HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1967-08-12sE'49!r Lt gI_4N0_ C0NNECT! 0N AGREEI|ENT
KNOW ALL I.IEN BY THESE PRESENTS That for and In consideratlon o
vl sl on of a publlc sewer facltllclpal corporatlon in Lane Coun ty, ohereln described, we
ty constructed by the Cl ty of Springffor the benef It of the
f the pro-
ield, a
real propertyt
do he
i ted
agree to tire pl aceriient of, and grant to , !!e legatr owners of the propertysald c'ty a ilen upon our propertyand described as fol lows:
1/ Z "rz':'!
Lot 61 Old lttatutl1 Trret
It is further provided tha
accordance wlth the provislons
Sprlngfleld ln the event that iwlth slx (6) months of thelr Cuhelf (*) of the equlvalent cost
rate of $3.110 Per abutting fron
ttre ccst of a house connectl
permi ts or other such costs
t this lien may be foreclosed as other c!ty I Iena inof tlie OrJinances and Charter of the Cit yof
nctal iment payments lncluding lnterest , are not paid
e date" Thls llen has been cooiputed a$ belng c,are-of an elght (8,,, lncht fcot foi 72,A
lateral sanitary ser^rer at ttiefeet and does not lnclude
on to sald trunk seu.:err sewer user charges, plumbing
to be assumed by the prope;'ty owner.
Amorrnt of Llen: $ 244.g0
- Sald real property descrlbed shall be held as securlty for the re-payment ofthe above sum ln ten equel senr!-annual lnstallments, ptus accured lnteriri "i-tturate of 6% from the date hereof on the balance of the'unpaid assessment, The lnltlalpayment of prlnclpal and lnterest wlll be macle by the property o*"r-rii tii-,nonth.from the date of this agreement.
Thls llen and agreement tc pay the same shall be blndlng upon the rrnderslgned
who ai'e the orvners of the !'eal prrrperty l:erein de;crib,ed and sha!l bind thetr heirs,
exec,itors, adminlstrators, assigns ;.'nd cul:;essors ln ii'lterest, and unti I pald, shall
be construed to be a covenant ru!l;'ririg witil the lcr:d
Dated at Sprlngfield, 0':egon, this_?.2pd_<iay of._.1$gBt@er _, t9-CI1_.
Counfi of- Lane )
0n th a,of l*-, personal ly c:ne befoi'e
the wlthin named_
to me personal ly knor.rn to be
thln lnstrument, and acknow-
ta Not
t ca
c n
sons escr
sa tate,
execu the wln
ledged to me that they executed the same freely and voluntarl Iy for the uses and
purposeg thereln named.
ast above written.tr!Ti:IESS r,ry hand arid seal thl
s day and year
xP I res