HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-10-19 Public TestimonyRIPKA Amy (AJ) From: GRIMES Rita on behalf of Springfield CMOMail Sent: Friday, October 16, 2020 4:04 PM To: RIPKA Amy (AJ) Subject: FW: Mayoral vacancy AJ, Tbis was in CMOMail. R Rita P. Grimes Administrative Specialist - CMO City of Sprixag£-ield. 225 5"' St. Springfield, OR 97477 541-726-3700 To r°egzzesl. other fonmals, plmfe contact: Voice: 541-726-3700/ R.elay: 711 I'ax: 541-726-2363 Email,. r dimes s rima zeld or: or For more infonrnalion please see the Cify'.r acces.ribilily pqe: ielr- r)r:�ov (ic, ee sibilityhtigl. Messages to and fxom. this e-mail address inay be subject to disclosure under Oregon Public Records Law. From: kingeider@tutanota.com [maito:kingeider@tutanota.com] Seat: Friday, October 16, 2020 3:53 PM To. Springfield CMOMaii Subject: Mayoral vacancy Please distribute the following message to City Councilors thank you Springfield City Councilors I reviewed the applications of the councilors for the Mayoral vacancy and would like to make the Following reccornendations: Please vote either for Leonard Stoehr or Sherri Moore. Both are dedicated public servants and will bring a much needed new direction to the Mayors position. With the extreme economic distress we are undergoing, this is the time for a revised emphasis on people who have been underrepresented here. During the expansive, low unemployment situation we enjoyed before the pandemic, it was clear that there were still significant structural problems that left many in poor or no housing, low pay jobs or unemployed, lacking health care and a decent quality of like. We did not adequately address these issues during the good times. I fear that people will be further marginalized now due to bad enconomic times. We MUST emphasize a recovery that truly lifts all boats, and the "carry on with the agenda/keep the sante open for business" emphasis r read in the applications by Councilors Pishioneri and Van Gordon do not appear to be a good way forward for the majority of our residents. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this momentous decision.. Michael Koivula Ward 2 Securely sent with Tutanota. Get your own encrypted, ad -free mailbox: https://tutanota.com RIPKA Amy (A3) From: Holle Schaper <hollebauer@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2020 11:16 AM To: VANGORDON Sean (Springfield Councilor); MOE Steve; MOORE Sheri (Springfield Councilor); STOEHR Leonard (Springfield Councilor); WOODROW Marilee (Springfield Councilor); NEWTON Nancy; Public Records Subject: Comment about the upcoming Mayoral appointment vote Good morning, I am writing to strongly recommend that you do not appoint Councilor Joe Pishioneri as the Mayor of Springfield for any length of time — especially during such a tenuous time in Springfield's history. Councilor Pishioneri has demonstrated poor judgement and an inability to recognize conflicts of interest during his tenure as an elected official. Additionally, it is no laughing matter that he was found to have likely committed theft and official misconduct when he took a mileage reimbursement from the City of Springfield while using an official sheriff s office vehicle for travel. Then, due to his lack of credibility during the investigation, he was placed on the DA's Brady list and barred from providing testimony because he cannot be trusted to tell the truth. is this the person who should represent Springfield as our Mayor? You have the opportunity to show us that you really do care about continuing to restore trust between the city leadership and the residents of the city of Springfield by appointing a mayor who is honest and ethical. Please appoint someone who wants to get into the hard work of problem -solving large and complex issues, like police accountability, right away. Please don't betray the work that you've already started and the trust you've begun to re -build by voting to appoint Councilor Pishioneri - a Brady listed former law enforcement officer who stole from the city he serves - to the highest office in our city. Thank you, Holle Schaper RIPKA Amy (AJ) From: Doomed Calcium <windu77@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2020 9A0 AM To: Public Records Subject: #nojoe Dear Springfield City Councilors, 1 ani writing today imploring you to not install .Toe Pishioneri as Mayor. He has run for higher office twice and lost. Springfield has said no. Please do not go against the wishes of the voters and install. a dirty cop as mayor to this wonderful. town. Your good decisions have brought us a downtown that is the envy for our area, two hospitals, and street repairs. Do not ruin the progress you, the council, have made in making Springfield the shining jewel it has become in Lane County. # NOJOE RIPKA Amy (AJ) From: Jessica McGregor <unicornofthepnw@grnail.corn> Seat: Sunday, October 18, 2020 10:42 AM To: VANGORDON Sean (Springfield Councilor); MOP Steve; WOODROW Marilee (Springfield Councilor); STOEHR Leonard (Springfield Councilor); MOORE Sheri (Springfield Councilor); PISHIONERI Joe (Springfield Councilor); Public Records; NEWTON Nancy Subject: We need your help. Dear Springfield City Councilors, I am a morn, working from home while teaching my children with distance learning. My husband is now only working part-time. We are struggling. But when Springfield was burning we got out there. We volunteered and managed. to donate a little money to help our neighbors in this wonderful city. We were not the only ones. Hundreds of citizens helped their neighbors in a thousand different ways. Now we need your help. It is time to pick a new mayor NOW. Springfield cannot wait. We are recovering from wildfires, while still in the middle of a pandemic, economic crisis, social reform, the list could go on and on... We elected you to make the hard decisions. Pick the person most qualified (perhaps not a former cop who got caught lying and stealing from our city) and let's move on and out of 2020 with some direction! Thank you for your time, Jessica McGregor October 1.8, 2020 To the Members of the Springfield City Council: The purpose of this brief letter is to encourage you to please vote for Sean VanGordon for Mayor for the next two years. I have known Sean for several years in my capacity as Development Director for Catholic Community Services (CCS). From the start of our relationship, I found hire to be a hard- working, bright, and dedicated individual, which are keys to his success in business. Moreover, I have found him to be a man of integrity, honesty, and high moral principles, which offer a window into his heart and are keys to his standing as an advocate for families that may have fallen on hard times. Sean has been instrumental in helping Springfield's homeless through his support for the G Street OASIS Program of CCS. G Street OASIS is one of a number of ways that Catholic Community Services extends a helping hand to those in need. G Street provides unhoused parents and children a unique way for getting services and items they need such as food, clothing, showers, washer/dryer services, and may be a gateway to short-term housing in tiny houses or Conestoga huts as well as additional wrap-around services. Sean has always bent over backward for CCS and the G Street OASIS Program. He was instrumental in starting a major fundraiser called "Desserts for Dinner" which raised over $x2,000 in its first iteration. Unfortunately, the 2ndAnnual for far Dinner came up against the pandemic and had to be canceled. Yet, many of our supporters allowed their sponsorship to become donations and, I believe, Sean's reputation in the community had something to do with that pleasant surprise. In this letter, I have spoken of a person whose personal and professional qualities make him stand out from the pack. He is a person who sees the big picture and is motivated to act when he sees the needs of others, even when he will not get credit and no one is looking. He possesses the elements of leadership that will unite and guide the community into the future. It is with great pleasure that I recommend Sean VanGordon for Springfield's mayor. Sincerely, Jerry 2ag�oj RIPKA Amy (AJ) Frorn: heathweimer@gmaiLcam Sera: Sunday, October 18, 2020 5:20 PM To: VANGORDON Sean (Springfield Councilor); MOE Steve; STOEHR Leonard (Springfield Councilor); WOODROW Marilee (Springfield Councilor); MOORE Sheri (Springfield Councilor); " "@R1SVW3As.lane.or.us jpishioneri@springfield-or.gov" <jpishioneri@springfield-or.gov>, " publicrecords@springfield-or.gov" <publicrecords@springfield-or.gov>, " nnewton@springfield-or.gov" <nnewton@springfield-or.gov> From: Heath Weimer <heathweimer@gmail.com> Subject: Mayor Position Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2020 17:20:08 -0700 Importance: normal X -Priority: 3 Content -Type: multipart/alternative; bounda ry="_F43 EOD EE -056D-4326-93 F8-6868F692569E_ --_F43EODEE-056D-4326-93 F8-6868F692569E_ Content -Transfer -Encoding: quoted -printable Content -Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" To the honorary members of the Springfield City Council - C2=A0 My name is Heath Weimer and I am a Springfield citizen, in Ward 2. The time has come for the council to designate a mayor. We, the citizens of= Springfield, have been without leadership for too long. All the uncertaint= ies of 2020, including job loss, housing issues for those who have lost inc= ome, COVID- 19 cases, and the larger social issues that have been talking pl= ace over the last several months require someone to step up and lead Spring= field through these challenging times. Councilor VanGordon is the right choice for leading Springfield. He has a s= ubstantial amount of leadership experience, community involvement, and is w= ell regarded amongst many different local groups and organizations. Rarely= do politicians have such broad appeal as Councilor VanGardon does and I hon= estly believe he would be a mayor for ALL of Springfield. Sunny Regards, Heath Weimer --_F43EODEE-056D-4326-93 FS-6868F692569E_ Content -Transfer -Encoding: quoted -printable Content -Type: text/html; charset="utf-8" <html xmins:o=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmins:w=3D"urn:sc= hemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmins.m=3D"http://schemas.microsoft.com/of= fice/2004/12/omml" xmIns=3D"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-htm140"><head><meta ht= tp-equiv=3DContent-Type content=31)"text/html; charset=3Dutf-8"><meta name==3DGenerator content=3D"Microsoft Word 15 (filtered med ium )"><style><l-- /* Font Definitions */ @font -face {font-family:"Cambria Math"; panose-1:2453546324;} @font -face {font -fa m i ly: Ca I i bri; panose-1:2 15522 24324;} /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, Ii.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {margin0n; font-size:11.0pt; font -family: "Cal ibri",sans-serif;? .MsoChpDefault (m so -style -type: expo rt -only; } @page WordSectionl {size.8.5in 11.0in; margin:l.0in 1.Oin 1.0in 1.Oin;) div.WordSectionl {page: WordSectionl;} --></style></head><body Zang=3DEN-US><div class=3DWordSectionl><p -->style=3 D'= margin:0in'><span style=3D'font-family: "Aria l",sans-serif, co to r:bIack'>To t= he honorary members of the Springfield City Council-&nbsp;</span></p><p cl= ass=3DMsoNorma l><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p><p style=31)'margin:0in'><span style=3D= `font -family: "Aria l",sans-serif;color:black'>My name is Heath Weimer and I = am a Springfield citizen, in Ward 2.</span></p><p class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&n= bsp;</o:p></p><p style=3D'margin:Oin'><span style=3D'font- family:"Arial",sa= ns-serif;color:black'>The time has come for the council to designate a mayo= r. We, the citizens of Springfield, have been without leadership for too lo= ng. All the uncertainties of 2020, including job loss, housing issues for t= hose who have lost income, COVID-19 cases, and the larger social issues tha= t have been talking place over the last several months require someone to s= tep up and lead Springfield through these challenging times.<o:p></o: p></sp= an></p><p class=3DMsoNorma [><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p><p an>style=3 D'margin:0in'><s= pan style=3D'font-family:"Arial",sans-serif;color:black'>Councilor VanGordo= n is the right choice for leading Springfield. He has a substantial amount = of leadership experience, community involvement, and is well regarded among= st many different local groups and organizations. Rarely do politicians hav= e such broad appeal as Councilor VanGordon does and 1 honestly believe he w= ould be a mayor for ALL of Springfield.<o:p></o:p></span></p><p class=3DMso= Normal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p><p style=3D'margin:0in'><span Normal>style=3 D'font-fam= ily:"Arial",sans-serif,color:black'>Sunny Regards,</span></p><p style=3D'ma= rgin:0in'><span style=3D'font- family: "Aria l",sans-se rif; co to r: black'>Heath = Weimer</span></p><p class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNo= rmal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p><p rmal>class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p></div><= /body></html>= -- F43EODEE-056D-4326-93F8-6868F692569E -- RIPKA Amy (AJ) From: Ashley Delp Weimer <ashleydweimer@gmail.com> Sera: Sunday, October 18, 2020 5:37 PM To: VANGORDON Sean (Springfield Councilor); MOE Steve; STOEHR Leonard (Springfield Councilor); WOODROW Marilee (Springfield Councilor); MOORE Sheri (Springfield Councilor); PISHIONERI Joe (Springfield Councilor); Public Records; NEWTON Nancy Subject: Mayor Appointment To the Springfield City Council - My name is Ashley Weimer and I am a citizen of Ward 2 in Springfield. I write to you about your upcoming choice in naming the next Mayor of Springfield. Springfield offers a number of excellent choices, including members of the current council. Each person sitting in their current seat was elected by a section of Springfield to make decisions on our behalf and to collectively represent the populace. However, while each member may represent their Ward, my concern is that not all councillors are currently the appropriate choice for Springfield as a whole. Joe Pishioner€ is not the right choice for Springfield at this time. I fear his appointment would be extremely divisive and aid in mistrust many people are feeling. We are at a real tipping point as a community. People have lost their jobs, their homes, and have long felt unheard. We need a leader that hears and sees us all. Someone who has a real sense and understanding of the moment we are living in. I sincerely ask you to give pause to appointing anyone, even in the interim, who could cause further division during an already fractured time. Please read the room. We are counting on you to make the right decision - so please don't disappoint us. I thank you for your time. Sincerely, Ashley Weimer RIIPKA Amy `(AJ) From: Jenn Thompson <ienn.thompson359@gmai1.com> Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2020 6:06 PM To: VANGORDON Sean (Springfield Councilor); MOF Steve; WOODROW Marilee (Springfield Councilor); STOEHR Leonard (Springfield Councilor); MOORE Sheri (Springfield Councilor); PISHIONERI Joe (Springfield Councilor); Public Records; NEWTON Nancy t Subject: Vote No. Dear City Councilors, Please take a moment to look at the situation and political climate we are in as a nation, state and city. Protests are still occurring across the nation and Oregon concerning police brutality and untrustworthiness. Remember what happened in July Mth the Thurston Protest? Now let's imagine you decide to install an untrustworthy cop as Mayor. Do you believe the citizens of Springfield and activists from all over will think you made the right decision? We do not want the installation of a mayor who's baggage and past bad decisions will bring the protests and possibly riots back to our city. 1 encourage you to look at social media and see how the public and activists are very much against the idea of him being installed as mayor. They are getting ready. Please do not vote Joe Pishioneri for Mayor. Respectfully, Jennifer Thompson Cheers! -Jenn RIPKA Amy (AJ) From: E. <eJklein12@grnail.com> Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2020 7,21 PM Cc: Public Records Subject: A Concerned Lane County Citizen To the Springfield City Manager and City Council, I ain writing to you concerned about the potential candidacy of Joe Pishioneri for the Mayor of Springfield. As a former member of law enforcement, I would be concerned about former Springfield Police Deputy Pishioneri's work history biasing his decisions on police accountability and social justice in his community. Specifically, the Mayor of Springfield will oversee the independent investigation of police use of force at the July 29 protest against police violence in Thurston. I cannot see Pishioneri setting aside his experience as law enforcement to fairly and justly oversee this investigation. The City of Springfield needs candidates that will represent and act: for the betterment of the whole community, and. I strongly feel making Pishioneri a candidate will send the wrong message to not only the community of Springfield but neighboring communities in Laine County. I implore you to please reconsider. Best, Lane County Resident Ethan Klein RIPKA Army (AJ) From: Patty Rose <stutzcutz@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2020 7:33 PM To: Public Records Subject: Mayor vacancy I'm writing this to provide some input on the mayor vacancy and the upcoming vote by city council. It is very concerning that the voters have not been given a chance to use their voice on this vacancy through an actual vote. I understand that that is just not how the rules are: written and that these situations are rare and no one could have known we would find ourselves in this position. But here we are so... First I would like to say that Joe Pishoneri is the wrong person for the job. Given his track record as a "Brady" police officer in a time of such civil unrest in Oregon we need leaders who have proven to be impartial in matters that include the Police. Joe Pishoneri would likely be defeated by public vote city wide as his campaign would be under deep scrutiny and he would be the most divisive option among current city council members. Choosing Joe Pishoneri will most certainly lead to more protests and division in a time where what we need in Springfield is unity. Sean VanGordon is who I am recommending for the position as he has proven to be approachable, willing to listen to marginalized citizens, and help create change based on what is best for the community as a whole, not just the powers that be. So I plead with the council to consider Sean VanGordon. Thank you, Patrick Stutz Precinct Committee Person Springfield Resident since 1993 RIPKA Amy (AJ) From: Kristine Fuller <kristine.fuller@grnaiLcom> Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2020 8:41 PM To: VANGORDON Sean (Springfield Councilor), MOF Steve; STOEHR Leonard (Springfield Councilor); PISHIONERI Joe (Springfield Councilor); Public Records; NEWTON Nancy; WOODROW Marilee (Springfield Councilor); MOORE Sheri (Springfield Councilor) Subject: Support letter for Mayoral candidate Dear City Councilors, I am writing you in support of Sean VanGordon for Mayor. My name is Kristine Fuller, Z have lived in Springfield for 15 years and have been a member of the Springfield Library Citizens Advisory board since 2017. During these years of serving on this board, I have had the privilege of getting to know Sean during our monthly meetings. I am aware of the many responsibilities that come with being a city councilor, and yet Sean has impressed me with his careful attention and participation at each one of these meetings. He always brings his unique expertise and is willing to share. i have learned so much about city government by listening to his input. He has an ability to listen to all opinions, validate ideas, while also explaining his own thoughts and opinions based on his many years of serving our city. Sean was instrumental in advocating for the FESAL program, For Every Student a Library Card with his leadership and support. This program allowed every child in the Springfield School District to obtain a library card, whether their families lived in the city limit or not. This program allowed over 700 families access to the library. The library is so important, especially right now, and Sean has been a critical advocate and voice on our board and in support of all the library does, including what it hopes to do in the next few years. I believe a Mayor VanGordon appointment would open up conversations of growth, stability and post-COVID recovery for our great city and community. I admire the work Mayor Lundberg and. you members of the council have done in the recent years, and believe that Sean would help continue this forward -focus with his calm, confident leadership style. Thank you for taking the time to consider this endorsement, Kristine Fuller VANGORDON Scan (Springfield Councilor)? more Kristine Fuller htt,o://limabeanhome.ets�coin RIPKA Amy (AJ) From: Rick Dunaven <rdunaven@grnail.com> Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2020 8:53 PM To: VANGORDON Sean (Springfield Councilor); MOE Steve; WOODROW Marilee (Springfield Councilor); STOEHR Leonard (Springfield Councilor); MOORE Sheri (Springfield Councilor); PISHIONERI Joe (Springfield Councilor); Public Records; NEWTON Nancy Subject: Support for Sean Van Gordan as Interim Mayor Councilors, I wish to offer my support for Councilor Van Gordan to fill the unexpired term of Mayor Christine Lundberg. I've known most of the Councilors for many years and know that all have worked hard to make Springfield's future brighter. After personal reflection, I feel Mr. Van Gordan would be the best choice the council can make for interim Mayor. Through the years I've known him, Mr Van Gordan has shown outstanding leadership on the Council, as well as, promoting the City of Springfield to various government agencies. Thank you for your consideration, Rick Dunaven Virus -free. v,+vvw.avq corn 1 Rd PKA Amy (AJ) From: Jennifer Potter <jpotter583@grnail.com> Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 6:10 AM To: Public Records Subject: Mayoral Appointment To the City Council, Please appoint someone other than Joe Pishioneri to fill the mayoral vacancy. While he has years of experience, his placement on the Brady list should disqualify hien for this role. Instead, please appoint someone who has an interest in moving the city forward with fresh leadership, and who is open to reforming our police department. Please appoint someone who will increase unity, not divisiveness, in our city. Sincerely, Jennifer Potter Ward 3, Springfield RIPKA Amy (AJ) From: GRIMES Rita on behalf of Springfield CMOMail Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 8:58 AM To: NEWTON Nancy; LAUDATI Niel; RIPKA Array (AJ) Subject; FW: Council Meeting Tonight I CMOmail this morning. R Rita F. Grimes Administrative Specialist - CMO City of Springfield 225 5"' St. Springfield, OR 97477 541726-3700 To request other fo ials, please contact: Voice: 541-726-3700/Relay: 711 .Fax: 541-7.26-2363 Email r �i�zes izn field a�� o?� For more i1 fol-ivalknplease see lbe Ciy's acces.sibiliy page e: b l : ulz�llv.a di ld-or:oo�J accessiGilit .ht��I Messages to and froth this e -hail address may be subject to disclosure Under Oregon Public Records Law. Brom: Jennifer Potter [mailto:jpotter583@grnail.com] Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 6:20 AM To, VANGORDON Sean (Springfield Councilor); STOEHR Leonard (Springfield Councilor); Springfield CMOMail; NEWTON Nancy; MOE Steve; MOORE Sheri (Springfield Councilor); WOODROW Marilee (Springfield Councilor) Subject: Council Meeting Tonight Dear Councilors and City Manager, There are many important issues before the council tonight. 1. Mayoral appointment: Please consider anyone other than Joe Pishioneri for mayor. His placement on. the Brady list should disqualify him. We need someone who is open: to police reform, and who is a uniter, not a divider. 2. RVs as temporary housing: Please allow RVs to be used as temporary housing, to help alleviate our desperate affordable housing situation. 3. Emergency shelter: Please allow commercial space to be used as emergency shelter, so that Egan Warming . Center can operate this winter to save our homeless population from freezing to death on the streets. Sincerely, Jennifer Potter, Ward 3, Springfield RIPKA Amy (AJ) From: GRIMES Rita on behalf of Springfield CMOMail Seat: Monday, October 19, 2020 9:00 AM To: NEWTON Nancy; LAUDATI Niel; RIPKA Amy (A1) Subject: FW: New Mayor In Sunday's CMOMail. Rita F. Grimes Administrative Specialist - CMO City of Springfield 225 5th St. Springfield, OR 97477 541-726-3700 To request other formats, please contact: Voice: 541-726-3700/Relay: 711 Fax: 541-726-2363 Email: rgrimes@springfield-or.gov For more information please see the City's accessibility page: http://www.springfield-or.gov/accessibility.html Messages to and from this e-mail address may be subject to disclosure under Oregon Public Records Law. -----Original Message ----- From: Lynette Hannah [mailto:lynsue55.73@gmail.com] Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2020 12:49 PM To: Springfield CMOMail; VANGORDON Sean (Springfield Councilor); MOE Steve; MOORE Sheri (Springfield Councilor); STOEHR Leonard (Springfield Councilor); WOODROW Marilee (Springfield Councilor); PISHIONERI Joe (Springfield Councilor) Subject: New Mayor To Whom it may concern: We are the Hannah family of Springfield. We have lived in our house on G Street for 42 years (40 for Kyra). We also own 407 G; 423 G (#1, #2, #3) 416 G and 416 1/2 G, so we pay a lot in property taxes (lol). As property owners we have concerns about the direction our city heads in todays anti -police, anti-establishment and anti -conservative ideals and therefore request strongly that you appoint Joe Pishioneri as interim Mayor to fill the vacant seat left by our dear former Mayor Christine Lundberg. We are not comfortable with the ZOOM meeting format but if you wish to speak to us to make sure we all three agree on this request, please feel free to call 541-741-0154 land line and each of us will confirm our choice. Lynette S Hannah Robert H Hannah Kyra L Hannah RIPKA Amy (AJ) From: GRIMES Rita on behalf of Springfield CMOMail Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 9:01 AM To: NEWTON Fancy; LAUDATI Niel; RIPKA Amy (AJ) Subject: FW: Mayoral Appointment fn Friday evening's CMOMaiI. R Rita F. Grimes Administrative Specialist - CMO City of Springfield 225 5"' St. Springfield, OR 97477 541-726-3700 To request otlaer formats, please conlaci: Voice: 541-726-3700/belay: 711 F'ax.• 5'41-726-2363 Enmik adm&pi7ra�ield or:gor� Fol, ra7oze it fonraratzorapLease see the Ca 'r accesszbilaiy pa,ge. btt : ra�1a»a� r rzo field -or: orl accessiGili� 1J�t�rzl, Messages to and from this e --mail address ma), be subject to disclosure under Oregon Public Records 1,.a\v. From: Irene Henjum [mailto:irene.henj@gmaii.com] Sent: Friday, October 16, 2020 6:29 PM To: Springfield CMOMail; NEWTON Nancy; VANGORDON Sean (Springfield Councilor); MOE Steve; MOORE Sheri (Springfield Councilor); STOEHR Leonard (Springfield Councilor); WOODROW Marilee (Springfield Councilor); PISHIONERI 3oe (Springfield Councilor) Subject: Mayoral Appointment To Whom it May Concern, Please select either Sherri Moore or Leonard Stoehr for the vacancy. They are dedicated public servants that understand the needs of the people of Springfield. l know both of them personally and each would make an outstanding mayor. Neither sees being mayor as a way to further their political career. In this uncertain economic time we need a mayor who can unite the community and work for solutions we can all embrace. We need a mayor who will help heal divisions around police and community relations. We need a mayor who has demonstrated honesty and integrity and who will not abuse the office for personal gain. Irene Henjum Ward 3 1211 M Street 541-799-6810 RIPKA Amy (AJ) From: GRIMES, Rita on behalf of Springfield CMOMail Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 9:03 AM To- NEWTON Nancy; LAUDATI Niel; RIPKA Amy (AJ) Subject: FW: Warming Center And another one in CMOMail from Friday evening. R. Rita F. Grimes Administrative Specialist - CMO City of Springfield 225 5"' St. Springfield, OR 97477 541-726-3700 To r egzaest other formats, please contact,. - Voice: 541-726-.3700/ Relay: 791 l -ax: 541-726-2363 FinaZl: rpfimes C _&4n ielrl or.gov For More iz foplllatzola please see the Ciy's anxfsibilio page: ha.: 'rzgzelcl oi:�ov/�cLers�Gilil�ht�azl. Messages to and from this e-mail address n ay be subject to disclosure under Oregon Public Records Law. From: ARAY [rnallto:aray778@gmail.com1 Sent: Friday, October 1.6, 2020 6:27 PM To: Springfield CMOMail Subject: Warming Center To Whom It May Concern, I am writing regarding my concern for a possible warming center for the homeless in the Springfield area. The problem is this isn't a "homeless" problem this is a drug problem. Call it what it really is. These people have absolutely no concern for their own welfare or others. They will just wander over from Eugene as well as it will likely draw them in from other areas as well to set up their camps here and we'll end up with the same problems as Eugene has with tents everywhere! It's a disgrace to our communities. I have grown up here my entire life and it saddens me to see once beautiful and clean cities now looking like garbage dumps! Not only will they create an unwanted waste problem from garbage, urine, feces, and dirty needles everywhere, they bring a safety concern to an already taxed police force now having to show up for crazy calls due to drug induced behavior and crime. Cahoots already has their fill with the Eugene area. If you want to help these people, the money needs to be put into getting these people off drugs and alcohol. If they don't want to participate in some program to get them off the streets then they don't really want help. If we can harm innocent babies in the womb who have no choice then why are we so concerned for adults who make a distinct choice daily what they're putting into their own bodies and choose to live in a harmful manner every single day of their lives? We're only concerned for them on days it's cold outside? Possibly kill yourself any other time by a lethal injection but we're only concerned you're sleeping out in the cold? Where is the humanity in that if you want to get real... Let's consider all that is at stake here. Please do not consider a warming center here in Springfield, that will only disgrace us like Eugene has become. I as well as many others purposely live in Springfield for that reason. We do not want another Eugene or Seattle homeless problem. Sincerely, A Concerned Citizen 0 RIPKA Amy (AJ) From: Xia Wang <dreamstar0302@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 10:51 AM Ta: Public Records Subject: Springfield mayor candidate To whom it may concern, My name is Xia Wang. I am sending an email to express my concern regarding Joe Pishioneri being listed to be mayor of Springfield. One of the most important qualities of a good mayor is Honesty. " A good mayor without integrity is not deserving of the public trust" A good mayor should only promise what he or she can control. Although good intentions are laudable, a good, honest mayor knows that there are more people involved in the decision --making process. Thus, making promises on issues over which he or she has no control will only disillusion the people he leads. I would like you to read the Brady list investigation quote below. After you read it, I think you will understand where my concern is. I don't believe Joe Pishioneri is a good fit to do a mayor position which requires transparency and honesty to implement mayor duties. Unfortunately, he does not have one. "It appears Dep. Pishioneri attempted to get paid wages by the County for a conference he was attending for the City. It similarly appears that he used a county vehicle and fuel for attendance at an event related to his position as a city councilor. As such, it appears he obtained benefits he was not entitled to obtain." "Contrary to the conclusion of the DOJ investigator, I find that probable cause exists to believe that Dep. Pishioneri committed Theft in the Second/Third Degree and Official Misconduct in the First Degree. I conclude an objectively reasonable person would understand that Dep. Pishioneri only resolved his apparent "double-dipping" once his use of resources was discovered and questioned. There is no evidence to suggest that he attempted to reimburse either agency until confronted by his LCSO superiors. In fact, he filled out his timecard claiming entitlement to wages, rather than personal leave, after the conclusion of the event." "Because this office concludes that Dep. Pishioneri's explanations lack credibility when compared to the evidence and timing of his remedial efforts, we will be flagging Dep. Pishioneri on our Brady list. We currently have no investigations in which Dep. Pishioneri is an intended State witness. However, any further investigations in which he could be called as a witness will be compromised by this finding and our duty to disclose the contents of this investigation in future criminal prosecutions." I Please make the right decision that is best for people who are taxpayers. Kind regards, Xia Wang RIPKA Amy (AJ) From: MICHELLE WEBBER <keeney9076@comcast.net> Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 11:14 AM To: VANGORDON Sean (Springfield Councilor); MOE Steve; WOODROW Marilee (Springfield Councilor); S7OEHR Leonard (Springfield Councilor); MOORE Sheri (Springfield Councilor); PISHIONERI Joe (Springfield Councilor); Public Records; NEWTON Nancy Subject: Public Comment -City Council Meeting 10-19-2020 Dear City Councilors, Springfield is at a critical crossroad and it is important to keep this at the center of discussion as you enter the final phase of filling the vacant mayor position. We saw major positive change during Mayor Lundberg's time in office and we need to build on our successes with courage, determination, flexibility and an understanding of the rapidly changing world we live in. Our next Mayor must be able to bridge the gap between how we got here and what we will need to do to be competitive for the long term. Sean VanGordon provided the most detailed application, defining specific areas of focus and concern and expressed a long term commitment to the future success of Springfield and the generations that will be leading us in the future. Sean understands the history that led to our success and has the vision to lead us into the future. He understands technology and the importance of building relationships with and supporting all of Springfield's citizens. As community leaders and Springfield citizens, we are appreciative of Sean's transparency, approachability, pragmatism and global vision. Sean is proactive in reaching out to and supporting ALL citizens of Springfield. It is time for us to place focused attention toward diversity and Sean has taken leadership in this critical area. Sean is active in our community; volunteering, proactively reaching out to our citizens, supporting local business, and utilizing social media to provide transparency to the actions of our City Government. Sean is respected by business and community leaders, elected officials and Springfield citizens across the community. We know him to be open minded and not tied to a specific political or personal view when making the best decision for the citizens of Springfield. We respect the leadership provided by every member of our City Council, but it is imperative that we appoint a person with a long-term commitment to the residents of Springfield. With the resignation of Christine Lundberg, Covid 19, wildfires and civil unrest, a long-term commitment to leading Springfield is vital to recovery and continued development. Sean has the leadership, knowledge and widespread community support which will be critical in maintaining continuity and moving Springfield forward. Michelle and Bruce Webber RIPKA Amy (AJ) From: Megan Isaacs <mrs.meganisaacs@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 12:21 PM To: Springfield CMOMail; NEWTON Nancy; VANGORDON Sean (Springfield Councilor) Cc: Public Records Subject: To whom it may concern, Shocked upon the news of the previous Springfield Mayor, Christine Lundberg, resigning, I was anxious to see the potential candidates as replacement. I continue to find the resignation to be a sketchy and immoral response of the the true issue, their child being a predator to our community. Recently informed, Joseph Pishioneri is to be a potential replacement candidate that I do not believe, let alone most of the city, should have any position of power, let alone a Mayor of a city, particularly one under much investigation. As a Brady listed EX -officer; I do not believe he can responsibly handle the needs of the city let alone any of the job responsibilities. He has proven himself to be untrustworthy with the stealing of company time and money while attempting to fulfill his previous volunteer commitment. I highly suggest he's removed from the elected replacement choice as it'll only be detrimental to the city of Springfield. The idea that this individual, as corrupt as they are, is attempting to replace the seat for Mayor and the city is allowing such is a disgrace & quite honest troublesome and concerning with a lawsuit, and investigation headed y'all's way. I truly hope you listen to the individuals of the community you are supposed to serve. Always, Megan Isaacs RIPKA Army (AJ) From: Brandon Becker <brandonbckr@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2020 7:38 PM To: Public Records To the Springfield Oregon City Council, As a resident of Springfield l urge the council to not consider Brady Listed Officer Joe Pishoneri for appointment to the position of mayor. It is of great importance to have an honest person with integrity and empathy in that position. Mr Pishoneri does not embody those things. Thank you, Brandon Becker RIPKA Amy (AJ) From: Jenn Jensen <jennjensen@yrnail.corn> Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 1:45 PM To: Public Records Subject: Springfield Mayor As a resident of Springfield I am concerned to learn that today there will be a vote on the Mayor to replace Christine Lundberg and there was no notification, press release, or invite for public comment. We deserve someone who is unbiased and without special interests or connection to the SPD. Please let the community vote on this crucial role in our community. Jennifer Jensen, MSW, CSWA Certified Community Health Worker She/her/hers RIPKA Amy (AJ) From: Jen Smith Ejendaboarder@yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 1:45 PM To: Springfield CMOMaiI; NEWTON Nancy; VANGORDON Sean (Springfield Councilor); MOE Steve; MOORE Sheri (Springfield Councilor); STOEHR Leonard (Springfield Councilor); WOODROW Marilee (Springfield Councilor); PISHIONERI Joe (Springfield Councilor) Cc: Public Records Subject: Public comment for city council meeting 10/19 Good afternoon, Any decision to appoint Joe Pishioneri as Mayor (who is well known to the community as an ex - Sheriff's deputy Brady Lister who lied to the DA), while the most controversial and expensive issue facing Springfield is police excessive use of force lawsuits and legal action, seems like it would send the wrong message to your community members, that will obviously lead to further division in Springfield. For this reason, I urge Councillor Pishioneri to withdraw his name from the running and urge that you choose someone who is better equipped to provide impartial leadership and to unify our city during this Civil and Human Rights crisis. I also note that this decision is being considered with very little publicity or opportunity for public comment. I urge you to rethink your approach and to open this position up to leaders in the community who are better qualified, and be transparent while interviewing them. Sincerely, Jennifer Smith RIPKA Amy (AJ) From: Thomas Hiura <thomashiura@yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 2:00 PM To: Public Records Subject: Public comment Hello Springfield City Council, My name is Thomas Hiura. I live in both Springfield's second ward and Eugene's first ward I have deep respect for everyone serving the City of Springfield. I have lived in our area for over 20 years, and I have been particularly impressed with the revitalization of downtown, and other examples of common sense leadership here on the Springfield City Council. In the interest of serving our whole community -- and restoring trust during a period of violence and unrest -- I would be concerned to see Councilor Joe Pishioneri ascend to the role of Mayor. Given the unexpected and concerning circumstances of Mayor Lundberg`s resignation, it does not make sense to replace one controversial figure with another, This critique is not personal, but simply a matter of recognizing the need to unify our community, and a recognition of Springfielders' remembrance of Councilor Pishioneri's past mishandling of public funds. There are several leaders with the: experience and broad-based trust needed to fill this position. l believe Sean VanGordon has the ability to bring disparate interests to the table, to lead on issues of homelessness that are sure to arise with upcoming crisis -related evictions, and to employ the kind of unquestionable temperament and background that Springfielders expect. Thank you, Thomas Hiura 541-232-9984 RIPKA Amy (AJ) From: Lohr Family <thehouseoflohr@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, October 99, 2020 2:00 PM To: Public Records Subject: Attn: Public Comment Springfield City Council Members, It is with great honor that we throw our full support behind, Leonard Stoehr, interim mayoral hopeful. We met Leonard at a local park in the neighborhood area where we live. We sparked up conversation since we clearly shared the same passion for taking walks with our daughters and our family dogs. Leonard is very much in touch with the community around him and is always out and about meeting new neighbors and willing to help if needed. He is an asset to our neighborhood community as well as the entirety of our Springfield community. We couldn't be more proud to write to you in support of Leonard being Springfield's interim mayor. Sincerely, The Lohr Family Springfield, Oregon RIPKA Am (AJ) From: SUR1 Springfield -Eugene <surjspfldeug@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 2:19 PM To: PISHIONERI Joe (Springfield Councilor); WOODROW Marilee (Springfield Councilor); STOEHR Leonard (Springfield Councilor); MOE Steve; MOORE Sheri (Springfield Councilor); VANGORDON Sean (Springfield Councilor); Public Records Subject: Re: regarding appointment of Interim Mayor Please include this letter (below) within the public records of comments sent to the Springfield City Council, Thank you, Rose Wilde on behalf of Showing Up for Racial Justice Springfield -Eugene Chapter October 19, 2020 ATTN: City Councilors Sean VanGordon Steve Moe, Sheri Moore, Leonard Stoehr, Marilee Woodrow, and .doe Pishioneri Dear Springfield City Councilors, As members of Springfield -Eugene SURD (Showing Up for Racial Justice), we are writing to express our concern over the possibility of installing Councilor Joe Pishioneri as mayor of Springfield. Our country is going through a painful, long overdue assessment of our civil institutions, particularly our justice system, and Springfield is not exempt from the inequities that have given rise to this call for change. In order for us to navigate this difficult but necessary process of transformation, it's crucial that the communities that comprise our diverse city trust office holders to be honest, transparent and accountable. Appointing someone to the mayoral position whom our own judicial institutions have deemed to be untrustworthy would betray everyone who hopes for intelligent, respectful cooperation in building a community that is safe for all of us. In recent years, the Springfield City Council has acted with integrity and foresight in responding to public safety concerns of its most vulnerable constituents: working to earn the respect and trust of the growing Latinx community by canceling the jail contract with ICE and responding to complaints by Black Unity protesters by hiring an independent consultant to investigate the Springfield Police Department's conduct at the protest in Thurston last summer. These decisions point to a willingness to create a culture of transparency and accountability in Springfield city government. To continue moving towards this goal requires leadership that is trustworthy and beyond reproach. Given this, it is crucial to choose the right person to carry out the role of mayor. Councilor Joe Pishioneri is not the right person for this role. In 2017, Lane County prosecutors found that Councilor Pishioneri "lacked credibility" in a 2017 case involving theft of public funds. As a result, District Attorney Perlow placed Pishioneri's name on the county's Brady list, a tool used by prosecutor offices nationally to track police officers who cannot be trusted to testify. Councilor Pishioneri does not meet the standard of integrity and trustworthiness that our times require and that our community deserves. We call on you therefore to make the right decision and reject his candidacy. Respectfully, Carter McKenzie, Nadia Telsey, Kaseja Wilder, Rose Wilde, Erica Barry Springfield -Eugene Showing Up for Racial Justice Leadership Team 2 RIPKA Amy (AJ) From: lune Fothergill <junea€othergill@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 2:38 PM To: Public Records Subject: city council meeting Hello, my name is .lune Fothergill, 317 30th # 113C, Springfield. I am the pastor at Ebbert Memorial United Methodist Church at 532 C Street in Springfield. We provide for the community free meals five days a week, have parking program persons in our parking lot and have been an Egan warming center. I am writing to support allowing RV's and trailers to be used on private property and to amend an ordinance to allow Egan to use a commercial site. These two measures will provide more safe options for our unhoused residents. Thank you for doing this to help us tackle the problem of homelessness in our community. I hope we can continue to work together on this important issue. Sincerely, Rev. June Fothergill. 541 603 5706 RIPKA Amy {AJ} From: Natalie Fisher <fisher.natm@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 3:13 PM To: Public Records Subject: Public Testimony for City Council Regular Session - 10/19 @ 7 PM For Public Testimony: Hello, my name is Natalie Fisher a resident of Springfield Ward 2. I have lived in the Eugene/Springfield area for almost eight years, and I am currently a second -year law student at UO Law. As the Springfield City Council takes up the question of the mayoral vacancy, I ask each councilor—especially Councilor Steve Moe as my representative --to vote against Councilor Joe Pishioneri as he seeps this position. Our country, state, and city are all experiencing a critically important social moment and a vote for Councilor Pishioneri to fill the mayoral vacancy would be a vote to ignore this mom, ent. It is well reported that the Lane County DA placed or intended to place Councilor Pishioneri on its Brady list, a list containing names of officers who have been found untruthful. If the Lane County DA does not have trust in Councilor Pishioneri, such that they would not call him as a witness to testify in a criminal case, it is hard to imagine how we, as residents of Spring field, should be asked by the City Council to entrust him to lead Springfield. I would hope the above information alone would provide the City Council with all the information it needed to vote on whether Councilor Pishioneri should be our next mayor, but in case more is needed., I hope you all consider the additional facts: On March 31, 2019, Springfield Police shot and killed Stacy Kenny. On July 9, 2020, the city of Springfield agreed to pay $4.55 million to settle the civil rights violation lawsuit filed by Kenny's family. According to The Register Guard, this is the largest settlement for a police use of force case in Oregon. Today, the Springfield City Council will discuss the scope and details of the Thurston protest independent review and investigation as well as the total cost of the contract for this review, which is not to exceed $35,000. A vote for Councilor Pishioneri, considering his professional background and his position on the Brady list, would ignore this current moment. A vote for Councilor Pishioneri, considering his professional background and his position on the Brady list, and with acknowledging the fact that an officer with the Springfield Police Department shot and killed Stacy Kenny in 2019, that the city paid Kenny's family a $4.55 million settlement, and that the City Manager ordered an independent investigation of the events surrounding the Thurston protest in July, would amount to a derelict of duty. Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter. Natalie Fisher Ward 2 Resident J.D. Candidate 2022 RIPKA Amy (AJ) From: Kathryn Mitten <kmitten@uoregon.edu> Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 3:24 PM To: Public Records Subject: Public Testimony for City Council Regular Session - 10/19 @ 7 PM For Public Testimony: Hello, my name is Kathryn Mitten a resident of Springfield Ward 2. I have lived in the Springfield area for almost three years, and I am currently a third -year law student at UO Law. As the Springfield City Council takes up the question of the mayoral vacancy, I ask each councilor, especially Councilor Steve Moe as my representative, to vote against Councilor Joe Pishioneri as he seeks this position. Our country, state, and city are experiencing a critically important social moment and a vote for Councilor Pishioneri to fill the mayoral vacancy would be a vote to ignore this moment. It is well reported that the Lane County DA placed or intended to place Councilor Pishioneri on its Brady list, a list containing names of officers who have been found untruthful. If the Lane County DA does not have trust in Councilor Pishioneri, such that they would not call him as a witness to testify in a criminal case, it is hard to imagine how we, as residents of Springfield, should be asked by the City Council to entrust him to lead Springfield. I would hope the above information alone would provide the City Council with all the information it needed to vote on whether Councilor Pishioneri should be our next mayor, but in case more is needed, I hope you all consider the additional facts: (1) On March 31, 2019, Springfield Police shot and killed Stacy Kenny. (2) On July 9, 2020, the city of Springfield agreed to pay $4.55 million to settle the civil rights violation lawsuit filed by Kenny's family. According to The Register Guard, this is the largest settlement for a police use of force case in Oregon. (3) Today, the Springfield City Council will discuss the scope and details of the Thurston protest independent review and investigation as well as the total cost of the contract for this review, which is not to exceed $35,000. A vote for Councilor Pishioneri, considering his professional background and his position on the Brady list, would ignore this current moment. A vote for Councilor Pishioneri, considering his professional background and his position on the Brady list, and with acknowledging the fact that an officer with the Springfield Police Department shot and killed Stacy Kenny in 2019, that the city paid Kenny's family a $4.55 million settlement, and that the City Manager ordered an independent investigation of the events surrounding the Thurston protest in July, would amount to a derelict of duty. Thank you for your time and consideration ort this matter. Kathryn Mitten Ward 2 Resident J.D. Candidate 2021