HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2020-28 09/14/2020 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. ___________ A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE MASTER SCHEDULE OF MISCELLANEOUS FEES AND CHARGES, RATES, PERMITS, AND LICENSES IN ORDER TO AMEND THE AMOUNT OF THE BIOMEDICAL WASTE RATES WHEREAS,Springfield Municipal Code 4.408(2) provides that the maximum rates for the collection of garbage and refuse for a month shall be set by resolution of the Council; and WHEREAS,the present rate for the collection of garbage and refuse consists of two parts: (1) the rate that accounts for the cost of collection of garbage and refuse by the collector of garbage (the of garbage and refuse collected by the collector of garbage ( WHEREAS,Sanipac, Inc., the collector of garbage as defined by Springfield Municipal Code Section 4.400, has advised the City to increase the per gallon charge by $0.21 per gallon of bio-medical waste; and WHEREAS, the collector of garbage has requested that the disposal rate be adjusted to reflect this increase in costs as of September 8, 2020; and WHEREAS,City staff have reviewed the request of the collector of garbage, and the additional information and material provided in support of the request; and WHEREAS, City staff, following such review have recommended that the adjustment of the maximum rates for the collection of bio-medical waste be approved as requested; and WHEREAS,the Council has considered the request of the collector of garbage, the material and information submitted in support of such request, and the analysis and recommendations of the staff, and is fully informed as to the request and the circumstances; and WHEREAS,the opportunity for public comment at a public hearing has been provided prior to the adoption of this Resolution; and WHEREAS,except for the increase in the Garbage and Refuse rates as specified herein, the fees set unchanged and shall continue in full force and effect; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD: Section 1. The Master Fees and Charges Schedule, Solid Waste, Biomedical Charges, is amended as follows: Springfield Biomedical Rate Charges 10 Gallon Tote $25.97 20 Gallon Tote $30.35 35 Gallon Tote $37.16 1 Gallon $10.19 Section 2. Except as specifically amended by this Resolution, the "Master Fees and Charges Schedule shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. Section 3. In the event any particular rate, permit fee, license fee, or other fee or charge set forth in the Master Schedule shall be held invalid by operation of law or any court of competent jurisdiction or the enforcement of any fee restrained by such court pending the final determination as to its validity, the remainder of the rates, permit fees, license fees, fees and charges specified in Section 2, shall not be affected thereby and shall remain in full force and effect. Section 4: This Resolution will take effect upon adoption by the Council. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this ___ day of _________, ____, by a vote of _____ for and ____ against. ATTEST: Bqqspwfe!bt!up!Gpsn; ______________________ Nbsz!Csjehfu!Tnjui City Recorder Djuz!Buupsofz Tfqufncfs!27-!3131 Resolution No. 2020-28