HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-05-16THIS PE RMIT ON MAIN BU ILDING AT SITE I- /, ,/ /-'ubDi.>tr-L / I r(-ocri.4- JOB A DDRESS .247A Horth 38tht sgls$fcfa" Orrtos TRS, T rw CONSTRUCTION PERMIT +,,b-L?Il0-I9 Telephone: &U/]- This resu RTMEN T OF ENVIRONMENTA L MAN AGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE,oREGON 97401 Subdivi sion:to frfaE3 ?ne$ Iot tror IInEL 3 referenced ProPertY is herebY Setbacks and other conditions of aPProval must be strictly observed. Violation can permit for the It in revocatlon of this Permit, citati on under provisions of Lane CountY 's lnfractio n Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed bY law. Ft'3gi"sfrtr?rH"ffirrfiilJffffi:'ol#ttt9rTpe747'| Telephone:717-72{5 Telephone:I Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: 3:l[::H',l33'r' .rt r. rPP$cm Total Construction Value:tl47!, by this permi t: * grln pool d rllocrtr dGrlofleild'r lor@ncqFtsE! 'tdlrrs (o<r:tut-6a \w tttuearar #Bedrooms:+ Plu Fixtures:+ Employees: Water Su ly:PrlbX,lc Partitioning + ae PLANNING DlvlsloN rr:llffr, required struct ural setbacks, from: centerl sid e exterior: ; interi or propertY lines: ; Special lnstructions: tra Parcel + Ela Parcel Size: ine of road, front: na ;'centerline of road, rear propertY line: 7{ PlIfr i For infor mation call 687-4394 &lse fdlcr WATER POLLUTION site lnspect ion # CONTR OL DIVISION lineal feet of drainfield required; nstal lation sPecif ications:gal. min. septic tank caPacitY; max. dePth of trenches: j^)atttrrrct .Sf.l dfrtrl,kcloa rrrtr la fn|Bt f4dr ffir$r Special lnstructions:tg{Lr.th.da ls m sea f,or rcplremt drsr.aflcld' It eI.t, t6ma lc rt rvetlrDlr rt thgt Er.r thl, dtnU.InB ury brve Drainfield--1T-to b. r,bodProdo 10' 10'between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.100' For information call RUCTION Type of Construction: DxL Group: il Fire Zone;Use Classification It PE RMITS/INSPECT roN lnstructions ffitB: lb sonttrrrctlon nrY be ,rrlrtd tur Ptrbl!-lc cill'tY BrGts{l cclJ' for toryGt lms el notld o Plearo co NST DIVISION call between 8 00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., For For pla ns information it)ons (see back of this call 687-406 5 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 Directions to Site: Date lssued: CbS-13 BLDG' PERMIT - WHITE; OFFICE COPY - WHITE; By: BUILDING - GBTCN' m. POST Ca:*a;.- €{a ) SITE INSPECTION Ap peov r o Rruanxs FOUNDATION INSPECTION APPRovEo N DrsappRoveo Rera nx s FRAMING INSPECTION APpRovE o Renaex s Drsappnovrc D ,^r, ,{-zZ 77 rruspe cron D Drsrppaoveo D Darr Darr 11. O,ltq Itirsprcron I xsprcton LATH OR SHETTROCK INSPECTION AP pRov E D RexaRx s n Drsappnoveo F Drrr FINAL INSPECTION AppRoveo / X/ Drsrppeoveo -- Re ttlnx s lNsprcron q)r)Yd9-Datt 17O CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Rraov ro lssuE REuaRx s D Nor Rcrov ro lssue D Dore_llrsprcton Zf lNserctoe_!1L,1 c,,.b;