HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2020-33 10/19/2020 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. ___________ SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET & APPROPRIATIONS TRANSFER #1 A RESOLUTION ADJUSTING RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FUNDS; GENERAL, STREET, SPECIAL REVENUE, TRANSIENT ROOM TAX, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, BUILDING CODE, FIRE LOCAL OPTION LEVY, POLICE LOCAL OPTION LEVY, BANCROFT REDEMPTION, BOND SINKING, DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT CAPITAL, DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS, STREET CAPITAL, SANITARY SEWER OPERATIONS, REGIONAL WASTEWATER OPERATIONS, REGIONAL WASTEWATER CAPITAL, AMBULANCE, STORM DRAINAGE OPERATIONS, BOOTH-KELLY, REGIONAL FIBER CONSORTIUM, INSURANCE, VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT, AND SDC ADMINISTRATION; AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN THE GENERAL FUND FROM CONTINGENCY EXPENSE TO DEVELOPMENT & PUBLIC WORKS OPERATING EXPENSE AND WITHIN THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND FROM OPERATING EXPENSE TO CAPITAL PROJECT EXPENSE WHEREAS, the Common Council has adopted the budget and made appropriations for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 through Resolution No. 2020-19 adopted June 15, 2020; WHEREAS, ORS 294.471(1)(a) and (b) permit a supplemental budget due to an occurrence or condition that was not known at the time the budget was prepared that requires a change in financial planning or due to a pressing necessity that creates a need for prompt action; WHEREAS, ORS 294.471(1)(c) permits a supplemental budget to account for funds made available by another unit of federal, state or local government, the availability of which was unforeseen when preparing the original budget; WHEREAS, the Common Council is requested to make adjustments to the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 budget and appropriations to meet unexpected needs and to allow appropriations of new revenues pursuant to ORS 294.471(1)(a), (b), and (c) as justified in Exhibit A, which is attached and incorporated by reference; WHEREAS, ORS 294.463 allows transfers of appropriations within a fund when authorized by ordinance or resolution of the governing body, stating the need for the transfer, the purpose of the authorized expenditure, and the amount transferred; WHEREAS, this supplemental budget and adjustments to appropriations are being presented at a public hearing at which the public may comment on such requests; and WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing, including information regarding such revenues and expenditures was published in a newspaper of general circulation not less than 5 days prior to the public meeting, Resolution No. 2020-33 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD: Section 1: The Fiscal Year 2020-2021 budget and appropriations, as adopted by Resolution No. 2020-19 are hereby adjusted as provided in Exhibit A. Section 2: This Resolution will take effect upon adoption by the Council. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this ___ day of _________, ____, by a vote of _____ for and ____ against. ATTEST: 10-19-20 __________________________ City Recorder Resolution No. 2020-33 Exhibit A, Page 1 of 18 EXHIBIT A FY2020-21 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET #1 AND APPROPRIATIONS TRANSFER FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget General Fund - 100 Department Operating City Manager's Office$ 1,552,858$ -$ -$ 1,552,858 Development & Public Works 2,709,832- 2 55,961 2,965,793(2,3) Finance 2,348,379- - 2,348,379 Fire and Life Safety 11,973,034- - 11,973,034 Human Resources6 57,730- - 6 57,730 Information Technology 1,976,896- - 1,976,896 Legal Services7 40,916- - 7 40,916 Library 1,702,5091 5,097- 1,717,606(4) Police16,152,892--16,152,892 Total Department Operating39,815,04615,097255,96140,086,104 Non-Departmental Transfers 1,010,062616- 1,010,678(5) Contingency 1,000,000- (255,961)7 44,039(2,3) Reserves*8,830,981775,449-9,606,430(1,4,5) Total Non-Departmental10,841,043776,065(255,961)11,361,147 Total General Fund$ 50,656,089$ 791,162$ -$ 51,447,251 General Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment. 2. Appropriations transfer of $215, 961 from Contingency to Development & Public Works operating expense to support costs associated with the COVID19 response. From this total, $63,961 represents unspent appropriations from the prior fiscal year and the remainder ($152,000) is new appropriation. 3. Appropriations transfer of $40,000 from Contingency to Development & Public Works operating expense to support unplanned expenses related to the McKenzie Holiday Farm Fire response. 4. Reappropriation of $15,097 to support the replacement of books that were not purchased in time to receive in the FY20 budget. 5. Reappropriation of $616 for the Committee for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) and a transfer of those funds from the General Fund to the Special Revenue Fund. Due to the planning of events and outreach to occur between March and June, 2020 and the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, $616 in available funds were unable to be used in FY20. Additionally, this request provides for the transfer of this appropriation from the General Fund to the Special Revenue Fund. FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Street Fund - 201 Department Operating Development & Public Works$ 6,047,893$ 32,740$ -$ 6,080,633(2) Finance3 9,659- - 3 9,659 Information Technology374,485--374,485 Total Department Operating6,462,03732,740-6,494,777 Non-Departmental Transfers1 50,000- - 1 50,000 Reserves*2,888,060(99,418)-2,788,642(1,2) Total Non-Departmental3,038,060(99,418)-2,938,642 Total Street Fund$ 9,500,097$ (66,678)$ -$ 9,433,419 Street Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment activity was not completed and billed until FY21. The cost is being shared with the City of Eugene based upon the portion of the Grant funds each City would receive if the project was awarded. Resolution No. 2020-33 Exhibit A, Page 2 of 18 FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Special Revenue Fund - 204 Department Operating City Manager's Office$ 38,230$ 110,116$ -$ 148,346(2,3) Development & Public Works15,5001,403,852-1,419,352(4,5,7) Information Technology22,000--22,000 Library128,213--128,213 Police175,300312,030-487,330(6,8) Total Department Operating379,2431,825,998-2,205,241 Non-Departmental Transfers191,452--191,452 Reserves*1,457,521(9,783)-1,447,738(1,7,8) Total Non-Departmental1,648,973(9,783)-1,639,190 Total Special Revenue Fund$ 2,028,216$ 1,816,215$ -$ 3,844,431 Special Revenue Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment 2. Carryforward $99,500 unspent US Ignite grant funds from FY20 and add $10,000 appropriation for a new grant award for a COVID-19 related VR project with grant funds being passed through to Lane Community College to pursue their project. 3. Transfer in of $616 from the General Fund for the Committee for Diversity and Inclusion. See commentary #5 from the General Fund. 4. Appropriate the remaining eligible Cares Act reimbursement for eligible projects in the special revenue fund ($1,350,254). 5. Recognize additional grant funds to bring the wetland and riparian inventory project for the UGB expansion areas to completion. Funding was originally authorized in SB4 of FY20, but the full project budget was not added at that time. This request represents the full remaining project cost. This Funding for this includes $37,044 in grant dollars from the Oregon Department of Land Conservation & Development (DLCD), $17,184 in the Stormwater Fund reserves, and a cash contribution of $13,554 from the Springfield Utility Board. 6. Recognize $122,027 in unexpended grant funding approved in FY2019-20 with grant timelines that crossed multiple fiscal years. Unexpended grant funds include $19,495 in traffic safety related overtime grants, $4,933 from the 2019 BJA Bulletproof Vest Program grant, $43,315 from the previously approved 2017 and 2018 DOJ Justice Assistance Grants, and $54,284 for Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding program funds administered by the Police Department. This request will also allow for the use of $19,000 in new traffic safety overtime enforcement grants awarded for use between 10/1/20 and 9/30/21. 7. Add $3,000 in technology fee reserves to support implementation of an online business license portal. This will allow customers to pay for and apply for business licenses online. This option will reduce the amount of mail-in licenses received as well as in person appointments to the front counter. During FY20 budget preparation it was unknown which vendor would be selected for this service and its associate cost. 8. Add $171,000 for the purchase and installation of In-Car Video (ICV) systems for 24 patrol fleet vehicles, as well as installation of network and wifi infrastructure to facilitate efficient offload of video footage from ICV systems. At the time of FY21 budget preparation funds were only added for body camera implementation and not for in-car video. Since that time the process of body camera implementation has made apparent operational benefits and financial efficiencies which staff believe justify this additional appropriation. FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Transient Room Tax Fund - 208 Department Operating City Manager's Office$ 440,862$ -$ -$ 440,862 Development & Public Works39,897--39,897 Library179,7695,577-185,346(2) Total Department Operating660,5285,577-666,105 Non -Departmental Transfers797,222--797,222 Reserves*1,551,52655,259-1,606,785(1,2) Total Non-Departmental2,348,74855,259-2,404,007 Total Transient Room Tax Fund$ 3,009,276$ 60,836$ -$ 3,070,112 Transient Room Tax Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment 2. The Library is requesting authority to carry forward $5,577 in Arts Commission Operating funds for expenditure in FY21. The funds carrying forward go toward the Heritage Arts Grant Program which had grants issued across fiscal years. Resolution No. 2020-33 Exhibit A, Page 3 of 18 FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Community Development Fund - 210 Department Operating Development & Public Works$ 1,697,948$ 694,291$ (250,000)$ 2,142,239(2,3) Finance22,278--22,278 Total Department Operating1,720,226694,291(250,000)2,164,517 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects--250,000250,000(3) Non-Departmental Reserves*896,988(98,186)-798,802(1) Total Non-Departmental896,988(98,186)-798,802 Total Community Development Fund$ 2,617,214$ 596,105$ -$ 3,213,319 Community Development Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment 2. Recognize $694,291 in CDBG grant revenues and appropriate those funds to programs and activities related to COVID-19. 3. Appropriations transfer of $250,000 in Development & Public Works operating expense to a capital project expense account. These funds will be used to improve pedestrian crossings at or near three (3) school locations (P21161). FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Building Code Fund - 224 Department Operating Development & Public Works$ 1,224,985$ -$ -$ 1,224,985 Fire & Life Safety77,340--77,340 Total Department Operating1,302,325--1,302,325 Non -Departmental Reserves*3,150,541(139,359)-3,011,182(1) Total Non-Departmental3,150,541(139,359)-3,011,182 Total Building Fund$ 4,452,866$ (139,359)$ -$ 4,313,507 Building Code Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Fire Local Option Levy Fund - 235 Department Operating Fire and Life Safety$ 1,540,916$ -$ -$ 1,540,916 Total Department Operating1,540,916--1,540,916 Non -Departmental Reserves*976,304169,183-1,145,487(1) Total Non-Departmental976,304169,183-1,145,487 Total Fire Local Option Levy Fund$ 2,517,220$ 169,183$ -$ 2,686,403 Fire Local Option Levy Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment Resolution No. 2020-33 Exhibit A, Page 4 of 18 FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Police Local Option Levy Fund - 236 Department Operating Finance$ 667,541$ -$ -$ 667,541 Legal Services89,700--89,700 Police 6,542,604--6,542,604 Total Department Operating7,299,845--7,299,845 Non -Departmental Reserves*2,183,283395,984-2,579,267(1) Total Non-Departmental2,183,283395,984-2,579,267 Total Police Local Option Levy Fund$ 9,483,128$ 395,984$ -$ 9,879,112 Police Local Option Levy Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Bancroft Redemption Fund - 305 Non -Departmental Reserves*$ 5,690$ (5,690)$ -$ -(1) Total Non-Departmental5,690(5,690)-- Total Bancroft Redemption Fund$ 5,690$ (5,690)$ -$ - Bancroft Redemption Fund Commentary: 1. Zero out the Bancroft fund which is no longer needed. FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Bond Sinking Fund - 306 Non-Departmental Debt Service$ 4,019,860$ -$ -$ 4,019,860 Interfund Loan 2,175,000--2,175,000 Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance*456,15944,223-500,382(1) Total Non-Departmental6,651,01944,223-6,695,242 Total Bond Sinking Fund$ 6,651,019$ 44,223$ -$ 6,695,242 Bond Sinking Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Development Assessment Fund - 419 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects$ -$ 35,000$ -$ 35,000(2) Non-Departmental Reserves*$ 698,333$ (31,760)$ -$ 666,573(1,2) Total Non-Departmental698,333(31,760)-666,573 Total Development Assessment Fund$ 698,333$ 3,240$ -$ 701,573 Development Assessment Capital Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment 2. Add $35,000 to a capital project account to finalize the design and award a contract to construct approximately 130 feet of public sanitary sewer pipe as part of a Local Improvement District. The local sewer extension will address a health hazard resulting from two (2) properties which share a failed private lateral. Resolution No. 2020-33 Exhibit A, Page 5 of 18 FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Development Projects Fund - 420 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects$ 297,132$ -$ -$ 297,132 Non-Departmental Reserves*4,370,533137,617-4,508,150(1) Total Non-Departmental4,370,533137,617-4,508,150 Total Development Projects Fund$ 4,667,665$ 137,617$ -$ 4,805,282 Development Projects Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Regional Wastewater Capital Fund - 433 Department Operating Development & Public Works$ 3,064,000$ 1,200,000$ -$ 4,264,000(1) Total Department Operating3,064,0001,200,000-4,264,000 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects20,895,0003,416,503-24,311,503(1) Non-Departmental Transfers24,710--24,710 Reserves*62,094,623(74,595)-62,020,028(1) Total Non-Departmental62,119,333(74,595)-62,044,738 Total Regional Wastewater Capital Fund$ 86,078,333$ 4,541,908$ -$ 90,620,241 Regional Wastewater Fund Commentary: 1. At the 09/11/2020 meeting of the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission the following actions were approved by the commission; increase beginning cash by $5,104,800, carryover a total of $3,416,503 in various capital projects, carryover a total of $95,000 in Equipment Replacement, add $225,000 in Major Rehab and $200,000 in Capital Outlay at the wastewater treatment plant. Also included are additional spending requests totaling $680,000: $510,000 for Major Rehab and $170,000 for Major Capital Outlay. One revenue item is being reduced: the XFR from operations to capital is being reduced by $562,892 due to a shortfall in operations. Finally, the four capital reserves are being adjusted: the Capital Reserve, the Equipment Replacement Reserve, the Improvement SDC Reserve and the Reimbursement SDC Reserve. FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Street Capital Fund - 434 Department Operating Development & Public Works$ 148,726$ -$ -$ 148,726 Total Department Operating148,726--148,726 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects9,716,514906,000-10,622,514(2) Non-Departmental Reserves*2,885,130892,895-3,778,025(1,2) Total Non-Departmental2,885,130892,895-3,778,025 Total Street Capital Fund$ 12,750,370$ 1,798,895$ -$ 14,549,265 Street Capital Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment 2. Carry forward $906,000 in unspent funds from FY20 and reprogram them to FY21 for project activities which are under contract. The Contractual Services are for design of street preservation projects funded through voter approved bonds approved in 2018. Resolution No. 2020-33 Exhibit A, Page 6 of 18 FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Sanitary Sewer Operations Fund - 611Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Department Operating Development & Public Works$ 4,301,895$ -$ -$ 4,301,895 Finance42,277--42,277 Information Technology359,866--359,866 Total Department Operating4,704,038--4,704,038 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects7,029,924--7,029,924 Non-Departmental Debt Service1,710,605--1,710,605 Reserves*18,870,6945,280,812-24,151,506(1) Total Non-Departmental20,581,2995,280,812-25,862,111 Total Sewer Operations Fund$ 32,315,261$ 5,280,812$ -$ 37,596,073 Sanitary Sewer Operations Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Regional Wastewater Fund - 612 Department Operating Development & Public Works$ 19,600,899$ 65,784$ -$ 19,666,683(1) Finance169,100--169,100 Total Department Operating19,770,00065,784-19,835,784 Non-Departmental Transfers13,750,000(562,892)-13,187,108(1) Debt Service4,260,934--4,260,934 Reserves*9,711,214--9,711,214 Total Non-Departmental27,722,148(562,892)-27,159,256 Total Regional Wastewater Fund$ 47,492,148$ (497,108)$ -$ 46,995,040 Regional Wastewater Operations Fund Commentary: 1. At the 09/11/2020 meeting of the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC) the following actions were approved by the commission; a net decrease to beginning cash of $497,108, and the carry forward of one item to the FY21 budget. The requested carry forward includes $65,784 which remains from a FY19 $100,000 appropriation for MWMC to pay for the Regional Sewer SDC when the applicant is low income and the size of the Accessory Dwelling Unit is less than 800 square feet. This produces a total of $562,892 to be reduced from the xfr to capital in order to keep the FY21 budget balanced. FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Ambulance Fund - 615 Department Operating Fire and Life Safety$ 6,648,376$ -$ -$ 6,648,376 Total Department Operating6,648,376--6,648,376 Non-Departmental Reserves*341,823(96,377)-245,446(1) Total Non-Departmental341,823(96,377)-245,446 Total Ambulance Fund$ 6,990,199$ (96,377)$ -$ 6,893,822 Ambulance Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment Resolution No. 2020-33 Exhibit A, Page 7 of 18 FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Storm Drainage Operating Fund - 617 Department Operating Development & Public Works$ 5,952,670$ 17,184$ -$ 5,969,854(3) Finance42,278--42,278 Information Technology279,518--279,518 Total Department Operating6,274,46617,184-6,291,650 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects8,213,925--8,213,925 Non-Departmental Debt Service705,3805,900,000-6,605,380(2) Misc Fiscal Transactions -108,050-108,050(2) Reserves*12,244,9382,019,193-14,264,131(1,2,3) Total Non-Departmental12,950,3188,027,243-20,977,561 Total Drainage Operating Fund$ 27,438,709$ 8,044,427$ -$ 35,483,136 Storm Drainage Operating Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment 2. Add the appropriations necessary to support refinancing of 2010 stormwater bonds. The City is taking advantage of low interest rates and this condition was not known at the time of FY21 budget preparation. 3. Use of $17,184 reserves as local match for grant award to bring the wetland and riparian inventory project for the UGB expansion areas to completion. See Special Revenue Fund commentary #5 for grant award details. FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Booth-Kelly Fund - 618 Department Operating Development & Public Works$ 520,701$ -$ -$ 520,701 Total Department Operating520,701--520,701 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects220,000--220,000 Non-Departmental Transfers73,626--73,626 Reserves*1,309,218249,108-1,558,326(1) Total Non-Departmental1,382,844249,108-1,631,952 Total Booth-Kelly Fund$ 2,123,545$ 249,108$ -$ 2,372,653 Booth-Kelly Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Regional Fiber Consortium - 629 Department Operating Finance$ 205,449$ -$ -$ 205,449 Total Department Operating205,449--205,449 Non-Departmental Reserves*343,083(4,319)-338,764(1) Total Non-Departmental343,083(4,319)-338,764 Total Regional Fiber Consortium Fund$ 548,532$ (4,319)$ -$ 544,213 Regional Fiber Consortium Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment Resolution No. 2020-33 Exhibit A, Page 8 of 18 FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Insurance Fund - 707 Department Operating Human Resources$ 779,623$ -$ -$ 779,623 Health Insurance9,236,983--9,236,983 Property & Liability 1,028,498--1,028,498 Worker's Compensation807,322--807,322 Total Department Operating11,852,426--11,852,426 Non-Departmental Reserves*9,063,043627,040-9,690,083(1) Total Non-Departmental9,063,043627,040-9,690,083 Total Insurance Fund$ 20,915,469$ 627,040$ -$ 21,542,509 Insurance Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Vehicle and Equipment Fund - 713 Department Operating Development & Public Works$ 825,018$ 812,627$ -$ 1,637,645(2,3,4,5,6) Finance10,000--10,000 Human Resources4,000--4,000 Fire & Life Safety1,839,000--1,839,000 Information Technology612,292473,294-1,085,586(7) Library8,000--8,000 Police381,00030,000-411,000(8) Total Department Operating3,679,3101,315,921-4,995,231 Non-Departmental Debt Service153,895--153,895 Reserves*8,679,98265,171-8,745,153(1,3,4,5,6,7,8) Total Non-Departmental8,833,87765,171-8,899,048 Total Vehicle and Equipment Fund$ 12,513,187$ 1,381,092$ -$ 13,894,279 Vehicle & Equipment Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment 2. $129,875 carryforward and new funding for the replacement of the 20,000 gallon diesel fuel tank at the Regional Fuel Facility (RFF) from FY2020 to FY2021. Bids were received and a contract executed in FY2020 but there is an approximately four month lead time to manufacture the tank. The City should be receiving the tank in December 2020. The remaining budget of $86,745 in FY20 is not enough to complete the project so additional funding of $43,130 is requested. The cost of this project will be shared proportionately among the fuel facility partners. 3. Carryforward of $584,982 from FY2020 for vehicles purchased in FY2020 but which were not delivered until FY2021. 4. $16,000 in new appropriations to purchase a truck mounted Vehicle Changeable Message Sign (VCMS) board to help provide a higher level of safety during protest response and other special events which were not planned for during the preparation of the FY21 budget. A truck mounted VCMS board would greatly enhance the traffic teams ability to provide safe and responsive traffic control in emergency situations. 5. $35,000 in new appropriations to add a truck to support the Maintenance Apprentice crew added by Council in the Winter of 2020. At the time of budget preparation it was unknown if an additional vehicle was needed. Additionally, the OPS division is now fully staffed up leading to the need for an additional vehicle. 6. $46,770 in new appropriations to replace an Operations Pickup. The vehicle was in an accident and the insurance carrier determining the vehicle a total loss. 7. Carry forward $273,294 from FY20 to FY21 to replace the City of Springfield Telephone System and add $200,000 in new appropriations to install/upgrade network cabling in City Hall. The need to replace network cabling as part of the telephone replacement project was unknown at the time of FY21 budget preparation. 8. $30,000 in computer equipment reserves to fund the replacement of City network switches and related equipment at the Springfield Justice Center, which are necessary for the ongoing reliability of the public safety software system used by Springfield Police Department, Eugene Police Department, Eugene-Springfield Fire Department and UofO Police Department and hosted by the City of Eugene Information Services Department. Funding had been included and approved within the City's FY2019-20 budget, however the equipment replacement project was not completed within that timeline. Resolution No. 2020-33 Exhibit A, Page 9 of 18 FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget SDC Administration Fund - 719 Department Operating Development & Public Works$ 407,906$ -$ -$ 407,906 Finance34,056--34,056 Information Technology71,661--71,661 Total Department Operating513,624--513,624 Non-Departmental Reserves*163,27245,539-208,811 Total Non-Departmental163,27245,539-208,811 Total SDC Administration Fund$ 676,896$ 45,539$ -$ 722,435 SDC Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment TOTAL RESOLUTION$ 346,129,462$ 25,173,855$ -$ 371,303,317 *Reserves and Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance are not appropriated for spending and are shown for information purposes only. Resolution No. 2020-33 Exhibit A, Page 10 of 18 EXHIBIT A FY2020-21 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET #1 AND APPROPRIATIONS TRANSFER FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget General Fund - 100 Department Operating City Manager's Office$ 1,552,858$ -$ -$ 1,552,858 Development & Public Works2,709,832-255,9612,965,793(2,3) Finance 2,348,379--2,348,379 Fire and Life Safety11,973,034--11,973,034 Human Resources657,730--657,730 Information Technology1,976,896--1,976,896 Legal Services740,916--740,916 Library1,702,50915,097-1,717,606(4) Police16,152,892--16,152,892 Total Department Operating39,815,04615,097255,96140,086,104 Non-Departmental Transfers1,010,062616-1,010,678(5) Contingency1,000,000-(255,961)744,039(2,3) Reserves*8,830,981775,449-9,606,430(1,4,5) Total Non-Departmental10,841,043776,065(255,961)11,361,147 Total General Fund$ 50,656,089$ 791,162$ -$ 51,447,251 General Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment. 2. Appropriations transfer of $215, 961 from Contingency to Development & Public Works operating expense to support costs associated with the COVID19 response. From this total, $63,961 represents unspent appropriations from the prior fiscal year and the remainder ($152,000) is new appropriation. 3. Appropriations transfer of $40,000 from Contingency to Development & Public Works operating expense to support unplanned expenses related to the McKenzie Holiday Farm Fire response. 4. Reappropriation of $15,097 to support the replacement of books that were not purchased in time to receive in the FY20 budget. 5. Reappropriation of $616 for the Committee for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) and a transfer of those funds from the General Fund to the Special Revenue Fund. Due to the planning of events and outreach to occur between March and June, 2020 and the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, $616 in available funds were unable to be used in FY20. Additionally, this request provides for the transfer of this appropriation from the General Fund to the Special Revenue Fund. FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Street Fund - 201 Department Operating Development & Public Works$ 6,047,893$ 32,740$ -$ 6,080,633(2) Finance39,659--39,659 Information Technology374,485--374,485 Total Department Operating6,462,03732,740-6,494,777 Non-Departmental Transfers150,000--150,000 Reserves*2,888,060(99,418)-2,788,642(1,2) Total Non-Departmental3,038,060(99,418)-2,938,642 Total Street Fund$ 9,500,097$ (66,678)$ -$ 9,433,419 Street Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment activity was not completed and billed until FY21. The cost is being shared with the City of Eugene based upon the portion of the Grant funds each City would receive if the project was awarded. Resolution No. 2020-33 Exhibit A, Page 11 of 18 FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Special Revenue Fund - 204 Department Operating City Manager's Office$ 38,230$ 110,116$ -$ 148,346(2,3) Development & Public Works15,5001,403,852-1,419,352(4,5,7) Information Technology22,000--22,000 Library128,213--128,213 Police175,300312,030-487,330(6,8) Total Department Operating379,2431,825,998-2,205,241 Non-Departmental Transfers191,452--191,452 Reserves*1,457,521(9,783)-1,447,738(1,7,8) Total Non-Departmental1,648,973(9,783)-1,639,190 Total Special Revenue Fund$ 2,028,216$ 1,816,215$ -$ 3,844,431 Special Revenue Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment 2. Carryforward $99,500 unspent US Ignite grant funds from FY20 and add $10,000 appropriation for a new grant award for a COVID-19 related VR project with grant funds being passed through to Lane Community College to pursue their project. 3. Transfer in of $616 from the General Fund for the Committee for Diversity and Inclusion. See commentary #5 from the General Fund. 4. Appropriate the remaining eligible Cares Act reimbursement for eligible projects in the special revenue fund ($1,350,254). 5. Recognize additional grant funds to bring the wetland and riparian inventory project for the UGB expansion areas to completion. Funding was originally authorized in SB4 of FY20, but the full project budget was not added at that time. This request represents the full remaining project cost. This Funding for this includes $37,044 in grant dollars from the Oregon Department of Land Conservation & Development (DLCD), $17,184 in the Stormwater Fund reserves, and a cash contribution of $13,554 from the Springfield Utility Board. 6. Recognize $122,027 in unexpended grant funding approved in FY2019-20 with grant timelines that crossed multiple fiscal years. Unexpended grant funds include $19,495 in traffic safety related overtime grants, $4,933 from the 2019 BJA Bulletproof Vest Program grant, $43,315 from the previously approved 2017 and 2018 DOJ Justice Assistance Grants, and $54,284 for Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding program funds administered by the Police Department. This request will also allow for the use of $19,000 in new traffic safety overtime enforcement grants awarded for use between 10/1/20 and 9/30/21. 7. Add $3,000 in technology fee reserves to support implementation of an online business license portal. This will allow customers to pay for and apply for business licenses online. This option will reduce the amount of mail-in licenses received as well as in person appointments to the front counter. During FY20 budget preparation it was unknown which vendor would be selected for this service and its associate cost. 8. Add $171,000 for the purchase and installation of In-Car Video (ICV) systems for 24 patrol fleet vehicles, as well as installation of network and wifi infrastructure to facilitate efficient offload of video footage from ICV systems. At the time of FY21 budget preparation funds were only added for body camera implementation and not for in-car video. Since that time the process of body camera implementation has made apparent operational benefits and financial efficiencies which staff believe justify this additional appropriation. FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Transient Room Tax Fund - 208 Department Operating City Manager's Office$ 440,862$ -$ -$ 440,862 Development & Public Works39,897--39,897 Library179,7695,577-185,346(2) Total Department Operating660,5285,577-666,105 Non -Departmental Transfers797,222--797,222 Reserves*1,551,52655,259-1,606,785(1,2) Total Non-Departmental2,348,74855,259-2,404,007 Total Transient Room Tax Fund$ 3,009,276$ 60,836$ -$ 3,070,112 Transient Room Tax Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment 2. The Library is requesting authority to carry forward $5,577 in Arts Commission Operating funds for expenditure in FY21. The funds carrying forward go toward the Heritage Arts Grant Program which had grants issued across fiscal years. Resolution No. 2020-33 Exhibit A, Page 12 of 18 FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Community Development Fund - 210 Department Operating Development & Public Works$ 1,697,948$ 694,291$ (250,000)$ 2,142,239(2,3) Finance22,278--22,278 Total Department Operating1,720,226694,291(250,000)2,164,517 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects--250,000250,000(3) Non-Departmental Reserves*896,988(98,186)-798,802(1) Total Non-Departmental896,988(98,186)-798,802 Total Community Development Fund$ 2,617,214$ 596,105$ -$ 3,213,319 Community Development Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment 2. Recognize $694,291 in CDBG grant revenues and appropriate those funds to programs and activities related to COVID-19. 3. Appropriations transfer of $250,000 in Development & Public Works operating expense to a capital project expense account. These funds will be used to improve pedestrian crossings at or near three (3) school locations (P21161). FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Building Code Fund - 224 Department Operating Development & Public Works$ 1,224,985$ -$ -$ 1,224,985 Fire & Life Safety77,340--77,340 Total Department Operating1,302,325--1,302,325 Non -Departmental Reserves*3,150,541(139,359)-3,011,182(1) Total Non-Departmental3,150,541(139,359)-3,011,182 Total Building Fund$ 4,452,866$ (139,359)$ -$ 4,313,507 Building Code Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Fire Local Option Levy Fund - 235 Department Operating Fire and Life Safety$ 1,540,916$ -$ -$ 1,540,916 Total Department Operating1,540,916--1,540,916 Non -Departmental Reserves*976,304169,183-1,145,487(1) Total Non-Departmental976,304169,183-1,145,487 Total Fire Local Option Levy Fund$ 2,517,220$ 169,183$ -$ 2,686,403 Fire Local Option Levy Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment Resolution No. 2020-33 Exhibit A, Page 13 of 18 FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Police Local Option Levy Fund - 236 Department Operating Finance$ 667,541$ -$ -$ 667,541 Legal Services89,700--89,700 Police 6,542,604--6,542,604 Total Department Operating7,299,845--7,299,845 Non -Departmental Reserves*2,183,283395,984-2,579,267(1) Total Non-Departmental2,183,283395,984-2,579,267 Total Police Local Option Levy Fund$ 9,483,128$ 395,984$ -$ 9,879,112 Police Local Option Levy Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Bancroft Redemption Fund - 305 Non -Departmental Reserves*$ 5,690$ (5,690)$ -$ -(1) Total Non-Departmental5,690(5,690)-- Total Bancroft Redemption Fund$ 5,690$ (5,690)$ -$ - Bancroft Redemption Fund Commentary: 1. Zero out the Bancroft fund which is no longer needed. FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Bond Sinking Fund - 306 Non-Departmental Debt Service$ 4,019,860$ -$ -$ 4,019,860 Interfund Loan 2,175,000--2,175,000 Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance*456,15944,223-500,382(1) Total Non-Departmental6,651,01944,223-6,695,242 Total Bond Sinking Fund$ 6,651,019$ 44,223$ -$ 6,695,242 Bond Sinking Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Development Assessment Fund - 419 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects$ -$ 35,000$ -$ 35,000(2) Non-Departmental Reserves*$ 698,333$ (31,760)$ -$ 666,573(1,2) Total Non-Departmental698,333(31,760)-666,573 Total Development Assessment Fund$ 698,333$ 3,240$ -$ 701,573 Development Assessment Capital Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment 2. Add $35,000 to a capital project account to finalize the design and award a contract to construct approximately 130 feet of public sanitary sewer pipe as part of a Local Improvement District. The local sewer extension will address a health hazard resulting from two (2) properties which share a failed private lateral. Resolution No. 2020-33 Exhibit A, Page 14 of 18 FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Development Projects Fund - 420 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects$ 297,132$ -$ -$ 297,132 Non-Departmental Reserves*4,370,533137,617-4,508,150(1) Total Non-Departmental4,370,533137,617-4,508,150 Total Development Projects Fund$ 4,667,665$ 137,617$ -$ 4,805,282 Development Projects Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Regional Wastewater Capital Fund - 433 Department Operating Development & Public Works$ 3,064,000$ 1,200,000$ -$ 4,264,000(1) Total Department Operating3,064,0001,200,000-4,264,000 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects20,895,0003,416,503-24,311,503(1) Non-Departmental Transfers24,710--24,710 Reserves*62,094,623(74,595)-62,020,028(1) Total Non-Departmental62,119,333(74,595)-62,044,738 Total Regional Wastewater Capital Fund$ 86,078,333$ 4,541,908$ -$ 90,620,241 Regional Wastewater Fund Commentary: 1. At the 09/11/2020 meeting of the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission the following actions were approved by the commission; increase beginning cash by $5,104,800, carryover a total of $3,416,503 in various capital projects, carryover a total of $95,000 in Equipment Replacement, add $225,000 in Major Rehab and $200,000 in Capital Outlay at the wastewater treatment plant. Also included are additional spending requests totaling $680,000: $510,000 for Major Rehab and $170,000 for Major Capital Outlay. One revenue item is being reduced: the XFR from operations to capital is being reduced by $562,892 due to a shortfall in operations. Finally, the four capital reserves are being adjusted: the Capital Reserve, the Equipment Replacement Reserve, the Improvement SDC Reserve and the Reimbursement SDC Reserve. FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Street Capital Fund - 434 Department Operating Development & Public Works$ 148,726$ -$ -$ 148,726 Total Department Operating148,726--148,726 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects9,716,514906,000-10,622,514(2) Non-Departmental Reserves*2,885,130892,895-3,778,025(1,2) Total Non-Departmental2,885,130892,895-3,778,025 Total Street Capital Fund$ 12,750,370$ 1,798,895$ -$ 14,549,265 Street Capital Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment 2. Carry forward $906,000 in unspent funds from FY20 and reprogram them to FY21 for project activities which are under contract. The Contractual Services are for design of street preservation projects funded through voter approved bonds approved in 2018. Resolution No. 2020-33 Exhibit A, Page 15 of 18 FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Sanitary Sewer Operations Fund - 611Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Department Operating Development & Public Works$ 4,301,895$ -$ -$ 4,301,895 Finance42,277--42,277 Information Technology359,866--359,866 Total Department Operating4,704,038--4,704,038 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects7,029,924--7,029,924 Non-Departmental Debt Service1,710,605--1,710,605 Reserves*18,870,6945,280,812-24,151,506(1) Total Non-Departmental20,581,2995,280,812-25,862,111 Total Sewer Operations Fund$ 32,315,261$ 5,280,812$ -$ 37,596,073 Sanitary Sewer Operations Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Regional Wastewater Fund - 612 Department Operating Development & Public Works$ 19,600,899$ 65,784$ -$ 19,666,683(1) Finance169,100--169,100 Total Department Operating19,770,00065,784-19,835,784 Non-Departmental Transfers13,750,000(562,892)-13,187,108(1) Debt Service4,260,934--4,260,934 Reserves*9,711,214--9,711,214 Total Non-Departmental27,722,148(562,892)-27,159,256 Total Regional Wastewater Fund$ 47,492,148$ (497,108)$ -$ 46,995,040 Regional Wastewater Operations Fund Commentary: 1. At the 09/11/2020 meeting of the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC) the following actions were approved by the commission; a net decrease to beginning cash of $497,108, and the carry forward of one item to the FY21 budget. The requested carry forward includes $65,784 which remains from a FY19 $100,000 appropriation for MWMC to pay for the Regional Sewer SDC when the applicant is low income and the size of the Accessory Dwelling Unit is less than 800 square feet. This produces a total of $562,892 to be reduced from the xfr to capital in order to keep the FY21 budget balanced. FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Ambulance Fund - 615 Department Operating Fire and Life Safety$ 6,648,376$ -$ -$ 6,648,376 Total Department Operating6,648,376--6,648,376 Non-Departmental Reserves*341,823(96,377)-245,446(1) Total Non-Departmental341,823(96,377)-245,446 Total Ambulance Fund$ 6,990,199$ (96,377)$ -$ 6,893,822 Ambulance Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment Resolution No. 2020-33 Exhibit A, Page 16 of 18 FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Storm Drainage Operating Fund - 617 Department Operating Development & Public Works$ 5,952,670$ 17,184$ -$ 5,969,854(3) Finance42,278--42,278 Information Technology279,518--279,518 Total Department Operating6,274,46617,184-6,291,650 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects8,213,925--8,213,925 Non-Departmental Debt Service705,3805,900,000-6,605,380(2) Misc Fiscal Transactions -108,050-108,050(2) Reserves*12,244,9382,019,193-14,264,131(1,2,3) Total Non-Departmental12,950,3188,027,243-20,977,561 Total Drainage Operating Fund$ 27,438,709$ 8,044,427$ -$ 35,483,136 Storm Drainage Operating Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment 2. Add the appropriations necessary to support refinancing of 2010 stormwater bonds. The City is taking advantage of low interest rates and this condition was not known at the time of FY21 budget preparation. 3. Use of $17,184 reserves as local match for grant award to bring the wetland and riparian inventory project for the UGB expansion areas to completion. See Special Revenue Fund commentary #5 for grant award details. FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Booth-Kelly Fund - 618 Department Operating Development & Public Works$ 520,701$ -$ -$ 520,701 Total Department Operating520,701--520,701 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects220,000--220,000 Non-Departmental Transfers73,626--73,626 Reserves*1,309,218249,108-1,558,326(1) Total Non-Departmental1,382,844249,108-1,631,952 Total Booth-Kelly Fund$ 2,123,545$ 249,108$ -$ 2,372,653 Booth-Kelly Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Regional Fiber Consortium - 629 Department Operating Finance$ 205,449$ -$ -$ 205,449 Total Department Operating205,449--205,449 Non-Departmental Reserves*343,083(4,319)-338,764(1) Total Non-Departmental343,083(4,319)-338,764 Total Regional Fiber Consortium Fund$ 548,532$ (4,319)$ -$ 544,213 Regional Fiber Consortium Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment Resolution No. 2020-33 Exhibit A, Page 17 of 18 FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Insurance Fund - 707 Department Operating Human Resources$ 779,623$ -$ -$ 779,623 Health Insurance9,236,983--9,236,983 Property & Liability 1,028,498--1,028,498 Worker's Compensation807,322--807,322 Total Department Operating11,852,426--11,852,426 Non-Departmental Reserves*9,063,043627,040-9,690,083(1) Total Non-Departmental9,063,043627,040-9,690,083 Total Insurance Fund$ 20,915,469$ 627,040$ -$ 21,542,509 Insurance Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget Vehicle and Equipment Fund - 713 Department Operating Development & Public Works$ 825,018$ 812,627$ -$ 1,637,645(2,3,4,5,6) Finance10,000--10,000 Human Resources4,000--4,000 Fire & Life Safety1,839,000--1,839,000 Information Technology612,292473,294-1,085,586(7) Library8,000--8,000 Police381,00030,000-411,000(8) Total Department Operating3,679,3101,315,921-4,995,231 Non-Departmental Debt Service153,895--153,895 Reserves*8,679,98265,171-8,745,153(1,3,4,5,6,7,8) Total Non-Departmental8,833,87765,171-8,899,048 Total Vehicle and Equipment Fund$ 12,513,187$ 1,381,092$ -$ 13,894,279 Vehicle & Equipment Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment 2. $129,875 carryforward and new funding for the replacement of the 20,000 gallon diesel fuel tank at the Regional Fuel Facility (RFF) from FY2020 to FY2021. Bids were received and a contract executed in FY2020 but there is an approximately four month lead time to manufacture the tank. The City should be receiving the tank in December 2020. The remaining budget of $86,745 in FY20 is not enough to complete the project so additional funding of $43,130 is requested. The cost of this project will be shared proportionately among the fuel facility partners. 3. Carryforward of $584,982 from FY2020 for vehicles purchased in FY2020 but which were not delivered until FY2021. 4. $16,000 in new appropriations to purchase a truck mounted Vehicle Changeable Message Sign (VCMS) board to help provide a higher level of safety during protest response and other special events which were not planned for during the preparation of the FY21 budget. A truck mounted VCMS board would greatly enhance the traffic teams ability to provide safe and responsive traffic control in emergency situations. 5. $35,000 in new appropriations to add a truck to support the Maintenance Apprentice crew added by Council in the Winter of 2020. At the time of budget preparation it was unknown if an additional vehicle was needed. Additionally, the OPS division is now fully staffed up leading to the need for an additional vehicle. 6. $46,770 in new appropriations to replace an Operations Pickup. The vehicle was in an accident and the insurance carrier determining the vehicle a total loss. 7. Carry forward $273,294 from FY20 to FY21 to replace the City of Springfield Telephone System and add $200,000 in new appropriations to install/upgrade network cabling in City Hall. The need to replace network cabling as part of the telephone replacement project was unknown at the time of FY21 budget preparation. 8. $30,000 in computer equipment reserves to fund the replacement of City network switches and related equipment at the Springfield Justice Center, which are necessary for the ongoing reliability of the public safety software system used by Springfield Police Department, Eugene Police Department, Eugene-Springfield Fire Department and UofO Police Department and hosted by the City of Eugene Information Services Department. Funding had been included and approved within the City's FY2019-20 budget, however the equipment replacement project was not completed within that timeline. Resolution No. 2020-33 Exhibit A, Page 18 of 18 FY21 Supplemental Appropriations FY21 Adopted Budget Budget #1 Transfer Revised Budget SDC Administration Fund - 719 Department Operating Development & Public Works$ 407,906$ -$ -$ 407,906 Finance34,056--34,056 Information Technology71,661--71,661 Total Department Operating513,624--513,624 Non-Departmental Reserves*163,27245,539-208,811 Total Non-Departmental163,27245,539-208,811 Total SDC Administration Fund$ 676,896$ 45,539$ -$ 722,435 SDC Fund Commentary: 1. Beginning Cash Adjustment TOTAL RESOLUTION$ 346,129,462$ 25,173,855$ -$ 371,303,317 *Reserves and Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance are not appropriated for spending and are shown for information purposes only. Resolution No. 2020-33