HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-08-20_ " RESlD..lTlAL" APPLICAYION/PERMIT 225 North ith Street Springfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIEL.D *G7s-a Date: Aeseaeors Map tt i7- OZ- 3G - )t r@ r.ot # l"73Cd ft) nn llloRlT Qr>orfiot-)Subdiuision: i3** 1 LoT A t tJ n"r ^tt O<z ooe,CLmen: toLlLl /0, i 8*a Phone: l4e ^ gAOSAd&ess Descrtbe llork: 0oo Carreaur- 0r.,rg nor,?) <oo aP Date of K*,,,' g ldditicn RenroCel General 2 ELeetrical Ofr.' Sodleg saner eqped at properfui Line Se?tic tork p;,rpeti and. filled ttth gz,a;;ei Final - ilhett ahcue itens ate ecnpleiei ad uhen Cqtoliticrt is eotnplete o? st:,u.3- ture noueC ad prenrises cleaneC up. ilob Le ilcnes Bloeking od.lei-up Plunbin4 connections -- aate? anC. aaler Electrical Ccnnection - Eloeking, set-u> and plumbing connec+.ions m;st be apprc,:eC befone requeating electrJcal inspectio':t Accessory BuilCing Einal - After pcrekes, skirtlng, decks, etc. @e corryLeled. Pace 1 of 2 It ie the responsibility of t|e petmit holder. to aee that aLL inspectione ee nade at lhe ?"o?e! tirne , thdt each addteee is 72a'1ab1-2 frot the st?eet, and, tlnt the pentrtt cad, is Located at the frant of the property.tBuiUin4 Dioiciotr app o"'ed plan slall rema"in on tlz Building Sitc at aLL- tines. Consttaetion Lender PROCIDUPE FOR INSPqCTfiII R9O.WST:CALL 7I requested cd, aher gou vLLL be readg fortiZL be aade the sante dcg, requests nc.de SI?E INSPECTION: ----.-;.- *cauarlcn, 2ui .L'O DE afterpriar tc set up of E forns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELEC?RICAL & WCHLIIICAL: To be nade before any uork is caeted. ECOffNG & FOUNDA?ICN: To be lrude ffi t"enci;;A;escattated ard forms ote eteeted, but prtor to pou"tng ccncyet€. UND,RGPAAIID PLAMEING. S?WP, 14.4T!R, DEA!]!A!E: ?o be naae prtor xo fil- @'6inches. UIIDEP,ELOOR PLUI,EIIIG E I4ECqANTCAL :@o7 f7.oor insulctian or decking. PO ! 4llD BEU4: To be nade prtot to fftffiTof f"oot ittsulatiott or &cking. R)UGil PLUtBfitG, ELE?TRICAL A t{EC1- ANICAL: llo uork ,Js to be ccr:ereti ffilT-these iiupectior.s hct:e beer nade attd. approueC. EI?EPLACE: PrLor to plccir4 facingnater4als and. befcre frani,rq inspec-tiot. i7 nulrnc: ltust be recuested aftet'X\) ap-oroo"t of nough pLu'rbing, e-Lectrl-( \ a.L & neclranieal. AL! roofing btactnq E chintnega, ete. rntst beeonpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- , cecled until thia insoectian has'been rade anC appror:eZ. 26 37 6 9 (r,ecorder aou!citg Cesiarated job inspection,Cont"dctcrs Anne"s cnd plane ttill|1De?fiane nunDel,job aCiteas,o!?e LnsDec Peques-us teceiu'ed befcre 7 00 be nad.e the nezt twkini your CitA Desigr,ated Job Nunber fs: INSALA?IAN/VAPOR BA , ?o be nade after aLL insulatLcn ed. required uqor boriers @e ,)n pla,ce btt befcre otg Lath, Wpsutn bcatC or unLL cooering is applied, and befcre ay insulation is concealed. DRWALL INSPECAI)N: lc be nwde after aLL C.ry.aLL is in place, but prior to cng taping. llAFQlR:t: Steel Location, bond ffijgvouting or verticala in otcord.atce vith U,B.C. Secti,on 2415. 7 LL K W I 4I i'/00D5T01/E: errrpCnA. After installation le CURB & APPRCACE APNN: After fonnsee ereeteC but pioz, to pouring cone?ete. SfDWALK & DRf',EWA!: Fot all ean- c"eteicarLng-;lrffi stre et right-of-*y, to be naCe after all ecca- oating cattplete & forn wk & cub- base naterial in place. gate6 DIIF trrhen conplete -- ProuiCe oy not:able sections through ect condiiions, suck as the insxallation of street tyees, ec:r,pletiot cf ihe' Landscapitg, atc., mtst be satisfied before tke AUILDING FfiIAL can be requested.FIIIAL PLUMBIIIC FTilAL I,IECIIANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ALL prq' reqtit ed fl\ FINAL BaILDfNc: The EinaL Buildin4 fnspection nwst be requested cfler the linal P|-wbirq V_-X Eleetrieal, qnC Mechanical fnspections itqte been made and aoprcuaC. *ALL I,IANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST]IE]]T lO 3E i,L4DE !,? !]O:3ST TC CI?Y LLse. 1?-i^- -77({ l,lechanictL l tr tr T 2 L JOB NO.soLAR A.aEss REQ.-L-co c -L Building Volue & Permit This pertnt,t is granted on the erp"ess cond.ition tlnt the said consttwctionslall, in a_ll z,esgects, confcrm to the Cr,&inanee edopted 5iy the Cii:g ofSprtngfti.slT, incktding ;he Zoning Crdincnce, regulcting :kb ccnstzabticn cnd.,,tse of but-tiirqs, otd. nay be suspen-d,ed or rb,sokeC at c-y tine upon uic-l,atian of ang orctsisions of saiC Ordirances. >701 ceess. ?OTAL VALUE &{,7b Sigred: Bedroonte lteat FTG i Va 5 J S.D.C. 1.5 c 'rft, Lot Faces - ilouse Building Permit ?otal Clwrges State L'ate Paad PLan LCT TWE _ fntetiot 3. ,orro _ Panhatdle Cul-de-sac Lot Sq. Ftg. Z cf lct Cooerage I of Stories lotal Height fopogrcplry D No- peteon slwll 9otstrwct, inslall, alter ot cltmt4e anA nea cr esisting p_Lwnlina or drainage systen in uhole or in patt, tatlesi such petson ie- the Le-gal .possessor of a ualid plunbet,s License, escegt tlnt a pbtson narl doplwebing aotk to prope"tA uhich ie otned, Leased or opetated by the oppti-car*. S.ao /5, t-o Ptr!fTIM ltht*es Resid.etttial (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plunbtng Penrit State Sutchange Plumbing Permit .uu.CTLARGE Ree. So. fta Nat/Ectend. Circuits ^ /<ao Ianpcrcy Sezvice LEStT /S,oet ,bO CIIARCE Mechqnicol Perm!t b o 'rlcodstooe Vent F@t bhanst Hood. ts Pertnt fesuctce Meclundcel Petrtrtt _ ENCRCACEMEII? -- t9c"t44 Deposit Stotaoe i.,lainterance Per.ntit Cutbcut Sida,talk lenee E LeCt?LCdL LabeL "'L0 TOTAL AMOUII? DUE:* !otal Receipt # Electricol Permit tllete State La requiz.es t et the electtLcal uork be ,1one bg at Eleetz.tcalContw.cto!, the electricaL pottion of this permit stla,Ll rot- be ualiC untilthe Label ltas been signed by the Electr,Lcal- Cont?actor. -20-8:._ I EAW CARIFULLy IXAILINED th.e eonpleted aplt cation fot permit, crd da hereby cez.tify that aLL infotnatian hereon is tmte anL coz,rect, and. I f4ltker cettify that otg ard aLL uork perforned slwll be dote in aceor- dance vith the )rdinu,ces cf the City of Sprtngfield, at'd. the Las of theState cf O"egoil pertaining to the aotk Cesct4bed herein, cnd. tlut N0 ACCA- PI.NCY wLiL be rru.d.e of @ty attactulz r,tithout penntsaion of the 3ui'l,Cing Di-oisioa. I fr,other eertif'g titet otly eontTacto"s an.<i etqlcyees uho arle in eanpLianee ot,th CRS 701.055 uiLL be ueed on this project Mobile Hatte Signed CvLtuD 1; 7 o, 3 ./.J.ort 'rlctet i!!r4 lotal Chnqes State ?otal Charces d