HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1983-08-18..RESIDENTIAL.. 22 s North sth streeAPPLr cAT r,N /PERI''rr Spn)ngfteld, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26- 37 53 SPFIINGFIEL-D .{N[, Date Job Loceticn:a a c)* Assessore i4q # SubCiu;, Adfuo-ss:Phone -ty Describe htork: Date of AppL n )lss (j-.tt Value AdCiticn RenoCel # Genetal Pltnbing L ao Sati:ay sa;er eqced ct pro?etQ Lite Septie totk y",rVed ald fiLLeC vith grr;el linal - i{hen abcue itens are ccnoleced ani uhez Cqtcl)tion is conrplete or si:--2- ture nooc-d ot pz,e-ises cleaned up. icnes tsLocking od. Sat-:,tp PltntbinX connectiotrs -- sa)e? olC ualet Elect:riccl Cmnection - Blockirq, aet-u, and plwtbing coaneciione m;st be qprc"-)C before requeering eleclrtcal i,rrs?eei1-ari Aeceesory 1uilCing Firnl - Aftcr ;crekes, skirtit4, Ceci,s,etc. @e ecmpleled. Cons jrue!!cn_!@ep i-t ia 2he responsibi_Lity of tle penrit iold,* to see tl@t aLL inspecdt-onE, @e nad,e at ihe proper tine , that 2:44fi -i)rs1s is reacab'>e iY.-tly srree-t,. cnC tlct the-pernrut.c:ad, ie Located at the fto-nt'of the gopenty.a?uiUi.g ?)ti:io- cppro"'eci p?bt shc.Ll netnin on thE tswa'Ld,ing s-:te 'at zLL' tites.' P:?oCgDU,q?, Faq IlSPSent,E-lj]9eSr:CALL726-3769 (reeorder) state you! City desigrated job nunber, job aCitess, type of inspec2icnre.qtested azi.a.zenlou ill: be ready fo.r ir-spection, cont?acxa?s c; a,;ne:s'nane'ord eh";" wlb;.' eeq1iiru rel";,iied,LL1"""'zr-oo ,,'-nLL be Tacie the sane bg, requests nctie aftet ?:00 an ui.LL be m.Ce the nezt wtkitq dcy. 8a/q?6 Si79 ltlsPrc?lt:l: To be rude aflet eccaratlon, but prtcr tc se! up of fcrns. - UIIDIPSLA3 ?'|:g|:IC, ]L1C:PIC,1L I - | | ,tECl:!)lICAL: ?o be naae be,-oy,e cnu tb?K LS CAUe"ec. l9pl:nc 1 P0A:\DA?IC!I: To be t,v.Ce - d.iiet Jpenches a?e escanted ard fams ate etected, but prior .,a pourirq ccnctete. a u::cficzo,t::o p:uu=itc, slnp, ;t.tgl.'J Lirq :t,mchce. -t UilDEPtiCCR ?LL|:.91:C , :4ECg.t;tIC;::,,-| | To be natie pr-ict, =o insvallattan of floot ineuktion or decking. iA epst .AilD BEA\4: To be naie D?io? to, i Giffio; i-ioor insu-aa;iori cr decking. I 11|JCE ?aC,!BI:tG, lazclplcAa L"t7c1-ttltfCLl:ffi ut:vil these itacectiars h.zue beer.naie cnl. ;pgrcliei. F|?E?I.AQ|: .,e'-J,o" :.o plcc:-r4 laotngncteri,zls and before fraring inspel-tion. FFA-|'!MG: ttust be recuested af.-er cppr.ctta! of rcugh plwr,bing, eiectri-cal I necitdnieal, AL! rcoijng btae'Jng ! ch*rmegs, etc. r:ti1st- !9atwZeted. :to ,ct< is to be con- - cecled until this insoectiat hae'been ma,l.e anC apptoued. Iou! City'Desigra.ted Jab lhltber Is IflSULA!!A!I /IIAPOP SARRIIR IIISPICTIOII : ?o be nad.e after aLL insulaticn ci required uapor bor.Je?s @e in pla,ce htt before ory Laih, gyp&on boarC ot rnLZ couering is ogli,ed, etd. before otg iwulation is eoncealed. DRYIALL iISPI1IC!: fc be nade a7'ter aLL d4uall is in pla,ce, but prior to cny tapin4. lAS1NPI: Steel Locattott, bond beans, gzouting or oerticals in accord,oce utth U.ts.C, Section 2415. ,IOODS?A'E: After irctalZatioz ie corpleted. , CURB & IPPRCACE APPON:a,;;tq;A-fr, ?AA After formstO pOtn-Jng cona?ete. SfDIilALK 3 3RT,Tti.1!: Eor aLL cotr-c"et;Va,r6ffiE; s t?eet right-of-,xy, to be naCe alter aZ! etca- uating eanplete t iom uoz,k & sub- base natedal in place. I alI FTilAL PLU:,:BI;IG FI;IAL |IE1HA\IICAL FI|IAL ILEC|PTCAL lglcg: llhen conplete -- ProuiCe gate6 o" nouabla sections thra4h E.U.L. .ALL|.IAIIECLES AND CLEANOUIS IIUS! EE.I.CCZSSI3LZ, .7DJUS?::::Ii iO 3!,\!DE:,.! :]O:.-:ST ?C CrY ALL.aro;ec+. cor.di=icns,;uc,t as che ").nssalLation of siteei tz.ees, ec-,oLexian oi t;Lerequired iattd.sccpir€, etc,, tust be satisiieC before ci.e BaILDI\IG ilisL can be regeste<i. PIIAL tsAfLDINC: The Ei.nal Build.ir4. fnsoection ntst be teouestei citer the liral ?LunbingEleecr-ieal, oti llecia::ictl insoecxicns -itatse been nade anti'tcorjued- -l* tr l JOB NO. ?Lunbirq Pemit taL soLAR_:CESS REQ.- Il? :y?i _ Inteticr _ Corner _ Pani,c:rdle _ Cul-<ie-sac )-n- 9 L-CO c+ n-i - D-.') . Receipt #: Plumbing Perrnit ilo pez,eon slwll cons'it"tet, instalL, al.ter ot change anA neo cr ezisting plutnbin4 cr drainage systal in ahole or in patt, uless such person is t|^.e Legal possessor oi a oalid plwnber's License, escept t&, a ce:son nag do pkabing uork to p"ope"A uhich is oumed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electricol Permit Were State Lan requires tlut the eleetrical uork be Ccne by an Electt-ical Contraetor, the electrical por+-ion of thia petnit shall rat be uaLiL until the Label |as been signed by the Electr;-cal Contracto?, ,ecxooti6:Sret Lot Eaces -ine?nu Soutaes TLte :1eat DT i!ouse :eraae Aeeess 'r/as-e? u 2c.:2? Notth Eest ?treoi.cce bo;tn ',loodsiote l,/est -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This petrrJt ie grdnted on the eqress cottdition thct the saiti-constmtction shall, in cll resoects, conicrn to the Crdinance tdo-oted. by the C!t1 cf Spr,)rqft.elC, includ")ng lhe ioning Crdinc'nce, regulct,)rlg ;he ccnsttzet')cn ct<i use of bur,Liings, otd. nzy be susoeruied. ot rertckei et cny t'Jne uVon oic- Zation of .ay grcuist)ons of saiC 1rCir"ances, t 7. !.U2 :CTAL I/ALUZ ::Z:1 iii.v ?Zi I wqS.D.C. 1.5 s Zuildirq Pex':rrit ?otcl Changea -ni::r,ires Rea,Zential ( 1 bath) Sanitarl Seser ictet 3es. So. f!a. :la,t/bed. Circ"dts Iafloct@! Se*ica ;tc ?ttn-=ce ?1'J'3 Zrha/st HooC Vent Fat TcoCstcte Mechqnicsl Permit ?entrJx Issu.ctce HecitniccL ?etdt - a;tcP0Ac:t:.8:l? -- Plan Ezanriner I HAW CAREFALLY EXA!,lfilED the eonpleteC oplication fot petmi:, crui da hereby cettify that aLL itifornaticn het'eoa is ttwe anC ecz't'ect, cnC f f,etker eevtiii that utg crC aLL aork DerJ'orned shalZ be done in acecr- dat.ce ltith the 1rdinsces of the City of Spr)ngfield, anC ;he La:s of tee State of Cregon pertainino to the aork Cescribed herein, crd. tint Y0 CCCU- P!-ttU '"/tll be tad.e of dy sttuctu"2 aithout permis;iort cf the 3uiiding D'-- tision. I futther ceftify thet otLy conttaclors o;d. xplayees L;l"o cre ii conpll-ance uith CRS 70L.055 aiLL be used on this pt'oject Siie,taLk ZTee:r'tc=l iabel Seet-)*t }a:aait Stotaee :lcinae1.tie '2urbctt ?ence tSeo !9?AL i,!CU}]? DUE:.I 8.06 ,( ' llobiie ilcne WT- iat sq. F"4. 2 cf Lct Ca;erege_ I of Stor)ee -^+-? !4'-L+-wei. r.-9t.. 1opogrytry 1cr.e:1';pe/Ccnst: ,1