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Application APPLICANT 11/18/2020
City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review SPRINGFUUM I& ft Revised 1/7/14 Id 1 of 11 :om Site Plan Review Pre -Submittal: L]Ma'or Site Plan Modification Pre -Submittal, ❑ Site Plan Review Submittal: ❑X Ma'or Site Plan Modification Submittal: ❑ Required Project Information (Applicant. complete this section) Applicant Name: William A. Randall Phone: 541-344-3332 Company: Arbor South Architecture, PC Email: bill@arborsouth.com Address: 380 Lincoln Street, Eugene, Oregon 97401 Applicant's Rep.: William A. Randall Phone: 541-344-3332 Company: Arbor South ArchitecturePC Email: bill@arborsouth.com Address: 380 Lincoln Street Eugene, Oregon 97401 Property Owner: Mark Enockson Phone: 541-344-3332 ENOCKSON ENTERPRISES LLC Company: r menockson@budgetblinds. Email: Address: 795 River Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97404 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-33-41-02 TAX LOT NOS : 02502 and 02602 Property Address: 58th and North A Streets, Springfield, Oregon 97478 Size of Property: 25,112 Acres ® Square Feet ❑pw,limna proposed No. of Unift per aCre7 N/A Proposed Name of Project: BUDGET BLINDS Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: Window coverinSF store and warehouse Existing Use: Vacant New Impervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area): sf Si natures: Please si nand rint our name and date in the aricirociriate Required Project Information (City Intake Staff., Associated Applications: box on the next Da e. complete this section) Signs: Pre -Sub Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ Posta a Fee: $ TOTAL FEES: $ PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 1/7/14 Id 1 of 11 :om Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre -submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. I/we do hereby acknowledge that I/we are legally responsible for all statutory timelines, information, requests and requirements conveyed to my representative. Date: Signature I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre -Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application Is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Date: Signature Revised 1/7/14 KL 2 of 11 Site Plan Review Application Process 1. Applicant Submits a Site Plan Review Application for Pre -Submittal • The application must conform to the Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist on pages 4-7 of this application packet. • A pre -submittal meeting to discuss completeness is mandatory, and pre -submittal meetings are conducted every Tuesday and Friday, from 10:00 am - noon. • Planning Division staff strives to conduct pre -submittal meetings within five to seven working days of receiving an application. 2. Applicant and the City Conduct the Pre -Submittal Meeting • The applicant, owner, and design team are strongly encouraged to attend the pre - submittal meeting. • The meeting is held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division and is scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. The Planner provides the applicant with a Pre -Submittal Checklist specifying the items required to make the application complete if it is not already complete, and the applicant has 160 days submit a complete application to the City. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application, City Staff Review the Application and Issue a Decision • A complete application must conform to the Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist on pages 4-7 of this application packet. • A Type II decision, made after public notice, but without a public hearing, unless appealed, is issued within 120 days of submittal of a complete application. • Mailed notice is provided to property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the property being reviewed and to any applicable neighborhood association. In addition, the applicant must post one sign, provided by the City, on the subject property. • There is a 14 -day public comment period, starting on the date notice is mailed. • Applications are distributed to the Development Review Committee, and their comments are incorporated into a decision that addresses all applicable approval criteria and/or development standards, as well as any written comments from those given notice. • Applications may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. • At the applicant's request, the Planner can provide a copy of the draft land use decision prior to issuing the final land use decision. • The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decision, which is effective on the day it is mailed. • The decision issued is the final decision of the City but may be appealed within 15 calendar days to the Planning Commission or Hearings Official. Revised 1/7/14 Ia 3 of 11 Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: • ALL of the following items MUST be submitted for BOTH Pre -Submittal and Submittal. • If you feel an item on the list below does not apply to your specific application, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. XX Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development & Public Works Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre -submittal and submittal stages. ® Site Plan Review Application Form ® Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the existing use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken. The narrative should also include the proposed number of employees and future expansion plans, if known. Density - if applicable, list the size of property (acres), maximum allowable density and the density proposed. ® Copy of the Deed ® Copy of the Site Plan Reduced to 81/2"x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. ® State or Federal Permits Required - The applicant must demonstrate that an application has been submitted for any required federal or state permit and provide a copy of the application upon request. ® Completed Attached Scoping Sheet ® Four (4) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Pre -Submittal OR Four (4) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Submittal: ® All of the following plans must include the scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, north arrow, and date of preparation. ® All plan sets must be folded to 61/2" by 11" and bound by rubber bands. Please Note: • These plans must provide enough information to enable the City to determine that the proposed development is feasible, but are not necessarily required to be detailed construction level documents. • The City's Engineering Design Standards Manual, while not land use criteria, may be used in whole or n part, by the City Engineer to determine the feasibility of a proposed plan. • Nothing herein should be interpreted as implying any requirement in contradiction of Oregon Statute or Oregon Administrative Regulation. Revised 1/7/14 KL 4 of 11 a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions ® Prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, Civil Engineer or Surveyor ® Vicinity Map ® The name, location and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed. For existing structures to remain, also indicate present use, size, setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings. ® The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development & Public Works Department ® The 100 -year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision ® The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development & Public Works Department ® Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 '/3 feet above the ground (stands of more than five (5) trees may be shown as a cluster with mix of trees species noted), riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings b. Site Plan ® Prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, Civil Engineer or Surveyor ® Proposed buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area applicable to the parking requirement for the proposed use(s)), setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings; measured setbacks shall be prepared by an Oregon licensed Surveyor when minimum setbacks are shown. ® Location and height of existing or proposed fences, walls, outdoor equipment, storage, trash receptacles, and signs ® Location, dimensions, and number of typical, compact and ADA parking spaces; including aisles, wheel bumpers, directional signs, and striping. ADA routes from public rights-of-way whall be designated including at grade connections ® Dimensions of the development area, as well as area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structures, parking and vehicular areas, sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces N7& Observance of solar access requirements as specified in the applicable zoning district ® On-site loading areas and vehicular and pedestrian circulation ® Access to streets, alleys, and properties to be served, including the location and dimensions of existing and proposed curb cuts and curb cuts proposed to be closed ® Location, type, and number of bicycle parking spaces ® Note location of existing and planned Lane Transit District facilities (within '/1 mile) Revised 1/7/14 Ia 5 of 11 Ni% Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces, recreational areas, and other similar public and semi-public uses N7% Phased Development Plan - where applicable, the Site Plan application must include a phasing plan indicating any proposed phases for development, including the boundaries and sequencing of each phase. Phasing must progress in a defined sequence addressing street connectivity between the various phases and accommodating the logical extension of other required public improvements, including but to limited to, sanitary sewer, stormwater management, water and electricity. The applicant must clearly indicate which phases are proposed for approval under the current Site Plan application and which are deferred to future review procedures. c. Existing Improvement and Public Utilities Plan ® Prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, Civil Engineer or Surveyor ® Location and width of all existing easements ® Location, widths (of paving and right-of-way), and names of all existing streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed development, including jurisdictional status other than City. Indicate connection points for roof drainage. ® Location and type of existing street lighting ® Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units, waterline backflow preventers and similar public facilities ® Location, width, and construction material of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways, and trails ® Location and size of existing utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points. Detail must be proportionate to the complexity of the proposed project. ® Show existing and proposed spot elevations or contours, and direction of drainage patterns. d. Proposed Grading, Paving, & Utilities Plan ® Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer, except where noted below ® The approximate size and location of storm water management systems components ® Location, widths (of paving and right-of-way), and names of proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other rights -of -ways within or adjacent to the proposed development ® Location and width of all proposed easements ® Location and type of proposed street lighting ® Information on existing slopes over 5% shall be prepared by an Oregon licensed surveyor and be drawn with one foot contour interval lines; land with a slope over 10 percent shall be shown with 5 foot contour interval lines Revised 1/7/14 Ia 6 of 11 e. Landscape Plan ® Prepared by an Architect, Landscape Architect, or other Landscape Professional approved by the Director ® Location and dimensions of landscaping and open space areas to include calculation of landscape coverage ® Where applicable, screening in accordance with SDC 4.4-110 ® Location of existing and proposed street trees f. Architectural Plans ® Where abutting residentially zoned properties, exterior elevations of all proposed structures over 140 square feet for the development site, including height, shall be shown g. On -Site Lighting Plan ® Location, orientation, and maximum height of exterior light fixtures, both free standing and attached ® Type and extent of shielding, including cut-off angles, and type of illumination, wattage, and luminous area Additional Materials That May be Deferred at the discretion of the applicant until Final Site Plan or Building Permit Submittal: ® List in chart form the proposed types of landscape materials (trees, shrubs, ground cover). Include in the chart genus, species, common name, quantity, size and spacing ® Where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system, a planting plan shall be provided. ❑ Irrigation Plan showing of irrigation lines, required backflow preventers and above ground utilities. ® Photometric test report for each light source. ® An applicant may submit conceptual floor plans in order to have staff address Resolution of potential nuisance conflicts Additional Materials That May be Required by the Director: IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING PRE -DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 5.1-120: ® Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. N/[A] A developer may be required to prepare a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) to identify potential traffic impacts from proposed development and needed mitigation measures. Revised 1/7/14 Ia 7 of 11 N/91 Where a multi -family development is proposed, any additional materials to demonstrate compliance with SDC 3.2-240 N/® Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW N/[P] A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table, or if required by the City Engineer N/® Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district on plans and narratives N/[A] Where physical aspects of a proposed development, including but not limited to scale, odor noise, glare or vibration, will impact less intensive surrounding uses, the Director may request submittal of conceptual floor plans or other information necessary to determine compliance with applicable standards. N/[P] If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19-100 N/[P] A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property N/® The applicant must demonstrate that an application has been submitted for any required federal or state permit and provide a copy of the application upon request N/[] Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development IN /Z] Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 N/® An Annexation shall be submitted prior to submission of application, as specified In SDC 5.7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer Revised 1/7/14 Ia 8 of 11 y �p SPRINGFIELD 225 FIFTH STREET �. DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE: 541.726.3753 FAX. 541.736.1021 www.springfiehd-mgov December 6, 2013 REQUIRED STORMWATER SCOPING SHEET USE POLICY: In October 2003, Springfield Public Works released a trial "stormwater scoping sheet," provided to help engineers and developers meet stormwater requirements in the Springfield Development Code (SDC) and Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM). After a five month trial period, it became apparent that users of the scoping sheet submitted much more complete applications than non-users. An added bonus was a decrease in the overall review time spent on the applications, resulting in quicker notice of decisions. As a result of the benefits of the scoping sheets, the City has decided to make their use a mandatory process. Current city policy is that the use of stormwater scoping sheets is required for all applications which require development review. All applications submitted to the City shall provide a copy of a completed stormwater scoping sheet with the application packet. Attached with this letter is the latest version of the scoping sheet, which reflects changes requested by the development community. PLEASE NOTE: SUBMITTED APPLICATIONS WILL NOW BE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT A COMPLETED STORMWATER SCOPING SHEET, STORMWATER STUDY AND PLANS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE SCOPE REQUIREMENTS DIRECTIONS FOR USING STORMWATER SCOPING SHEETS ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1.) Obtain scoping sheet from application packet, city website, or other location. 2.) Fill out project information (top half of front sheet) prior to commencement of work on stormwater study. (Note: Do not sign scoping sheet until it is received from the City with requirements checked.) 3.) Mail, fax, or email all pages to: City of Springfield, Development and Public Works Dept., Attn: Clayton McEachern. 4.) Receive completed scoping sheet (filled out by the City) indicating minimum requirements for a complete stormwater study. 5.) Include four (4) copies of complete scoping sheet (signed by engineer at the bottom of page 2), stormwater study and plans that comply with the minimum required scope with submittal of application packet. The scoping sheet shall be included as an attachment, inside the front cover of the stormwater study. Stormwater scoping sheets can be found with all application packets (City website and the DPW front counter) as well as on the Engineering and Construction Resources rvebpage located at: hutu://www.snrinefield- or.eov/DPW/EneineerineandConstructionResources.htm under the Public Improvement Permit Projects Forms section. Thank you in advance for working with the City of Springfield with this new process. Sincerely, Clayton McEachern, PE City of Springfield, Development and Public Works Email: cmcemhern@springfield-or.gov Phone: (541) 736 — 1036 Fax: (541) 736 — 1021 DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS SPRINGFIELD 225 FIFTH STREET OREGON SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE: 541.726.3753 FAX: 541.726.1021 www. springfroklor.gov STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK ----------------------- (Area below this bnef fed out by Applicant) ------------------ (Please return to Clayton MEarhern @ City ofSpruo?eld Development and Public Works, Fax # 736-1021, Phone # 736-1036), enwd:cnae�lern@sprirtglleldor.gov Project Name: Applicant: Assessors Parcel #: Date: Land Use(s): Phone #: Project Size (Acres): Fax #: Approx. Impervious Area: Email: Project Description (Include a copy of Assessor's map): Drainage Proposal (Public connection(s), discharge location(s), etc. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary: Proposed Stormwater Best Management Practices: (Area below dais line tilled outby the City andRehvned k the Aaalkand (At a noutmmte5 all boxes checked by the City on the front and backofdds sheet shall be subndtted or on application to be con Tete or subnuttal although other requirentends atay be recess Drainage Study Type (EDSPM Section 4.03.2): (Note, UH may be substituted for Rational Method) ❑ Small Site Study—(use Rational Method for calculations) ❑ Mid -Level Development Study— (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) ❑ Full Drainage Development Study— (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) Environmental Considerations: ❑ Wellhead Zone: ❑ Wedand/Riparian: ❑ Soil Type: Downstream Analysis: ❑ N/A ❑ Flow line for starting water surface elevation: ❑ Design HGL to use for starting water surface elevation: ❑ Manhole/Junction to take analysis to: ❑ Hillside Development: ❑ Floodway/Floodplain: ❑ Other Jurisdictions Return to Clayton McEachem @ City of Springfield, erreil., cmceachem@springfeAd-or,gov, FAX., (541) 736-1021 COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS r Baredupon the iu fornucdion provided on tie front ofdts sheet, the follmving represents a ntninumu of what is neededfor an application to be complete for subnttal with respect to drainage; however, this list should not be used in lieu ofde Springfield Development Cork (SDC) or the City's Engineering Design A3mma1. Connpliance with these requirements does not constitute site appromol, Adebooml site specific information nuay be required Note: Upon scoping sheet subntttal, ensure completedfornu has been signed in the spare provickel below: Interim Design Standards/Water Quality (EDSPM Chap ter 3 Req'd N/A ❑ ❑ All non -building rooftop (NBR) impervious surfaces shall be pre-treated (e. g. multi-chambered catchbasin w/oil filtration media) for stoumwater quality. Additionally, a minimum of 50% of the NBR impervious surface shall be treated by vegetated methods. ❑ ❑ Where required, vegetative stommwater design shall be consistent with design standards (EDSPM Section 3.02), set forth in Chapter 2 of the Eugene Stonmscater Management Manual. ❑ ❑ For new NBR impervious area less than 15,000 square feet, a simplified design approach may be followed as specified by the Eugene Stonmveter Management Manual (Sec2A.1). ❑ ❑ If a stonmscater treatment Swale is proposed, submit calculations/specifications for sizing, velocity, flow, side slopes, bottom slope, and seed mix consistent with City of Springfield or Eugene's Stonmveter Management Manual. ❑ Water Quality calculations as required in Section 3.03.1 of the EDSPM. All building rooftop mounted equipment, or other fluid containing equipment located outside of the building, shall be provided with secondary containment or weather resistant enclosure. ❑ n Design of Stoma Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04). ❑ ❑ Flow lines, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on the plan set ❑ ❑ Minimum pipe cover shall be 15 inches for reinforced pipe and 36 inches for plain concrete and plastic pipe materials, or proper engineering calculations shall be provided when less. The cover shall be sufficient to support an 90,000 lb load without failure of the pipe structure. ❑ ❑ Manning's "n" values for pipes shall be consistent with Table 4-1 of the EDSP. All storm pipes shall be designed to Other/Miscethmeous ❑ Drainage study prepared by a Professional Civil Engineer licensed in the state of Oregon. Existing and proposed contours, located at one foot interval. Include spot elevations and site grades showing how site ❑ A complete drainage study, as required in EDSPM Section 4.03.1, including a hydrological study map. drains. ❑ Calculations showing system capacity for a 2 -year stoma event and overflow effects of a 25 -year stoma event. Private stommwater easements shall be clearly depicted on plans when private stomrmarsam flows from one property to The time of concentration (Tc) shall be determined using a 10 minute start time for developed basins. Review ofDownstream System EDSPM Section 4.03A.0 ❑ A downstream drainage analysis as described in EDSPM Section 4.03A.C. On-site drainage shall be governed by the Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSC). ❑ ❑ Elevations of the HGL and flow lines for both city and private systems where applicable. ❑ n Design of Stoma Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04). ❑ ❑ Flow lines, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on the plan set ❑ ❑ Minimum pipe cover shall be 15 inches for reinforced pipe and 36 inches for plain concrete and plastic pipe materials, or proper engineering calculations shall be provided when less. The cover shall be sufficient to support an 90,000 lb load without failure of the pipe structure. ❑ ❑ Manning's "n" values for pipes shall be consistent with Table 4-1 of the EDSP. All storm pipes shall be designed to Other/Miscethmeous ❑ Existing and proposed contours, located at one foot interval. Include spot elevations and site grades showing how site drains. ❑ Private stommwater easements shall be clearly depicted on plans when private stomrmarsam flows from one property to another. ❑ Drywells shall not receive runoff from any surface w/o being treated by one or more BMPs, with the exception of residential building roofs (EDSP Section 3.03A A). Additional provisions apply to this as required by the DEQ. Refer to thewebsite: him/Avww. deo.state.or.us/wo/uic/uic.htm for more information. Detention ponds shall be designed to limit runoff to pre -development rates for the 2 through 25 -year storm events. *Thisform shrill be inchuded m mu alhwhmen4 &dde the frontcover, ofthe stormnsder study. * IAWORTANT..- ENGINEER PLEASE READ BELOWAND SIGN' As the engineer of record, I hereby certify the above required items are complete and included with the submitted stomrmvater study and plan set. Signature Date Form Version 5: June 2015 380 LINCOLN STREET Srg,n,. O,,,.. 97401 541-344-3332 www.arborsouth.com 2 November 2020 BUDGET BLINDS I NORTH 58TH AND NORTH A STREETS, SPRINGFIELD, OR SITE PLAN REVIEW I NARRATIVE 17-02-33-41-02502 and 02602 Following is the narrative related to the above Site Plan Review.This narrative accompanies the drawings also related to the Site Plan Review. • GENERAL REQUIREMENTS I SDC 5.17-120(A) The Site Plan(s) attached contain the bulk of the information requested in this Section. In addition, the proposed facility anticipates a maximum of 10 employees on-site, with no future expansion plans. Solar Access requirements do not apply in the CC Zone (SDC 5.18-105) and no area is being conveyed, dedicated or reserved for common open spaces. Al other requested information is contained on the drawings. • SITE ASSESSMENT I SDC 5.17-120(6) The overall Site Assessment is found in the attached drawings from The Favreau Group, Sheets I through 3 and our Site Plan, SheetAl. •ACCESS, CIRCULATION AND PARKING PLAN I SDC 5.17-120(C) The Access, Circulation and Parking Plans are contain on our Site Ran, Sheet AI.Extenor lighting is noted on the Site Plan, SheetAl, Exterior Elevations, Sheet A4, and enclosed specifications. A Right -of -Way Approach Permit and Traffic Impact Study are not required. • LANDSCAPE PLAN I SDC 5.17-120(D) Our Landscape Plan is attached as Sheet A2.All requested information is included on that sheet. Screening is not required (SDC 4.4-110). • IMPROVEMENTS PLAN I SDC 5.17-120(E) The Improvements Plan is found in the attached drawings from The Favreau Group, Sheets 2 and 3. • GRADING, PAVING AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN SDC 5.17-1200 The Improvements Plan is found in the attached drawings from The Favreau Group, Sheets 2 and 3 and the Architectural Site Plan, SheetAl. • PHASED DEVELOPMENT PLAN I SDC 5.17-120(G) The project is not phased, so this section does not apply. • ON-SITE LIGHTING PLAN PLAN I SDC 5.17-120(H) Lighting is noted on the Architectural Site Plan, Sheet Al. Lighting specifications and photometries are enclosed as attachments to this document. •ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I SDC 5.17-120(1) Items I. through 3. in this section are provided in this submittal. Items 4. thru 10. are not required. \Z�d Apollo LED �vO .», rK n cE O 1� INS �'✓ RoHS FIELD DATA SHEET VAC Dmnu currusx RATE D 5050 DRIVERLESS 120V AC LED STRIP LIGHT up to 165ft LUMEN SOFFIT LED STRIP LIGHTS Product Description TheDriverless 5050 LED L'ghtStnp is new Inot in Driverless LED Lighting tech noagy.Thbstrip corms ready to plug into any standard under. The SOSO Iightstrip iswaterproof and rated IP65 for indoor or outdoor use. Each strip isdel hered to you at the desired length, up to 165ft madyto connect with no configuration or complexconnectbnsfor projects like landscape lighting commercial and hospitality lighting, kitchen splash zones bathraomaccemsand more. Each 165' Driverkss5050 L'ghtStripcontains2970surface mounted high bnghtness5050 Epistaz LED( hips encased in waterprwfsilice netubing to pmtectthe LEDs farm the elements. The silicone casing is UV resistant to protect the light strip and preventdiscoloratbn fora long lasting installation. Our Driverless 5050 LED Strip Lights are ETL listed thereforeofknng the greatestqualityatan affordable pncewithout using contaminant components, which greatly deteriorate our environment. EFL listed, ReHs(ampliant •(am Ready to Plug In Right Our • No Extra Drivers, Wring or Made to Order of the Box Transformers Required Fully Dimmable • Plug In Directly to Any A( Outlet • Perfect for Decks, Garden Up to 274 Lumens Per Foot • Available in Many Lengths Up to Lighting, Pathway Lighting, Warks at 120VA( Line Voltage 165Feetlang Facade Lighting and More Amazing high intensity LED lighting •Indoor/Outdoor use • Each Purchase Includes Power Brightest DriverlessStripAvailable •2Year Warranty Card and End Cap Installed Quick Spec. • Fully Dimmable; Yes •PCBWi&h 056in/14mm •Voltage: 120VAC•Dimensions 19.7in/500mm 1980in xO.56in x03in. Total Wattage 726W -Working temperature: 20�to1404 Beam Angle ................................... 1200 .... .. •Certifications .... .... EFL (US and Canada) CE RDHS .... ...... 5050 Waterproof LED Strip Illustration LEDStrip Length: 165R/503M Cut Points: 19.7in/500mm Width: 0d6in/14mAn Between LEDs: 0.66in / 17mm 1 Heght03in/8mm Driverless Power Cord with Switch: 60in/1524mm 9in/229mm I 43in/1092mm Rectifier: 3.5in/89mm Technical Information Available LEDColor SKU# Temp(r1 Linens/FL LEDType Calor Rendering Index Minimum Cm WannWhife s4-DLS-5050-WW 30008 220 Epeto5050TnAip 82+ 19.7in/500mm Dayl'ghtWhHe SA-DLS-5050-DW 40008 247 Epeto5050TnAip 82+ 19.7in/500mm Pun!WhBe SA-DLS-5050-W 60008 274 Epeto5050TnAip 82+ 19.7in/500mm Blue SA-DLS-5050-BLUE N/A N/A Epeto5050TnAip N/A 19.7in/500mm Red SA-DLS-5050-RED N/A N/A Epetv5050Tmhip N/A 19.7in/500mm Tel: 425.582.7533 1 www.Sol!dApollo.com 1 2125196th ST SW Suite 112 Lynnwood WA 98036 1 Pg. 1 of 2 DATA SHEET 5050 DRIVERLESS I 20 AC LED STRIP LIGHT ACCESSORIES Dimmers I 12011AC 4 Zone W fireless Waterproof Oh SKU: SKU LT-ntroller/Bernote LT-MONO-ORLS-RF LED Strip Channels 39"Aluminum Channelfor5050 39" plead, Channel for 5050 Driverless LED Strip Driverless LED Strip SKU: SA-DIS-5050-CHANNEL-39in SKU: SA-DLS-5050-PLASTIC-CH-39in LED Accessories 6" Intemonnector(nhlefor Driverless 5050LED Light Strips SKU: SA -OLS -Interconnector -tin 16" Interconnector Cable SKU: SA-DLS-Interconnector 36"InterconnectorCahle SKU: SA-DLS-Interconnector-36in Silkone End Cap for Driverless 5050 LED Strip Lights SKU: SA-0LS-ENDCAP 61: 1 Bracket for Driverless 5050 LED Strip Lights SKU: SA-OLS-Brakmt Tel: 425.582.7533 1 www.Sol!dApollo.com 1 2125 196th ST SW Suite 112 Lynnwood WA 98036 1 P9. 2 of 2 IA L/THON/A L/GHT/NG® FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE—Theo rote Reseed d'mnt-wire LED doommuda mClodes'mtegratedAnctim now, tmn,peentdtalled non-metallic bushings and 3 -pmt push wire quip emnnmv'm one package.The O1list he most emmmnlralmems to create a well In environment with exceptional energyefirercy and mean maintenance. CONSTRUCT ION — Alan mum d'ecan, sgwre To Me trim. Integrated goIwozed steel iunaon box with captive dmrfor easy aaess. Sulmblefm dairy Damon onIIino wl us). Available In 300OK06T temperature LEDs. OPTICS—Square ba Merxessesoptial Sdtem'mm theceil'mg to prevent glare and pmvidea tradnonaI look. Diffused bndprmidedeven light d'stuni fin ground Illamntatom egmed nt to fi5W'mandescent food lamp. Wide Dmend beam angle at >90'. CRI >90. Melntants at bast M% light output fn 50A00 homes. INSTALLATION— Too Hess'octal fat No. Seaetmn eased No wia two side -mounted spring dips for easy Or No'm plaster, shert mi OFpnamed ceil'mgs. The 'Mematedjmuton bin -with pre -nista IN son-metall'Kbush 'my, - allows nm-memll'K able to be fed theanga without the hassle ofknohouts. The aptreport on bmdompro ll easy aaess to prentdtoRed 3 -pmt push wire quick containers our van gln-froward Young. Rath for Type K'mstallatio s. Maximum of No. 12AM theanga Man cMuit conduamwRdkeour 90Y prom nted'in box.Gmand wire provided. E L ECTRI CAL SYSTEM — LED modu 11, with a id-eMcam, m board down.. O'namntg down to 1 rob. For mmpat0he d'mmers,referto Compat0b d'm ren Chart. Acmal wattoW may dMer by +/-% when operatm, at 120V Lei usTI NO— ETL certified to US and Card a wren stratum . Can he used to comedy it California TR he 24 Parts NAa Efficacy LED To ht Source Dann rents. Vill MTN E283 for A,iho rated with gasket OFcoulk'mg between fixture to nand and mg. EDERGYSTA R' entified. Wet baton bred*.Indoor damp baton onyour nerm'm handed N'Kmlfi.in. WARRANTY—S-yead'mited warranty. Compete warranty terms located at: www.aoaybTaWs.Cmn/Custom Rewuxn/Term and Sandnimd.awx Note:kraalperformancemay IW ada ATMofend-meratmycmdit andappIkatim. Allvaloesared bildt.ypialvwfth.teawredunderlaboratmycmdnonsat 25 Y. Spnntatondwbjea m CM1angewnM1mt notice. Spxific MS Aperture 4-1/2"(113.0) Overlapirim: 7-1/4" (185.0) Height: 4-5/8"(118.7) Ceiling Opening: 61 Min Ceiling Thbknem: 1Q"(12.7) Mar Ceiling Thickness: 1-1Q"(38.1) All dimn9mmarei dmijoillineleri 6MK 5O Square 27K 2200K/10IWRML 30K 300000.701/270L al 4000Kn0.]WR90L SOK SOOM/10.w!/D30L AaeesorieoOrdamreymareCmmlogourna "`Y M OUJBK643 PAN UnlverealCmutantlim Pan mum, nmWCtlnnM owm Sochi Nam: ENTRY SOFFIT LIGHTS TV Direct -Wire LED Recessed Downlight 6JBK SQ IC Remodel CRATEG AIRTIGHT A 013 .� d WilmdnWel WNUIEMMeme 90CRI 90 CRI [IOD) Al MatteWhlte IN Brmh Nickel' ORB D'o-anebed Branae NOh3 I Tow Syaemoliervenci 2 IMomdmplandearwlylor irmain Banded Niilhroh DOWNLDHfING 61BK SO 6)BKSQ OneUr Direct Wire LED PHOTOMETRICS Distribution Curve Distribution Data Output Data Coelfidentof UlYLation IKuMmnoe Data at 30"Aboee Fbmfor a Single Laninabe fi1BKSO 30K, 3000 K LEDs, input watts 10.7, delivered lumens: 819.7, LM/W=70.60, test no. ISF35025 Cartoon ColoriemperaNre 27001( 30001( 96001( 56001( Wmens 790 7m 790 NO CRI 90 Wmens/wan 69.16 71.96 1 7383 74.77 M'm.vanilg tempmame p1 EMI/RFI A% Standout, ClassAStamlarde Inpinvo0ag Imm M'm.puxmfmtm 0.9 Inpdf,., 50/60117 Rath wattage m �% '01 Inpmmnent OMA 11S 68 Av Lurma Zm Lnrc %lane 9.1 188 O6 120 88 29.2 89° 0 960 140 0-�30° M9 928 0 518118118 1161x16116 167 10 %8 0.2 9 3. 99 0°-10° 0.96 .2 989 106 160 100 160 101 88 W 8I W 19 931 W 0° �60° 9 7.6 888 W W W x 8I @ W to 81 29 907 1,42 0°90° 8188 1000 9 81 7I 71 W 7d ID 80 74 to x. %260 16I x° 1x° 00 00 79 67 61 1 66 61 71 to 0.9 219 1p as:, as: 00 00 9 W so 99 67 so 99 W S9 so 1H 128 x° 150° 00 00 6 61 99 1 W 92 1 9n 91 16 x 69 as:, as: 00 00 do l 99 1 99 K 1 79 17 x 0°-189° 8180 '1000 8 91 49 9 99 0.9 9 18 12 37 a9 9 9 'Efiaerty 8 47 $8 31 16 $8 31 0.9 98 99 x 0 10 'o % 91 0.9 % 91 12 % 90 ENERGY DATA LIGHTING FACTS lighting facts - Light Output (Lumens) 770 Want 10.7 Lumens per Wan(Enicacy) 71.96 Col or Acca incycai 90 mBm /AurMOA&A ucfmivc7 DIMMER COMPATIBILITY Cartoon ColoriemperaNre 27001( 30001( 96001( 56001( Wmens 790 7m 790 NO CRI 90 Wmens/wan 69.16 71.96 1 7383 74.77 M'm.vanilg tempmame -18Y CoeD EMI/RFI FCCTVh 47 CFR Part 15,CLus9 Standout, ClassAStamlarde Inpinvo0ag Imm M'm.puxmfmtm 0.9 Inpdf,., 50/60117 Rath wattage IBM Inpm pwrer IBM Inpmmnent OMA LIGHTING FACTS lighting facts - Light Output (Lumens) 770 Want 10.7 Lumens per Wan(Enicacy) 71.96 Col or Acca incycai 90 mBm /AurMOA&A ucfmivc7 DIMMER COMPATIBILITY Lution Cartoon 50%ts— 104.—� Semo.ft h 00.603P -N di HCL453PTCCCV6 1.8° nSP5 PCD 2W CT-603MVIM I b,10 IS 603 PVN ISO IBM 1120/IPI10 .95 PCD ELV IID DVEW-360P oohs, Cmlw ISO 40 EW 120/IDEM 300PSELV Prm Gare1v FC LrnN 10 11S 68 9.8 LL6 12 6.2 89 9.1 188 O6 120 88 29.2 04 140 26 add 09 160 18 167 10 %8 0.2 Lution Cartoon loassASIratur S er /Leyiton Semo.ft h 00.603P -N 683 R HCL453PTCCCV6 town in/ I'm nSP5 PCD 2W CT-603MVIM 6615-P IS 603 PVN ISO IBM 1120/IPI10 .95 PCD ELV IID DVEW-360P ISO 40 EW 120/IDEM 300PSELV Many NTELyMOP NUMOO Carta PD6WCLd'. Canapes Lmmn Susan Bridge L-BD62-WH whyh,,.M separateltfirm the d Immer) 63BKSQ NOWNLKi NTIN6: One Litlwnia Way, Conyers, CA 30012 Phone:800d154935 By 11b86b3129 www.litlwniamm 02018 Acuity Brands Lig hting, Inc All ghts reserved. Rev. 13/13/18 KBR8 LED LED Specification Bollard Specifications 8" Round AymmeDi350 I QE3 'it) "'Arymmemc' H Height: 4G" (1D1srm) 450 450 3A 40K 4WOK weight D fibs DNA)D rbtoal (111®[): (1225 kg) WK 50M butmngpe -Eil s' io AO 700mA B Cadlog N.mbr, er.1- BOLLARD Elea -T Po :.c Tab k,.,mouse ovo,Mepage m sec ehinen-ere o ce.m.nE, Introduction The KBR8 Bollard is a stylish, fully integrated LED solution for walkways. It features a sleek, modern design and is carefully engineered to provide long-lasting, energy-efficient lighting with a variety of optical and control options for customized performance. With an expected service life of over 20 years of nighttime use and up to 70% in energy savings over comparable 10OW metal halide luminaires, the KBR8 Bollard is a reliable, low -maintenance lighting solution that produces sites that are exceptionally illuminated. • EXAMPLE: KBR8 LED 16C 700 40K SYM MVOLT DDBXD 10118 LED nn LED AymmeDi350 350m4 30K 3"' "'Arymmemc' 1V 1X 12LEN, 450 450 3A 40K 4WOK SYM Symmettic' DNA)D rbtoal 5W 53OmA WK 50M butmngpe s' io AO 700mA AMBPC Amber Des 1K 16LEOs' DF mmerred DDBXD WL 290' witsaehere bmme AMBLW Amberllmirea (frcusewlMan H24 9eerbi height mwlengmh Blrck Accessories Ortlzretl antlA�yvtlreparely MRAA II Archw brh fi LED° MVOLP Ship dimmlkd SKppedimtalled NRD White 1V PEPMbelemlcwll, SF Sl�glefutt(1ID, DNA)D rbtoal IDB' butmngpe ID, 347V)° aluminum Des o.1Wdl�m�mlig DF eeheineUK DDBXD WL 290' witsaehere bmme 277' (frcusewlMan H24 9eerbi height DBUD Blrck 347' eetemalmntrd, HM 30°mrea11 height DDBXD Tatem, m&rMreparmdy) LED m?" Dhllheight brkbeve EDW Emeryercy battery F6 Gm,,4a,t DBLBXD %tued bxkupe hstmnoutlet blxk UAB WRheutarcher DNARD Tatumi Dole (3 holt ez) moral UA84 4holt retmfrt bine aluminum wrtheutarcher N11GXD Tatumi We,white '. L/THON/A one umon a Way -Con,em,C>ei30m2. Prone: woavwm.,..,e,l,nF.nia core L/GWT/NG. ®m122Q1eAewry Be1,6Lgbwg,me Al aghtieeerved. Noes 1 Onlyavaile66 intlre 2C, A5Yvanim. 2 Onlyawl bFk In th l 6Q$YMv 3 Only.... bb6,d,40AMBIWv en 4 Net..... FlewiIFELCW 5 MVOQ dr-r.,...n er, v'. M1.m 1ID2➢V (50/W H4. SperNylID, ID9, 240.r2➢.pibmmlyMm .Nedng wlMlWng R5DF.pd.a),. r nrrmnd)vE .Pd..). 6 NMavailaFlewi[F34]V N.[aaailaFlewilF{niy. N.i avalbbleret 4WAMBLW 7 5,6fae13F),reel. 227,. r. -Ine,ph.. D..b6(me1OFEV.Imme.r24ay.bage.,hen 8 MPAB'1nM avail ablewi[FVAB4.ptb P Me PM .., LumnwFreren LonFMomN nhprbnmdlneaokem wNM1lE$N4 LM�]9IIB.dte'n emidmdtobnpmenGtiwoftlre emfgvetbrm Amro, wNM1lntlretoleremrelbwed by dim, Due Aefinl pAmmem mry difla er, a n s t of ad -se rn- mmwM ad eppllutbn. Antral wing my d ib by +/. B%warn o perm, belwxn 1201 M. 14%. Light Englces Dr'. I Curnm wyslem Watt, Wmem MMK NW B 0 G Wmenr 90WK I➢VV B II G Wmenr said hininaWmkn,th I➢VV B 0 G Wmen IPW Amhr B B 6 Projected LED Lumen Maintenance Electrical Load hats rakmm tle ertrapi pnformarce pojatbrm krde insfarry-mi'n e M®monnn�onnn�onnn �® lA L0 2W b] N] pm�M1dparliOlukl .21.11). _ mm=onnn®®nnnm®nnn 350 16W 1158 1118 nim IDrelmleb LLF,wtlalumn meinbremlxbr[k[mrmpaMrto tladnired number �=��mnnn s30 11W 011] 0tH aY8 m.moonnn=onnn=onnnV 11C �=Mnnnnm©nnnmmnnn van 31W 0]91 0185 Oils 1151 au: Mhn<50 16W 1161 mmmmnnnm®nnnmonnn 01tl atl6 0 up0 SO,Ob 1Wpl] 3s0 MN raw mm 01v 1111 an< mmnnn Noon Available with pMapMocomened amber LED's (mmend awes AMBPQ These, LED's produce light with 97+%>53) try. Output an be calculated by applying a 07laaor to JOW K lumen wl ass and pMronstr a files Projected LED Lumen Maintenance Electrical Load hats rakmm tle ertrapi pnformarce pojatbrm krde insfarry-mi'n e EC anPYe,Iseadon I ewe Mun d Inti) mani, Lehad per 1E$N41MA]MaM �® lA L0 2W b] N] pm�M1dparliOlukl .21.11). _ 350 16W 1158 1118 IDrelmleb LLF,wtlalumn meinbremlxbr[k[mrmpaMrto tladnired number s30 11W 011] 0tH aY8 ef"ig Mvnifia—perMHrls—rarMeremvalun mntatl LRo ry. 11C van 31W 0]91 0185 Oils 1151 au: Mhn<50 16W 1161 15 01tl atl6 0 up0 SO,Ob 1Wpl] 3s0 MN raw 01v 1111 an< s30 16W 0]81 OA 0161 a1i av5 1A0 0.9e nm n9s lls 35W oiu Ina L. - � Torre wmplete pMtome[ric report ordownload.ies filesfw[dis producC visit Litlwnia Ligdlirg's KBR80eIlaN Mmepage. Inolowundlaplwnlortha KB L£-0 Bollards. Dln4neas am In unlpol mountlng Felght (3? n e a a r D r a a n e a a r D r a a e LLi ■ o.t lr a 2 a tAk o D ■ ask s� ■ 6Alr P % w 3w FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE The rugged construction and clean lines of the KBA bollard is ideal for illuminating building entryways, walking paths, and pedwstilan plazas, as well ss anyother oration requiring a low mounting height light source with fully cutoff illumination. CONSTRUCTION One-piece &inch round extruded aluminum shaft with thick side walls for extreme durability, a high -impact clearacrylic lens and welded topped. Die<ast aluminum mounting ring alloas fereasy leveling even in sloped locations and a full 360Cegrew rotation for precse alignmentduring installation. Three H" x 11"anchor Lacks with double nut and washers and 3 9P poll template ensure stability. Overall height s 42" standard. FINISH Exterior part are protected by a zinc -infused super durable TGIC thermoset powder coat finish that provides superior resistance to corrosion and weathering for maximum retention of all and luster A tightly, controlled multistage process ensu hey, a um Tamil thickness for a finish that can withstand the element without cracking or peeling. Available in both featured and non textured finches. OPTICS Two fully cutoff optical distributions are available: symmetrical and asymmetrical. IP66 awaked LED light engine provides smoothy graduated illumination without any uplight. Light engines are available in standard M K(>70 CRO or national 3300 K (>a)CRI) or 5000 K (67 CRI). limlted-wavelen all amber LEDs are also casinos, ELECTRICAL light engines consist of highsffipesy LEDs mounted to meb4core circuit boards to maximize heat dissipation and promote long life (L95 IMM hours at 700me, at 25°Q. Class 2 electioolo drivers are designed for an expected life of IMM hours with < 1% failure rate. Ekectiical component are mounted on a removable po+nertray. LISTINGS CSA certfied to U.5. and Canadian standards. ughtengines areIP66 rated. Rated for tDT minimum ambient Colo -weather emergency battery backup rated for21minimum ambient. WARRANTY Fisyear limited warranty. Complete warranty terns located at ....wacuirybrandscoMCustomerResoumes/ erms_and_condhonsaspx. Note: Actual performance maydiffer as a result of end-user environment and application. All values are design or typical values, measured under laboratorycondltions at25°C. Specifications subjectto change without notice. '. Llr"A /A One Utllonia Way • COny,,,GeOry1aW2 • Prone:ea12798041 • wrvwlllhoniamm K3R0-LED L/GNT/NG. 02012-2018 Acul,kaEaughtni ulrlghtareaemad. Ra.. 1MW18 WDGE3 LED r"tm'a Architectural Wall Sconce rimiss WALLDGHT AM N rTY ' H,h,Tabkey armau=ca...1h,-9certsecallr1 awceme,. - Introduction n Type2 The WDG E LED family is designed to meet Rgpaudindided Shippedsepeastely specifiers every wall -mounted lighting need in Black a widely accepted shape that blends with any Specifications P architecture. The clean rectilinear design comes SOK 500oK PIRN R4 Type 4 in four sizes with lumen packsggas ranging from Depth: 8" Inuits withesterml drekm dawaswiteh'mg 1,200 to 25,0001umens, providing a true site -wide I PRO Premiumsudace-mantel bad bar solution. Embedded with nLight® AIR wireless Height' 9" PIR1FGV I (MR left bghtmNuiteal controls, the WDG E family provides additional Width: 18" dusk mdawmopeaam. energy savings and code compliance. Well 195Ibs PIRHIFM 8Fheel(ID0/35%) rei reraufor 151 meumdlg i lghtswin Result pmpmgammed WDGE3 has been designed to deliver up to (without options) o 12,000 lumens through a precision refractive lens DNAIXD with wide distribution, perfect for augmenting the Nesnahed5ensors/fdntMs lighting from pole mounted luminaires. Taw red wake NIOLAIV PIR • • - EXAMPLE: WDGE3 LED P3 40K 70CRI R3 MVOLT DDBXD WDGE3 LED FI%EI DOC W DMG' BE SPndrV IDX IM and n Type2 MVOLT Rgpaudindided Shippedsepeastely 40K 4.1 Black n iype3 347 SPM Surfacemoume, AWS 3fiere hewarcNalwallspher SOK 500oK PIRN R4 Type 4 4N3' bracket DEW Surface -mounted bad hos Inuits withesterml drekm dawaswiteh'mg RB ForvadThmw I PRO Premiumsudace-mantel bad bar DSSXD Saenewe PIR1FGV I (MR left bghtmNuiteal Emer,ray barely backup CECmmpllant (IA,,Amild Emergent' barely backup CECmmpllant (18W-20aC min) platen lButmmiype 0-IDVdlmmilgwires pulledwasde fetme (for me with an eaerml mmtml, rrdeadeepaamly) Better call entry for premium back bars dBM).Twwld4entrypoints. 10kV Surge pad Standalme5ensas/CamnN DDB%D Dark berme PIP B-foul(IDD/35%)euream emnfw8-1Smowdmg hellllmmNed for use swleand DBUD Black tarts withesterml dmkm dawaswiteh'mg DNAXD Nate al aluminum PIRN Bi-leel(100/3m6d museum servitor 15um moumimg height wheal for use arm swimhed ll Whiie Inuits withesterml drekm dawaswiteh'mg DSSXD Saenewe PIR1FGV BI-hrel(100/3596) mot. ttrwrm8,1Y ,at,, Lemurs in Real pa-pur,ramped war dusk mdawmopeaam. DDBI%D Tourist dark same PIRHIFM 8Fheel(ID0/35%) rei reraufor 151 meumdlg i lghtswin Result pmpmgammed DBUBXD Tourist back %,dusk m dawmopeumatam DNAIXD Tourist moral aluminum Nesnahed5ensors/fdntMs DWNGXD Taw red wake NIOLAIV PIR wilutai Wlrelesemblem] R-Imul modoNamblmtrerwr(rr8-1Smountllghel DSSIXD Tawredaedismre NliAIV PIAN wilutai Wireless enabled bl-Ierel motloNambiemt serwrfor 15-Werwatilg heights Seryg4 fooNdhw 4rctindAy Accessories o.x,�a,b,n��a,�w9rery ...'Dam, suGlodrleau nc a.1 spat sealbrinanl wmrxaeewmmesmu wax P—llomsararemamm ma e. owal ldl wrousli l Sumacs-rtoumMuwahaisperisli '. L/T"05l L/LiNT/NLi. xolrs 1 an7va�d naov �osa.aibbl..an rlswx.�d lm z re�a a.mlablamaaov.rd.11n rmr,e/mewl.. a oils opm��aa..n.bl..On ..�.omm�wl.. COMMERCt4LOUMOOR One LiMonia Way • Csw, ,Go,,ia AU12 • Fem— 1$ 7055EfN(]3IBl • wwlltMniamm WWB LEO ®20182@0 Acuily Bram Ligbiing, Inc. All rigbb rasenwd. Rae 01/OIQO Performance Data Lumen Output remain sluesare from pMromK atric s6 pedLM-]9-09. Dow In occurrence with lEi LMData'¢ ryidered to he repress of the configurationsn, ons show, within she tolerame, allowed by Lighting Face. Contact factory for performance dam on any configural net shown here Electriol Load Pi 5M 0.437 0.296 0213 0.186 0.1% 0.110 P2 50 0.4% 0.287 0251 0220 0.175 0I P3 71W 03% 0394 0300 0262 0210 0152 P4 88W 0.727 0.424 0373 0333 0260 0.190 Lumen Ambient Temperature (LAT) Multipliers Useshaefacors todatermine motors lumen of far a rrage ambient ternm ratures from WT 02-104T)i v BAN 136 7,649 198 7,649 198 20"C n 6,922 134 7524 145 7,524 145 75M R4 7,133 138 7,753 150 7,753 150 AR 6,99 135 7592 147 7,592 147 12 7,99 135 $661 147 8,661 147 U 7A38133 8519 194 8,519 194 A4 8AP 137 8,719 199 8,719 149 AR 7,909 134 8597 196 85W 196 P3 71W n 9,904 132 10,221 143 10,221 143 n 9,250 110 10,1154 141 10,054 141 A4 9532 134 10,361 145 10,361 145 RR 9,334 131 10,196 192 10,196 142 P4 80 n 11383 1M 12569 190 12,369 190 n 11,194 1P 12,167 138 8,167 138 R4 11535 131 12538 192 9,538 142 RR 11)95 IM 12,777 139 IzM 139 Electriol Load Pi 5M 0.437 0.296 0213 0.186 0.1% 0.110 P2 50 0.4% 0.287 0251 0220 0.175 0I P3 71W 03% 0394 0300 0262 0210 0152 P4 88W 0.727 0.424 0373 0333 0260 0.190 Lumen Ambient Temperature (LAT) Multipliers Useshaefacors todatermine motors lumen of far a rrage ambient ternm ratures from WT 02-104T)i Projected LED Lumen Maintenance Data rebrencesthe antinuclear performance pgrstionsfor the pbtbnr¢ noted In a ZT arrisam, Faced on Br OO hours of LED testy(testament lE51d4 LM -BPI aM prori par IESId4TM2H1). To calculate LLF, —the lumen maintains— factor thatcorrespand< to thedesired number Mai hours below. Rnr other lumen caiurs across kGory OpHours Oi 0"C 32oF7097 WC WE 20"C WE 25"C PoF 30"C WE WC 10 Projected LED Lumen Maintenance Data rebrencesthe antinuclear performance pgrstionsfor the pbtbnr¢ noted In a ZT arrisam, Faced on Br OO hours of LED testy(testament lE51d4 LM -BPI aM prori par IESId4TM2H1). To calculate LLF, —the lumen maintains— factor thatcorrespand< to thedesired number Mai hours below. Rnr other lumen caiurs across kGory OpHours Oi tenerating Lumen Mainance Factor '.L/TNGN/.4 COMMERCNLO,ITDOOR One LiMooia Way•(Donyars,(3eoryia30012• PForewwo lhitMne,ems WWE3 LED ""VO M.. 02019-2021) Acuity Bra nes, ughting, Inc. Al rights rewrbed. he, 012 Pl) MGMEEZIgm To see complete photometric reports or download ies files forth is produd, visit the LhM1ome Ughting WDGE LED homepage. Tested in aeo rdancewith IE514A W 79 and WM standards. MM. 15h qdd-15k:15k WDGE3 LED P3 40K 70CRI R2 WDGE3 LED P3 40K 70CRI R3 WDGE3 LED M 40K 70CRI R4 WDGE3 LED P3 QK 70CRI RFT Emergency Egress Options Emergency Battery Backup The emergency battery backup is integral to the luminaire —no external housing required! This design provides reliable emergency operation while maintaining the aesthetics of the product. All emergency battery backup configurations include an independent secondary driver with an integral relay to immediately detect loss of normal power and automatically energize the luminaire. The emergency battery will power the luminaire for a minimum duration of 90 minutes (maximum duration of three hours) from the time normal power is lost and maintain, minimum of 60% of the light output at the end of 90minutes. Applicable codes: NFPA 70/NEC-section 700.16, NFPA 101 Life Safety Code Section 7.9 The examples below show illuminance of 1 fc average and 0.1 fc minimum in emergency mode with E15WH or E20WC and R4 distribution tr MH Grid -10ftx tole \ �� WDGE3LEDxx4OK70CRI R4MV0LTEISWH WDGE3 LED xx 40K 70CRI R4 MVOLT E20WC '. LIYWVJV/A COMMERCWLOIRDOOR One LiMonia Way • Conyers,Gaory1a30012 • Phone: 1$00,706,5EIN937ih • wwlltFons— WWB LEO L/GNT/NG. 020182=Acuity Brand,Lighting, Inc. All rights rwened. RaeQWPQ FA.. . Motion/Ambient Ser sor (PIRA Pill Motion/Ambeint sensor (Sensor Switch MSOD) is integrated into the the luminaire. The sensor provides both Motion and Daylight based dimming of the luminaire. For motion detection, the sensor utilizes 100% Digital Passive Infrared (PIR) technology that is tuned for walking size motion while preventing false tripping from the environment. The integrated photocell enables additional energy savings during daytime periods when there is sufficient daylight. Optimize sensor coverage by either selecting PIR or PIRH option. PIR option comes with a sensor lens that is optimized to provide maximum coverage for mounting heights between B-15ft, while PIRH is optm ized for 15-1Oft mounting height. Networked Control (NLTAIII n Light® AIR is a wireless lighting controls platform that allows for seamless integration of both indoor and outdoor luminaires. Five -tier security architecture, 900 MHz wireless communication and app (CLAIRITYTM Pro) based configurability combined together make nUght0➢ MR a secure, reliable and easy to use platform. PIR uz 30 HIGHVIEW za 2a 56 iH OR Om� ?5 12 18 B Om 0t 9i8 B 15 48 ' - 74 12 93 ]4 5A 38 18 Om 18 38 54 ]4 92 54 18 30 24 18 12 6 at 6 12 18 24 3] ]a 2a 9z as PIRH SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW OR Motion/Ambient Sensor Default Settings '. L✓iI05OV14 COMMERCNLOUDOOR One LiMonia Way •Conyars, Gaoryia"12• Phone: 1$70SSEPV p37B0 wwllth.—com WWBLEO "",007NG. o2mw2g2g Aruty9rarca Lghting,l^c. AIrghtse—wd. Rw OlimPo t0V(t0A96mtpuq EmM1kd@5& Smm Smm Mmon-3s PIRor PIRH Motm- V(3A6offull NOW PM1motell-W lNmedoH) Phaxell-45vc PIAffOVI PIWIR V Motm- V (3]koffull mtpm) 10V(Ia,%, u r Embkd@iR 5mm 5mm Mmon-3sex Phmotell- INlNmedoH) PhWmell-45 see NLTAIR2PIA, NUAIPE IIWI Motm-3V(3lkWMI wrytpW I0V(10]%rWIut) EmhM@5R ]Smin 5mm Mmon-3sex (wtdk4 PM1motell-W lNmedol0 Plutmell-45 sex '. L✓iI05OV14 COMMERCNLOUDOOR One LiMonia Way •Conyars, Gaoryia"12• Phone: 1$70SSEPV p37B0 wwllth.—com WWBLEO "",007NG. o2mw2g2g Aruty9rarca Lghting,l^c. AIrghtse—wd. Rw OlimPo Mounting, Options & Accessories NLTAIR2 PIR — nUght AIR Nbtioo/Ambient Sensor D=8" H=11" W=18" BBW—Sfanda d Bach Box D=1.5" H=4" W = 5.5" FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE Common —h equal 1—kr with dawn e,d hoso fiasom LLe WDCE LEDwaa desrgnal blandwhanyrypa Dison o whether too ult-usfus or backApplrca ndwas oni®e, wareh""or hospital; Sabana malls, restaurant, and other commercral buildng,.al CONSTRUCTION The hnglnpra-dre-aa alum, num housing to optimize thermal ocuef, rlmm the Ilght engire and promote long Itle_Thediivar Is mourned o dlrea comae with the caning for operating mmpermore and long If, 7,, damn doorlame a fully gasketed with • reprtte solyd all cow ,ashetno sees out —store and dust breed nq an IP65 hating for be luminaire. FINISH E,tr, or palmed pans are protected by a unci nrumd Super Durable TGIC thermoset powder mm Loch that provldessupehor reslmn® to conoslou std—the,up A tightly oiled multistage pm— emmms a 3 mils thl dunes for a mush that au with rand e changes withoutcmckrnq or peeling Standard Super Duable colors Indole darkbrome, black natural alummum.sandnone and wbuaAcai so en toxmred and non -matured finishes. OPTICS Indvidually formed card, lenses are engineered for superior applration affic— ywblch --so the 1p[smthe sues,where Itsmon needed CgM engrnes are available iu 30.00 K 40.00 K or 50.00 K minimum 70 Call anLgw tion, The WDGE LED has z ro uplp[s and qo life as N n[stime Friendly- produ t, meaning R fs con,iaent with the LEDrD std Green Globe" clteria for ellminamg wastaf,l uplfght FEW — Premium Back Ras D=1J5" H=9" W=1S. 4 AWS — 3/8inch Archftss W ral Wall Spacer D=038' H=4.4" W=)5" ELECTRICAL Light engine comso of bighcHlcacy LEDs mounted to metal ore circuit boards ma se beat dissipation aM on, promote ng IQU lfe )up m L9W1 W,Mors at 25T) The elescmr Dore drNer has power ems of uou— THDanw, C low -re cor. (her F bunt In CQsurge protenron, wbrcF mce¢ a minimum Category C low o-pozure )per AN51/IEEE C62412). INSTALLATION A oninandm ung plate with integral morning supporta s allows the litre to he cm,m for easy access while no lung wiuingconnettlore. The Nil" Arch itttmal Wall Spacer AM) can he used to create a floating appearance or W accommodate small [Imperfectmen the wall surface_ LISTINGS CSA -miffed m US_and Canadian standards LIgM engirez are IP65 rateQ luminaire Iz Pt5ated_PIRoptiomareacedforwet1ocation_ RatedforL -Cm inimon, emblem_ DeapuLlgMs Comoniuno DLC) Premium qudhfird pmdun and DLC qudhfird pmdud_ Not all versions of this productmaybe DLC Premium quall0ed or DLC qualiLed Please cMdsthe DLC QualiLed Preduds Gn atw ,,designligMsny/QPLm mnfum which vemons are qualiLed_ WARRANTY Syear kim tedw anry Complete rar�ryterrro locamdae w a uiNbP rid coMsupporVc tome soppon/term ar_. _i _ i NoN:Actual performance may dHeras a resmterfend-oserr en ironmem and anal ca on All valuesare design ortypieal values measured under laboramry condtionaat25°C. Specifeawns sublecno ebange witbom rooi<e. '. L/TNONL4 COMMERCLALOUTDOOR One Litbonia Way" Conyers,(Seomia33o12"Photo 1$ 7o SEW93IR)"www.IltMp—na WWBLED "ON"NPi" ®2o1w2mo ArulNfmwa Ugbtwjw Allrohasesowd. aaw. 01/ Po Specifications EPA: 095 ft ii C)Length: 26" (mho Width: 13" too. D -Series Size 0 LED Area Luminaire Heightr: 3" L � oAw Hr Heights: rea7'rnHi Weight ib lbs kyj (max): gelid W POLE LIGHTS M1v H mane arm mouxwetil ,em.1 lH seneeeInoIi, Introduction The modern styling of the D -Series is striking yet unobtrusive - making a bold, progressive statement even as it blends seamlessly with its environment. The D -Series distills the benefits of the latest in LED technology into a high performance, high efficacy, long -life luminaire. The outstanding photometric performance results in sites with excellent uniformity, greater pole spacing and lower power density. It is ideal for replacing up to 400W metal halide with typical energy savings of 70% and expected service life of over 100,000 hours. • EXAMPLE: I LED Pb 40K T3M MVI SPA NLTAIR2 PIRHN DDBXD DSXOLED WO LED Forkeeklapfia 30K 3000K TIS Type lshort(Aummotlre) TSS Typugshort' MVOLT" Shipped indeded FI Per' P7' MR 41 T2S Type 11shot ' TSM Ty,V medium in, SPA Square pule nountlig n PS 50K 5000K T2M Type ll medium 15W iypeV wide' M36 RPA Round lake mounting' P3 P6 TEIS Type 111 short PLG Batightmnrcol' 2906 WBA Wall bade' Renteappfia BM Type 1111 notion LGGO LeRmmenup0' 2776 SPIIMBA Square pole owned mountilgadapmr° PID' PIP TQ Type IV medium R((0 Rgoorrareall 3476 RPOMBA Round de un6ersal muentllga on' P112 PI3° UN Fomardthmwi' j 4806 Shippedseparately TSVS Ty,V,,shmt' WAADDBXDD Mmtarm mounting boketadaper (sireifyfirand, J sontraloptione grgpeareadalled FOR Highow ragovamblentsema,&15'mantilg grgpediratalled DDBXD Dark bonze NITAIR2 nL,RAIRgeaafion 2eabledn" - Ought ambientsemoreabadkil NS Honeiideeh'ad" DBUD Blad PIRHN NervmA, hlgNbwmsbNamblwtarwr° I PIRH HlyMow, mutloMmblwtamw, 15-30' mandlg Ought ambientsemoreabadxt5@i°" SF Sliglefirse(120ID,341V)6 ONAAD Natural aluminum PER NEMAtw64rck rereppdeany (mnwloideredttparme)° PIRIKW HigMow, muhoNambientsemw,&15'mantirg OF Daublefirs, (2W, 29g 9WV) 6 MILD White PERS For -pin receptacle any (anwl mdendsepaare) ra ) Ought ambleatamoreablhoat l&r", 193 IeRmtatedopdo' OOBTXD Tmueddark our. VEA7 Serenplmxeppdealy leads eortfvture) Renwl ordered PIRHIKW HlgMow, mutloMmblwtamw, 15-30' mandlg n0 Rehr opted optld OBLB%D Tatuedblack separate)"° Ought ambleatamoreablhoat l&'"" DDL DlOuaddopNm" DNAT%D Tmuedamal RAG U10V entering exleho out badof hoosingfa neural control FAO Field adlustabN output" HA 50%arthenmperetiom' aluminum (mnnolonkredseparare)" Shypedeeparaeely Tattedwh OWHGXD lre BS Blrdsplkern j EGS Eeteral glare shield DSXO-LED '. L/THON/A a, 0p a/Dam gat One Uthonia Way • Conyers, Gotten 3] 1112 • Phone: 1$11 7. 5!i(73781 • www.lid—, mm _ ""1Vr1NO. ®mn-mmmmi a,a"d it let Alai esseri COMMERCIAL Chi Ordering Information Accessories o,d+wda.demwd�wakrl OILIIII ISN rmmm1 LMT Xd olwm1N' XLLEA/FI5NLID I PNIi 0 1rcdFIII GnvN' DLLV➢I15NIIT %ob 101 N,IlIII >mP' LIT NLIII,U S.,I, DI.HS2.0 LNEPPI011ftl lm 11,P2,P.nE la'" LSNXSTPT lm P1',111,111 a nE 111'" XSXmn' MM1 I, lm I lalp T. .,I PO,. 8N' I, m e m. ne N e. nn.al.. uminq namaualmtlwNIT,P.,- .fI. Yd' M.P. -t, t, daklal, Ntls NITy '1XIX45QIX1913' T. -I lifamhitl Ib -1 1m,�, tl'IT. I . I EGS — External Glare Shield Drilling Wars irot rvi1l. PP. Pa Ind 111 V18, 111, 111 nd 111 neNWEIdde fIL. III l"Mwea PH•PIPeLIN+. 1 A, 1. s dsffinm vA 4 sNIT am.wEh HE I. T nm6N .a+..I m nr F. NA, frIN,, 1.119/m IW S.Y. i. 6 gnyea 1.111rv111.') 6utleim PFl...f v, lldubN sIItPuE..--9m —Id pba NP. -1,1- 11"d-.., B NOi EPIPINEEP nnndM k,nwfit m affiti�d9F^MPdPf111, IS G W+WnI NW fl, ANC I CI b31. OnN✓+FI+Mn NLf P+a^me 9ut P,WI w .+EPA 19l,Am+tEP ,d aamlrau a -n IN,, ro Nm WNNEI,fmmatim F,, umw6 l A- Santa rtataminet F,Ldd l9 Nmtlm ard.md.dm PI IN N. 11 Mkmt M W.md.M N LPI R F,, mF(.rfIl mM1+u-nmn ft N, 1Ls1 N¢1,,k 11 MmmlPP,d ndfOWd a+ mpmm— um lmm Aaiq Bmh Gnt,NJI, e¢wl. snmFy C+p F,Lded Ia If 1roAlr nd. my:.A n mutt lm m ,d ad&Wd B_,, ,.,PP l—.....' BmGnutl:.sl+vtF9c;FdI,&d S OtM.—u PUe.611INN, PERK PEW, PI R, Ilex, 11 IT W2VNPI IN I MIX FAO, 16 NemmIm Gno-1 tyew.. m Pap G. 18 Na wA..wE�nder6mmang Ltl. f pa �gmmmeinemdq 19 NITrvaue.:A BIC, I= and NCCO dfAb . w Mmt e. n,d.md.mn 8.wm w aearyF..d.,9. 11 Naµwlun�rnm M.la2d WA 1EN, PEW u lEW,pvn. sm CrnPNETuE w9+a. II F mmfitummN p.NuW+w Mn Pd+ B ddl ptmm I NOT U+wl nFnmA NANDNOLE ORIENTATION One Gthonia way• Conyers, Georgi a W2 - plane: 1�7055EW 0319 •so ldhowia (from top d pok) Side B&N C D SMeA B,C&N B d DM19AS DM M DM39ASDM4AS A_. SPA XandM1'k N/8" TemplateU 35" T dFok APA pB P -AB" l -AB" 35" 35" SNIM81 p5 P-0IB" 3" C <" C ANM81 Obi �•,aPo 35" 5" 5" t LS' 0 W' 1a9 a1Lrn Tenon Mounting Slipfitter Rdllttrtlw One Gthonia way• Conyers, Georgi a W2 - plane: 1�7055EW 0319 •so ldhowia AdeB Side B&N SICeB&C40MM RowA PdeO'ly SMeA B,C&N DriII Nw Td' .. d DM19AS DM M DM39ASDM4AS DM99AS SPA 48 N/8" b1/8" 35" APA pB P -AB" l -AB" 35" 35" SNIM81 p5 P-0IB" 3" C <" C ANM81 45 F w 35" 5" 5" DSXO Area Luminsim -EPA 5ntlud,, lTmi-ir,a If In gtal im soti ya mi. Othettenon;II , WIN,tI 01 otl, 1 -0 are mtln-1 dM l n Th 6 E PP JPta. 7 Mmnnq Y,Fe .. .-. %*% 4+ DSYOIED o.950 1.20% .20 1A31 28m lPSo 35M [)M-LED '. L/THON/A N/3NX RP WM4 One Gthonia way• Conyers, Georgi a W2 - plane: 1�7055EW 0319 •so ldhowia _ L/GNT/NG. a. ®X11- mzonaNr Bandmng, egiLc AT dgho IPI COMMERCVLL OUTDWR Tpseewmple@pntWm ncn,,lE,dpwnlcad.i cflIcfn-Vn, prnductvisit L'[bnia LighOig's 65enesNrea Slze OM1omepage. Iaofwi ndlaPlWf-th,DSM LED c)C10M4)c Dls4ncaa are In a nlnscf mo unting M1eIght 131? ■1 ■ ■ MEME MEN X � X 5`5 5`5 One Gthonia Way • Conyers, Georyia W2 • Pnone:1$ 71 5EW 03701 • www.fth—, ,m _ L/GNT/NG. CX112Monanr aand ughtng, Inc Al dgno nnen,ed. COMMEI 11 QUI ■ MENEM \1111111■■ ■■III■i11■■■I 0momma 11■Iii■■■■ r mmil'lim P\\/i1111►\\s 'l1■\i■I1/E Im rommomillsh MEMEMEMEME ■■■■■■■■iFfll al■uo■■oa�■la ■■■■■■■■■■ N■mG■Il■■ '■■1■■11■11 al■la■■■■al■I■ ■■1■■11■■il MEMEMEMEME \■SOI■IatfU.I71 MEMEMEMERM ■■■■■■■fit nil\■iiiiii X � X 5`5 5`5 One Gthonia Way • Conyers, Georyia W2 • Pnone:1$ 71 5EW 03701 • www.fth—, ,m _ L/GNT/NG. CX112Monanr aand ughtng, Inc Al dgno nnen,ed. COMMEI 11 QUI ■ EMPIRE, \1111111■■ ■■III■i11■■■I 0momma 11■Iii■■■■ r mmil'lim MEMEMEMEME ■■■■■■■■ Im ■'llf�■■■1117 MEMEMEMEME ■■■■■■■■iFfll al■uo■■oa�■la ■■■■■■■■■■ '■■1■■11■11 al■la■■■■al■I■ ■■1■■11■■il X � X 5`5 5`5 One Gthonia Way • Conyers, Georyia W2 • Pnone:1$ 71 5EW 03701 • www.fth—, ,m _ L/GNT/NG. CX112Monanr aand ughtng, Inc Al dgno nnen,ed. COMMEI 11 QUI ■ \1111111■■ ■■III■i11■■■I 11■Iii■■■■ r MEMEMEMEME ■■■■■■■■ Im ■'llf�■■■1117 ■■■■■■■■iFfll al■uo■■oa�■la '�\v.5.r'I■ �I'L��7aiS■\I al■la■■■■al■I■ \■SOI■IatfU.I71 ■■■■■IIIc■ ■■■■■■■fit nil\■iiiiii X � X 5`5 5`5 One Gthonia Way • Conyers, Georyia W2 • Pnone:1$ 71 5EW 03701 • www.fth—, ,m _ L/GNT/NG. CX112Monanr aand ughtng, Inc Al dgno nnen,ed. COMMEI 11 QUI ■ \1111111■■ ■■III■i11■■■I 11■Iii■■■■ r MEMEMEMEME ■■■■■■■■ MEMEMEMEME ■'llf�■■■1117 ■■■■■■■■iFfll al■uo■■oa�■la '�\v.5.r'I■ �I'L��7aiS■\I al■la■■■■al■I■ \■SOI■IatfU.I71 ■■■■■IIIc■ nil\■iiiiii ■■■■���■■■I II■1\►■■III■la ■■■■■■■■■■I '■\■■■■■■I■ al■\�r�i�■la ■1■1■III■11 X � X 5`5 5`5 One Gthonia Way • Conyers, Georyia W2 • Pnone:1$ 71 5EW 03701 • www.fth—, ,m _ L/GNT/NG. CX112Monanr aand ughtng, Inc Al dgno nnen,ed. COMMEI 11 QUI ■ilG.o.►\fl■ \1111111■■ ■■III■i11■■■I 11■Iii■■■■ r MEMEMEMEME ■■■■■■■■ MEMEMEMEME ■'llf�■■■1117 ■■■■■■■■iFfll al■uo■■oa�■la X � X 5`5 5`5 One Gthonia Way • Conyers, Georyia W2 • Pnone:1$ 71 5EW 03701 • www.fth—, ,m _ L/GNT/NG. CX112Monanr aand ughtng, Inc Al dgno nnen,ed. COMMEI 11 QUI ■ilG.o.►\fl■ 111111■■■■1171■ ■■III■i11■■■I 111000 ■■al■Uo11a■■ mosommmmom ■'llf�■■■1117 ■■■■■■■■iFfll al■uo■■oa�■la '�\v.5.r'I■ �I'L��7aiS■\I al■la■■■■al■I■ \■SOI■IatfU.I71 ■■■■■IIIc■ X � X 5`5 5`5 One Gthonia Way • Conyers, Georyia W2 • Pnone:1$ 71 5EW 03701 • www.fth—, ,m _ L/GNT/NG. CX112Monanr aand ughtng, Inc Al dgno nnen,ed. COMMEI 11 QUI ■ilG.o.►\fl■ 111111■■■■1171■ ■■III■i11■■■I ■\1111■■■■11111■ ■■al■Uo11a■■ mosommmmom ■■■■■■■■iFfll al■uo■■oa�■la �I'L��7aiS■\I X � X 5`5 5`5 DSn-LED '. L/TNON/A R13 c4 ga3d8 One Gthonia Way • Conyers, Georyia W2 • Pnone:1$ 71 5EW 03701 • www.fth—, ,m _ L/GNT/NG. CX112Monanr aand ughtng, Inc Al dgno nnen,ed. COMMEI 11 QUI ■■III■i11■■■I ■■■■■■■■iFfll al■uo■■oa�■la DSn-LED '. L/TNON/A R13 c4 ga3d8 One Gthonia Way • Conyers, Georyia W2 • Pnone:1$ 71 5EW 03701 • www.fth—, ,m _ L/GNT/NG. CX112Monanr aand ughtng, Inc Al dgno nnen,ed. COMMEI 11 QUI al■uo■■oa�■la �I'L��7aiS■\I al■la■■■■al■I■ \■SOI■IatfU.I71 ■■■■���■■■I II■1\►■■III■la ■■■■■■■■■■I '■\■■■■■■I■ al■\�r�i�■la ■1■1■III■11 DSn-LED '. L/TNON/A R13 c4 ga3d8 One Gthonia Way • Conyers, Georyia W2 • Pnone:1$ 71 5EW 03701 • www.fth—, ,m _ L/GNT/NG. CX112Monanr aand ughtng, Inc Al dgno nnen,ed. COMMEI 11 QUI Performance Data — Lumen Ambient Temperature (LAT) Multipliers; Uvtlwbnomw hemi'.i.re4w.l.�.riv�wnb,...rey..mbi.m lempnNw ipn OJRC (321 M°FI. Projected LED Lumen Maintenance Cele nYrems di leNpIWAnewmx llEdo PMmmmtedn27C elYiii wead (lae$N4.. ndpni had IFSN4TM31�111. 16 u Iwlek LIF, w tle Linn me Ypanrceboor tlnl m Lq e, — d m be bind nmbv d aPverirg hum blvx. Fu a1M1v Ivren ma Mneaa w emta Ixby Liam Ammei !i land Pamp-rp Mmpbnn lurirare;wiredm[M1edreeerdlmming leads. La@ `Mm L¢ratirn Tme Tne T OAR 0.15 0.15 010 OW al 01 NEWM Ing, 01 Projected LED Lumen Maintenance Cele nYrems di leNpIWAnewmx llEdo PMmmmtedn27C elYiii wead (lae$N4.. ndpni had IFSN4TM31�111. 16 u Iwlek LIF, w tle Linn me Ypanrceboor tlnl m Lq e, — d m be bind nmbv d aPverirg hum blvx. Fu a1M1v Ivren ma Mneaa w emta Ixby Controls Option Electrical Load Liam Ammei "gm,9& pbwir9l=T-.777 MMI Pamp-rp Mmpbnn lurirare;wiredm[M1edreeerdlmming leads. La@ `Mm L¢ratirn Tme Tne T OAR 0.15 0.15 010 OW allowing for50/M opeddled PIPVPIPN NEWM IYMM(r 1 Frutlei®SFL S 3e¢ 033 ON 0.19 014 0.11 mnid radesurM1e 814.1. P3 11P11i 3V13]9M 1.0iCuaed®1K 5 3e¢ 03) IPNIF(3V dew W¢N wharf dLbdo INer.rowedi Po A xmnweall, araw&,are Mwnmfimm. Controls Option Electrical Load '. L/THGN/A oneumnne Way -C,ri ceagia mmz. Prorsea�aossEW 937s1high—, osm-tEi) _ L/GNT/NG. ®m-onally grand usmm my , Al dgno rear.ad a. Ap a/3am nmz ga 3i COMMEIFai OUTDWR tm mr - m - - lurirare;wiredm[M1edreeerdlmming leads. PI M 5M H 032 OAR 0.15 0.15 010 OW allowing for50/M opeddled P2 M 703 N 041 033 ON 0.19 014 0.11 mnid radesurM1e 814.1. P3 M 10% 71 OEO 031 03) 037 031 0.15 wharf dLbdo INer.rowedi Po A 1101 9) 0)) 0.45 One 035 038 030 P5 0 701 &) 074 OA 0.38 034 036 OA M m 10% 1N 133 065 OM 01A 09 019 P) 0 13M 166 139 OB1 One OEO 050 03) p10 M 53 53 045 OA 033 01 016 0.12 Muded".pn (Pe2uim L50 vA9a PI) 31 31 )01 1050 n IM OM Offi 03507 050 OM OA 039 030 031 0.16 033 P13 M 130 ae 1.16 I 08 051 01A 03) on '. L/THGN/A oneumnne Way -C,ri ceagia mmz. Prorsea�aossEW 937s1high—, osm-tEi) _ L/GNT/NG. ®m-onally grand usmm my , Al dgno rear.ad a. Ap a/3am nmz ga 3i COMMEIFai OUTDWR FAD fkN alNSlaliewtpRdevkelnsfallN lnsiie[h AIow50k Lmrarebkmvu9lydidnii WdeAre (rralkumiwlM1oterrmddsapfantlWrml lurirare;wiredm[M1edreeerdlmming leads. e%ertiwe dimming lAelg&laput Sa Mmlmis 05 0iverswied'mdepeNentlyfw5N501umeaie The luminaire iswied totwa sepnt firttils, Irhladnlyxieidiiam Ae4iresMs�aadyswiWedfirtuttrOradr 1peminn allowing for50/M opeddled Ni,hMaeammmsleh[firtdlerafw. KUdrFEV laid4odpluwdlreenade (ompRide with standard twist rod mmem bb YxelAadpFntldlswdha, nt Riremadvmsi Ni 5mdiroirg 186 min diva, pie 6&7ine dusk m chin open[on, oradvamedrmtml role, mnid radesurM1e 814.1. "'neiirAdlurridare thampmvih010VAlmmingsignak. %Anr%RI Matimsararsal, nlgnl(InwslL%Abb15' Luminaire dim when noompanryisdehrtN. Mtiryfanfds5A6A AkorvahkkalM1%%Ilf(3VwFentl'enrm manliy;%R1b15-30mourtly pMtrdlisusalbrdslrbdawrrpaatiort Ni IRIN NyM1tNAaaYeilumiaiebrtofanmey, Mended and am dent lightsensirg with grad NyM1thirriaM NightNAnnewcamkpogmredm' pFawdlydarelmmrmviofaa sponse. SrM1Mudd dimming with modonsaew randaarel iantegmW u9y0e[INRq ver -end when wialedy—dected m the dii fta, arywe. '. L/THGN/A oneumnne Way -C,ri ceagia mmz. Prorsea�aossEW 937s1high—, osm-tEi) _ L/GNT/NG. ®m-onally grand usmm my , Al dgno rear.ad a. Ap a/3am nmz ga 3i COMMEIFai OUTDWR .. . Lumen Output Wmenvalue•nI—.dmd.*n I bwed by 1,IA, Fam. Ca,f thd,k,perfa,,—dmonmywnf,-t smldipm M1an. R 20 530 39W ]3M V% 1 0 1 115 4]1< I 0 1 IN <,n< I 0 I I]6 11M 81 1 0 1 113 2 I 0 l Ill < 0 I 0 l Ila TIM 4373 1 0 1 115 4711 1 0 2 1m 4,nl 1 0 ] 126 TM 45@ ] 0 0 n0 4w ] 0 0 IA 4,%2 ] 0 0 131 T% 455] ] 0 0 1]0 49M ] 0 0 IN 4,CM ] 0 0 131 15M 41 3 0 1 120 91 3 0 1 IN 4953 3 0 1 130 TW 4 % 3 0 ] 120 4A29 3 0 ] 133 4,92 3 0 ] 131 w 3586 1 0 1 % 3963 1 0 1 10] 3,91] 1 0 1 103 fm 1 0 1 A 2A74 1 0 ] 76 ]911 1 0 ] ]] 8((0 ],EW 1 0 1 m 2974 1 0 ] 76 ],911 1 0 ] ]] rs A AO 4911 115 SSA 1 0 1 114 6001 1 0 1 In 6,W] ] 0 ] IN IN N 1 0 ] 114 5 1 0 ] In 6 0 ] 0 ] IN VIA 5593 1 0 1 In 6p25 1 0 1 IN 6,102 1 0 1 125 ]35 S 1] 1 0 ] 111 5p35 1 0 ] 119 5,924 ] 0 ] 121 ]iM 5$Po I 0 ] 114 6pll 1 0 ] IN 6,W7 1 0 ] IN 11M N I 0 ] III 5 I 0 ] IA 5955 I 0 ] I]] 1nM 5$A I 0 ] 114 6C0] I 0 ] Ifl 6,W3 I 0 ] IN 1245 5,]93 ] 0 0 118 6147 ] 0 0 In 6,n] ] 0 0 129 155 7 0 0 IIB N 7 0 0 IN 6 37 7 0 1 IN 1524 5]B) 3 0 I IIB n 3 0 1 In 6 I6 3 0 1 IN 15W 5934 3 0 7 119 v 3 0 7 IA 6364 3 0 7 Im n( ¢n 1 0 1 93 49M 1 0 1 101 4X7 1 0 1 10 1((0 3 I 0 2 W 1 0 2 ]5 311 1 0 2 76 A((0 3p07 I 0 7 A W 1 0 7 ]5 3,]11 1 0 7 ]6 H 70 1050 ]IW 115 ]933 7 0 7 110 "M 7 0 7 119 8515 7 0 7 170 IN 7 M 7 0 7 110 79 7 0 7 119 8 6 7 0 7 170 VIA ],865 7 0 7 111 M73 7 0 7 119 ax 7 0 7 171 135 7bn 7 0 7 107 8705 7 0 7 116 8,324 7 0 7 117 73M ],BI6 7 0 7 III M52 7 0 7 119 8$59 7 0 7 171 11M 7,05 7 0 7 IN 8 69 7 0 7 116 8 3 7 0 7 IIB TIM ]9e 7 0 7 110 8M7 7 0 7 119 8¢4 7 0 7 170 1M B,I55 3 0 0 IIS 8]85 3 0 0 IN 8$M 3 0 0 175 T% 167 3 0 I IIS 8 X 3 0 I IN 89H 3 0 I 125 15M B,tll 3 0 2 IIS 8]]0 3 0 2 IN B,XI 3 0 2 125 1SN q7M 3 0 7 116 8p38 4 0 7 IN 8,950 4 0 7 176 61[ B I 0 7 91 6126 1 0 7 X ] 3 I 0 7 99 Itt0 479 1 0 2 9 5,153 1 0 2 ]3 5118 1 0 2 ]3 wo 479 1 0 2 9 5,153 1 0 2 ]3 5118 1 0 2 ]3 W A 160 XW 115 9,]91 7 0 7 106 10$4] 2 0 2 115 10,91 l 0 2 116 IN ]Po 7 0 7 106 lum 7 0 7 115 10 7 0 7 116 Tam 9931 7 0 7 IW lum 7 0 7 115 10]24 7 0 7 117 95n 7 0 7 1® Ip7Y 7 0 7 n1 10386 7 0 7 n3 BIA 7 0 7 IW I 65 7 0 7 115 10 7 0 7 116 lYA 991 7 0 7 IM I 35 7 0 3 117 I 7 0 3 114 1nM 9,801 7 0 7 107 lum 7 0 7 IIS IW 7 0 7 116 1515 10,193 3 0 1 111 16X1 3 0 1 119 ILIA 3 0 1 121 T% loxi 3 0 1 111 10593 3 0 1 119 IIIA 3 0 1 171 1524 10,176 4 0 2 111 10,W 4 0 2 119 11,101 4 0 2 121 15W IOX4 4 0 3 111 IIM] 4 0 3 170 II,I86 4 0 3 In KC 8 6 1 0 7 8] % 1 0 7 % ]E6 1 0 7 95 m 5,249 1 0 7 65 WI 1 0 7 A 6573 1 0 3 71 m 5,979 1 0 7 65 6H1 1 0 7 A 6573 1,10 3 71 '. LIMUMA One Gthonia way e Cnyea, Geo51a W2 ne:1$7(d SEN 9378).wrwv lebnniaDM-IED _ L/GNT/NG. CX112MCnain Band usmns, m ie Alul dsno,ererred. R1wm,3 a COMMERCIILL OUT R Performance Data Lumen Output L --l-, are hom plwtommi, br6.A lF.LM.] .I d4'n,mid—d .*ntley'e,emselbwed by 1,,Fam. Ca,f thd,k,gerfar—dNonmyw4gv —mldipm M1en. '. L/TNGN/A one mnnnia way - C nye two a W2 - Prone: 1�7] SEW 93731 • w rth—, enm DW -LED _ L/GNT/NG. ®mLghl � Al dgno,ereiwd. Rpmnam n-zozonainaand , m gW4 COMMER ll OUTDWR Performance Data Lumen Output Wmen va lue•nI—.dmd.*n tlw.Y —, Ibwed by 1,IA, Fam. Ca,f thd,k,perfa,,—dmonmywnf,-t smldipm M1an. no M 530 53W lls k]l] l 0 l 1➢ ],N] 3 0 3 13] ],i39 3 0 3 138 1)s W9 3 0 3 IN ],A5 3 0 3 136 ],S]] 3 0 3 138 IN 3 0 3 IN 7,136 3 0 3 138 ] 8 3 0 3 Ib 135 4585 3 0 3 IN ]pN 3 0 3 134 ],183 3 0 3 136 TV 6805 3 0 3 IN ],331 3 0 3 138 ]A]4 3 0 3 110 NM ]] 3 0 3 IN 7193 3 0 3 136 ] 3 0 3 137 MIA 6850 3 0 3 IN ],3)9 3 0 3 139 ]A]l 3 0 3 141 1515 ON 3 0 0 131 ]A31 3 0 0 110 ],5]5 3 0 0 nl 155 6810 l 0 1 IN ],3N l 0 1 139 7,91 l 0 1 141 TV 38 3 0 1 IN ] 3 0 l 139 ]MC 3 0 l l 141 139 15W 6]77 3 0 l IN ],3A 3 0 l 138 ],A3 3 0 W( 5b26 ] 0 ] 106 6M ] 0 ] 114 6,137 ] 0 ] 116 M 418 1 0 l 76 4X8 1 0 l 92 d,N3 1 0 l 3 83 M M 4A13 3 0 3 76 4X3 3 0 3 In d,3]] 3 0 nl A ILO p,M lls 85% 3 0 3 119 9za 3 0 3 129 $3)6 3 0 3 130 Xs 9545 3 0 3 119 9 5 3 0 3 129 9,X3 3 0 3 129 XM aRN 3 0 3 Ill 9MI 3 0 3 130 9,v 3 0 3 132 ]is BA12 3 0 3 117 9^2 3 0 3 126 9,1]] 3 0 3 127 M aAM 3 0 3 121 9,16 3 0 3 130 9,494 3 0 3 132 MM 9530 3 0 3 118 9189 3 0 3 128 9,305 3 0 3 3 129 133 MIA 8]50 3 0 3 14 9A]] 3 0 3 131 9,N6 3 0 1515 9Al2 3 0 0 14 9A]3 3 0 0 132 9,613 3 0 0 134 155 9;39 3 0 1 121 9 13 3 0 1 131 9,533 3 0 1 2 132 132 TV 736 3 0 2 121 9 11 3 0 2 131 9530 3 0 15W U57 4 0 2 IA 9,X6 4 0 2 130 9,M4 4 0 2 131 KC ],IB] 3 0 3 101 ],N2 3 0 3 IN ],MO 3 0 3 IN 1((0 5,133 1 0 2 71 5 9 1 0 2 ]] 5,599 1 0 2 78 8((0 5,116 3 0 3 71 5¢l 3 0 3 ]] 5,9] 3 0 3 78 M2 M 1050 [12M lls qIN 3 0 3 117 13M 3 0 3 126 13%53 3 0 3 127 Xs I A 4 0 4 116 13 12 4 0 4 125 131]] 4 0 4 127 1]M IFw 3 0 3 118 IV47 3 0 3 127 13,115 3 0 3 129 ]is IIb91 4 0 4 114 I],810 4 0 4 IN 1],91] 4 0 4 125 TV IFyw 3 0 3 118 Ivw 4 0 4 Ill BAT 4 0 4 129 NM I N 4 0 4 116 1 591 4 0 4 IM 13,154 4 0 4 126 TIM 1],3W 4 0 4 119 IMM 4 0 4 IN 13,19d 4 0 4 130 1515 1256 3 0 1 IA 13,,19 3 0 1 IN 13589 4 0 1 131 155 12 351 3 0 1 119 1 06 3 0 1 IN 13,174 3 0 1 130 15M 12 1 4 0 2 119 13j03 4 0 2 IN BATT 4 0 2 130 15W 14,18 4 0 3 118 1;183 4 0 3 Ill 13350 4 0 3 128 61( 10159 3 0 3 e 1 9M 3 0 3 105 1103 3 0 3 107 L((0 ]j% 1 0 3 N TAN 1 0 3 75 ],915 1 0 3 76 R(0 ]jC 3 0 3 N ]b06 4 0 4 75 ],915 4 0 4 76 %3 30 13L0 lls Idp38 3 0 3 113 155M 3 0 3 14 15,]51 3 0 3 IN Xs 14 5 d 0 d 112 1 d 0 d 121 1 d 0 d in XM ubld 3 0 3 Itl q]C d 0 d IN 19w d 0 d IM ]is 14,132 4 0 4 110 IvM 4 0 4 119 ISAI] 4 0 4 IA ]3M 14 4 0 4 114 I 735 4 0 4 IN 19N 4 0 4 124 NM I M 4 0 4 112 15,139 4 0 4 121 1503 4 0 4 122 TIM 147M 4 0 4 115 15,836 4 0 4 IN 1607 4 0 4 125 1515 14801 4 0 1 116 19w 4 0 1 IM 16,150 4 0 1 126 155 ion 3 0 1 115 I 14 3 0 1 IN 16A14 3 0 1 125 TV 146N 4 0 2 115 15,810 4 0 2 IN 16p10 4 0 2 125 15W 1454 4 0 3 114 lWii 4 0 3 14 15W 4 0 3 124 n( ]919 3 0 3 Q 8531 3 0 3 6] B6A 3 0 3 6] L((0 5145 1 0 2 0 55C 1 0 2 43 113 1 0 2 4 8((0 5139 3 0 3 C 558 3 0 3 43 M 3 0 3 4 '. L/THGN/A ona mnnnia way e Conyers, Geo51a W2. PMne: 1$7(] SPPN 93]s)•www.Lth—, oM-LED _ L/GNT/NG. ..112zonaily a—n m L,,hl, � Alul dsno ,ererred. R1,a8 wm COMMERC11 OUT R FEATURES Sr SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE Thesleek design of the D -Sens Size 0 reflects the embedded high performance IED technology It is ideal for many commercial and municipal applications, such as parking lot, plazas, campuses, and pedestrian areas. CONSTRUCTION Single -piece dia cast aluminum housing has integral heat sink fins to optimize thermal management th rough coMuctive and convective cooling. Modular design allows for ease of maintenance and future light engine upgrades. ThelEDdriverls mounted ,n direacontectw¢h the casting to promote low operating temperature and long life. Housing is completely sealed against moisture and environmental contaminants (IP6S. Dow EPA (0.95 fi I for optimized pole wind loading. FINISH Exterior parts are protected by a zinc -Infused Super Durable TGIC thermoset powder coat finish that provides superior resistance to corrosion and weathering. A tightly controlled mu lei -stage process ensures a minimum 3 mils thickness for a finish that can withstand extreme climate changes without cracking or peeling. Available in both tectu red and non Textured finishes. OPTICS Precision -molded proprietary acryl is lenses are an graced for in peror area lighting distribution, uniformity, and pole spacing L,g ht engines are available in 3000 K, 4000 K or W K A) CRI) configurations. The D -Series Size 0 has zero uplight and qualifies as a Nighttime Friendly'" product, meaning it is consistent with the DEED® and Green Globes'" criteria for eliminating wasteful uplight. ELECTRICAL Light engines) configurations consist of hl onefficacyLEDs mounted to metal - re circuit boards to maximize heat dissipation and promote long life (op to L85/100,000 hours at 25°O- Class 1 electronic drivers are designed to have a power factor >9o%, THD <M, and an expected life of 100,000 hours with 11% failure rate. Easily serviceable tOkV surge protectbn device meets a minimum Category C Low operation (per AN514EEE C62412). STANDARD CONTROLS The DSXO LED area luminaire has a number of control options. D5X Size Q comes standard with 0-10V dimming driver. Dusk todawn controls can be utilized via optional NEMA twistlockphotocell receptacles. Integrated motion sensors with on -board photocells feature fieldadjustableprograming and are suitable for mounting heights up to 30 feet. nLIGHT AIR CONTROLS The Di IED area luminaire is also available with nLight® AIR for the ultimate in wireless control. This powerful controls platform provides outof- the -box basic motion sensing and ph otocontrol fun crionaliry and is suitable for mounting heights up to 40 feet. Once commissioned using a smartph one and the eaVAo use CIAIRITY app, nLight AIR equipped luminaries can be grouped, resulting mot, on sensor and ph otocO group response with outthe nsaid for ad dil l equipment. Scheduled dimming with motion sensor over -ride can be achieved when used with the nLlg ht Eclypse. Additional lubrication about nLight Air can be found here - INSTALLATION Included mounting block and integral arm facilitate quick and easy installation. Stainless steel bolts fasten the mounting block securely to poles and walls, enabling the D -Series Size Oto withstand up to a 30 G vibration load rating per ANSI C136.31. The DrSen as Size 0 utilizes the AERIS" series pole on l ll no pattern (template M8). Optional terminal block and NEMA phomcontrol receptacle are also available. LISTINGS UL Listed for wet locations. Light engines are IP66 rated; luminaire is IP65 rated. Rated for -40°C to50"C ambientwith HAogWm U.S. Patent No. M72,4925. International patent pending. Designlights Conson rshO (DEC) Premium qualified product and DLCqualified product. Not all versions of this product may be DLC Premium qualified or DLC qualified. Please check the DLC Married Products List at www.designlights org/ -to confirm which versions are qualified. Intern afion al Dark -Sky Association (IDA) Fisture Seal of Approval (FSA) is available for all products on this page utrizing 3000K color temperature only. WARRANTY 5 -year limited warrant, Complete warranty terms located at ww.., a istomersuppoNterms- and -conditions Note: Actual performance may differ as a result of endfuser environment and application. All values are design or typical values, measured under laboratory cordrtlons at s5 C. Specifications subject to change without notice. '. LIMMVIA One ittmea way. Conyers, Geoy,a Wm2. Phoneaki(a70s5exv vi hmria,in _ L/GNT/NG. ®roti-mzo Aeon aand jemmy mo Al dents rarerred. COMMEItCIALOUTDWR Edn-LED aa, fri Pwil / ,gm` ;•!)| !!| PO )�im )ul !;! ! !�� • ; : || ( |Ogg � Ali,i / ,gm` ;•!)| !!| PO )�im Stormwater Surface Filtration/Infiltration Facility Sizing Spreadsheet 24 Hour Storm, NRCS Type 1 A Rainfall Distribution City of Eugene Name: Budget Blinds Address: AStreet 1.4 inches Springfield m Anthony J. Favreau V: The Favreau Group Date: 10/28/2020 Permit Number: Permit Catchment ID: North Basin Complete this form for each drainage catchment in the project site that is to be sized per the Presumptive Approach. Provide a distinctive Catchment ID for each facility coordinated vdth the site basin map to correlate the appropriate calculations with the facility. The maximum drainage catchment to be modeled per the Presumptive Approach is 1 acre (43,560 SF) =or infiltration facilities in Class A or B soils where no infiltration testing has been pertromed use an infiltration rate of OS War. For all facilities use a maximum soil infiltration rate of 2.5 War for topsoil/growing medium. loose "Yes" fmm the dmpdown boxes below next to the design standards requirements for this facility. Pollution Reduction (PR) Yes Flow Control FC)l No Destination(DT) No 'nnim'uo-ation kciiiry must becMsen as o -a txiiiry ttvew rreettlesonation requiremems Total Square Footage Impervious Area=1]85 soft Total Square Footage Pervious A 0 sgfl Impervious Area CN=l 98 Pervious Area CN=l 85 Total Square Footage of Drainage Area= 1785 all Time of Concentration Post Development= OS min Weighted Average CN=l 98 Pre�Development CN= 85 Time of Concentration Pre�Davelopment= 10 min Tested Soil Infiltration Rate= iWhr (See We 4) Destination Design=®in/hr Design Soil Infiltration Rate=1 0]5 iNhr Soil Infiltration Rate R uihe Rainfall De h Dari A Storm Pollution Redugion 1.4 inches Water Qualit Flow Control 3.6 inches Flood Control Destination I 3.6 inches Flood Control Facility Facility Side Slop( Max. Ponding Depth in Stormwater Facility - Depth of Growing Medium (So iDII'I:6'AYAII:1847s14 Facility Sudace Facility Sudace Pern Facility Bottom Facility Bottom Pern Ratio of Facility Area to Basin Vc Pollution Reduction-Calculation Results cfs Peak Flow Rate to Stormwater Facility =q0, Peak Facility Overflow Rate= 0.000 cfs Total Runoff Volume to Stormwater Facility=cf Total Overflow Volume= 0 cf Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility=in Drawdown Time=hours Yes Facility Sizing Meets Pollution Reduction Standards? VES Meets Requirement of No Facility Flooding? VES Meets Requirement for Maximum of 18 Hour Drawdown Time? Flow Control-Calculation Results Peak Flow Rate to Stormwater Facility = 0.039 cfs Peak Facility Overflow Rate= 0.036 cfs Total Runoff Volume to Stormwater Facility= 500 cf Total Overflow Volume= 192 cf Peak Off -Site Flow Rate Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility= 6.0 in Filtration Facility Underdrain= 0.003 cfs Drawdown Time= 8.0 hours Pr vekmment R nff Date Peak Flow Rate = 0.021 cfs Total Runoff Volume =1 313 cf =Facility Sizing Meets Flow Control Standards? Nw Meets Requirement for Post Development offsite flow less or equal to Pre-Development Flow? ZI NW Meets Requirement for Maximum of 18 Hour Drawdown Time? Destination-Calculation Results Peak Flow Rate to Stormwater Facility = N/A cfs Peak Facility Overflow Rate= N/A cfs Total Runoff Volume to Stormwater Facility= N/A cf Total Overflow Volume= N/A cf Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility- N/A in Drawdown Time= N/A lours N/A Facility Sizing Meets Destination Standards? N/A Meets Requirement of No Facility Flooding? L.2LAJMftts Requirement for Maximum of 30 hour Drawdown Time? 1028/2020-8:35 AM Stormwater Surface Filtrationilnfiltration Facility Sizing Spreadsheet 24 Hour Storm, NRCS Type 1 A Rainfall Distribution City of Eugene Name: Budget Blinds Address: AStreet 1.4 inches Springfield m Anthony J. Favreau V: The Favreau Group Date: 10/28/2020 Permit Number: Permit Catchment ID: West Basin 8 BMa Complete this form for each drainage catchment in the project site that is to be sized per the Presumptive Approach. Provide a distinctive Catchment ID for each facility coordinated with the site basin map to co -elate the appropriate calculations with the facility. The maximum drainage catchment to be modeled per the Presumptive Approach is 1 acre (43,560 SF) =or infiltration facilities in Class A or B soils where no infiltration testing has been pertromed use an infiltration rate of OS War. For all facilities use a maximum soil infiltration rate of 2.5 War for topsoil/growing medium. loose "Yes" fmm the dmpdown boxes below next to the design standards requirements for this facility. Pollution Reduction (PR) Yes Flow Control FC)l No Destination(DT) No 'nnim'uo-ation kciiiry must becMsen as o -a txiiiry t -sew rreettlesonation requiremems Total Square Footage Impervious Area=124]9 soft Total Square Footage Pervious A 0 sgfl Impervious Area CN=l 98 Pervious Area CN=l 85 Total Square Footage of Drainage Area= 12479 sfl Time of Concentration Post Development= OS min Weighted Average CN=l 98 Pre�Development CN= 85 Time of Concentration Pre�Davelopment= 10 min Tested Soil Infiltration Rate=m/hr (See We 4) Destination Design=®in/hr Design Soil Infiltration Rate= 1 in/hr Soil Infiltration Rate R uihe Rainfall De h Desi -Storm Pollution Redugion 1.4 inches Water Qualit Flow Control 3.6 inches Flood Control Destination I 3.6 inches Flood Control Facility Facility Side Slop( Max. Ponding Depth in Stormwater Facility - Depth of Growing Medium (So iDII'I:6'AYAII:18h/A4 Facility Sudace Facility Sudace Pern Facility Bottom Facility Bottom Pern Ratio of Facility Area to Basin Vc Pollution Reduction-Calculation Results Peak Flow Rate to Stormwater Facility = 0.097 cfs Pik Facility Overflow Rate= 0.000 cfs Total Runoff Volume to Stormwater Facility 1226 cf Total Overflow Volume= 0 cf Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility= 4.9 in Drawdown Time= 15 hours Yes Facility Sizing Meets Pollution Reduction Standards? =Meats Requirement of No Facility Flooding? VES Meets Requirement for Maximum of 18 Hour Drawdown Time? Flow Control-Calculation Results Peak Flow Rate to Stormwater Facility = 0.269 cfs Peak Facility Overflow Rate= 0.254 cfs Total Runoff Volume to Stormwater Facility= 3493 cf Total Overflow Volume= 1886 cf Peak Off -Site Flow Rate Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility= 6.0 in Filtration Facility Underdrain= 0.015 cfs Drawdown Time= 6.0 hours Pre-Development Runoff Data Peak Flow Rate = 0.149 cfs Total Runoff Volume =1 2188 cf =Facility Sizing Meets Flow Control Standards? Nw Meets Requirement for Post Development offsite flow less or equal to Pre-Development Flow? NW Meets Requirement for Maximum of 18 Hour Drawdown Time? Destination-Calculation Results Peak Flow Rate to Stormwater Facility = N/A cfs Peak Facility Overflow Rate= N/A cfs Total Runoff Volume to Stormwater Facility= N/A cf Total Overflow Volume= N/A cf Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility- N/A in Drawdown Time= N/A lours N/A Facility Sizing Meets Destination Standards? N/A Meets Requirement of No Facility Flooding? L.2LAJMftts Requirement for Maximum of 30 hour Drawdown Time? 1028/2020-8:36 AM