater treatment and discharge that meet the City's EDSPM requirements described herein. 15. Prior to approval of the Final Subdivision This master plan modification involves updates to the Play the applicant shall provide for a approved stormwater management design and stormwater quality treatment manhole drainage report. The updated report demonstrates upstream of the Basin BI, B2 and B3 compliance with the required standards. treatment areas (or as approved in aMaster Plan modification) and shall install the .manholes as part of the subdivision PIP. The treatment manholes must be sized per the manufacturer'. recommendations for the expected flow to be treated and .oust meet the City's requirements for pretreatment as determined by the State of Washington TAPE 16. Prior in approval of the Final Subdivision Understood Play the applicant shall prepare and submit a vegetation plan meeting City requirements for the vegetated stormwater treatment areas. Suitable native plant species shall be used in treatment areas that discharge to wetlands (Basins BI and B2 of the subdivision plan or as roved in aMaster Plan modification). AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page AVC Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page Marwla Meadows Phases I& 2 Subdivision —Conditions of Approval Local Case No. 811-19-000262-TYP2; Decision Issued December 23, 2019 Conditions Applicant's Response 17. Prior to approval of the Final Subdivision This master plan modification involves updates to the Play the applicant shall obtain a storm water approved stormwater management design and discharge permit or exemption from Oregon drainage report. The updated report demonstrates DSL for the outfalls to .napped wetlands compliance with the required standards. The condition including the 3151 Street ditch and the Pierce is satisfied. Ditch. Alternatively, the applicant shall design and construct a treatment area sufficient to provide 100% treatment and detention for the fun volume of runoff for the subdivision area that drains to either wetland feature. The runoff shall be designed to flow overland at rates that minimize volumes conveyed to the receiving wetlands. 18. Prior to approval of the Final Subdivision This master plan modification involves updates to the Plat, the applicant shall provide a revised approved stormwater management design and drainage report and plans that show a drainage report. The updated report demonstrates storm eater management system that does compliance with the required standards. net increase the discharge to the Pierce Ditch above existing, undeveloped conditions. 19. Prior to approval of the Final Subdivision Understood Play the applicant shall provide an infiltration test conducted by a licensed engineer in support of the revised ctormwater drainage report 20. Prior to approval of the Final Subdivision Understood Play the applicant shall dedicate easement(s) to the City for any public sturmwamr facilities outside the Phases IA and 2A boundary. The easement configuration shall accommodate the fun extent of the stormwater facility, including underground piping, and provide for access and aintenance. 21. Prior to approval of the Final Subdivision Understood Play the applicant shall depict the location of all utility lines, community mail boxes, and dated infrastructure as part of the City's PIP process. 22. To meet minimum separation requirements Understood for installed utilities, the applicant will be responsible for ensuring that buildings and structures are not placed avithin 10 feet of vaults and junction boxes and relocating utilities that are found to be in conflict with new or proposed driveway locations within the subdivision area, to the satisfaction of the City and the affected mility provider. AVC Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 10 Marcola Meadows Phases I& 2 Subdivision —Conditions of Approval Local Case No. 811-19-000262-TYP2; Decision Issued December 23, 2019 Conditions Applicant's Response 23. Prior to approval of the Final Subdivision As shown on the Preliminary Plans, Lot 10 has been Play the applicant shall provide for extension reconfigured to implement a stormwater facility per of the fill suite of public ufilides and a paved direction from the City of Springfield. The previous driveway from the street frontage to the master plan modification (e.g. Local Case No. 811 -20 - building footprint area of panhandle Lot 10. 000105-TVP2, approved July 7, 2020) relocated the stormwater facility under the standards and process of SDC 5.13-135. Therefore, Condition 23 is not relevant. 24. The panhandle driveway serving Lot 10 shall As shown on the Preliminary Plans, Lot 30 has been provide for 20 feet of clear width and be able reconfigured to implement a stormwater facility per to accommodate an 80,000 lb. imposed load direction from the City of Springfield. The previous if the driveway is required to provide a 150- master plan modification (e.g. Local Case No. 811-20- foot fire response access to all points on the 000105-TVP2, approved July 7. 2020) relocated the building exterior. stormwater facility under the standards and process of SDC 5.13-135. Therefore, Condition 24 is not relevant. 25. The Final Subdivision Plat shall provide for Understood private joint access easements at least 24 feet wide by 18 feet long as measured from the street -Facing property line at all locations where shared driveways are installed to serve the los within the development area. 26. Prior to issuance of any Building Permits for Pursuant to ORS 197.307(4), these standards may not los within the subdivision area, the be applied. The provisions of SDC 3.2-225 effectively applicant shall demonstrate compliance with preclude most forms of housing on the lots designated the solar setback requirements of SDC 3.2- MDR District and thereby lead to unreasonable cost 225. and delay to meet these requirements. Please see the narrative for Section 3.2-225, asserting compliance with the solar setback requirements should not be applied. This condition of approval is to be removed and affect all lots in the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan. 27. The construction plans for the subdivision Understood shall include groundwater protection construction notes as outlined in Finding 95 of the stuff report and decision on the subdivision, Case 811-19-000262-TYP2. 28. Prior to approval of the Final Subdivision Understood Play the applicant shall provide the City with evidence of wedand delineation report approved by applicable federal and state agencies. 29. Prior to approval of the Final Subdivision Understood Plat and initiation of any construction or vegetation removal activity within or proximate to the Pierce Ditch and the existing drainage ditch along 31•'Streey the applicant shall obtain wedand fill/removal permits or exemptions from applicable federal and state agencies and provide evidence thereof to the City. Alternatively, a Master Plan modification may be approved to change the configuration of the phasing boundaries to avoid impactin, the wetlands. AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 10 CHAPTER 3 LAND USE DISTRICTS Section 3.2-200 Residential Zoning Districts 3.2-205 Establishment of Residendal Zoning Districts C. Medium Density Residential District (MDR). The MDR District applies within the MDR designation and: 1. Establishes sites for residential development where primarily multifamily dwellings are permitted and the density range is 14 to 28 dvvelfing units per net acre. Density fractions will be rounded up to the next whole number. As specified in Section 3.2-215, Footnote 15, AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 11 Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Modification —Conditions of Approval (Local Case No.811-20-000106-TYP2, Decision Issued July 7, 2020) Conditions Applicant's Response 1. The modified Final Master Plan shall provide As shown on the Preliminary Plans, the subject for completion of the V Street intersection and improvements between V street and U street are 31st Street frontage improvements planned to be completed with the applicable phase of ncurrently vvi th the balance of the Phase IC development —Phase 3. Therefore, this application subdivision. Alternatively, the phasing involves a modification to Condition of Approval 1 (and boundaries and Phasing T:mefine Table shag to Condition of Approval of Local Case No. 811 -19 - be modified to provide for completion of the V Street intersection and 31st Street frontage 000262-TYP2, as described above). Please see the improvements concurrently with Phases 2A or additional narrative responses for further details. 2C whichever comes first 2. The modified Final Master Plan shall provide Understood for construction of the emergency access road between 31st Street and 28th Place, as generally depicted on Sheet P09, prior to o concurrent with construction of Phase IC' Alternatively, the emergency access road shall be constructed between 31st Street and V Street, as generally depicted on Sheet P09, if Phase 2C precedes Phase IC. 3. The modified Final Master Plan shall Understood reference the approved wedand delineation WD #2O20-0190 for the Phases IA, IC, 2A and 2C area, and the defineated wedand features shall be depicted on the Existing Conditions plans (Sheets P02 and P02A-D), and the Grading & Erosion and Sediment Control Jan Sheet P08. 4. The modified Final Master Plan shall specify Understood that stare and federal wetland fill/removal permits will be obtained by the applicant prior to any construction work occurring within the Phases IC, 2A and 2C boundaries. 5. The developer shall record a notification of Understood MasterPlan modification against the property atLane County Deeds & Records and provide evidence thereof to the City. CHAPTER 3 LAND USE DISTRICTS Section 3.2-200 Residential Zoning Districts 3.2-205 Establishment of Residendal Zoning Districts C. Medium Density Residential District (MDR). The MDR District applies within the MDR designation and: 1. Establishes sites for residential development where primarily multifamily dwellings are permitted and the density range is 14 to 28 dvvelfing units per net acre. Density fractions will be rounded up to the next whole number. As specified in Section 3.2-215, Footnote 15, AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 11 MDR lot area and dimension standards may be reduced through the subdivision application process in order to meet density standards. EXCEPTION: The minimum and/or maximum density may be increased in the Nodal Development Overlay District and transit corridors as determined through the Refinement Plan and/or Master Plan process. 2. Provides for a limited range of neighborhood uses that provide services for residents. Response: As depicted on the Springfield Zoning Designations sheet within the Preliminary Plans, a portion of the subject site is currently designated with MDR District zoning. It is understood the lot area and dimensions may be reduced to meet density standards. The site complies with the density range of 14 to 28 units per acre as demonstrated in Table 4, below. The minimum residential density required on the subject site for the MDR district is 14 units per net acre or 751 units. The maximum density allowed is 28 units per net acre or 1,503 units. As described in the application introduction, a subdivision for 170 lots is approved in the northern ±23 -acre portion of the site. As shown in Table 4, those lots are captured in Phases IA, 1C, 2A, and 2C. Phase 1A is currently under construction for the completion of 29 single-family lots. Phases 1C, 2A, and 2C are to follow suit. The remaining site area intended for single-family detached homes (e.g. Phases 3-5) is the subject of this MDR Density Calculation. Overall, Phases 1-5 plan to provide a total of 448 lots for single-family development. To meet the overall minimum required density on the Marcola Meadows Master Plan site, the remaining units will be developed within the multi -family phase. Because the City's density calculation provisions are based on net acreage (versus gross acreage), the density the site is required to provide is dynamic in nature. Finally, the properties created by a future subdivision application (e.g. 280 lots intended for single-family detached homes within Phases 3-5) comply with the minimum lot size and dimensions of the designated MDR district. It is understood the lot area and dimensions may be reduced through the subdivision application process if density and open space standards can be met. Please see the density calculation and Section 5.13-135 for further narrative regarding compliance with density standards. The criterion is met. AVC! Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 12 Table 4: Density Calculation for MDR Subdivision DENSITY CALCULATION SQUARE FEET ACRES GROSSSITEAREA 4,372,082 100.37 OPEN SPACE 43,946 1.01 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (MDR) SQUARE FEET ACRES GROSS AREA (ALL MDR COMBINED) 3,281,833 75.34 NET AREA (ALL MDR COMBINED) 2,338,853 53.69 GROSS AREA FOR APPROVED MDR ZONED SUBDIVISION FOR SINGLE- FAMILY DETACHED HOMES (E.G. PHASES 1A, 1C, 2A, 2B) 956,063 21.95 RIGHT OF WAY 250,010 5.74 OPEN SPACE 85,751 1.97 NET 620,302 14.24 GROSSAREA FOR MDRZONEDLOTS INTENDED FOR SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED HOMES (E.G. PHASES 3-5) 1,694,708 38.91 RIGHT OF WAY 428,245 9.83 OPEN SPACE 106,828 2.45 NET 1,159,635 26.62 GROSS AREA FOR MDRZONED LOTS INTENDED FOR MULTI -FAMILY HOMES (E.G. MULTI -FAMILY PHASE) 631,061 14.49 RIGHT OF WAY 16,896 0.39 OPEN SPACE 75,229 1.73 NET 538,936 12.37 MDR DENSITY UNITS/ NET ACRE MINIMUM DENSITY (14 UNITS/NET ACRE) 751.66=751 units MAXIMUM DENSITY (28 UNITS/NET ACRE) 1503.32=1,503 units TOTAL SINGLE -FAM ILY DETACH ED UNITS — PHASES 1A, 1C, 2A, and 2C 168 units TOTAL SINGLE -FAM ILY DETACH ED ON ITS — PHASES 3-5 280 units TOTAL SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED UNITS—ALL PHASES 448 units TOTAL (FUTURE) MULTI -FAMILY UNITS 303-752 units TOTAL ALLOWED DENSITY RANGE 751-1,503 units AV0 Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 13 3.2-210 Schedule of Use Categories Response: The site contains land designated MDR District. As previously mentioned, detached single- family and multiple family dwellings are planned residential uses for the site and are permitted (in addition to other residential uses) in accordance with the MDR District standards. The criteria are met. AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 14 Res'denrial Uses MDR Dw Hir Accessory Dn,clG Unit Section 5.5-100 P Attached Si le-fsmil dwellings Section 4.7-233 P* Detached Siv le-fsmil dwellings(Section 4.7-233 P Duplexes and attached single -Family dwellings in the SLR, MDR and S HDR Districts Section 4.7-142 Multiple Family dwxlling including triplexes, 4-plexes, quads, quints, P* and apartment complexes over 4 units Response: The site contains land designated MDR District. As previously mentioned, detached single- family and multiple family dwellings are planned residential uses for the site and are permitted (in addition to other residential uses) in accordance with the MDR District standards. The criteria are met. AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 14 3.2-215 Base Zone Development Standards Oro Development Standard Medium Density Residential DR Minimum Area East-West Streets: 4,500IS North-South Streets: 5,000 s . k IS Minimum SaeerF. e East-West Streets: 45 feet IS North-South Streets: 60 feet IS Duplex Corner Lots/Parcels Min./Max. Area 1 6,000 s . 1 IS Maximum Area 9,000 s . L Minimum SrreerPrev, e East-West Streets: 45 feet 15 North-South Streets: 60 feet IS Maximum Building Height (11)(12)(13)(14)(18) 35 feet (1) 6,000 square feet in area for a duplex corner lot/parcel in all reddeneal dimricts. This maad.rd may rely be increased as specified in (2), below. (2) 10,000 square feet in the MR District as specified in this Section and Section 4.9-140. 9,000 square feet in area for a duplex corner lot/parcel In the SLR, MDR and HDR District s specified in this Section and Section 4.7-140. These maximum areas shall apply only when the Property.—e, intends to divide thel.t/parcel with the intent to create ..Pam..—.,.hip for each half of the duplex. (ll) See Section 3.2-225 for residential building height fimati... for solar protection. In the SLR District, solar protection for abutting MR properties is required only for those loin/parcels north fthe proposed development. (12) Incidental equipment may exceed the height standards. (13) Height limitations within the Hillside Development Overlay District may be removed provided the additional height dues art exceed 45 feet and the base residential solar standards are met. (14) In the MDR and HDR Districts, the building height may be increased to 50 feet as specified in Subsection 3.2-240D.3.c. (15) In the MDR and HDR Districts, lot area and dimensions may be reduced through the subdivision application process as long as density and open space standards can be met. (18) Special building height standards may be established in Nodal Development Ovnlay or Otho special district standards (erg., Gleaaccul Man District), as determined through Refiaemem Mae aad/..Master Mae processes aad/.r the permitted building height may be -,dated by umber ofmodes or floors. Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, a large portion of the site is designated with MDR District. The base zone development standards listed above (e.g. lot area, street frontage, setbacks, building height, etc.) will be reviewed for compliance during future site design review. It is understood that in the MDR zoning district, lot area, and dimensions may be reduced through the subdivision process so long as density and open space standards can be met. Approval of this application does not interfere with compliance with applicable provisions, conditions, or goals intended from the modified final master plan. This application involves modifications to facilitate conformance with adopted changes to the underlying zoning designations on site. The subject lots meets the minimum lot area and street frontage requirements of the MDR zoning district; therefore, the most relevant criteria above are met. 3.2-220 Additional Panhandle Lot/Parcel Development Standards AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 15 A. Special provisions for lots/parcels with panhandle driveways: 1. Panhandle driveways are permitted where dedication ofpubhc right- of-way is unpractical or to comply with the density standards in the applicable zoning district Panhandle driveways shall not be permitted in Gen of a public street, as determined by the Director. 2. Panhandle driveways shall not encroach upon or cross a watercourse, other body ofwater or other topographic feature unless approved by the Director and the City Engineer. 3. The area of the pan portion does not include the area to the "panhandle" driveway. 4. No more than 4 lots/parcels or 8 dwelling units shall take primary access from I multiple panhandle driveway. Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, there is a multiple panhandle driveway access on 261" Loop, in the northwestern corner of the site. The driveway provides private access for three lots/units. An additional multiple panhandle driveway access is located on S Street, providing privatejoint access for three lots/units. Both instances are used to comply with the density standards in the MDR District, as described above. The driveways do not encroach upon natural or special topographic features. The criteria above are met. The paving standards for panhandle driveways are: b. Eighteen feet wide for a multiple panhandle driveway from the front property fine to the pan of the last lot/parcel. This latter standard takes precedence over the driveway width standard for .multiple -family driveways specified in Table 4.2-2. New panhandle driveways must not exceed 250 feet in length as measured from the front property fine to the pan of the rear lot/parcel. Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, the two multiple panhandle driveways will be paved 18 feet wide in accordance with the standard above. The driveways do not exceed 250 feet in length. The criterion is met. B. The Director may waive the requirement that buildable lots/parcels have frontage on a public street when access has been guaranteed via a private street, or driveway with an irrevocable joint use/access easement as specified in Section 4.2-120A. In the residential districts, when a proposed land division includes single or multiple panhandle lots/parcels and the front lot/parcel contains an existing primary or secondary structure, the Director may allow an cable joint use/access easement n Gen of the panhandles when there is not enough area to meet both the applicable panhandle street frontage standard and the required 5 -foot wide side yard setback standard for the existing structure. In this case, the irrevocable access easement width standard shall be: 1. Fourteen feet wide for a single panhandle lot/parcel in the LDR District. 2. Twenty feet wide for a single panhandle in the MDR and HDR District, or where multiple panhandles are proposed in any residential district. (6412) AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 16 Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, the multiple panhandle driveways meet the 20 -foot - wide provision where proposed in the MDR District. The lots have frontage on a private driveway with an irrevocable joint use access easement, pursuant to Section 4.2-120.A and as described above. The criteria are met. 3.2-225 Base Solar Development Standards A. Budding Placement for Solar Protection. All buildings in the LDR and MDR Districts shag protect the solar access of neighboring residential lots/parcels unless specified elsewhere in this Code. 1. Solar Setback Standard. The proposed building shall comply with 1 ofthe Subsections below. a. Solar Setback. The solar setback of the shade point shall be greater than or equal to the setback specified in Table 3.2-1 or as computed using the following formula. SSB = (2.5 x SPH) + (N/2) - 75 Where: SSB = The solar setback (the horizontal distance between the shade point and the Northern lot/parcel fine in feet, (See Figure 3.2-A); SPH = The height ofthe shade point in feet (See Figures 3.2-D and E); and N = The north -south dimension in feet' provided that a north - south dimension more than 90 feet shall use a value of90 feet for this calculation. Provided, the solar setback of the shade point may be decreased 2.5 feet above the amount calculated using the formula or Table 3.2-A for each foot that the average grade at the rear property line exceeds the average grade at the front property fine. b. Alternative Standard: Maximum Shade Point Height. The maximum height of the shade point shall be less than or equal to the height specified in Table 3.2-B or as computed using the following formula: SPH = (2x SSB)- N + 150 5 provided, the maximum allowed height ofthe shade point may be increased 1 foot above the amount calculated using the formula or Table 3.2-2 for each foot that the average grade at the rear property fine exceeds the average grade at the front property fine. c. Performance Option. The proposed building shall notshade re than 20 percent of the south-fihdng wall of existing habitable buildings, or, where applicable, the proposed building will comply with Section 3B or 3C of the Solar Design Standards. If Section 3B is used, the shade point of the building shall be setback from the solar building fine 2.5 feet for every 1 -foot ofheight ofthe shade point The solar setback for panhandle lots/parcels is calculated on the north -south dimension of the pan portion of the lot/parcel. The southern -most lot/ parcel, with a north south dimension less than 60 AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 17 feet in the pan portion of the lot/parcel shall have a restricted building height of21 feet. Exemptions. A building is exempt from the Solar Setback Standards when any ofthe following conditions exist: a. Slopes. The lot/parcel on which the building is located has an average slope 20 percent or more in a direction greater than 45 degrees east or west oftrue south. b. Pre-existing Shade. The building will shade an area that is shaded by one or more of the following: i. An existing or approved building or structure; A topographic feamre;or u.. A non-exempt tree that will remain after development of the site. It is assumed that a tree will remain after development if it is situated in a required setback; or it is part of a developed area, public park, or legally reserved open space; or it is part oflandscaping required pursuant to this Code. A duly executed covenant also can be used to preserve trees causing the shade. Insignificant Benefit The proposed building shades one or more of the following: i. A non -developable area, for example, designated open space or streets, or a public use, which does not need solar access (park land, street, public facility) or similar uses. tt. The wall of an unheated space, for example a garage, excluding solar greenhouses and other similar solar structures. u.. Shade less than 20 square feet of south -Facing glutting. B. Building Height Restrictions for Solar Protection. In residential districts, the maximum building height is determined by solar access considerations, as specified in Section 3.2-215. No building is required to be less than 21 feet in height when set back from the northern lot/parcel fine a minimum of 1/2 of the north -south dimension. Where the HDR District abuts an LDR or MDR District' the building height standard ofthe HDR Districtis 1 ofthe following: Response: This application involves modification to the applicability of the standards required within this section. In this instance, the Modification applies to the Marcola Meadows Master Plan site as a whole and includes Phases IA, 1C, 2A, and 2C. As shown on the Preliminary Plans, the residential area of the site is designated with MDR District. Therefore, the standards of Section 3.2-225 are applicable to the northerly residential portion of the site and the multi -family phase. To protect the solar access of neighboring residential lots, new buildings must comply with the building height restrictions and shade point calculations outlined above. The following Solar Setback Diagram (Figure 1) illustrates a two-story house can meet the required building setbacks but is unable to achieve the required solar setbacks upon the AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 18 shadow effect produced. Consequently, the solar setbacks effectively preclude most forms of housing on these lots and thereby lead to unreasonable cost and delay to meet these requirements. Pursuant to ORS 197.307(4), a local government may adopt and apply only clear and objective standards, conditions, and procedures regulating the development of housing, and may not have the effect of discouraging housing through unreasonable cost or delay. 1: notal aerna LN Solar Setback Formula. Lot 2: Lola' SSli Soler Setbank SS[l3x2b)+(35/2)-75 SSB -(2 n#5)+13512) SPH -Shade Point Height N=North-South Let Dimenmen SSR -125 558=5 556=(25x5PH}r{N/2f 15 Lot 3: Lot S: SSE -(25i 0)-(40/2-75 SSB=(2.5x35)+(00/2)-75 SSB -20 SSB=20 West Elevation 'N MARCOLA MEADOWS Lots 2-5 Solar Setback CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LANE COUNTY, OR 04/13/20 Additionally, the Applicant received a waiver of solar setback standards (Exhibit H) for several lots in the Phase 1A portion of the site. The waiver acknowledges that imposition of the standards of Section 3.2-225 result in unreasonable cost of delay and specifies the City's determination to waive these standards, consistent with ORS 197.307(4), for those applicable lots. This application demonstrates the imposition of solar development standards continue to cause unreasonable cost and delay for the lots intended for residential use. Pursuant to SDC 3.2-205, the intent of the MDR District is to "establish sites for residential development where primarily multi -family dwellings are permitted." It is understood in the MDR District the lot area and dimensions may be reduced to meet density standards. As shown in Figure 1, the lots which meet building setbacks cannot meet solar setbacks. In turn, to meet density, lot size may be reduced — and to meet solar setbacks, building setbacks must be increased. A policy that increases property line setbacks and tightens AVC Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 19 height restrictions is at odds with policies that attempt to increase urban density. Furthermore, Section 3.2-225 imposes relatively steep costs in housing design and restricts property rights. The Springfield Comprehensive Plan discusses policies and implementation actions to plan for growth and needed housing. Policy HA asserts Springfield will "continue to identify and remove regulatory barriers to siting and constructing higher density housing types in the existing medium and high-density residential districts." This application upholds Policy HA and supports removal of the regulation based on the unreasonable cost and delay of needed housing provided by the site. Therefore, this application involves a modification to remove compliance with the provisions of SDC 3.2-225 for all the lots intended for residential use within the Marcola Meadows Master Plan site. 3.2-240 Multi Unit Design Standards A. Applicability. In all residential districts, multi -unit development (3 or more attached units) shall comply with the design standards of this Section. In cases where the standards of this Subsection conflict avith other standards in this Code, the standards of this Section shall prevail. B. Purpose. The purpose ofthis Section is to: 1. Promote the livability, neighborhood compatibility and public safety ofmuld-unit housing in the community-, and 2. Promote higher residential densities inside the urban growth boundary that will utilize existing infrastructure and improve the efficiency ofpubflc services and facilities. C. Review. All multi -unit developments shall be reviewed as a Type II Site Plan Review application as specified in Section 5.17-100. The Director may also determine that a mull -unit developmentis subject to a Type III reviewwhen itis in the public interest. In addition, the applicant may choose the Type III Alternative Design procedure specified in Section 3.2-245 when proposing an innovative design that may preclude compliance with some or all ofthedesign standards in this Section. Response: This project anticipates future multi -family housing that will be required to meet the design standards of this section. As specified above, compliance with the applicable standards will be reviewed and determined during future Site Plan Review. Therefore, the remainder of this section has been omitted for brevity purposes. Section 3.2,300 Commercial Zoning Districts 3.2,305 Establishment of Commercial Zoning Districts The following commercial zoning districts are established: B. Community Commercial District (CC). The CC District establishes sites to provide for a wide range ofremil sales, service and professional office use and also includes all existing strip commercial areas. Response: This application involves modifications to facilitate conformance with adopted changes to the underlying zoning designations on site. As illustrated on the Preliminary Plans, AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 20 approximately 9 acres of the master planned site are designated Community Commercial (CC) District zoning. As described in this written narrative, a portion of the Marcola Meadows Master Plan site is planned for religious activities and a local convenience store (e.g. neighborhood market, coffee shop, etc.). Therefore, this application demonstrates compliance with the criteria of this section. 3.2,310 Schedule of Use Categories The following uses are permitted in the districts as indicated subject to the provisions, additional restrictions and exceptions specified in this Code. Uses not specifically fisted may be approved as specified in Section 5.11-100. "P" = PERMITTED USE subject to the standards of this Code. "S"= SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS subject to special locational and/or siting standards as specified in Section 4.7-100. "D" = DISCRETIONARY USE subject to review and analysis under Type DI procedure (Section 5.9-100) at the Planning Commission or Hearings Official level. SITE PLAN REVIEW SHALL BE REQUIRED, udess exempted elsewhere in this Code. Response: As noted above, religious uses are permitted in this district. Additionally, commercial retail sales and convenience stores are permitted outright in the CC District. The planned uses align with the criteria above. AVC! Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 21 Cate o es/Ucec"UlfloCC Religious, Social, and Public Institutions Churches, temples and weekly refigious schools P Retail Sales ectiov 4.7-230 Covvevic.ce Stores P Response: As noted above, religious uses are permitted in this district. Additionally, commercial retail sales and convenience stores are permitted outright in the CC District. The planned uses align with the criteria above. AVC! Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 21 3.2-315 Base Zone Development Standards Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, approximately 9 acres of them aster planned site are designated Community Commercial (CC) District zoning. The base zone development standards listed above, including setbacks and landscaping standards, will be reviewed for compliance at a future site design review. Approval of this application does not interfere with compliance with applicable provisions, conditions, or goals intended from the modified final master plan. The subject lots meets the minimum area and street AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 22 Development Standard CC Minimum Area 6,000 square feet Minimum Street From e 1 50 feet Ali Panhandle Lots/Parcels Minimum Street 40 feet Frontage Maximum Lot/Parcel Coverage Lot/parcel coverage limited only by standards in other Sections ofthis code. Minimum Landscaping Minimum requirements defined by standards in other Sections ofthis Code. Maximum Parking, loading, and vehicular Lot/parcel coverage limited only by circulation area coverage I standards in other Sections ofthis code. Landscaped Setbacks (2)(3)(4) and 5 Finny Street Side Yard, and Through Lot Rear Yard Building Setback 10 feet Parking, driveway, and outdoor storage 5 feet setback Interior Side, Rear Yard Setbacks, when Abutting Residential or CI districts Building Setback 10 feet Parking, driveway, outdoor storage setback 5 feet Maximum Building Height 6 No maximum, except asspecified below When abutting an LDR orMDR District to Defined by the Maximum Shade Point the north Height requirement ofSeedon3.2-225A.1.b., r up to 50 feet south ofa northern lot/parcel fine a plane extending south with an angle of 23 degrees and originating from the top ofa 16 foot hypothetical fence located on the northern lot/parcel fine. When abutting an LDR or MDR District to No greater than that permitted in the LDR or the east, wxsy or south MDR Districts for a distance of 50 feet. (1) The Dream. may .pave the .equ6emem that buildable Cary lotr/pamelc have 6onmge on a public street when all of the folio o:ng apply: (a) Th.Imc/pamelc have been approved a. part ofaDevelopen.mAre. Mon, Sit. Plan, Subd:v:c:on or Partition application, and (b) Access has been guaranteed via a pdwte sneer or driveway by an irrevocable joint use/access agreement as specified in Section 4.2-120A. (2) There are no setback requirements for buildings in the Duvcumwn Exception Area. (3) Where an easement is larger than the required setback standard, no budding or above grade structure, except a fence, shall be built upon or over that.... meet. (4) When addaonal righo-oGway:c eeguieed, whether by C:ry Errg:nee.:rrg manda.dc, rheMmo Plan (including the TransPlau), or the Gly's Conceptual Sneer Plan, setbacks are based on future right -f - way locations. Right-of-.vey shall be dedicated prior to the issuance of any building permit hat ircera.e.required parking. (5)Architectural extensions may protrude mm any 5 -foot or larger setback area by not more than 2 f t. 6 luddentalequipment ma exceed these height standards. Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, approximately 9 acres of them aster planned site are designated Community Commercial (CC) District zoning. The base zone development standards listed above, including setbacks and landscaping standards, will be reviewed for compliance at a future site design review. Approval of this application does not interfere with compliance with applicable provisions, conditions, or goals intended from the modified final master plan. The subject lots meets the minimum area and street AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 22 frontage requirements of the CC Zoning District; therefore, the application materials demonstrate the most relevant criteria above are met. 3.2-705 Establishment of the Public Land and Open Space (PLO) District A. Establishment of the PLO District includes the following categories: 1. Government uses, including pubfic offices and facilities; 2. Educational uses, including high schools and colleges; and 3. Parks and open space uses including, publicly owned metropolitan and regional scale parks and publicly and privately owned golf courses and cemeteries. B. The PLO District shall also be permitted on properties designated other than Pubfic and Semi-Pubfic as specified in the Metro Plan, a refinement plan, or plan district. Response: This application involves modifications to facilitate conformance with adopted changes to the underlying zoning designations on site. As such, Public Land and Open Space (PLO) District zoning is designated on the southern portion of the subject site to implement an educational facility. 3.2-710 Schedule of Use Categories The following buildings and uses are permitted in this district as indicated subject to the provisions, additional restrictions and exceptions specified in this Code. "P" = PERMITTED USE subject to the standards of this Code. "S"= SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS subject to special locational and/or siting standards as specified in Section 4.7-100. "D" = DISCRETIONARY USE subject to review and analysis under Type DI procedure (Section 5.9-100) at the Planning Commission or Hearings Official level. SITE PLAN REVIEW SHALL BE REQUIRED, unless exempted elsewhere in this Code. Primary Uses (Section 4.7- 2(k3) Education Colleges S High Schools S Private/Public Elementary and Middle Schools S Response: As noted above, educational facilities are permitted in this district subject to special locational and/or siting standards as specified in 4.7-100. The site is planned for a future public elementary school in conjunction with the Springfield Public School District. Therefore, the application demonstrates compliance with the criteria above. AVC! Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 23 3.2-715 Base Zone Development Standards The following base zone development standards are established. The base zone development standards of this Section and any other additional provisions, restrictions, or exceptions specified in this Code shall apply. Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, a±15 -acre portion of the site is designated PLO District zoning. The base zone development standards listed above (e.g. building setbacks, lot coverage, landscaping, building height, etc.) will be reviewed for compliance during future site design review. This application involves modifications to facilitate conformance with adopted changes to the underlying zoning designations on site. There is no minimum lot/parcel size in the PLO District; therefore, the application materials demonstrate the most relevant criteria above are met. CHAPTER 4 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Section 4.2-100 Infrastructure Standards—Transportation 4.2-105 Public Streets A. General Provisions. AVC! Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 24 Minimum Lot/parcel Size None Lot/parcel Coverage and Planting Standard Parking, driveways and structures shall not teed 65 percent of the development area At least 25 percent of the development area shall be landscaped. EXCEPTION: In the Downtown Exception Area, there shall be no minimum lot coverage standards and no minimum planted area, except for parking lots 6. Landscaped Setbacksill, 3 and 4 StreetSetback 15 feet 6 Residential Property Live 20 feet 6 Parking and Driversay 5 feet Maximum Building Height(5) None, unless abutting residential district PLO District abuts Residential District When a PLO District abuts a residential district, dte maximum building height shall be defined as the height standard of the applicable residential district for a distance of 50 feet measured from the boundary ofthe adjacent residential zoning district Beyond the 50 -foot measurement' there is no building he' htfirnitation. (1) Whets as eacemmtic large. thea the .ego:.ed sntback maada.d, ao beading o. abovegmde structure, except a face, shall be boat upon of over that easement. (2) Whea addaonal.:gho-of-ways.ego:.ed,.vhethe. byCa Hag:aee.is, m.d-d., the Mme Moa frscludiag Tea—Plan), or the City's Concepmal Sueet Plan, setbacks are based on future.ight-of-way locations. Dedication of needed nght-f-.pay shall be required prior to the issuance of any bnadiag permit that increases pinking or g.oss A— area. (3) Suuct—al extensions may extend into any 5-footo. larger setback area by not more than 2 feet. (4) In thelowc—t a Exception A.ea, there are no minimum setbacks for adminisuame offices and other public uses listed undv Section 3.2-710. (5) Incidental equipment may exceed the height standards. (6) In theDowntuwa Exception A.ee, there shall be no minimum planted area except for parking lots as specified elsesshe.e is this Code Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, a±15 -acre portion of the site is designated PLO District zoning. The base zone development standards listed above (e.g. building setbacks, lot coverage, landscaping, building height, etc.) will be reviewed for compliance during future site design review. This application involves modifications to facilitate conformance with adopted changes to the underlying zoning designations on site. There is no minimum lot/parcel size in the PLO District; therefore, the application materials demonstrate the most relevant criteria above are met. CHAPTER 4 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Section 4.2-100 Infrastructure Standards—Transportation 4.2-105 Public Streets A. General Provisions. AVC! Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 24 1. All public streets and alleys must be improved as specified in this Code and must be dedicated through the approval of a subdivision plat or by acceptance ofa deed approved by the City. 2. Functional Classification ofStreets. The City's street system consists ofstreets that are classified as Major and Minor Arteria] streets, Major and Minor Collector streets, Local streets and Alleys, conslstentwith the Springfield Transportation System Plan (Figure 2) and the Feded/y Designated Roadway Functional Classification map, contained in the Regional Transportation Plan. Local Streets include all streets not classified as Arterial or Collector streets. 3. New connections to arterials and state highways must be consistent with any designated access management category. B. An applicant may be required to prepare a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) to identify potential traffic impacts from proposed development and needed mitigation .measures. A TIS is required if any of the following criteria are mer. Response: This application involves modifications to the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan; as such, new streets that were not part of the approved Master Plan must be reviewed under the current transportation infrastructure standards. The following narrative sections demonstrate compliance with the applicable provisions. As shown on the Preliminary Plans, public streets are designed to meet the provisions of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) and the Springfield Transportation System Plan (TSP). The updated Transportation Impact Study (TIS) within Exhibit F demonstrates compliance with the applicable transportation standards specified in the SDC and concludes the Marcola Meadows Master Plan site will accommodate the planned capacity generated by the project. Please see the TIS for further information. The criterion above is met. C. Minimum streetrurb-to-curbeviddes andminimum street right-of-way widths are s specified in Table 4.2-1, unless otherwise indicated in the Springfield Transportation System Plan, an applicable Refinement Plan, Plan District, Master Plan, Conceptual Development Plan, or the adopted bicycle and pedestrian plan; where necessary ssary to achieve right -of --way and street aligmmenr or needed tomeet site-specific engineering standards, including but not limited to requirements for multi -way boulevard and/or .modern roundabout designs. Example street layouts meeting .minimum street standards are provided in Figures 4.2-B through 4.2-V for illustrative purposes only. These Figures are intended to demonstrate potential street configurations that meet the requirements. Response: The Street Plan with Cross Sections within the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B) details the planned Local Street and Collector Street Sections as specified in Table 4.2-1. The criterion above is met. D. Street NetworkSmndards---General Criteria. Response: This application involves modifications to the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan; as such, new streets that were not part of the approved Master Plan must be reviewed under the current transportation infrastructure standards. Therefore, this project involves review of a few new streets (within a transportation network generally approved in the AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 25 Master Plan) that provides infrastructure for needed housing. As such, the Applicant elects review under the Needed Housing Street Network Standards of Section 4.2-105.E, below. The criterion above is not relevant to this project. E. Street Network Standards—Needed Housing. The development of needed housing, as defined in ORS 197.303, must meet the following street network standards, unless the applicant elects review under the general criteria in Section 4.2-105D. Response: This application involves modifications to the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan; as such, new streets that were not part of the approved Master Plan must be reviewed under the current transportation infrastructure standards. Therefore, this project involves review of a few new streets (within a transportation network generally approved in the Master Plan) that provides infrastructure for needed housing. A future subdivision application will be submitted that provides needed housing within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary in accordance with ORS197.303. The criterion above is applicable. 1. Collector and Arterial Streets. Subject to the standards of this Code, the location of collector and arterial streets most comply with the Transportation System Plan, including the Conceptual StreetMap. Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, the locations of Collector Streets remain unchanged from the approved Master Plan. This application does not involve a modification to the provision above. The criterion is met, though not particularly relevant. 2. Local Streets. The local street network must meet the following standards: Response: This application involves modifications to the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan; as such, new streets that were not part of the approved Master Plan must be reviewed under the current transportation infrastructure standards. The Street Plan with Cross Sections within the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B) details the planned Local Street and Collector Street Sections as specified in Table 4.2-1. Public and private streets are designed to meet the provisions of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) and the Springfield Transportation System Plan (TSP). The updated TIS within Exhibit F demonstrates compliance with the applicable transportation standards specified in the SDC. The criterion above is met. New local streets, pedestrian accessways, and multiuse paths within a development area must connect to all existing or planned local streets, accessways, and multiuse paths, respectively, including truncated or 'stub" streets, accessways, or multiuse paths that abut the development area•For the purposes of this Section, a planned street, accessway, or multiuse path means unimproved dedicated right-of-way; a street or multiuse path adopted in the Transportation System Plan; or a street, a way, or multiuse path shown in an approved Master Plan, Site Plan, Conceptual Development Plan, or Subdivision Plan. Response: New local streets, pedestrian accessways, and multi -use paths within the Marcola Meadows Master Plan adjoin existing and planned infrastructure connections. As shown on the Preliminary Plans (and in line with the approved Master Plan), accessways are AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application- City of Springfield Page 26 provided on the west property boundary to allow connectivity to the Austin Park South neighborhood and the Eugene Water and Electric Board (EW EB) pathway to the north and the transportation network is interconnected to the surrounding area. Additionally, a new pathway south of the 281" Place cul-de-sac provides an efficient pedestrian route and connects to the accessway that spans south of Pierce Ditch, leading to the school, multi- family, and church sites. Furthermore, driveway access to Marcola Road for the updated uses of land in the southern phases of the site (e.g. church, school, multi -family, and commercial phases) are consistent with the approved Master Plan. The criteria are met. Where there is an existing or planned local street or multiuse path within''/s mile ofthe outer boundary ofthe development area, a w local street or multiuse path must extend to the outer boundary lines of the development area in alignment with the centerline of existing or planned street or .multiuse path. The new street or mithinse path and existing o planned street or multiuse path are in alignmencifthe angle between the projection of the centerlines of both streets is not less than 170 degrees or more than 190 degrees. Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, planned street connections and accessways that extend to the outer boundary lines of the development area are generally consistent with the approved Master Plan and remain unchanged. The criterion is met. Local streets spaced no greater than 600 feet apart from centerline to centerline .oust extend to all undeveloped or underdeveloped land that is adjacent to the development area, zoned or designated for residential or .nixed use, and 5 contiguous gross acres or larger. For the purposes of this Section, "underdeveloped" ..reams lots and parcels that are developed at less than halfthe minimum residential density required in the underlying zoning district. Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, new local streets modified by this application are spaced no greater than 600 feet apart and connect appropriately with existing and planned infrastructure in the vicinity. The criterion is met. The number of new local street intersections with major collector or arterial streets that provide ingress or egress to the development area must be the smallest number necessary to ensure that not more than 100 dwelfing units are attributed to any one intersection with a .major collector or arterial street, including via existing local streets that intersect major collector or arterial streets outside the development area. A dwelling unit is attributed to the intersection of alocal street and .major collector or arterial street that has the smallest travel distance from the centerline of the street at the midpoint of the dwelling unWs frontage to the centerline of the street at the boundary line of the development area. Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, planned street connections and accessways that extend to the outer boundary lines of the development area are generally in line with the approved Master Plan and remain unchanged. Furthermore, local connections that AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 27 intersect with Marcola Road, 28th Street, and 31" Street (i.e. a Collector Streets) are consistent with the approved Master Plan. The criterion is met. EXCEPTION: Street' accessway, and multiuse path center, dons to adjacent property under Section 4.2-105E.2.a though 2.d above are not required where the following barriers physically prevent their construction: railroad right- of-way, limited access highway or freeway right-of-way, existing development' streets that would be unable to meet the slope standards specified in Section 3.3-525, natural resource protection areas fisted in Section 4.3-117B, o Historic Landmark Sires or Structures established on the Historic Landmark Inventory according m Section 3.3-920 ofthis Code. Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, planned street, accessway, and multiuse path connections are provided to adjacent property, in accordance with Section 4.2-105E.2. The exception is not applicable. Developments must provide fire apparatus access roads as required by and in compliance with the Oregon Fire Code. Response: As shown on Street Plan with Cross Sections within the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B), temporary gravel emergency vehicle turnarounds and roads are provided at phase boundaries wherever necessary to meet fire department requirements. The criterion is met. Cul -desacs and Dead -End Streets. New and existing dead-end streets and cul-de-sacs must meet the standards for dead-end fire apparatus access roads in the Oregon Fire Code and the following standards: Response: As described in this narrative, new streets that were not part of the approved Master Plan must be reviewed under the current transportation infrastructure standards. As shown on the Preliminary Plans, 28th Place is a new cul-de-sac not shown on the approved Master Plan. As such, this section demonstrates compliance with the required provisions. Cul-de-sacs and dead-end streets that are not planned to be through streets are permitted only when physical barriers prevent the construction of through streets or stubbed streets that meet the local street network standards in Section 4.2-105E.2, or the block length and block perimeter standards in Section 4.2-105E.6. Physical barriers are railroad right -of --way, limited access highway or freeway rights-of-way, existing development, streets that would be sable to meet the slope standards specified in Section 3.3- 525, natural resource protection areas listed in Section 4.3- 117,, or Historic Landmark Sims or Structures established on the Historic Landmark Inventory according to Section 3.3-920 of this Code. Response: The new cul-de-sac at 28" Place is configured as a non -through street to protect locally - significant natural resource areas on site. An accessway is provided south of the 28th Place cul-de-sac to provide efficient pedestrian connection and minimal disturbance to the AVC! Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 28 Pierce Ditch, a local protected waterway as defined in Section 4.3-1178. As such, this section demonstrates compliance with the required provisions. All cul-de-sacs and dead-end ctreers, including stubbed streets required under Section 4.2-105E.2.a through 2.c above, must .meet the length standards in Section 4.2- 105D.3.b. Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, the new cul-de-sac at 28r` Place meets the 400 -foot maximum length standards in accordance with Section 4.2-105D.3.b. A cul-de-sac or dead -card street that is not a stubbed street mustinclude one or more pedestrian accessways or multiuse park connections from the cul-de-sac or dead-end street to an existing or planned street, accessway, or multiuse park when the cul-de-sac or dead end street is within'/. mile of a Neighborhood Activity Center, acured in a straight fine from the nearest outer boundary of the Neighborhood Activity Center to the centerline ofthe dead-end street at its terminus or the center point of the cul-de-sac. The accessway ort multiuse park must be locatedin a manner that would shorten the walking and biking distance from the cul- de-sac or dead-end street to the Neighborhood Activity Center as compared to the shortest walking or biking distance without the connection. Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, 28th Place is a new planned non -through street. An accessway is provided south of the 281h Place cul-de-sac to provide efficient pedestrian connection to the planned multi -use pathway south of the Pierce Ditch, in accordance with the provision above. Additionally, the accessway described above leads to a future public school and commercially zoned property, defined as Neighborhood Activity Centers (pursuant to Section 6.1-110). The accessway is configured southeast of the center of the 281h Place cul-de-sac bulb, as desired and expressed by City Staff in the Pre - Submittal Meeting held on lune 26, 2020. The criterion is met. EXCEPTIONS:An arcessway o multiuse path i not required where physical barriers listed under Section 4.2- 105E.3.a above prevent construction of any accessway or multiuse path under this section, or when no accessway or multiuse path would decrease the walking or biking distance from the cul-de-sac or dead-end street to the Neighborhood Activity Center. Response: 2P Place includes an accessway leading to the Neighborhood Activity Center. Therefore, the exception above is not relevant to this project. 4. Block Length and Block Perimeter. a. Block perimeter for a0 local and .minor collector streets .oust not exceed the following maximums: i. 1,400 feet in Mixed -Use Districts, consistent with standards in Section 3.2625Ep m. 2,400 feet for multi -unit development subject m Section 3.2- 240A;and AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 29 m. 1,600 feet for all other development and in all other zoning districts. Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, the locations of Collector Streets remain unchanged from the approved Master Plan; therefore, analysis of block length and perimeter for Collectors is not included in this application. This application involves modifications to the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan; as such, new streets that were not part of the approved Final Master Plan must be reviewed underthe current transportation infrastructure standards. This project involves review of a few new/modified streets functionally classified as Local Streets (within a transportation network generally approved in the Master Plan). As shown on the Preliminary Plans, S Street is a new/modified street. S Street has ±1500 - foot block perimeter and blocks which do not exceed 600 -foot lengths. The criterion is satisfied. Due to the approved transportation network and limited access points on 31°t Street, the block perimeter located between V Street, Pierce Parkway, 31a Street, and U Street is fixed. As shown in Figure 2 below, the updated alignment includes the extension of 30rt Place, resulting in a reduction in block perimeter and remains as consistent as possible with the configuration shown on the approved Final Master Plan (2018). Figure 2: Block Perimeter Comparison h 1 II I Iii 111 ly—U'LLJ-f —IT_ IAEET i 1,� 11 1 1 11111.1 lll'J 11 I I 1 II II I II �11 - 1 1 4 L F-71 ��a emEEr� ,�L � VIEPCE _ — J ^ ` d PMKIIAY �IPBEW_4Y __ i Master Plan Modification Approved Final Master Plan (2038) AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application- City of Springfield Page 30 The 2018 Final Master Plan established a block perimeter of ±2,100 feet, approximately 500 feet over the transportation provision above. The block perimeter of the approved street network and the updated U Street design (between Pierce Parkway and 301" Place) results in a block perimeter of±1,950 feet (i.e. a 7 percent decrease, or±150 less feet of length). Additionally, the block created by the updated U Street design (between Pierce Parkway and 30" Place) meets the maximum 600 -foot block length provision. As shown in Figure 2 above, the block perimeter approved in 2018 is as consistent as possible with the configuration shown on the updated Preliminary Plans. Furthermore, the modification provides a reduction in block perimeter length and a better alignment for U Street by straightening the curve extending from the U Street and Pierce Parkway intersection. Finally, the removal of the U Street cul-de-sac provides a street network in conformity with Section 4.2-105.E.3. Therefore, to the extent practical, the Modification is consistent with the provision above when taking into account the established street network and current block perimeter standards. Additionally, as shown on the Preliminary Plans, the V Street (i.e. Collector Street) block length/perimeter remains unchanged from the approved Master Plan. The criterion above is not relevant to this Modification application. b. Block length for local streets must not exceed: 800 feet for multi -unit development in residential zoning districts; and 600 feet for a0 residential development other than .multi -unit development in all zoning districts. Response: This application involves modifications to the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan; as such, new streets that were not part of the approved Final Master Plan must be reviewed underthe current transportation infrastructure standards. This project involves review of a few new streets functionally classified as Local Streets (within a transportation network generally approved in the Master Plan). As shown on the Preliminary Plans, the new streets created through this Modification meet the provisions above. As shown on the Preliminary Plans, S Street is a new/modified street block less than 600 - foot in length. The new block created on U Street (between Pierce Parkway and 30'" Place) meets block length and does not exceed the maximum 600 -foot length provision. The new block created on 301" Place (between U Street and V Street) meets block length and does not exceed the maximum 600 -foot length provision. The new block created on 26th Loop (between Fenya and V street), resulting from the modification of an approved cul- de-sac meets block length provisions. The remainder of the blocks within Marcola Meadows remain unchanged from the approved Final Master Plan. Therefore, this Modification application is in line with the provision above. Maximum Street Grades. Street grades must not exceed 8% on major and .minor arterial streets, 10% on major and .minor collector streets, and 12% on local streets. Response: As shown on the Preliminary Grading Plan (Exhibit B), the modifications to the internal street network are consistent with the maximum street grades above. AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 31 6. Intersections ofStreers and Alleys. a. Angles. Streets and alleys must intersect one another at an angle as close to a right angle (i.e., 90 degrees) as possible. Street nterseed ons est have a minimum intersection angle of SO degrees. All legs ofan intersection must .meet the above standard for at least 100 feet from the point of intersection of the street centerlines. No more than tw streets may intersect at any location (.e not creating more than a fouo-legged intersection) unless at a roundabout. b. Intersection Offsets. Intersections must be offset at least 100 feet on a local street, 210 feet on a minor collector street, and 400 feet on a major collector or arterial street' or the safe stopping sight distance as determined by the AASHTO publication "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets," whichever is greater. Offset distance must be measured from the curb or edge of pavement or, where there is no curb, to the closest urb or edge ofpavement ofthe next ffset street Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, the modifications to the internal street network are consistent with the standards above. New intersections (i.e. Tract J Private Road and 26" Loop; 26th Loop and V Street; 281h Place and U Street; S Street and Pierce Parkway; 30th Place and U Street, 301h Place and V Street) meet the angle and intersection offset provisions above. Therefore, this Modification application meets the criteria above. F. Medians. G. Additional Right -of -Way and Street Improvements. H. Where a development would resultin the need to improve a railroad crossing, or an approach to a railroad crossing, the developer must bear the cost for the permitting and improvements. When other property owners are benefited, other equitable means of cost distribution may be approved by the City. I. Traffic Control Devices. All traffic control signs, pavement .markings, street name signs, and other traffic control devices roust be in conformance with the U.S. Department of Transportation's Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (including Oregon supplements), the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedure Manual, and the Development & Public Works Standard Construction Specifications and this Code. J. Bus turn out lanes must be consistent with current standards in the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. K Street names are assigned as specified in the Springfield Municipal Code. L. The Director may require a developer to install traffic calming measures, including, but not limited to, speed tables and mini -roundabouts, to address public safety considerations on roadways. M. Special Street Setbacks. Response: This application involves modifications to the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan; as such, new streets that were not part of the approved Master Plan must be reviewed under the current transportation infrastructure standards. As shown on the Preliminary Plans, the transportation network improvements do not modify medians, require additional AVC! Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 32 right-of-way improvements, or involve railroad crossings. Traffic control devices will be provided for modified streets, as required. The modifications do not involve bus turn out lanes or special street setbacks. Street names will meet the Springfield Municipal Code and required traffic calming measures will be installed. Therefore, to the extent relevant, this application complies with the criteria above. 4.2-120 Site Access and Driveways A. Site Access and Driveways --General. All developed lots/parcels are entided to one approved driveway access provided by either direct access to a: a. Pubfic street or a0ey along the frontage ofthe property; or b. Private street that connects to the public street system. The private street shall be constructed as specified in Section 4.2- 110 (private streets shall not be permitted in Gen of pubfic streets shown on the Springfield Transportation System Plan, including the Conceptual StreetMap); or c. Pubfic street by an irrevocable joint use/access easement wing the subject property that has been approved by the City Attorney, where: i. A private driveway is required in Gen ofa panhandle driveway, as specified in Section 3.2-22013, or rr. Combined access for 2 or more lots/parcels is required to reduce the number ofdriveways, along a street, as determined by the Director. Response: This application involves modifications to the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan; as such, new streets that were not part of the approved Master Plan must be reviewed under the current transportation infrastructure standards. As shown on the Preliminary Plans, the transportation network improvements do not modify medians, required right-of-way improvements, or involve railroad crossings 2. Driveway access to designated State Highways is subject in the provisions of this Section in addition in requirements of the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT). Where City and ODOT regulations coni icy the more restrictive regulations shall apply. 3. As determined by the Director, sites with abutting parking areas within the same zoning district may be required to provide driveway connections or pedestrian connections internal to the sites and joint access agreements to provide efficient connectivity and preserve pubfic street functions and capacity. B. Driveways must take acs s from lower classification streets when development cites abut more than one street and streets are of differing classification as identified in the Springfield Transportation System Plan. EXCEPTION: Driveway access to or from a higher classification street may be permitted if no reasonable alternative street access exists or where heavy use oflocal streets is in -appropriate due to traffic impacts in residential areas. 1. Where a proposed development abuts an existing or proposed arterial or collector street, the development design and off-street improvements shall minimize the traffic conflicts. AVC! Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 33 2. Additional improvements or design modifications necessary to resolve identified transportation conflicts may be required on a case by case basis. C. Driveways shall be designed to allow safe and efficient vehicular ingress and egress as specified in Tables 4.2-2 through 4.2-5 and the City's Engineering Design Smndards and Procedures Manuel and the Development & Public Works Standard Construction Specifications. CHAPTER 5 THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS AND APPLICATIONS Section 5.2-100 Public Hearings Process 5.2-110 Hearing Body Jurisdiction A. The Planning Commission shall hear: 1. Type II review procedure administrative appeals within the city limits; 2. Type III review procedure quasi-judicial applications within the city limits; 3. Type IV review procedure legislative applications that require a recommendation to the City Council; and 4. Appeals as may be assigned by the City Council. B. The Hearings Official shall hear: 1. Type II review procedure administrative appeals within the City's urbauizable area and appeals of all expedited land division actions as defined in ORS 197.360; 2. Type III review procedure quasi-judicial applications within the City's urbanizable area; and 3. Appeals as may be assigned by the City Council. C. The City Council shall hear: 1. Type III review procedure quasi-judicial appeals within the city limits; and 2. Type IV review procedure legislative applications final decisions. Response: This application involves modifications to the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan. It is understood the application will be processed through a Type III review procedure, pursuant to SDC 5.13-135.B.1. Section 5.13-100 Master Plans 5.13-116 Preliminary Master Plan—Application Concurrency A. If the applicant requires or proposes to change the Metro Plan diagram and/or text, the applicant shall apply for and obtain approval of a Metro Plan diagram and/or text amendment prior to the submittal of the Preliminary Master Plan application. The Metro Plan diagram and/or text amendment may also require amendment of an applicable refinement plan diagram or Plan District Map. B. The Preliminary Master Plan may be reviewed concurrently with other Type III applications including a Zoning Map a endme u, Discretionary Use, Major Variance, or a Willamette Greenway Permit application. AVC! Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 34 Response: This project is associated with recent Metro Plan Diagram and Zone Map Amendments (Case File No. 811-20-000117-TYP3 and 811-20-000118-TYP4) approved by the City Council. As such, this application submittal complies with the above criteria. C. Subdivision and/or Site Plan applications that initiate the various phases of proposed development shall not be submitted concurrently endy with the Preliminary Master Plan. These applications shall not be submitted until Final Master Plan approval is effective, as specified in Section 5.13-133. (6238) Response: As stated above, a Subdivision Application cannot be reviewed concurrently with a Master Plan Modification. As such, Tentative Subdivision plans will be submitted in the future to accompany and update the Subdivision Application submitted on lune 16, 2020. Similarly, Site Plan/Design Review applications will be submitted in the future, as required. The criterion is understood. 5.13-120 PrefiminaryMaster Plan —Submittal Requirements The Preliminary and Final Master Plan applications shall be prepared by a professional design team. The applicant shall select a project coordinator. All related maps, excluding vicinity and detail .naps, shall be at the same scale. A Preliminary Master Plan shall contain all of the elements necessary to demonstrate compliance with the applicable provisions of this Code and shall include, but not be limited to: Response: This Final Master Plan Modification application is subject to the provisions of Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.13-135. This section includes a long list of general submittal requirements that may apply to a Modification of this type. In this case, most of the submittal requirements are included. However, the Master Plan Modification Submittal Requirements Checklist notes that all of the following items must be submitted. This narrative section explains the reason for omitting certain materials from the project submittal, as well as why this submittal does not constitute a new preliminary master plan. To the extent applicable, the submittal requirements are met. H. An Architectural Plan with maps. I. A Parking Plan and Parking Study. Response: As described in this written narrative, efforts are underway to modify the Marcola Meadows Master Plan to provide for a number of specifically -planned project elements, including a church, school, and multi -family homes. Architectural and parking design components are subject to several factors, including independent approval of Site Design Review applications in the future. As such, the plans described above are more appropriately included within the future Site Design/Plan review submittals. However, the Conceptual Modified Master Plan (Sheet PO -03) within the Preliminary Plan set shows a high-level vision of the site as a whole. Therefore, to the extent relevant, the submittal requirement has been met. N. Neighborhood Meeting Summary. The applicant shall submit a summary of issues raised at the neighborhood meeting as specified in Section 5.13-117. Response: This application involves a final master plan modification subject to the provisions of SDC 5.13-135 and the applicant is therefore not required to conduct a neighborhood meeting. O. A copy of all proposed and any existing covenants, conditions, and restrictions that may control development' ifappli able. AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 35 Response: The recently -approved land use amendments and updated Phasing Plan, among other modifications, necessitate this application but do not otherwise affect findings made previously by City staff and/or existing covenants, conditions, and restrictions that may control development. Please see Table 3 for detailed findings regarding compliance with conditions of approval that relate to the Marcola Meadows Master Plan. Therefore, the materials are not applicable. P. Annexation. A general schedule of proposed annexation consistent with the phasing plan, if applicable. Response: This application involves property currently within the City of Springfield; therefore, annexation materials are not included or applicable. 5.13-125 PrefiminaryMaster Plan —Criteria A Preliminary Master Plan shall be approved, or approved with conditions, if the Approval Authority finds that the proposal conforms with all of the applicable approval criteria. A. Plan/Zone Consistency. The existing or proposed zoning shall be consistent with the Metro Plan diagram and/or applicable text. In addition, the Preliminary Master Plan shall be in compliance with applicable City Refinement Plan, Conceptual Development Plan or Plan District standards, policies and/or diagram and maps. Response: The subject site is currently designated MDR and Commercial on the Metro Plan Diagram and designated CC, PLO, and MDR Districts on the Springfield Zoning Map. Therefore, this application is consistent with the diagram and applicable text. The subject site is not subject to a Refinement Plan or Conceptual Development Plan. This written document demonstrates compliance with the applicable Plan District standards and policies. Therefore, the approval criterion is satisfied. B. Zoning District Standards. The Preliminary Master Plan shall be i compliance with applicable standards of the specific zoning district and/or overlay district. Response: The adopted changes in land use (e.g. Case No. 811-20-000117-TYP3 and 811-20-000118- TYP4) necessitate this application. The Preliminary Plans and this written narrative document demonstrate the site complies with the applicable development standards (e.g. minimum lot area, street frontage, public utilities, etc.) relevant to the recently - adopted zoning district designations on site (e.g. MDR, CC, and PLO). It is understood that compliance with the future underlying zoning and overlay districts standards (e.g. lot coverage, setbacks, landscaping, floor area ratios (FARs), building height, etc.) will need to be illustrated and reviewed at future site design review. Furthermore, the site is not designated with an overlay district. Therefore, the approval criterion is satisfied. C. Transportation System Capacity. With the addition of traffic from the proposed development, there is either sufficient capacity in the City's existing transportation system to accommodate the development proposed in all future phases or there will be adequate capacity by the time each phase of development is completed. Adopted Stare and/or local mobility standards, as applicable, shag be used to determine transportation system capacity. The Preliminary Master Plan shall also comply with any conditions of approval AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 36 from aMetro Plan diagram and/or text amendment regarding transportation and all applicable transportation standards specified in SDC Chapter 4. Response: As illustrated on the Preliminary Plans, the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan will accommodate for the planned capacity generated by the project. The TIS demonstrates compliance with the applicable transportation standards specified in the SDC and concludes this Modification involves a considerable reduction in project traffic from the previously -approved Master Plan. Please see the TIS (Exhibit F) for further details. Furthermore, this Modification is consistent with the conditions of approval from the Final Master Plan (see Table 3) and the recently adopted Metro Plan Diagram Amendments (Case No. 81120-000118-TYP4). The approval criterion is met. D. Parking. Parking areas have been designed to: facilitate traffic safety and avoid congestion; provide bicycle and pedestrian connectivity within the property and to nearby transit stops and public areas. The Preliminary Master Plan shall also comply with all applicable vehicular and bicycle parking standards specified in SDC Chapter 4. Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, on- and off-street parking areas within the northern residential phases are designed to facilitate safe pedestrian and bicycle connectivity to and from the property. In addition to the detached single-family homes as described in this written narrative, efforts are underway to provide for a number of specifically planned project elements, including a church, school, and multi -family homes. The configuration of parking areas within the updated/adopted uses of land are subject to Site Plan/Design Review. As such, vehicle and bicycle parking for multi -family residential and various land uses will be reviewed and approved incrementally as detailed site plans are advanced for those portions of the site. Therefore, Criterion D is satisfied. E. Ingress -egress. Ingress -egress points have been designed to: facilitate traffic safety and avoid congestion; provide bicycle and pedestrian connectivity within the property and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas; and minimize driveways on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable City and State regulations. The Preliminary Master Plan shall also comply with all applicable ingress/egress standards specified in SDC Chapter 4. Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, the single-family residential housing access points on 31" Street are consistent with what is shown on the approved Preliminary and Final Master Plans. Ingress -egress points have been designed to facilitate safe and efficient traffic, provide connectivity within and from the site, and minimize driveways on 28th Street and 31°` Street (functionally classified as a Minor Collector streets). The Multi - Family and Commercial Phases share a future access point to minimize driveways on Marcola Road (functionally classified as a Major Collector street). The School and Church Phases are generally consistent with the access points shown on the approved Preliminary and Final Master Plans and transportation improvements associated with ingress/egress are discussed in further detail in the TIS. As demonstrated in the application materials, the Modifications comply with the applicable provisions of the SDC and are generally consistent with the approved Master Plan. Therefore, approval Criterion E is satisfied. AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 37 F. Availabifity of Public Utilities. Evsting public utilities, including, but not limited m, water, electricity, wastewater fdfides, and storu.vvarer management Facilities either have sufficient capacity to support the proposed development in all future phases adequately, or there will be adequate capacity available by the time each phase of development is completed. The Public Works Director or appropriate utility provider shall determine capacity issues. The Preliminary Master Plan shall also comply with applicable wifity standards specified in SDC Chapters 4 and 5. Response: This application facilitates various changes in land use (the southern phases) that necessitate this modification application and may impact staff findings from the master plan approval. However, Phases 1-5 of the site remain consistent with the approved master plan and do not otherwise affect findings made previously by City staff and/or conditions of approval relevant to sanitary sewer, water, or utility impacts and/or capacity constraints for the northern portion of the site. Specifically, Findings 23 and 45 assert there is adequate infrastructure capacity planned to be provided to the site. The updated Preliminary Plans demonstrate the planned modifications take into account the applicable provisions of the SDC related to utility standards. For detailed information regarding location, design, capacity, and function of public facilities, please see Exhibit B. Adequate public utilities, water, electricity, wastewater facilities, and stormwater management facilities will be provided with sufficient capacity to serve Marcola Meadows in accordance with the scheduled phases. Furthermore, this application involves updates to the approved sto"water management design and associated public facilities. Condition of Approval 7 requires the Applicant to "design and build each phase's public stormwater system through the City's PIP [Public Improvement Project] process in accordance with the approved drainage report." This application involves updates to the approved stormwater management design. As modified, stormwater runoff for Phases 1-5 is directed toward the facilities in the applicable portion of the site. The phase boundaries and lot numbers are updated in accordance to allow for the construction of said public facilities in a logical manner. Please see the Preliminary Stormwater Report, in Exhibit F, for further details. Public utilities are planned to be provided concurrently with each phase in accordance with the SDC. This modification is in compliance with Criterion F. G. Protection ofPhyslcal Features. Physical features, including, but not limited to slopes 15 percent or greater with unstable soil or geologic conditions, areas with susceptibility to flooding, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, watercourses shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) Map and their associated riparian areas, wetlands, rock outeroppings and open spaces and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 358.905-955 and 390.235- 240 shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law. The Preliminary Master Plan shall also comply with applicable physical feature protection standards specified in SDC Chapter 4. Response: This application involves various modifications as shown on the Preliminary Plans in Exhibit B. The site is generally flat and currently exists as a grassy field (with ensuing residential construction in the northern ±23 -acre portion of the site). Finding 45 states "the property is currently vacant and the only notable physical feature on the site is the AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 38 existing linear drainage channel (Pierce Ditch)." This application does not involve updates to the Pierce Ditch (as shown in the 2018 Modified Master Plan) and is envisioned to remain intact as it currently exists on site. Improvements to the ditch will generally involve the removal of invasive vegetation and debris. Therefore, approval of this application will not change the status of natural features on the site, is in accordance with the finding made previously by City staff, and there are no associated conditions of approval. Criterion G is met. H. Phasing Plan. The Phasing Plan shall: demonstrate that the construction of required pubfic Facilities shag occur in a logical sequence, either in conjunction with, or prior to each phase, or tha there are appropriate financial guarantees as specified in Subsection 5.13-12OM. to ensure the phased pubfic facilities construction will occur. Response: As described in this written document, this application involves modifications intended to facilitate conformance with the adopted changes to the use of land, phase boundaries and nomenclature, and the stormwater management design approved in the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan. Due to the project's stormwater management design and topographic constraints, surface stormwater runoff (for Phases 1-5) will be directed toward the appropriate facilities in the applicable portions of the site. That said, the phase boundaries are updated to allow for the construction of public facilities in a logical manner, as follows: The phasing plan for Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan is intended to allow for appropriate market absorption into the City of Springfield. The configurations of Phases 1-5 are responsive to various points of infrastructure connection. Phase 1A begins at the east property boundary to allow the extension of underground utilities from the intersection of W Street and 31" Street into the subdivision and moves south to implement stormwater facilities. The design of Phase 1C is a result of secondary access implementation and planned stormwater management; the phase moves west to construct Tract C, the largest of the stormwater facilities, and is then directed to the southwest to implement road and utility infrastructure improvements. Next, Phase 2A moves eastto continue utility sequencing and connect road infrastructure. Phase 2C follows suit. (As noted in the executive summary and throughout this written document,the schedulefor Phases IA-2Cwas approved by Case No. 811-20-000105-TYP2 and remains unchanged). Phases 3-5 move south and turn west to continue the roads and utility sequencing and end in the northwestern corner of the site. Equivalently, phasing may move west from Phase 2C to Phase 5, then turn southeast to continue the roads and utility sequencing, and complete construction in the southeastern portion of the single-family residential site. The order of Phases 3 and 5 are interchangeable in nature and depend largely on needed infrastructure, as discussed in the TIS. As the lots planned for the Multi -Family, Commercial, School, and Church Phases are sold to interested parties, they will be designed and reviewed for compliance with specific site improvements. As such, the phases in the southern portion of the site are sectioned appropriately and provided with independent accesses that will be implemented as AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 39 financial guarantees are finalized. The phasing plan is designed to be carried out in a mannerthat provides necessary public improvements for each phase as it moves forward. The phasing configuration is anticipated to be completed according to the following schedule in Table 4, Phasing Timeline Table: Table 5: Phasing Timeline Table Phasing Timeline Table Phase Description/Scope of Improvement(s) Anticipated Construction Date Phase SA Initial start of improvements on the subject site for the construction of lots Summer 2020 (under intended for single-family detached homes (e.g. streets, underground utilities, construction) franchise utilities, etc.), including: • W Street access • Required 31" Street frontage improvements adjacent to phase • Tracts A and B stormwater facilities and associated improvements • Approved under case number 811-20-000105-TVP2 • Considered complete upon bonding or construction of public improvements under a Public Improvement Project Permit Phase SC Continued construction of lots intended for single-family Fall 2020 (Note: Phase 1B development *Must be preceded by does rot exist) Secondary emergency vehicle access Phase 3A • VStreet access • W Street improvements • Pierce Parkway improvements • Fenya Street improvements • 2P Place improvements • Tract D stormwater facility and associated improvements (e.g. maintenance/pedestrian accessway, etc.) • Tract C pedestrian connection to existing EWEB pathway • Extend public wastewater from existing trunk main in southern portion of site. • Approved under case number 811-20-000105-TVP2 • Considered complete upon bonding or construction of public improvements under a Public Improvement Project Permit Phase 2A Continued construction of lots intended for single-family Winter/Spring 2021 development *Must be preceded by • Fenya Street improvements Phase SC • Pierce Parkway improvements • Approved under case number 811-20-000105-TVP2 • Considered complete upon bonding or construction of public improvements under a Public Improvement Project Permit Phase 2C Continued construction of lots intended for single-family Spring/Summer 2021 (Note: Phase 2B development *Must be preceded by does rot exist) V Street improvements Phase 2A • Pierce Parkway improvements • 2P Place improvements • V Street and 31" Street intersection improvements • Approved under case number 811-20-000105-TVP2 • Considered complete upon bonding or construction of public improvements under a Public Improvement Project Permit AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 40 Phasing Timeline Table Phase Description/Scope of Improvement(s) Anticipated Construction Date Phase 3 Continued construction of lots intended for single-family Fall/Winter 2021 (Previously Phase development 'Phases 3 and 5 may be 1B and 2B) Required 31" Street frontage improvements adjacent to phase built interchangeably • Pierce Parkway improvements • U Street improvements • S Street improvements • 28'" Place improvements • Tract E stormwater facility and associated improvements • Tract F private driveway/street improvements • Tract G stormwater facility and associated improvements • Improvements to Pierce Ditch adjacent to phase as required (e.g. remove invasive vegetation and debris) • Remove existing unpermitted agricultural crossing from Pierce Ditch • Considered complete upon bonding or construction of public improvements under a Public Improvement Project Permit Phase 4 Continued construction of lots intended for single-family Spring/Summer 2022 (Previously Phase development 'May be preceded by 3A) U Street improvements Phases 3 or 5 • V Street improvements • 26" Loop improvements • Fem a Street improvements • Tract H stormwater facility and associated improvements • Tract I pedestrian connection to adjacent existing development • Improvements to Pierce Ditch adjacent to phase as required (e.g. remove invasive vegetation and debris) • Considered complete upon bonding or construction of public improvements under a Public Improvement Project Permit Phase 5 Continued construction of lots intended for single-family Spring 2023 (Previously Phase development 'Phases 3 and 5 may be 3B) 26'" Loop improvements built interchangeably • Fenya Street improvements • Tract 1 private driveway/street improvements • Tract K pedestrian connection to existing EWEB pathway • Considered complete upon bonding or construction of public improvements under a Public Improvement Project Permit Mufti -Family Improvements for the construction of lots intended for mulWamily units (e.g. Spring/Summer 2021 Phase multi -family dwelling units, public streets, underground utilities, franchise 'Mufti -Family Phase is (Previously Phases utilities, etc.), including: independent and may 4, 5, and 9) Internal vehicular and pedestrian circulation and parking precede any phase • Pierce Parkway improvements (to 28'^ Street) • 28'" Street frontage improvements adjacent to phase • Marcola Road frontage improvements adjacent to phase • Pedestrian connection to 28'^ Place cul-de-sac (within Phase 3) • Private internal stormwater management • Tract M and Tract N open space and pedestrian path/maintenance access along Pierce Ditch • Tract 0 Stormwater facility AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 41 Phasing Timeline Table Phase Description/Scope of Improvement(s) Anticipated Construction Date Commercial Improvements for the construction of the lot intended for commercial use Spring/Summer 2021 Phase (e.g. commercial use facilities, underground utilities, franchise utilities, etc.), 'Commercial Phase is (Previously Phase including: independent and may 9) Connection to multi -family vehicular and pedestrian circulation and precede any phase parking • Internal vehicular and pedestrian circulation and parking • Marcola Road frontage improvements adjacent to phase • Private internal stormwater management School Phase Improvements for the construction of the lot intended for Summer 2021 or later (Previously Phases institutional/educational use (e.g. institutional/educational facilities, 'School Phase is 6 and 8) underground utilities, franchise utilities, etc.), including: independent and may • V Street improvements adjacent to phase precede any phase • Marcola Road improvements adjacent to phase • Tract P stormwater facility • Private internal stormwater management • Tract M open space and pedestrian path/maintenance access along Pierce Ditch Church Phase Improvements for the construction of the lot intended for church use (e.g. Spring 2021 or later (Previously Phase church facilities, underground utilities, franchise utilities, etc.), including: 'Church Phase is 2) Initial commercial development independent and may • Tract L open space precede any phase • V Street improvements adjacent to phase • Marcola Road frontage improvements adjacent to phase • Improvements to Pierce Ditch within phase as required (e.g. remove invasive vegetation and debris) Therefore, this application satisfies Criterion H. I. Adjacent Use Protection. The proposed Preliminary Master Plan contains design, elements including, but not limited to landscaping/screening, parking/traffic managrmeny and multi -.nodal transportation that Emit and/or mitigate identified conflicts between the site and adjacent uses. Response: The Marcola Meadows Master Plan site contains land for single-family and multi -family residences, a school, a church, and a commercial retail site. As demonstrated in this written document, the Applicant complies with the standards of the respective underlying zones (MDR, PLOS, CC) relevant to this Modification application. This application does not involve modifications which affect adjacent use protection impacting the northern portion of the site, including provisions related to landscaping, screening, parking/traffic management, or multi -modal transportation routes. As illustrated on the Conceptual Modified Master Plan within the Preliminary Plans, the open space and stormwater facility tracts separate the north half of the site from the south in a similar way to the approved master plan. Essentially, the north and south halves of the site are separated by open space, sidewalks, and stormwater facilities that segregate land uses to mitigate conflicts. AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 42 Furthermore, it is understood that the southern phases planned for specific land uses will have extensive site design review to assure compliance with required standards such as landscaping, open space, and design elements that ultimately facilitate protection of adjacent uses. Nonetheless, the Preliminary Plans contain elements which demonstrate these standards are met. The modifications necessitating this application remain consistent with Finding 53 made by staff and there are no relevant conditions of approval. Therefore, this application is consistent with Criterion I. 5.13-135 Final Master Plan —Modifications A proposed Final Master Plan modification, or a proposed modification to a Master Plan approved prior to the effective date of this regulation, shall be processed under the applicable procedures described below. B. The following modifications to the FinalMaster Plan shall be processed under Type II procedure, unless the Director determines that the proposed modification should be reviewed as a Type III procedure, based on the proposed size of the Master Plan site; and/or the availabifity/capacity of public facifides; and/or impacts to adjacent properties including, but not limited to noise and traffic. These modifications include a request 1. By the applicant if a proposed permitted no - esidendal use, for ample, a church or a school, affects the approved FinalMaster Plan residential density; Response: This application involves modifications to allow various civic and institutional uses in the southern portion of the site (e.g. a future church and school). Therefore, this modification is applicable. By the applicant for 10 percent or greater increases or decreases in the overall gross floor area of commercial, industrial or public buildings; the number of dwelling units; building height, and the location or building .pass ofthe primary structure (as defined in this Code); Response: This application involves modifications in land use which will ultimately impact the overall gross floor area of buildings, the number of dwelling units permitted within, or building height/placement. Upon approval of this Master Plan Modification, the design elements above will be reviewed and approved incrementally as detailed site plans are advanced for those portions of the site. Therefore, the modification listed above is not relevant to this application. By the applicant for increases or decreases in the amount ofappmved or required parking by a Factor of10 percent or greater. The applicant shall provide a new parking analysis related to the proposal; Response: This application involves modifications in land use which will ultimately impact the amount of approved parking. Vehicle and bicycle parking for multi -family residential and various land uses will be reviewed and approved incrementally as detailed site plans are advanced for those portions of the site. Therefore, the modification listed above is not particularly relevant to this application. AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 43 By the applicant for a Zoning Map amendment or Discretionary Use application; Response: This land use package does not include a Zoning Map Amendment or Discretionary Use application. The above modification is not applicable. By the applicant for proposals that would increase the number ofPM peak -hour vehicular trips by 10 percent or greater, except in cases where a trip cap has been imposed on development of the property. Where such a trip cap is in effect, a modification of the land use decision that imposed the trip cap shag be required. In aR cases, the applicant shall provide a Traffic Impact Analysis supporting the proposal; Response: This application does not involve a 10 percent or greater increase in the number of PM peak -hour vehicle trips. Please see the TIS (Exhibit F) which demonstrates compliance with the applicable transportation standards and concludes this Modification involves a considerable reduction in project traffic from the previously -approved Master Plan. The above modification is not applicable. 6. By the applicant to alter the placement of interior streets by 10 percent or greater from their approved location, as long as the modification maintains the connectivity established by the approved Final Master Pan; Response: This application does not alter the placement of interior streets by 10 percent or greater from the approved locations or affect connectivity established by the approved final master plan. The above modification is not relevant. By the City or the applicant when essential public infrastructure cannot be provided; Response: This master plan modification provides essential public infrastructure concurrent with the planned phasing schedule and the modification listed above is not applicable. By the applicant to modify the Master Plan phasing schedule for a specific phase of development when the proposed change affects the construction of scheduled public improvements; Response: This application involves modification to the Marcola Meadows Master Plan phasing configuration and schedule and will affect the construction of scheduled public infrastructure improvements, as described above. The modified phasing plan shown on PO -04 within the Preliminary Plans (and discussed in Table 4) illustrates the modifications described as follows: Updates to the approved drainage report phase boundaries, and renumbering of lots: The phase boundaries in the northern portion of the site (residential lots intended for detached homes) are reconfigured to allow for updates to the approved stormwater management design. As modified, stormwater runoff (for Phases 1-5) is directed toward the applicable onsite facilities. The phase boundaries and the associated lots are updated to allow for the construction of said public facilities in a logical manner. Public utilities are planned to be provided concurrently with each phase in compliance with the SDC. AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 44 Updates to Condition of Approval 4 (Local Case No. 811-19-000262-TYP2) and Condition of Approval 1 (Local Case No. 811-10-000105-TYP2): Additionally, this application modifies Condition of Approval #4 and #1 as detailed in the findings of Table 2. Therefore, the phasing schedule for Phase 1C is modified to implement the required public improvements between U and V Streets within a more logical phase of the project, Phase 3. Updates to phase nomenclature: The approved Marcola Meadows Master Plan shows a mixed numbering/lettering nomenclature to depict the order of configuration. This application simplifies the method as shown on the Updated Phasing Plan. 9. By the applicant for extension of the Final Master Plan time limit beyond the maximum approved time Emit of7 years or the extension permitted in Subsection B.3., above. In no case shall the extension exceed 15 years from the date of Final Master Plan approval as specified in Subsection 5.13-133C. An extension request shall be filed in waiting with the Director at least60 days prior to the expiration of the initial 7 year period or any subsequently approved extensions. The time fine extension will be granted provided the applicant has made reasonable progress in the implementation of the Final Master Plan and public services and facilities remain available; Response: This application involves modification to the Marcola Meadows Master Plan phasing configuration and schedule. Pursuant to Subsection 5.13-133C, the existing Marcola Meadows Master Plan approval included a time extension granted until July 25, 2023, at which time the final master plan is set to expire. The Applicant understands the 15 -year maximum timeline extension has previously been granted and, once expired, no further amendments can be made to the approved (and expired) master plan. Therefore, the modification listed above is not possible or applicable. However, pursuant to conversations with City staff, if plans are consistent with the approved master plan, development plans can continue to progress until completion of the final master plan. 10. By the applicant for a change to the approved Final Master Plan boundary. Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Boundary remains consistent with the original boundary on the approved plans. The modification listed above is not relevant. C. Proposed Final Master Plan modifications other than those described in Subsections A. and B., above, shall require the submitral of newPrefiminary Master Plan application. Response: This application involves modifications described in Subsection B above. Therefore, the submittal of a new Preliminary Master Plan application is not warranted. D. The following modifications to the Final Master Plan do not require subsequent land use review and are allowed upon issuance of a building permit, ifrequired: 1. Building interior improvements; AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 45 Exteriocimprevements associated with existing buildings that do not evolve a change in floor area, subject to all applicable base zone development and design standards and relevant conditions of approval as approved in the Final Master Plan; Installation of new mechanical or electrical equipment, or .modification of existing equipment, subject to all applicable base zone development and design standards and relevant conditions of approval as approved in the Final Master Plan; and/or Routine maintenance of existing buildings, facilities and landscaping. Response: This application does not include modifications listed above (which do not require subsequent land use review). The subsection is not relevant. E. A Pre -Submittal Meering application, as specified in Section 5.1-120C., is required prior to the formal submittal of the Final Master Plan modification application. Response: A pre -submittal meeting was held on lune 26, 2020. The criterion is met. F. For all Final Master Plan modification applications described in Subsections A and B, above, the applicant shall demonstrate compliance with the following: 1. Any applicable PreliminaryMaster Plan criteria ofapproval specified in Section 5.13-125; and 2. Any other applicable standard of this Code that may be required to justify the proposed .modification. Response: This written document demonstrates compliance with the applicable portions of the SDC and specifically addresses the individual approval criteria within Section 5.13-125. The criteria are met. G. The Master Plan procedures in Appends 3 of this Code regarding Master Plan Modifications and/or newMasterPlans shall apply to properties within the Glenwood Riverboat Plan District, Section 3.4-200, until these regulations are updated. Response: The subject site is not within the Glenwood Riverfront Plan District. The criterion is not applicable. IV. Conclusion The required findings have been made and this written narrative and accompanying documentation demonstrate that the application is consistent with the applicable provisions of the City of Springfield Development Code and Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan. The evidence in the record supports approval of the application and the City can rely upon it for its approval of the application. AVO Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Updated November 2020 Modification Application— City of Springfield Page 46 AK Exhibit A: City Application Forms and Checklists City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Final Master Plan Modification �SPRINGFIELD AA. OREGON Application Type (Applicant: check one) Pre -Submittal Final Master Plan Modification: '❑ Final Master Plan Modification Type I: ❑ Final Master Plan Modification Type II: ❑ Final Master Plan Modification Type III: Required Project Information (Applicant., complete this section) Applicant Name: Marcola Meadows Nei hborhood LLC Phone: Please contact consultant Company: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC Fax: Please contact consultant Address: 27375 SW Parkway Avenue, Wilsonville, OR 97070 Applicant's Rep.: Consultant: Chris Goodell Phone: (503) 563-6151 Company: AKS Engineering & Forestry, LLC Fax: (503) 563-6152 Address: 12965 SW Herman Avenue Suite 100 Tualatin OR 97062 Email: chrisg@aks-eng.com Property Owner: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC Phone: N/A company: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC Fax: N/A Address: 27375 SW Parkway Avenue, Wilsonville, OR 97070 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17032511/17023000 1 TAX LOT NOS : 2300 1800 Property Address: No situs, northwest of Marcola Road and 31st Street Size of Property: +/- 100 acres Acres ® Square Feet ❑ Approved Use of Property: Various residential and commercial uses Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Modification: Comprehensive Final Master Plan Modification. Please see written materials. Si natures: Please sign and Drint your name and date in the acicirociriate box on the next a e. Required Project Information (City Intake Staff., complete this section) Associated Applications: Signs: Pre -Sub Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ 1 Postage Fee: $ TOTAL FEES: $ 1 PROJECT NUMBER: NONE Final Master Plan Modification 10.14.13 kl 1 of 6 PRINGFI CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE May 5, 2020 Ines Llosa D.R. Horton, Inc. Portland ILlosa@drhorton.com Re: Waiver of solar setback standards for Marcola Meadows development Dear Ms. Llosa: 225FIF7HSTREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 541.744.4061 www spnngfield-or gov I am writing in response to the recent emails between you and Senior Planner Andy Limbird regarding application of the solar setback standards (SDC 3.2-225) and their application to the first phases of the Marcola Meadows Master Plan development. I hope I can provide some clarification on how to move forward with providing flexibility on the solar setback requirements, while continuing to adhere to the City's development regulations and state law requirements. As an initial matter, the City typically does not have authority to waive development requirements adopted by ordinance of the Springfield City Council, without action by the City Council to repeal or amend the underlying ordinance. This includes the solar setback standards in SDC 3.2-225. However, in rare exceptions, the City may find that a particular ordinance or regulation, as applied to a particular development, may be waived to be consistent with the requirements under Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 197.307. Under ORS 197.307(4), the City not apply development standards that result in "unreasonable cost or delay" to the development of needed housing. In order to qualify for this exemption in ORS 197.307, the developer or applicant must show, in the context of a specific permit or development application for housing, that applying the standards would result in unreasonable cost or delay. In this case, you have already submitted information to Mr. Limbird that satisfies the City that it would result in unreasonable cost of delay to impose the standards in SDC 3.2-225 at the point of issuing building permits for Lots 1-5 of the Marcola Meadows Subdivision. This letter states the City's intent not to apply said standards when you {00015B08:3} PRINGFI CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 225FIF7HSTREEF SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 541.744.4061 www spnngfield-or gov apply for building permits on these five lots, based on the factual information provided to Mr. Limbird on April 14, 2020. You may feel free to submit a copy of this letter with your building permit application(s) for Lots 1-5, to demonstrate this determination by the City. In addition, I understand that you have requested that the City record a formal document or covenant that binds the City to waiving the standards in SDC 3.2-225 for all 170 lots in the subdivision. This request is outside of the City's legal authority to grant unless first approved through a formal land use process, such as a Master Plan modification or tentative subdivision plan modification, which includes public notice and opportunity to comment. I understand that the property owner is preparing an application for a Master Plan modification. You may consider including a waiver of the standards in SDC 3.2-225 for Lots 1-5 to that modification application, in addition to other specific lots for which you would like to request a waiver. The applicant must provide factual information that demonstrates that applying SDC 3.2-225 to each lot requested for a waiver would result in unreasonable cost or delay. Please contact Andy Limbird if you wish to discuss the type of factual information that should be included in the application. A waiver in the Master Plan modification approval for a specific lot or lots would apply to any future development of that lot (or lots) under said Master Plan or subdivisions approved pursuant to the Master Plan. Master Plan modifications (or notice thereof) are recorded documents that run with the land and bind future development. If you do not wish to include a waiver of the solar setback standards in the Master Plan modification, you may request a waiver for specific lots at the time of building permit application (or in anticipation of a building permit application). This information must show that, for each lot applied for, the standards in SDC 3.2-225 would result in unreasonable cost or delay at the time of building permit application. As noted, the City has already received this information for Lots 1-5 and will not require additional documentation or compliance with SDC 3.2-225 at the time of building permit issuance for those lots. {00015B08:3} PRINGFI CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE,� 225FIFTHSTREET `&. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 OREGON 541.744.4067 www spnngfield-or gov Please contact me, or have your legal counsel contact me, with any questions. Thank you, yrLwbna.Kva.wa. Kristina Kraaz Assistant City Attorney Cc: Andy Limbird, City of Springfield Senior Planner, aIimbird @sorinafield-or.aov Jim Donovan, City of Springfield Current Planning Manager, idonovanosorinafeld-or.00v Randy Myers, Brownstone Homes, randvCa)brownstonehomes.net Karl Ivanov, IE Construction, karl@iecon.us Chris Goodell, AKS Engineering, chriso(a)aks-eno.com Monty Hurley, AKS Engineer, montvCa)aks-eng.com {00015B08:3}