HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1976-07-02I NSTALLER:compr ete top 0"..,'li'f::: ::'li;,:l:::'::.']:l:T,*ll;il,".oies wi th appr i cat ion. PERHIT NO L 4rt I4uus.L V ng n ePt c ank: V Ba s Bas es S 2$9 rrp ter u Y Publ ic her-L i st Ft. frorn wel I Steel n Concrete g No. Compartments Gal. Capacity lns en th N NAME }tAILING ADDRESS Len e mens ons:t e sPosa et.,idth Diameter De h Distribution Box: Yestr eet rom ll otL ne Fron S r t On- o No dat i on pe isqr 5 UP ST SPrp . 9ee.1+7tLi5-t 6 tFl Side R arl ile er oh, 4Lin 0at ORYFor Sanitarian Use Only:Date:7-2-7Lln accordance with 1973 oregon Laws Chapter 835, Section 214 this certificate is issuedas evidence of satisfactory completion of a subsurface sevrage disposal system at the above I ocat i on. E npptoved: System lnstallation conforms to current standardsI I Disapproved: Does not conform to current standards Remarks: w i d$rz r ota F etweenr0t I nes er ePt 6-ove ltle ain P an nstrsee ons wELr- t lga-Grolllt t*m elll-y_ 40 reraIsite eE ?ri --39 " \n- , DEtusl wftY I I lc olA cd t o 1> / RECEIUES t bg--F --a w (-'jULrj11976 45- "t-z--\ oo LANE EOIJNTY rNU&NttrNfiLt MGorGrr5e Prtc 'fnN .. (-t*g;- [-vo = ws9 za - [' ?!c f)No 5eo 5t ure ar c0uc55-11 STATE OF OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY gnat ure ts -\ n Owner LANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR PERIVIIT NO CONSTRUCTION [ ] IVIOBILE HOME [ ] PLAN REVIEW t ] CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] NA I\1E ADD R ESS CITY ZIP CODE PHONE u Contractor NAIVIE ADD R ESS CITY ZIP CODE PHONE O.S. Reg, * Tw Subdivision- Lot Access to Property (Road Name) Range- Section-Tax Lot=--..- Code- Census Tract_ B lock Acreage Width Depth Existing Structures on Property: Directions to Property - Address STRUCTURE (# BEDROOIVIS)SO. FT VALUATION SEWAGE D ISPOSAL PLUIVIBING INSTALLED BY: OWNER[] OTHER[] NAIVIPUBLIC[] SEPTICTANK tl orHER[]tr BUILDING PLUIVIB ING 3% SURCHARGE- IVIOB ILE HOIVIE WASTE D ISPOSA L PLAN REVIEW TOTAL WATER SUPPLY: PROPOSED t ] EXISTING I ] PUB LIC COTVIIVIUNITY . NATVIE PR IVATE WELL OTHER .SPECIFY CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS IVIIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY GALS IVIIN. DRAINFIELD LIN. FT IVIAX. TRENCH DEPTH I NCH ES STAY 1OO' FROIVI ALL WELLS TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION- GROUP FIRE ZON USE CLASSIFE SETBACKS FT. FROI\4 CTR. OF rAN FRONT SIDE EXT FT. FROIVI PROP. LINE SIDE INT REAR ZONE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES lsl ISSUANCE DATE BLDG. PEFMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY _ WHITE COUNTY TAX _ PINK PLUN4BING - CANARY BUILDING - GBEEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD IMPORTANT Call 687-4065 to schedule all required construction inspections. Call 687-4061 to schedule all required septic system inspections. All construction shall comply with the State Buidling Code, D.E.Q. standards for subsurface sewage disposal and the State Plumbing Code. All buildings require a certificate of occupancy before being occupied. (See Details on Reverse Side) (POST THlS PERI\4IT ON MAIN BLDG. AT S!TE) LANE COUNTY, DEPT, OF ENVIBONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COUFTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 L,U PERMTT + ,/?"lS" 7O\ NOTE: NO PERMIT WILL BE ISSIIED T]NTIL THIS APPLICATION HAS BEEN APPROVED CONSTRUCTION MOBILE HOIM APPLICATION FOR PLAN REVIEW CHAi.IGE OF OCCI'PANCY a,t,5' re ,/-8)OWNER CONTRACTOR Name ess Ci zlp rvp. 18 n"r,e"-J-sectionJ, J rax Clty zLp tSoa,,*nd-coa"-!9:-Q2--census Tract Name Address Lot Phone o. s. REG. /l ACcESs ro PRoPERTY tno.a u"r"lSocc*h dY S*red Exiscing Structures on Property Property Locatlon - Address/Directions +l Below Office Use SEWAGE Slt.e Inspec tlon /i Exlsting Sewage Dls Publlc WATER SI]PPLY: Well FEES: System B or New SYstem Required * Name of Coomunity or Publlc System Subdlvls Bldg. P1rlnblng 3% Surcharge Waste Dlsp. Plan Revlew Moblle Hone B1o ck____Property Sq. Ft. Other wld th_Depth_ Valuationedrooms - erl'Spring 3{, aa -PGoo Name Fixtures Fire Sewage CoIInection PI.ANS FURNISHED YES l2<J$o Signature of APPllcant Fee Recelved BY Water Connection FACILIfi PERMIT YES ELuo Date:TOTAL type of Construction Maximum ed by Owner FEES: Bldg Setbacks - frou Center of Road Right of way: Rear ZoneSlde Int.Side Exterior DATE:DATE:BUILDING PIANNING: c55-12 LAT{E COT]NTY DEPART}'IENT E}WI RONMEN TAL MANAGB{EN T DATE: l--.1 I ( Zqoe---._-Use Class lf lcatlon