HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-07-22.. RESIDENTIAL.. z.s ltorth sth s; treeAP?L;cA? r,N /PERI/ff! Spr.ngfield, Cregcn 97477 Butlding Dit;ision 726-37 53 SP'IINGFIEI.D Ddte cp a iob locaticr,. A ,OB . A \tL,\ d't Cr )()\Aosessorc :!ao I Subdi:;isicn: A Pl'one Describe Hork: ou'al'n uru$.qrgmseic=e oJ'Appliea :icn Vaiue ACdiircn RarcCeL Gqtercl ileclcnJccL Sani'-at1 seser ecp?ed =t ?rc?erl Line Septie totk y"i4eC ad. fllled. tith gra:;ei ginal - t,4ten cbcue itens ate cctolexei ar.C xhen dencli;iot: is ccm=Lele br stt-;:- ttce noueC oc cret:ises cleanei up. 2 dcn2s Blocking od 1ex-ug ?Ltnbin4 ecnzecxior.s -- saiev ol. ua2et Electriccl Ccnnection - tsLocking, set-u) anC pltunbing conr.ections m;st be qprcted bei'or e reque s t:-ng e!. ec'-rical ins o ec = iot:, Accasso,y Suililrq Tcrei:es, skirting, Cec);,Final - t,ftat etc, ale can? ?zie 1 oi 2 Consirlcticn-leEs!_ I! is lhe reegoncibili;y of tlo pernrt,z ioder to see tlwt aL! inspecttans dte nade at lhe pzopet t*n€, ihst eech cdd.vess is ren;aiie jroat tie s;teet, atul litat tha pet:rit card. ia lccaled at the fzott of tt.e propez,ty.11uilCiq V!;ticiotz dD2tou-ed, VtLn si"cll renain on tha Euil(i;ng Site at aLL'tihes.- 2'nr:ntt)? =^D ,tQ)?FrC1| pi2g!57.'CALL 726-3769 (recorCer) state your Citg ,7esig"t-tted job nzor,ber, iob aC&ess, type of insgec=icn @eaiy|orir,specxion,conttdctarsoia-n""".,-,,e.,ldptlc)emlrlbel.-Pequestareceii;'edbZfcr"..7:00c:i'-iLL be racie the sat;e icy, "equests ncae after ?:00 6n tiLL be nade the na.t fi?kin€ d.a'i. your Cit! Desigra,ted Job llwtbet Is:83\C)1 Jcmn' to) -*<aoat.! era i--l rJ9s.r.sL;3 ?i:,t:.B::;G. lLic:?IC;L 2 I | ,rl!-ti..;t'-Ap: t'O D€ r.Cde Ce:Ofe Cny Jr-.: :.i-\/:'-- j/.li j,O Ce rECe Aia?r - ecca)acion, bu= prtor lo se! ug of forms. FCCT:IG ,, ?CU:|DA!:C|: To be :cie ;F e t .!,"-nci;;' a";ez cto cted ard fctns cte eyo-cteit but crior ;o pou?iry c.ncre;e.. U:trEP!:aC? ?'tU: 3 i:tc ), |/ir2.a.!t:C;L lc ce nzc.e or"Jct, :o ;-nsccliat:.oa oi f-l,aor ,.asui;ion o: deckino. i:;suLA!:ON /7nP1p 3LRRr!? i:l'?!C!!Cll : To be nad.e after aLL izs-ulction cd., reqrJted oqor ba,riels ee ir olace but before oty la.th, g1lps-um bcarC cr tnLL cooering is applieti, ard beiore ay insulation is concealeC. - L' :t JjRCza tJ:t 3 ? aL'12 i9rSE32_ "t:!!j)J Lir4 =rerckee.I DRYT|A.LL iilSPlcrrc!: Tc a.Ite" aLL dz"JuaLL Ls Ln bui pt-ior to cny taping. M4SQ!,8_!_: Steel Location, bond GdiTg?outing ot, uerticals in accorrbtce uith U.ts.C. Secticn 2415. ti0CDS=!0',8: After installatioa iE &nDLetad. CAPB :l 4PBa4e! !?-".0!: After forns a,e'"r.ecx rzi"t @ to p arri)q eorrc?ete. SIDgl,tA.LK & DRf',TiA!: 7or all cott- cter; ?@-G;m street rtght- of'-ucy, tc be ncde aflc-r al| ezcc- uatinc conoleze & fom ';ot'k ,7 aub- base mctepJal in plzce. 3Yr'l?9.' i{hen eonolate -- ?rcuiie gates ot notlable seetians ;hrough Dil? be naCe glace, l-1 -"osr AilD 3EA!,!: lo be ncce t-Jor '-o, | ffiiio; Jloor irsu'ia.t;.c'ri or Ceckirq. FCt.:C'l ?:'.:t9!::C, !:i::P!::a I ;Z:1- AIL: .::o ,ctz 'is =c ce .o:;ero-c un:.-L ;kesa '.tscc-cliots 'ndve beetc naie :rd, : ,lt I t-.17!!-;,.J,Il-t I ncaet.dJs 4Vrc:te7.: Prlor '.o i'ccctrq l=e'Jng cr.d. before ;rair4 .Jnscec- itust le recuesteC cfler f?uc 4 tlJr-c i"g.2 Leetr.)-c necraltt L brcerrg 1 chir,ztcus, ete. ::t'tsz be . cctqle.-e<i. ,'lo ';cr< is '.o be con- . ceci.ed unzii ;his insoecicn vas 'been r,ad.e otC aporcteC. a rrat pLti:.ter:;c l. nm :.lECilA:trcAL AL L gro,ject cor.iitions, such cs th.e i.nscallaxion c;'saz.eec .?ees, :c-Vlecicn ci ,ne red Lcnisccpizg, ctc., nltst be saxisiied belcte the SUILDI::G ?!i;AL :cn be reqteseeC. BUILD|IIC: Tne Fincl lul,Ldi"q lnsoecticn ::vst be requested zi:er ti.e ?!r-zl ?Lu:rcirq ns ircue ceen zaie ari z=crcuai.trical, artz :leeha.r.")ccl inscecctc .ALL \IAIIT\CLZS AIID CL|ANCIJTS IIUST BE,ICCESS|SIE, .lDJI-'57:!i::!:O 3Z:11'E /.! !:O:iS? 7C CI?! tr tr ?::e 2 JOB NO. ?cgogrqi".y soLlrf, AccEss REQ.- Crq"o _ ir-teti.ot _ Corner _ Pcnharatile Ctl-de-sac L-CO G+ 3eiraaEs: Reeeipt #: Mechqnicol Permit :?!:1 ,,;c ?p-*Ji lss-u.ztce Mecitnicel ?errit State Sotrces .,.1:'cess). aot :aces - aove -- Pta< -- i--i.1,Jr..'-i x TaLue '.lctn Gz:ce L r-,1t i/-LL: s.r.c. 1.5 .= <7J* PLan205 CATU: Building Vcllue & Permit This penn:-t is grcnted on the e*?ess eot'td.iticn tlta.t the said conscrue=ionsi,a.il, in zlL:.esceets, con;'ctn:,c =he 3rdirnnee zdooted.'ry ti..e C|JT ciSpingfteld, ')nclttzing ;he 3oning CrCincnce, r,egulcttna .,ke ccns:.:.tetlcnoti use oi bur-Ldings, cnd n=y be ;uccetieC or reuckei at al! t--ne i2.n uac- la'-tan af .ty prcuisiors cf sciC C,rd:Jrcnces. ?otal Cl"a:ges lizzures Resi<izntial (1 bcth) Saritarv Seuet ;,lcte: Plumbing Permit llo, person slull constmtct, ins!al!, alter or cltonge dnV nea cr etisting glwnbin4 cn drainage systen in alple or in part, ur.iess such person is- th,e Legal.possessor of a ualid phnber,s License, e.ce?t th.at a peson nay dopkmbing xork to prope"b! uhich is ouzed, Leased ot opercted by the *pti-@nt. Plwb'r,ng Pern:it Electricol Permit llhere stcte La,t requit,es tlnt the electrical aork be done by an Electr-icalcont?actot' the electrical porlion of thia pentit shall rat- be uali.c untilthe la,bel ha.s been signed. by the Electtical- Conttactor. I ?e*ti ,,io 'esI Stste tl il / Ezt end, C ir.c-ui t s Sertice .q s pa3 ?zreee ?TU'S blldlst llooC Yent ?ot vcoistote -- 2,iu.--aL-=..-:-jl -- PLcn uac2 TctcL I i yobila llcae r EAW cAREtuLLy lxlrylitED the con"pieteC aoplicaticn fot petni:, ani dahereby eeriif_y tTEt dLL ilfo:na:tbn hetecn- i,s ttae o)1. .Zrrnc., onC. i f"o'.her 9eltlJi thdt ang crl aLL :;onk =eriorned ahall be done in accor-danee ',rixh the Ordinences of the City -cf Springfiald, ad, ;he Lc;a of chcstate of 0reccn pefi:ainina to the uoik ces-c.*-blc herein, sa. :hc. :io 1cc!,]-Pl.Jcl '')LL: be,raie of c.n! sxtvctw,a aithout permissia:z of the zu-Jliinc 7!-uision. I f,tz.ther :ercii-i thct o:tly ecn--tdc.crs ci anplcgees uip 6,i incdpl.aanca uith CRS ?)T.CSS oil! be used cn ihia prcjeey 4 Sectr)rt Detcsii Stota.ae ilaintacr;e Sida,talk Eleqtricel Lciel 70TAt A.+!OU:0 DUE:.\) 1-41 Date *' aCC2SS)a't * _. en2e )il *ir J' i ve u.r !6 .t : r rE! . QroTosc s.ooL r^,,1-l4- wf ,1, arp.of. wttluc*trt, rt\ r"u" Pro t9'_.{ !.:l t OYer h .t 0ltJr"! t-'- eY'i ttt t qc-f 5l( 3aY 3) uJ tG\ {r td A\se I r- 1 hr* 9ey Jo ( I+,- Ofa1,_J \i- )2 Lil",. lho"r,5J I;_' I honr. IT \ t I t I t \- I t I I I Ex,sti u1 covcwol fr* ia Ci et et?rO *beve-(, /, r;rft, {*+J I_l -S bc\ o ^l {-t-- "Qr,"{lor" '.rit) r-) '".t15€ I \\\\{o, t 5A^.1 l, 1ot Ar, I Ja.L = r.-rooJ !?. I ( I I ( I ( I !5Xr, r'rf , cl L,0f' ??sl1it/l vc{ rL* t,[g. ai I u 't*;,'ffi: T,r:i/!i A vet AAtrl2, fi 1,.^ in'r u q^ f 9o'f 3.Spe -fl,-;+.urt- F l<c: r ,r- ,1 (,la url e,t,\ 'i. -1\ \Iil* I r e1 <rpni t4'ol il il'Hl1 I l-ll ,r YOOI .: (-- :tsli"t 1o.'l'* * w+l € I I 1 I I I ( t I ) 'l l I st.-l\R --n. \\ OCCUPANCY LOAOUNITg TYPE CONST. THq AL-INDlCATED IN COLORED MAOE AFT':R DATETIONS BY THE BulLolNG DATEAPPROVED tsY AOORESS SToal€s L€,:AL DESCR.PTION OccuPANcY GnouP JoB l.:DATE REclEvEo ZcN= OFFlctAL. FI ELD, OREGONCITY OF SPRi REVIEWEN W!TH PENClL. C:l^NGEs BELOW SHALL BE HERE OF HAVE BEEN l\l ) APPROVED OR )