HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-07-08.. RESIDENTIAL.. 2zs ltorth sttt streeaPPLrcAT r,N /PERl4rr Springfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 SPFiINGFIEL.D fi$Bmt 6e,qs NqD /,A,7 )d,,9 'eo Tb6tl 4{ 't!,o, 33" CbaL- Date: Job Location:{ IAeseseore ),!ap # I na Subdittsion: C;net: 7Addtess:Phonz: 1 6 Deacrtbe Hotk: >'\Fr,<g Pfs-a.z-qr, orJ @*-tAn€ \ 7- tr-tz I t-t Nas t-t Date of App Lieatian Additicn RattoCeL n"r,.$4-3@D og ftcGeneraLL 7 , PLWNDLM €l,i 04 ?73o z- el..trt.ol -- @ 37,?eAbe l,!eeiwyiecl DEU1Li?rc!! 0P )!AW) Sanitory setser cdpped ct ?"opetq- Lina Septic totk p:,oped cai fi,Lled aith gratel linal - llnen abctte itens are ccrmleted qzd uhen CqoZ:.tion is corolete br stzwe-tute noued a,C, pretrtses cleaned to. llob Hcnes tsLocking otd. Set-ug PLMbing connectians -- sare? otl. uciar Electrtccl Cotneetion - Blockirq, eet-ux and, plunbing co'rnections rrust be cpprcr;ed be;'ore requesting electrteal inspec:i,otz Aceessor; 9uikliltg Etrnl - Aften pcrekes, sk'Jrting, Cecks, etc. ee ccnpleted. Pqeloi2 Cons!"rglicn_Lander Youv Ctq Deoigr,ated Job Nunbet Is 8pdE3s Sng IIISP!C?:C!!: To be na.de after*caction, but pria" tc set up of forna. AilDERSLAB PLUIAI:IG, ?LICTRICAL,9 |ECE{]1IC/.L: ?o be natie before any .t'lo,:k is eouered. EC)TIYG t F)UNDA?JCN: ?o be rmde M t"erlci;-ale "zeaated ad. faras are erected, but oricy topourtrq ccnctet€. U NDZRC,qO UIID ?Lu-I,IE Iil G . S9IIEP.,'1,4T!R, DRAIIIAGE: To be tnaie prior to ftl-Lirq trenchee. WDEP.ILCCP, PLU,\BTIG 1 WCJANICAL :ffioy fLoor insuktion or decking. POS? AND dEA!4: To be nal.e prior to installation of floot, iwula,tion or deckinc.. ...\ .q.oLtc! PLu,!tsr:tG. lLEc:Rrci\ , :4tcg- -- . - until these '.tnoeciior,s ,t;ue been nade and ,tpprctt'el. FIPZ?LACE_: Prtor to plccirg yZc.lng natert,als and. before fratring inspee- tton. FR]'!IIIG: Ltust be requesxed after approual of rough plu,r,bittg, alectri-cal & neeloniedl, AL1, roofing brac")nq 4 ehirmeys, ete. rntst be cottrpleted. llo 'acrk is to be con- cecled until this inscecticn has beea nade anC apprcued. It ie the responsibi-Lity oi tle pentrit hoZder to see tlwt aL! inspeetiorla due nad,e at lle proper tune, t\",at ecch cddress is renia':ie 1'ron the st?eet, and, tita.t the permtt card, is Laated at the iradi of tle oraerfii-aEuilditq Diuicict cep:.cu-eti pl-oz sltc.Ll remain on the Bunldnng sitc at aLZ'tines.' PI?oclDUPE F04 IysPgc?rcil ,19-??EST:CALL 726-3769 (recorCer) state you! City designated job nurbez,, job aiitess, type of inspee=icnre.quesxed a.-,ti uhen gou.aiLL be ready for ir.spection, contrdctors ir a,tnerc-rr*,re Lnd pttoie nanbcr.- p,equests rcbei"7Zd bbi'cre'Z:c0 antlLL be r,cde the sanie dcg, "equests ncde aft* 7:00 on utill be nnCe the nest rnrking'da;1. x TilSULA?JON/VAPCR BARRIER IIISPICTIOII : ?o be naCe after aLL insulaticn sd. requtred, oqor berie?s @e in pla.ce but before org l,aih, Wpsuln boarC or tnLL coueting is qplied, attd. before ary insulatt.on is concealed. DRYiALL IiISPZCTICN: ?c be nade ,after aLL Ca-yuaLL is in place, but prior to cny taVin4. !,!ASONRY: Steel Loeation, borti beons, gzouting or uez,ticals in accordoee vith U,B.C. lectian 241 S. iioODSTA'TE: empTAA. Aftet installation is f f tDo 9 tDEoAn ao .tDo^it .Aftet fornea'e er*teCWndot to pou-:na concrete. SIDEilALK & DRI|"WAI: Eot aLL cor crete paoing uithln street mght- of-uny, to be naCe after ali, ecea- oatina cattolete & fozn utotk & eub- base naterial in place. I I B, III lTilAL PLUIIBIIIC FIIIAL IIECHA\IICAL IIIIAL SLECIPICA' ltllCE: llhen eonplete -- Hori^7e gaces o? nooable aections tltrough DIIT ALL proiect corlditiora, such as che i.nstallaxion of ;treet t?ees, ccnie;ion of cheteqircd Land.scqing, etc., nuat be satisJ'ied bei'oz,e t|".e AUILDfiIC FIIIAL cen be reqtzsxeC. ,p( PINAL ilILDINC: The F.JnaL *uildln4 Inspection mtst be reqtesteti ciler the linal ?tunbiu \ ( Electz"ical, o'u Mechariccl fnsoect'Jons i"aue been naCe ai approoeC *ALL I4AI]HCLES AI,ID CLEAIIOLITS YUST BE ACCES,TBLZ, ADJUST:,:!;II lO 3E A'9 !.t lIO::ST ?C CTY -a-'-'# frJ T tr tr tr 2 JOB NO. Secai SLAArd.!k SOLAR )ESS REQ.- Pentt,t '1'OtdL Pertat issucce ],lecizaaical Pertmt -- iilcRcACEilE:tT -- L-CO G* Receipt l: Sigted: Electricol Permit llhe?e State La requires tha,t the electrieal uork be done by an Electrieal Cont"acto", the eleclr'tcal cortion of '-hia petmit sI,aLL not be talil until the Label lns been signeC bg the ElectricaL Conttecto?. Mechqnicsl Permit I HAW CAR!?ULLY !XA]4IJ1D tie conpleted copL:-caticn for petmit, cnd. da herebg certify ;hai aLL ilfo:ration heveon is true and cortect, ed. I fo?+.he" cereif,g thax any arti aLL aork oeriorned sitzlT- be doyte in acccr- ddnce,,rith the ?rdinznces of the City of Sprzngfield, atd ;he Lc;s of the State of )regcn poltalning to the aork Cescz'ibed hetein, sl. tln+- l0 1CCA- ?lJlcy ttill be nade of otA sxluctale uithout 2ernissiol of the SuiZiing N-tision. f furthen certi.,''g tl"tt ctly eollt?cetc"s oti a-.:olcyees aho ate ia conoliance Diih CRS 701.055 aiLL be used on ihis project uat2 Zone:Ccancancu Grott:!1pe/Ccrst tsedroons Lot Fzces -Et|erot ;o;fi,ees TLte Se:backs Tect P.L i!cuse Carace Aecess 'iid.ter !eate!llorrh Ra/,4e Eesx liteoLcce Dolitn -'loocis;ote Lot Sq. Ftg. / cf lct Ccuerage # of Stortes ?otal lteight topogrqhy LCT IYPS _ Intetict _ Corner _ ?aniuu.Le CuL-de-sac 'iest -- Fees -- r!!!4 ci:oa X VaLue llain C,*acz lcrAL vA.Lut cnnl<- I ',QY Building Volue & Permit This perw)t,Js gtanted on the esp"ess cotd.ition tlnt the said-eonstrac)ion slnll, in alL :.esceets, eonform rc the irCinzr.ee zdopteC ly the :it7 oI- Spr,)r-gfrelJ., lnclud.ing the ioning Crdina.ce, reqtlating ;h.e ecnstntcticn sl use cf bu.-Ld.:.r"gs, anci nty be suspetl.ed. or reuckei et ,:.! tine uton uic- Lattcn oi cny prcttisions of saiC 1rCirances. Euilding ?enit ?otal Jl"anaes State Plumbing Permit ilo peteon slnll consi;mtet, inslal!, altet or ciunge cn! nea cr esisting plunbing cr drainage syster in:,;hol.e ot in part, trtLess such petson is the Legal possessor of a valid phtnber's License, cegt ti"a.t a pe"son naX do plunbing utork to prope?tA ahieh ia ottted, Leased or operated bg the appli- cdnt, Pluniizg Perrit Residential (1 bath) Saner .::E:.r tio.al.l )a l Res. So. fta tlil,/Ertend. Circu"Jts Ianpcroy Sertice O,QD :ic.!xJ h'asan^ DOll I e *hast HooC Vent ?@r i'lco<isto;se Storcae l4aintera-nee Curbat= !3!AL AI,IAUTT DU!: * Hobile ilcne k{ r!!:4 tic!cr {