HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-01-31ll..RESIDE\TIAL.. z.s North stt it nffPLrcATr?'{/PERMrr Springfield, 1r'egon 97477 Building Diuision ? 26-37 53 SPFlINGFIELD Tc,s Lot ll Phone zip: Desertbe h'onk IENCE: h4ten conPlate -- Prooi,Ce @6 or nooable sections through P, U.E. dJob Ioeation: Aeceseors Map # $tbditsision: A,mer: Addtess: Ci tddition RenoCel Date of General i Plurnbing Srr It ia the Elec tr c 1an 74 Za 5-zr/<r f4/Aa- Date Value to see that aLL inapecttons ate nade at the p?oPer time, that ecch addrees is z'ealable frotn thg s reepoaaibility of tle perwit holder treet, and tlat the Pemrit catd ie Nuiciot approv*ed plan sltall remai.n Located at the frcnt of the proPettY on the Building Sttc at aLL times.!-ding SIIE INSPECTION: ?o be made after e&;at;tlon,6, pr.toz, tc set up of fonna. UNDERSLAB PLUMBINC. ELECIRICAL & WCHAIIICAL: ?o be made before any .ffiF76ttered, P))IINC & F?UNDATICN: ?o be naCe @etffitrs a"e eseasated and forns ate erected, but priot' to Wuring ccncrete. uypgRcRouNp PLTIMP rNcr 9EI!.ER. w.4T!,1,, DReINaCE: To be maCe Prton to fil- TfrVGnchee. , ANDERFLOOR PLUMBIIIG & MECHANICAL: o1 floor ineulation or decking. POSI AND BEAM: ?o be rrude PtLot to fiidTTdldVof floor insulation or decki,ng, ROI]CH PLANBII]C. ELEtrRICAL & MECH-i .ffiiTthes" inspections haoe been made and approoeC. PfREPLACL: Pz.Lor to placirg facingiaterlals and before frofing inspec- tion. !BAH!I'lc: tttust be requeated after @ouat of rough plirbing, .electni-u,L & neclanical. ALL t'oofing braei.ng & chinmeys, etc. nwst be ; conpleted. No uork is to be con- . eeCled until this inspectton lws rbeen tade and. apptoted. FIIIAL PLUMBINC FINAL MECHANICAL PINAL ELECTRICAL pROCEDURE FOR INSpEtrIOn nSQUeSfrCaUl 726-3769(r,eeordet) state your City Cesigna-ted job nunbet:, iob aCdress, lUVe-of inspect-i-cn eadyforinspection,Contractarso1nas,,","-,*,e-andplonenunber.Pequestsreceh;edbefcre7:00alt tiLL be nnde the sane dc!, ?equests ncde after ?:00 on rrLLL be nwde the nert rnrking day, lout: City Desigruted Job Nutnber fs: INSULATION/VAPOR BARRTER ITLSPECTION : fo Ai naae after aLL insulaticn and requined ocpor banie?s ave in Place but before any lath, gyps?ln boarC ot' tnLL couering is applied, and before ay insuT,ation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECII)N: ?c be made ;fret, arT-dvual-ie in p7,ace' but prior to any taping. I'IASINRI: Steel Location, bond 6ffiilgz,outing or verticals in accondotce Lr[th U.B.C, Section 2475. ilo2Ds?ovq: cc^pT;tA. After installation ie CURB & APPF\AqH IPSQN: After fornsd," erAtAE;Vfro" to powirq conctete, SIDEI"\ALK & DRIVWAY: For aLL eon- e";te p*rfrAm" etreet right- ef-txy, to be made after aLL exea- oating conplete & forn vtoz'k & sub' base materLcil in Plaee. ALL project conditions, such as the i.nst_al-Lat:-on of stteet tree_9'- conPletion-of the ;;q"7;;e-il"h-r,"ipt g, Lti., ,*"t be satisfied before the BUTLDTNI FINAL can be requested' the tinal Building Inspeetion nast be requested after the Final PlwnbinS u)iit-r;."t rnspeet-iona'haue been nade and appt'orted'FINAL BUTLDINC: Electrical, and rS chanical Electr DEI,IOLI?ION OR !,IOVED Sanitaty eeuer capped at Pt'oPert! Line Septic tank purped and fi,Lled tith gtarsel tinal - hthen abotte items ate ccrnpleted and uhen Canolition is cortplete or strac- ture noued and. ptewtses cleaneC up. Blocking otd set-up Pttnbtng connections -- sa)e! d uater Electt"ical Connection - Blocking, eet-up and plwnbing connections trust be apptc"*ed before requeattng eleclrical inspeetiott Accessorg Buitdnrq pcrches, skit ting, decks, Leted. Pinal - After etc. ate canP Pagte 1 of 2*AT,L MANHCLES AND CLEANOT]TS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIENY TO BE I'L4DE AT NO COST TO CI?Y L-co dSOLAR ACCTSS REQ._JOB NO !!eatSe House CarageDT No?th Enst South AccesS. h,est Z cf |ct Ccteraqe I of Stories Total Height TopograPhY Bedrooms: Zofie:Lot Faces -IfrT TWE fnterio" Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac Iot Sq. Ftg. -- Fees -- ITEM FTC x Value Building Volue & Permit Ihis permi.t i-s gnanted' on the erpress cond'ition tLnt the said'consttuction slnll, i.n all respecti'"';";;'f;;i'"- the ordinance adopted biv the Citv of sprinsfield., incl-udnnl'ttZ"tzZ"i"i" c"ii'ini"' ""g"tating .th-e ccn's-ttu:l:-t:,^ and use of buildings"""ti^'y be"suapend'ed or reuokeC at cny time upon uLc- La.tion of any ptcoisions of eaid o?dLnances' TOTAL VALUE 1)cS.D.C. 1.5 c Building PennLt PALd: State Total Clnt'ges Signed ITEM NO T LL CHARCE Plumbing Permit Nooereonslullconstruet'instal.!.,.alterol'clnngecnaned.cPexistingptlhtttng ot' d,ainage ";"";;';;-;iie or in part' "unlee-s such person ts the lesal possessor of ";1"ii7"Pi:;;'':"'Zlt*"'-L' e*""pt tlnt a pZtson nas do plwnbins xork to p""oliii",,ini;;"i'" -;;e: fuL"na ir opetated by the appli' cant. Ficturea Resi.dential (1 bath) Saser Plwnbing Perrttt State Swch.az'ge Nau/Extend Cit'cutts Electricol Permit WhereStateLaut'equireethattheelectti.caluonkbedonebyanElecttical Contractot', the electtliZoltr)nt+o' of thia,pennit elall not- be oalid unti'L ini tiill \n" been sigted' av tne Electt'i'cal conttacto"' Seruice e e State ?2> Total CIIARCENCFEEIT!M Eilwnet HooC Vent Fot Hcodstooe Mechqnicol Permit PennLt rssuancz MechanicaL Permit -- ENCROACHMENT .- Petmit Cvtbcut Sideualk Mobile Hane ,7er TotaL f HAW CAREFULLy EXAMINED the completed applieati'on for pernit' cnd do i":;;;; Jillra-ln".i aLL- informatibn hereoi is true anl cornect' ard r 'iir"17"""-Z'""tliiy that ony- oii aLL uork perfotned slnll be done in accor- dance vtth the ordrnancZr- if tnn cita bf 'sprtngfi.eld, .ard the La.ta of the state of ,t'egcn p"ntriitig''to the aoik Cesbrib-cd henein' cnd tlnt N0 ,ccu' ptNcy ttLLL be naCe "r';;;;' ";;";i7i"-i'"t7iit pernission of the Buitding DL' ttision, I further cet'tif'g that otly contt'ac'tora utd 3nplcyees uho are in \ip1'ia"."il.tn ons 7u.b"ss uiLL be-used on thia proiect ,IOTA|. AMOUIIT DUE:1 /r"{Signed Date ll tu