HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-08-17ZZlb-0!''- Lane County Authori za,tion for, ,rY) Z TAX LOT f-lOUTt'Fibffivt60tTOWN*SHIPtb RANGE OV "U wARcEL PROPOTE\ USE OF PROPERTY ffieside-ntl-aI [-l tndustriarl Publ-icCommercialON PROPERTY -BE Proposed Existing NUMBER h,.-/naS NAME AND OSR ,ire have the following legal interest in the Property: I f:rther certify that any ild aII work Perfomed pertaining to the work described herein, and that ther certify that regisEratj.on with the Builder's is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors ad CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY 4 titl , tase authorized withownercontractagentpurch o Lane andthWIordinancesComtythebeINdoneshalL furIthem1ofSIONBui1divrstonDithenadebeofwithouLn9structureNOOCCUPANCYanyPe oRs 70 .0 that if thet forbasisforcefu11e f fectand AS redUI exemP xemptionISBoardtnreqlbyctIREADHAVEAND05570Ibewi lL duse on th isarewhoINthoRs proleconplianceemployees , and do hereby certifyI TIAVE CARIFULLY EXAMINED THE is true and correct, and that I evidence of authority attached. the Laws of the State of Oregon READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATTON HAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS! Hu}l.side rnstallation Record rssueal? fl v." fl n" Maximum DepthInstallationof Trenchesspecifications: - Tank COM}IENTS: Date: Use COM}IENTS: Ijate: d6Size/5cL Ga1lon Group tr D D PLANNIN ZONING: t P. #SANITATION: S. I. l* PLANS EXA.I,IINATION: type Parce I Lineal Feet of Drainfield x rearllinimum Setbacks: CL FOR OFFICE USE rhree Copies of Plot Plans Mech,/Plumbing Checklist Legal Interest Document Plan check Info Sheet Permit + Applica Two Copies of TOTAL VALUATION $IC€ Description CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT Sq. Ft. Fixed Fee/Unit Cost Floodplain Pee Subsurface Pees euilding Eee itech/Plrnbg Fee P i ans Check Fee State Surcharge DEQ Surcharge TOTAL FEE $ $ $ $ + s $ SS PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL,/DESIGNEE (per ORS 456 8os (r) ) LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687'4061' I25 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INTORNIATION DATE c ttr-zs X*xttt l/At/ QnrnP wilI l SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVO- CATION OF THIS PERMIT, CfTATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHERREMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW. WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION, @l.lof inspection, when it will CALL 687-4065 . Have-TEE--Fo11 be ready, your A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPEC-.owing information ready: permit number, job address, typename and phone number, and any special directions to site. 2- Concrete Slab or Under-Floor In!_pegtion: To be made after a1t in-slab or under-f1oor buildingEervice equipmentT-conEuft, plpfi, -dccessories, and other ancillary equi.pment items are inplace but before any concrete is poured or floor sheathi-ng installed,-intluding the subfloor. 3. |raI+!C & rnsulation Inspections: To be made after the roof , all framing, fire blocki.ng, andEiEElnt are-In-pTace ana-aTT pIles, fireplaces, chimn.y=, .r,il vents are complete and ali roughelectrical and plumbing are approved. A1I walt insulation and vapor barriei are in place. 4. Lath and/or GyPsum Board IJlspection: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, i.nterioranT-ext-eriorl--is in-plac-aceiu-t EeEore any plastering is applied .nd b"toil gypsum board jointsand fasteners are taped and finished. 5. Pinal rnspection: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work sha1l be.done.on any part of the building or Structure beyond the pointindicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the ipproval of the building oifici.l.Such approval shall be given only after an inspection shall have been-maile of each successirle stepin the construction as indicated by each of the inspections required. NOTE: All building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to: BUILDING DTVISION: REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: 1. Foundation Inspection: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when a1IffiTs f or the foundation are delivered on the job.Where concrete from a central mixingpJ-ant (commonly termed "transit mixed',)is to be used, materials need not be on the job. A Septic Tank 10r 10r 5r 501 Drainfield C Block WaII: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. ThisIn.specdon.is required for each bond beai pour.'There will be no "pi.6r"l untii the plumbingand electrical inspections have been made and approved wood Stove: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when installatj-on iscomplete. rnstallation shal1 be in accordance with an approved, nationalJ-y recognized testingagency and the manufacturerrs installation instructions. Mobile Home: An inspection is- required after the mobile home is connected to an approvedEEiEFoi-Feptic-system for setbacli requirements, blocking, footing connection, tie-downs,skirting, and plumbing connections 1. Footings and piers to comply with state foundation requirements for mobile homes or asrecommended by the manufacturer. 2. Mobile home minimum finish floor elevation dhatt be certified when required by a flood-plain management letter 3- Mobile home tiedor,rns,-when required, and skirting shalt be installed and ready for inspec-tion within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirtj-ng shall be installedper enclosure. -++$}rr!.,PogI.: P:19, grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above gradewhen pool- is installed. l. Permits shalr be effective for one year from the date of issuance. 2- Upon completing the construction for which a permit has beeri issueil, the permit holder shalInotify the Lane county Department of Planning and Community Development by submitting theinstallat,ion record form. The Department sh;I1 inspect the constrlction to determine i.f itcomplies with the rules contained in this division. rf the construction does comply with suchrules, the Department shaII issue a certificate of satisfactory completion to the'pl.^it;holder.rf the construction does not comply with such rules, the Depar'tment'shal1 noti.fy t'he permitholder and shall require satisfictory completion before issuing the certificate. pail-ure tomeet the requirements for satisfactory completion within a reas6nable time constj.tutes a vio-lation of oRS 454.605 to 454.745 and lhis iule. Setbacks - Subsurface Sewage Disposal D APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TTMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMTT WILL EXPTRErF woRK DOES Nor BEGrN wrrHrN 1Bo DAys, oR rp woRK rs suspENDED oR ABANDoNTo ron lloni-ruaN r8o DAys.SUSPENS]ON OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF TNCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUSINFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDryG-PAST THE POINT OT REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THE]R OWN RISK. SUBSURPACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-wayBuilding foundationWelIs, other water sources From:10r 10r 10 ! 100 t I \ n N{. :\'\ \ R c9- --\.o.-e dq1$ -\- -\R L" (s -r,>- --!e--s5 F -" 9^ <r- -a^'tre \l' I I I $ g-'i r\r \p\ r-t DN )a s-\\_\ $i Rs d$J--\Ns\ \ \ n Lj I i : $NttuEl,l aHt T/ s () \ T) :iN i\ r> >! f\h To Ory,r/SmreA i: \\ Time :r{ '/) ,\T I I I r\ Date I .N t\.\ s ix :N"i(\ \ ,r fh t\'F E\ WHILE YOU WE OUT of 3 d phone a>6+?E/ Message rDnu 1/ I l-r o-i I iill(\ ! ext S,{.-\:lr'f\ thil. \ <'..2\l I 1/ ;IIII iE-u\,k!'tfti i I I ) : I I I I I il 3o/o TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CAME IN v \^/ILL CALL BACK RETURNEO YOUR CALL RUSH yc) (O ,*;,6 t I ! .. ... .:-, I &stsfl 4,6 / n /,r, hu Ca*7 /3?s so zl sr *ftr^4)J u4 fZr./, /emzz-to //e €amg u,at)/Z fty'-"^- :EloR,]t tR ,/,qos o WtNDcv<r ( I Rora E k Roo/n tl,/AstEE rtfDt:nnn 7 //E Ft4Y,{oor'"t \V*.-i ,c :u/ BR CtasET 7 'ii \t I ttl \, c\' (/) { ist' s \Jp Ctr \ l''. vl a Futt \ i L i bysAN ( ;Qoon ,''!tr.vE5 clo*f ) I I I l t- I I I I I I I I i I tl I i : el.. - ^-:-*- - .. 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