HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-10-171cce;-ct !.. RESIDENTIAL.. 225 North str, stouffPLrcATr,N/PERMrr Sprtngfteld, 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26- 37 53 SPFIInrGFIELD W Date: Job bcaticn: - Assessore :,!a? ll ?o, Lot # 5t/DdLt'.SLAn: *nter C Addtess:PTone DescrLbe h'ork IO Val,ueDate of Applia.+.icn ,5D t--l llqs 6O rn O AdCiticn RenoCel ?- P-tU'lD-lD GeneraL i4echariecL no ,.afEaDE!lOLTT. Soilay saser ea;t-oeC ct ?roper4i Lite Septic tank p"irpeC cld. 7;-77"4 vith gz'a;ei lr)nal - it4tea abcue itens ate cc:;ol-eted o:d uhen Cer.tcliticn is conplete br s-,t'tic- tttte nooc-d od prarnaes eleanei up. e ilcnes tsLocking otd.let-up PlutnbittX conaecz'ions -- scoo? od. aalet Electriccl Ccnteetion - Blockirq, set-u. anL olunbing cootnections m;st be qprcteC before requestlng elec*.rical insoeetio;z Aceessory BuiLC'Jnq FinaL - After gcrekes, skirttng, deci,-s, etc. @e carrole:ed. ?a.re 7 or' 2 Conslpreticn_!ende!_ !, ia the respottsibiltty of the pedt holler to aee tha.t aL! inspectiontt @e nad.e at lhe ptopet line, thet acch addtess tis 7sa;-2';2 frottr tlu street, cnC tllct the*9uiAir4 bluiciot qVro"'ed p Located at the frcnt of tle Wo?e"tA.or. th. tsuild:.nb :-:ft at aLL- tines,- Iour City Desigra.ted Jab lhnber fs INSULATTCN/VAPOR BARRIIR I\ISPICTION : To be nad.e afier aLL ins-ukiicn ci required uqor bavie?s @e in place but befcre ory l,ath, Wpsdri baazd or tzLL couering is oolied, otd. before any insul,aticn is concealed. DRY.IALL fNSPlCTI1ll: Ic be natie M@tl-ts in place, but prior to cng taph,q. W-S1NPY: Steel Location, bonC beans, grouling or uerticcls in oceoyiotce vt=h J.ts.C. Seetion oermit t @t srz. c&, La f \leDrff7nN ) stcte yonz' Ci.ty desigta.ted job ntrber, iob ol.ise of inspec-.icn a1en uou Conttdctors cr Auzets nane and. phone nwbcr. P,equests ra<ie the sane dcg, requelts nctie aftet 7:00 an ttLL be naCe the neot ',nrking day, tss, t|pe receixed befcre 7:0C ,=, 8s alqJ -1 SIT! I!tS?3C!9;'t: To be rmCe afler i i ffio4, 'r"t prtcr cc se= up oi - 1'crtns. Ir uilDtRSLAts ?tL'iB!l!q zEE??iCjJ tiaCP;.trc@nv wnk ia eooeted. FCOTflA 1 !0UilDA?ICll: Io be rmCeffii;; .t; azcanted at.d fcnns ate etecteci, but ptior to poutirq ccncret€. UIID'RCSOUJID P'UM9|:IC, S|MP, 7,1IEP. DP,A|,'IAGE: lo be ra.ze pnor to iil-Lir4 fienciee. UIIDEPFLCCR !'L|]W fl C 1 !4ECqAII ICAL :@o1floor insuktian or &cking. PCSa .a.ND BEA.]4: To be naie oior toffiffof floor ittsui;ion cr deckin4. i.0t-tci! ?Llll.,!Blitc, !!.zc?P.ICAi 1 ;.tECl: ANICAL: llo 'sork ,Js co be eo'"-eteci uzt:.L ihese- lnscectiors h;ue bc,er, FI]IAL PLUi,frIiIC PI:IAL i,IECI|A\IICAL ?7ttA r i, ?.rof^. ?..itap -JewL.rLoiL W* 1Afte" instalZation ia co?E?ete. SfDEhlALl ,tr 9RT,T4A!: For aLL con- crete patsing Datr.in et?eet rtght- of-rxy, 'uo be naCe after aL7, etca- uatiag canolete ,l lort wz,k & aub- inse tcterial in .olace. CURB & APPRCACP .\P?.CN:a,; e"ecd-ffi@ ?--.NCEt gates Afier formsto patr.)ng naie arui corcuei. 7 gi:tpttczi l-:on '.o plcc-.r4 lceingi I ffiak arui before -irrrt g insoeZ-tior. - FPi.l,lIlC: l,tust be reo-tested afteri) @ai cf ra^gh plttr,bing, e'Lectn- a.L d nechanieal. AL! roofin4 btae':,ng E ehitwtcga, ete. r*tsx be conaleted. lto tscrk is to be con- - cecled uncil this insaecCcn itas 'been naCe anC appmr;ed. rlhen complete -- ProuiCe or aooable sections thrangh Dtt2 I al ALL proiect ca.di;ione, suci as che'-.nsrallat'Jcn of Etreet trees, cc-pleicn of tie reqzircd. LcttLsecpir4, etc., iast be sati.siieC beJore the tsUILDIiiC lIllAL cen be reqaested. lIllAL SUfLJI:IC: The Final EuiUitq Insaection ntet be reqtesteti sitar the linal ?LubingElectrieal, otd t4echar-cal insgeex:.cns istse been nacie ar.d approued. 'ALLilAltECLiS AND CLEAN1UIS i!AST 3E.ACCISS|ELI, ADiAS?:!i:t! lO 39:.!4DE:,.! !:O:jST ?C Cfy ALL 26-376 UJooS S{otr U15e-rt r JOB NO i-ot Sq. F1i. 7 cf t-c-" Coserage ! of Stodes lotal leigh: lopogqiit ?Lunbtng Pernit s.D.c. .i.5 : soLAt )cEss REQ.- !r.tetict, Corne" Pani,zd,le LUL-<2e-SdC Receipt #: Sigred: 1 Plumbing Permit ilo_ pereon shall cmsi;mtct, inslall-, altet or chzrqe aTtA rletn cr e:istingplwbirq or <iz,ainage sVstan .in uhole or in pant, urless such petson is the Legal possessor of a ualid plwtber's License, encept thc,t a ce:son na.g dopltotbing uork to p"ope?t! ahich is ormed, Leased or oaerateti by the appli-cdtt. Electric<:l Permit llhere State Lan requites tl"at the eLectrical aork be ticne by an lleetrLcal Contzd.ctor, the electrical porlion af this petnit sha.Ll not be ualiC untiZthe Label las been signed by the Electr.icaL Conttactor. Mechonicol Permit State Suychace taL Pennt fssuctca lleci:antccL Pet rnl: Cceucct".c:t 3c-ivcons Lot Feees -lr.ertv Seurces T!ee .ieat ?. L lcuse Access i/ar,e? iaaa."llorvh East Sor;tit Vood.s;oxe West -- ?ees -- This penrct is gyanted on the enp?ess condition th,z.t the saici consimtction siu.Li, in tll resoects, conicrn io the Crdirwnce cioctei b,1 lke CitT oi Sor)ngfield., tncluding lhe ioning Cvdinatce, regulc;',ng ;he ccnstrtctlcn otd use of butliinge, a,ci mty be susoeruie,l ot rer;ckei ac cn! tine u7on uic- Lation of ny prcuisions of saiC Crdirances. '/aZue a.f.r ataf i.a --ti...,i-u x lotcl Changes Building Volue & Permit ResiCattial (1 bath) Sdni*ry SeDer Tctev c::i_;.ce 3es. So. flo ll a.,t / Ezt etd. Cire"d t s Tamcrq Sertiee all , a.?:iz:.t .,:C Ilro'r.7.ce aq'J'S *lwnet HooC Vent ?at Vcodsta:se //5? lrD ts.60 -- Z;iC?CAC1\S:!T -- Si^C,e,taik f HAW CAREIULLy gxAllfilED tle eonrpT.eted cpolicatton fcr cetmi=, arui dc hereby cettify tltat aLL iafotnation heyeon is t"ue anl ec*eet, anC f furthet' ce?+.iti that attg atd. aLL uork ceriomed shall be done in accor- dance :,ith the ?ydinsnces of the city of Spr,)ryfielC, anC tha Laas ol +.ia State of 1t,egcn perunlntng to the aork Cescribcd herein, and ti,a.t NO ,CCU- P.tllC'I uLLL be nlade of a?LA st?uctu"2 aithcux perri,ssian cf ti,.e 3uiiding Di--uieion, I ft*ther cert,-fi th-at o*Lg coftt?actot,s a-.d. arplcyees uha ate in canpliance u:.th CRS ?01..055 wiLL be used on this g'oject a Sectr.)tu )zzosit Storc.ce ilcintencrce Pevtrit Ottbe& !9!AL A.!.!CU)IT 9U2:.4 ts ae> i :'tobile ilqte L-CO G* Setback-s )b,an 'illecc ..ldSdssrrr:/ lence t L€C2?'-CZ L ui1€ L