HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 8/26/2020After recording return to: Vicki Lynn Johnson 275 55th St. Springfield, OR. 97478 Until a change is requested, all tax statements shall be sent to the following address: (above) The true consideration for this conveyance is other than monetary LEGAL LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT DECLARATION The PARTY to this transfer is Vicki Lynn Johnson being the Grantor and Grantee herein This Declaration is intended to adjust the boundary line between two parcels of real property owned by Vicki Lynn Johnson. The PARTY is entering into this Declaration to agree on the legal lot line separating the parcels to comply with City of Springfield Land Use Regulations, Springfield Planning Case Number 811-20-000010-TYP I and the provisions of Oregon Revised Statutes 92.190(4). The legal description of Tax Lot 1001 prior to this adjustment is all of those lands conveyed as Parcel 3 in the Statutory Warranty Deed recorded on April 20, 2007 as Instrument Number 2007- 026419 in the Lane County Oregon Official Records The legal description of Tax Lot 1100 prior to this adjustment is all of those lands conveyed as Parcels 1 & 2 in that Statutory Warranty Deed recorded on April 20, 2007 as Instrument Number 2007- 026419 in the Lane County Oregon Official Records The line being adjusted herein is the entire common line between said Tax Lots 1001 and 1100. WHEREAS the PARTY desires to adjust said common line and WHEREAS the PARTY is agreeable to executing a transfer of property through means of an approved Legal Lot Line Adjustment and this Declaration. THEREFOR, for purposes of accomplishing this Legal Lot Line Adjustment the PARTY hereby declines that: The legal description of Tax Lot 1001 hereafter shall be as described on "Exhibit A", attached hereto and made a part hereof And the legal description of Tax Lot 1100 hereafter shall be as described on "Exhibit B", attached hereto and made a part hereof BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT. THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300, 195.301 AND 195.305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, SECTIONS 2 TO 9 AND 17, CHAPTER 855, OREGON LAWS 2009, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 7, CHAPTERS, OREGON LAWS 2010. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPER 1'Y SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92.010 OR 215.010, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930, AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, 1F ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300, 195.301 AND 195.305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, SECTIONS 2 TO 9 AND 17, CHAPTER 855, OREGON LAWS 2009, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 7, CHAPTER 8, OREGON LAWS 2010 11IEGAL LOT LINE ADJUS', VENT DECLARATION TL 1001 & 1100 VICKI LYNN JOHNS 01 STATE OF OREGON) ) ss County of Lane) On this 'h,day of 2020, personally appeared Vicki Lynn Johnson, and acknowledZed the foregoing instrument to be her voluntary act and deed. OFFlCMLSTAMP MARY KLOSTER NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON COMMISSION NO.. 989619 Notarylic for Oregon My Co ission Expires: 21 1 G A IDT LINNF hDJUSTMENI 1) Y C, L A k A I 10 N I L 1001 Y 1100 EXHIBIT A Adjusted Tax Lot 1001 A tract of land in the Southeast one-quarter of Section 33, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, in the City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a 2 1/2" brass cap marking the Southwest corner of the Jessie M. Mann Donation Land Claim(D.L.C.) No. 74, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence along the South line of said D.L.C. No. 74, North 90`00'00" East, 951.00 feet to a Southerly Extension of the East Right -of -Way line of 55th Street as described in the Quitclaim Deed recorded January 15, 1964 on Reel 234D as Instrument No. 40213; thence along said Southerly Extension and East Right -of -Way line, North 00"06'30" East, 260.00 feet to a 5/8 -inch iron rebar; thence leaving said East Right -of -Way line, North 90'00'00" East, 120.00 feet to a 5/8 -inch iron rebar, and the True Point of Beginning; thence North 00'06'30" East, 51.00 feet to a 5/8 -inch iron rebar on the South Right -of -Way line of "B" Street as described in the Warranty Deed recorded January 02, 1959 on Reel 126D as Instrument No. 56543; thence along said South Right -of -Way line, North 90°00'00" East, 65.00 feet to a 5/8 -inch iron rebar; thence leaving said South Right -of -Way line, South 00"06'30" West, 107.00 feet to a 5/8 -inch iron rebar; thence along a line parallel to the South line of said D.L.C. No. 74, North 90'00'00" West, 65.00 feet to a 5/8 -inch iron rebar; thence North 00"06'30" East, 56.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 0.16 Acres, more or less. FREGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR OREGON DECEMBER 6, 2077 MACKENZIEe WY4NTERGREEN RENEWS: 01-13•e/Z.e LL - Mick C. Wyntergreen L.S. 84224 -Oregon Expires 06/30/20 806 N. 9th St. Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424 (T 072_T L 1001 Adjusted d o c x I 1(Page EXHIBIT B Adjusted Tax Lot 1100 A tract of land in the Southeast one-quarter of Section 33, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, in the City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a 2 1/2" brass cap markingthe Southwest corner of the Jessie M. Mann Donation Land Claim (D.L.C.) No. 74, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence along the South line of said D.L.C. No. 74, North 90"00'00" East, 951.00 feet to a Southerly Extension of the East Right -of -Way line of 55th Street as described in the Quitclaim Deed recorded January 15, 1964 on Reel 234D as Instrument No. 40213; thence along said Southerly Extension and East Right -of -Way line, North 00°06'30" East, 194.00 feet to a 5/8 -inch iron rebar, and the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing along said East Right - of -Way line, North 00`06'30" East, 66.00 feet to a 5/8 -inch iron rebar; thence leaving said East Right -of -Way line, North 90"00'00" East, 120.00 feet to a 5/8 -inch iron rebar; thence South 00'06'30" West, 56.00 feet to a 5/8 -inch iron rebar; thence along a line parallel to the South line of said D.L.C. No. 74, North 90"00'00" West, 28.00 feet to a 5/8 -inch iron rebar; thence South 00'06'30" West, 10.00 feet to a 5/8 -inch iron rebar; thence North 90"00'00" West, 92.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 0.18 Acres, more or less. REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR OREGON DECEMBER 8. 2011 MACKENZIE C. NIYNTERGREEN 84224 RENEWS: Mick C. Wyntergreen L.S. 84224 - Oregon Expires 06/30/20 806 N. 9th St. Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424 (TO 77_T L 1100 Ad us e d. do c x) 1(Page IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT INCLUDING NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT LIEN (In Lieu of Immediate Construction of Public Improvement; includes W aiver of Right to Remonstrate) IN CONSIDERATION of the covenants herein recited, the City of Springfield, hereinafter referred to as City, and Vicki Lynn Johnson hereinafter referred to as Applicant, do covenant and agree with respect to the real property described below as follows: 1. Applicant warrants and represents to the City of Springfield that it is the owner of the property more particularly described and set forth in Paragraph 7 below and, as owner, has the authority to enter into this Improvement Agreement with the City of Springfield. 2. Applicant desires Development Approval from the City with respect to the following Development Application 811-20-000010-TYP1 3. The development will cause both an immediate and long-term demand on the various public facilities of City and Lane County including the specific public improvements necessitated by the development as set forth in paragraph 6. 4. This Improvement Agreement is an alternative to imposing a condition on Applicant's development approval that the Applicant make immediate construction of any public improvement that the development necessitates. The objective is to promote efficiency, coordination, and spread costs by providing an opportunity for a district wide improvement mechanism where construction occurs in a coordinated project with the participation of adjacent and other properties in the area, instead of requiring immediate improvement in conjunction with each development application. There is no guarantee, however, that such a coordinated project will be possible and the City reserves the right to require construction of the improvements in the future at City discretion. 5. (a) Applicant and City agree that Applicant will pay the cost of the following public facility improvements described in Paragraph 6 in accordance with respective cost assumption policy established by City at the time the City determines to undertake and complete such public improvements. (b) Applicant and City acknowledge and agree that the cost of such improvements and the portion thereof to be paid by Applicant are presently unknown and may be greater than the costs that would be apportioned if the improvements were constructed immediately or by Applicant now or later. (c) Applicant acknowledges that the timing of the construction of such improvements is within the sole and exclusive direction of the City. 6. (a) STREET IMPROVEMENTS along the frontage of "B" Street to include: ® surface paving; ® storm sewers; []-sanitary sewers; Z curbs; ® gutters; ® planter strips; ® street trees; ® street lights; ® sidewalks. (b) TRAFFIC SIGNALS at the intersection of NIA (c) OTHER IMPROVEMENTS N/A RETURN TO: CITYOF SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. -225 FIFTH ST - SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 uyi9mia.Oumemumvmw.rvf _ugmmmweyxmx3u REVISED Ds.?015 Page 1 of3 Applicant acknowledges that the list of marked improvements reflect those that would currently be required under the appropriate City codes and ordinances. Applicant acknowledges that it understands that the improvements made will be those required to bring the street to full urban standards for the then current functional classification of the street as those standards exist at the time the improvements are made and may, therefore, differ from the list of improvements checked herein. 7. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE AKA: Tax Map & Lot No.: 17-02-33-42 TL:01001 Property Address: 8. City agrees that Applicant's execution and performance of the terms of the Agreement will be deemed to be in compliance with City's policy pertaining to improvement requirements, and if Applicant complies in every respect with all other applicable laws of the State of Oregon, Lane County, and City, Applicant shall be entitled to Development Approval, subject to the terms and conditions of approval set forth therein. 9. This agreement is enforceable by the State of Oregon, Lane County or City. 10. APPLICANT AGREES TO SIGN ANY AND ALL WAIVERS, PETITIONS, CONSENTS AND ALL OTHER DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO OBTAIN THE ABOVE LISTED IMPROVEMENTS UNDER ANY IMPROVEMENT ACT OR PROCEEDING OF THE STATE OF OREGON, LANE COUNTY, OR CITY AND TO WAIVE ALL RIGHT TO REMONSTRATE AGAINST SUCH IMPROVEMENTS. Applicant does not waive any right to protest the amount or manner of spreading the assessment thereof, if the same shall appear to the Applicant to bear inequitably or unfair upon said property of Applicant. Applicant's acceptance of the non -remonstrance condition is in consideration for the City's waiver of the requirement for the immediate construction of the public improvements that the development necessitates. This improvement agreement waives the property owners right to file a written remonstration. It does not waive a property owner's right to comment on the proposed district or any related matters orally or in writing. 11. It is the intention of the parties hereto that the covenants herein contained shall run with the land herein described, and shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, assigns, administrators, and successors of the parties hereto, and shall be construed to be a benefit and a burden upon the property herein described. This Agreement shall be recorded in the Lane County Deed Records. NOTICE TO APPLICANT/PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER If you are the Applicant or a prospective purchaser of this property, you are advised to discuss this Agreement with an Attorney of your choice. Execution and recordation of this Agreement will place requirements on the Owner and any subsequent purchaser of the Real Property described in Section 7 and their heirs, successors and assigns. These requirements include but are not limited to the payment for the public improvements described in Section 6. This may result in an assessment lien on the Real Property described in Section 7 and significant costs to the Owner and Purchasers, and their heirs, successors and assigns. An Applicant's signature on this Agreement indicates that the Applicant has thoroughly read this Agreement, understands it, has had the opportunity to consult legal counsel prior to its execution, and understands that execution of the Agreement may result in significant financial obligations imposed upon the Owner of the Real Property. Any prospective Purchaser of the property burdened by this Improvement Agreement should also thoroughly review this Agreement, consult with legal counsel prior to purchasing the property, and understand that this Agreement may result in a significant financial obligation imposed upon any Owner of the Real Property described in Section 7. 41n—II W7 lNpmvs—Ayq l— REVISED: Dm 2015 Page 2 d WHEREFORE, the parties above named have hereunto set their hands and seals on 20 . APPLICANT: SignaWre(s): \\\'FIl/lw„�jy...li ,j�V� PRINT NAME(S): Vicki Lynn Johnson STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE J SS This instrument was acknowledged before me on �V 2* by Vicki Lynn Johnson OFFICIALS TAMP MARY KIORTER NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON COMMISSION N0.99"IN FISSION EXPIRES AUGUST 08, 2023 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD: Reviewed and approved I J�1JIl9L•1aJl�'. By (No notary required) Development Services Department, Planning Division Accepted by Chits Moorhead - City Surveyor STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE I SS This instrument was acknowledged before me on ,20 by Chris Moorhead as CitySun eyor of City of Springfield Notary Public for Oregon 11211-Torzsa.vwmrllro I Uil P., 3or3 EXHIBIT A Adjusted Tax Lot 1001 A tract of land in the Southeast one-quarter of Section 33, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, in the City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a 2 1/2" brass cap marking the Southwest corner of the Jessie M. Mann Donation Land Claim(D..L.C.) No. 74, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence along the South line of said D.L.C. No. 74, North 90'00'00" East, 951.00 feet to a Southerly Extension of the East Right -of -Way line of 55th Street as described in the Quitclaim Deed recorded January 15, 1964 on Reel 234D as Instrument No. 40213; thence along said Southerly Extension and East Right -of -Way line, North 00"06'30" East, 260.00 feet to a 5/8 -inch iron rebar; thence leaving said East Right -of -Way line, North 90'00'00" East, 120.00 feet to a 5/8 -inch iron rebar, and the True Point of Beginning; thence North 00"06'30" East, 51.00 feet to a 5/8 -inch iron rebar on the South Right -of -Way line of "B" Street as described in the Warranty Deed recorded January 02, 1959 on Reel 126D as Instrument No. 56543; thence along said South Right -of -Way line, North 90`00'00" East, 65.00 feet to a 5/8 -inch iron rebar; thence leaving said South Right -of -Way line, South 00`06'30" West, 107.00 feet to a 5/8 -inch iron rebar; thence along a line parallel to the South line of said D.L.C. No. 74, North 90"00'00" West, 65.00 feet to a 5/8 -inch iron rebar; thence North 00"06'30" East, 56.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 0.16 Acres, more or less. REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR OREGON DECEMBER 6, 2011 MACKENZIE C. WYNTERGREEN 84224 RENEWS: Mick C. Wyntergreen L.S. 84224 - Oregon Expires 06/30/20 806 N. 9th St. Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424 (T 072_T L 1001 Ad j u s t e d, d o c x) 11 Pa g PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT Tax Map & Lot Numbers Map: 17-02-33-42 T.L.: 1001 (on the date of execution) THIS INDENTURE MADE antl entered into this_ _ day of , 20 , by and between Vicki Lynn Johnson , hereinafter referred to as the Grantor(s), and the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a municpal corporation, in Lane County, Oregon, hereinafter referred to as Grantee. WITNESSETH: In consideration of the acceptance by the Grantee, and for Grantee's use or holding of saitl easement for present or future public use, Grantors) hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys unto the said Grantee, a perpetual easement 7.00' feet in width, together with the right to go upon said easement area hereinafter described in Exhibit "A' for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, maintaining and using PUBLIC UTILITIES, which may hereafter be installed on the following described property, to wit: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE TO HAVE AND TO HOLD sad easement unto said Grantee and Grantee's heirs, successors and assigns forever. THE CONSIDERATION for this Conveyance is IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantors above named have hereunto set their hands and seals on 20 74 SIGNATURE: jt' Vicki 1 yhn Jii;" PRINTN mE ADOREss. 91236 Donna Rd 5rinId OR 97478 STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE SS This instrument was acknowledged before me on UAUftIT, 20k by Vicki 1 vnn Johnson OFFICIALSTAMP d MARY LOST NOTARY PUBLIC -OR owry blic for Orealin COMMISSION NO. 989M MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUGUST 08, 2023 THE CONVEYANCE set forth in this instrument conveying the or interest to the City of Springfield a Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, is hereby approved and the title or interest conveyed therein is hereby accepted. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD By Chris Moorhead - City of Springfield Surveyor Date RETURNING CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. -225 FIFTH ST. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 xnVl O'I—.,,.Q EXHIBIT A 7.00' Public Utility Easement A tract of land in the Southeast one-quarter of Section 33, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, in the City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a 2 1/2" brass cap markingthe Southwest corner of the Jessie M. Mann Donation Land Claim(D.L.C.) No. 74, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence along the South line of said D.L.C. No. 74, North 90`00'00" East, 951.00 feet to a Southerly Extension of the East Right -of -Way line of 55th Street as described in the Quitclaim Deed recorded January 15, 1964 on Reel 234D as Instrument No. 40213; thence along said Southerly Extension and East Right -of -Way line, North 00"06'30" East, 311.00 feet to the South Right -of -Way line of "B" Street; thence along said South Right -of -Way line, North 90`00'00" East, 120.00 feet to a 5/8 -inch iron rebar, and the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing along said South Right -of -Way line, North 90°00'00" East, 65.00 feet to a 5/8 -inch iron rebar; thence leaving said South Right -of -Way line, South 00"06'30" West, 7.00 feet to an angle point; thence North 90"00'00" West, 65.00 feet to an angle point; thence North 00"06'30" East, 7.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 455 Square feet, more or less. REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR OREGON DECEMrER 6, 2011 MACKENZIE C. NNNiERGREEN 84224 RENEWS: o(, (13 "/?acc Mick C. Wyntergreen L.S. 84224 - Oregon Expires 06/30/20 806 N. 9th St. Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424 (T072_7.00' P. U. E. d o c x ) 11 Page TYPE I PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT STAFF REPORT & DECISION Project Name: Johnson PLA Can Number: 811-20-000010-TYPI Nature of Application: This proposal is the adjustment of a common property line between two tax lots owned by Vicki Johnson. The Property Line Adjustment application proposes to adjust the location of the tax lot line between Map and Tax Lot 17023342 1100 and 170233421001. Lot 1001 was created by deed only in 1986 from neighboring lot 1000. This lot would not have met minimum lot sin at the time and will not qualify under ORS 92.176 — Validation of unit of land not lawfully established. The purpose of the adjustment is to increase the area of Lot 1001 in order to create a larger buildable area Project Location: 275 551 Street, Springfield, OR Map and Tax Lots 17023342 1100 8c 1001 Zoning: Low Density Residential (LDR) Metro Plan Designation: Low Density Residential Application Submitted Date: January 16, 2020 Decision Issued Date: February 19, 2020 Recommendation: Approval, with the Final Survey for review prior to recording. Please see page 6 for conditions and next steps. Property Owner for Parcels 1 and 2•Applicant's Representative. Vicki Johnson Michael Schulze 91236 Donna Road Geomax, Inc. Springfield, OR 97478 806 N. 91 Street College Grove, OR 97424 City Development Review: 811-20-000010-TYP1 Property Line Adjustment SITE: APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: e vmvar _ � IIm 1 pSr 116 Nllmll� IIrIm. e M MA�SrE�� low ' 8 sure i ara/ usmsvvmvr TY 'mar's v[sr ueo' V 1 811-20-000010-TYP1 Property Line Adjustment 2 Description of Proposal: The adjustment is occurring at the common dividing line between tat lot 1100 (Pame1 1) and tax lot 1001 (Parcel 2). The adjustment proposes moving the common rear property line from an east west oriented line to a north south oriented line. Tax Lot 1100 would remain having frontage on 55s' Street and Tax Lot 1001 would remain with frontage along B Street. Lot 1100 contains a single family home and two accessory structures verified by site visit although not shown on the tentative PLA survey. CITERIA OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL: SDC 5.16-125 states that the Director shall approve or approve with conditions a Property Line Adjustment application upon determining that criteria A through F of this Section have been satisfied. A. The Property Line Adjustment shall not create anew lot or parcel. Finding: No new lot will be created by this Property Lim Adjustment. Tax lot 1001 was created by deed in 1986 without benefit of a land division process approved by the city. Finding: Section 4.2-105.G.2 of the Springfield Development Code requires that whenever a proposed land division or development will increase traffic on the City street system and that development has my unimproved street frontage abutting a fully improved street, that sheet frontage shall be fully improved to City specifications. Condition 1: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall execute and record an Improvement Agreement for tax lot 17-02=33-42-01001 for -the B -Street frontage whkb wiR include all remaining improvements required to bring the street to current elm standards. Conclusion: The adjustment will begin and conclude with two tax lots. B. The Property Line Adjustment shall not create a landlocked lot or parcel. Finding: Tax Lm 1100 will continue to have frontage an 55'" Sheet and Tax Lot 1001 has frontage on Conclusion: the proposal satisfies Criterion B. C. The property line adjustment shall not reduce an existing lot or parcel below the minimum lot size standard or reduce setbacks below the minimum established by the applicable caning districts in the Code. Finding: The current lot size of tax lot 1001 is 3,315 square feet. This is 1, 185 square feet below the minimum required 4,500 square feet for a lot on an east west street. The proposed adjustment would cause the lot to be 6,955 square feet with 65 feet of frontage. This exceeds the minimum lot sire and frontage requirements. Finding: Tax Lot 1100 would be reduced from 11,325 square feet to 7,640 square fret and remain at 66 feet of frontage along 55a Street. This meets minimum lot size and frontage requirements. Finding: The home on site does not meet minimum sideyard setbacks, however this property line adjustment does not have an effect on either non -conforming setback 811-20-000010-TYP1 Property Line Adjustment Finding: Although not shown on the tentative PLA survey, there are two accessory structures (sheds) on site. One is over the proposed adjusted property line and will not meet setback requirements. Condition 2: The shed along the north property line of tax lot 1100 must be removed or relocated on lot 1100 to meet the required 3' setback along the side and proposed rear property line of this lot prior to submittal of the Plant Survey. SHED ALONG NORTH PROPERTY LINE Conclusion: The proposal, as conditioned, complies with Criteria C. D. The property line adjustment shall not violate any previous conditions the Approval Authority may have imlmsed an the lots or parcels involved in the application. Finding: No evidence has been found that there are any previous conditions that the Approval Authority has imposed on the lots. Conclusion: This proposal satisfies Criteria D. E. The property line adjustment shall not detrimentally alter the availability of existing public and(or private utilities to each lot or parcel in the application or to abutting lots or parcels. Finding: Tax Lot 1001 deer not contain a Public Utility Easement along B Street which may hinder electrical and other services to the lot and adjacent lots. 811-20-000010-TYPI Property Line Adjustment