HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1981-12-02FECEIPT #-. RESIDENI -- CO:,IBINATION/APPLICAT'ION PERMIT SPRINGFTELD CI77 O? S?RI,'ICFIET,O 225 ::2?rH .srr SL?EEr sPRr:lGFIEtD, 1RECOll 97477 tsuildirg Divisio- 726-t7 53 .2'{' (lt2 "5c3o S/^"rdJob Location:, Subdiuision: -03'z,b - 3V Te Lot fl.d-saessom llap ll Aile" 3t Phore #Addtess 7t wrr;-. flaat 4' ,€ P E*trra'l Deac'rtbe llotkni,las /ettc,e Ratod.aL ,ontruc..o"8 ll@ne sctlAddreea e-6 lZectriqL v f&*hani.e,l Constru.tion Lender REQUIRED INSPECTIONS rt isr th6 rcsponsibility of the pennit holder to se! th3t all irspcetions are nade at thc ProPer timc' that each address ls rcadable ft<.rn thc street, and that the peHuit card is located at the flont of tho PnoPerty.* -t!L nanholes and cleanouts aa. tc b€ adj'.Eted at no cost to the City SIIE IIISPECTICN:;ffi;;E;F forns To b. nad€ after prlor to set up of @1!E: Prion to placing nraterials and beforc franing tion. IJ}IDB.SLAB PLUMBING, ELECT.D.IC.{L A HECHANICAI: To be rnade before any ffi*'ered. FOO?I}IG € FOU!jDA?I0N: To be nede aftcr trenches are e>:cavated and fonos are enected, but prl,cr to pouring @ncretc. UI{DERGROUND PLI'HBIilG, SEITER, T'ATER, DMII{pGE: To be rnade prior to fiJ,- Iing trenches. WDERFLOOR PLUI,IBING t I.IECHANICAL: To be rnade prior to instaLlation cf fLoor insulaticn or decking. EOST 6 BEAM: To be nade prior tofiffi; of fleor insulation on Cecking. ROUGH PLUHBING, ELECTP.IC.{L t HECH. AllCIl\L: llo rork is to be covered Gffthes" inspections have been oadc and approved. FINAL PLUI.IBING FINAI ELSCTRIC.{L FINAL HECHA}IICI.L @, Hust be requested approval of rough plumbing, after cal, 6 rnechanical. AJ,I rocfing' braclng t chinaeys, etc. ilust be cdrpleted. No rork ls to be con- ccalcd u,Dtil this insPection tras bc:n nade and approved. INSULATIOII/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION To be nade after all insulation and WOODSTOVES:After installati.on I@ea CI,RB 6 APPROAC:I APP.oN: After forms arc erected but grj.or to pour,1n8 concrete. SIDEIIALK 6 DRI\rEHAYI For all con-A;ffiES st:eet risht- of-ray, te bc [ECe after all exca- rating ccmpletc 6 form work 6 sub- base mteriel in plaee. facing required vapor: barrierr are in place but bcfore any lath, gJrysun board or wa11 covening ir applied' and any insulation is concealed.OTTIER INSPECTIONS: may be required in aceondance grith Buil<iing CoCe, to be indlcateC in ;Ia::s or by no- tice from Building fnsPector. DRYWALL INSPECTICN:;@.s To be made Ln place, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Ste6l, location, bond Bffigputing cr verticals in accordance rith U.B.C. Section 2t+15. A11 projeet conditions, such as the installation of st?eet trees' conpletion of the nequired J.andscaping, etc., must be satisfied befone the BUILDING EfNAL can be requested. ETNAL BUILDIIIG: The Final Building Inspection mrst be requested after the Final- Plumbing Electrical, and !,leehanical Inspections have been made a:rd apprcved. llo occupancy of the premises can be made until the Final Building Inspection has been rnade and approved, and a CERTIFICATE 0F OCCUPANCY HAS EEXII ISSUED BY THE BUILDIIIG DM- SICN AND POSTED ON THE PREUISES. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTIoN REQUEST: Ca1l 726-3769 (reecrder)stat6.jtour City designated job ;ffi;r;lob-eairess, type of lnspection requested and when you will be ready for inspcc- tion, Contractors or Orners name and phone nunbens. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. will be nade the sar€ day, requests nrade after 7:00-a.m. will benmade the next workingdav' youR crry DESTcNATED JoB NUuBER ,sffi &o ruZ 1 14,il a Page I of 2 JOB Nln:BER, I Pz.se 2 I REFERENCE MN4BERS L-COG .-, North Ed.st South I'lest ZONE OCCLIPANCY CROUP tt'e.te" Hea.te" BAILDIIIG VALW/PERMTI t07AL CH-4RCES BEDROO}1S 0thep TYPE/ CONSTRIICTION Setbacks Sq. Ftg, Cataga Sq. Ftg. Caqott tlaLte ?tyn)t Pl.ot Oeek ?ee Date Paid # Lot Sdu4?e Fto. :i cf' Lot Covered + of Stories ictal Heiaht -430d?ct 4u Thi.s permit is grotted an the eap?€ss c2iditaoll thct the said eotst'tttction shall, in ali'realecte, confor,to the bdina.ees adopted by the Ci;V oj SptlryiieU,ineluiiag the Zoning 2tdinotce, reVtlat:-ng =i,e ecn- st:,l.tction oui uae of htidin4a, rmc n! be *$;zdei, on re.toked a! oq tine u?on tiolaticn ci' ary ??avi-aione of said CydLtloaea. Lot Ty2e Interioz, Cornet No pateon alaZl conatnbt, inetall, allet ct choqe dry neu or ezisting plwtbing ot dr=inage Byaaan in ulole or in pat, tmlese aueh p*eoti ie 2he '-egcl polseaso" of a talid plntberte Licerae, ozeeat ilut a person nay dc pltr,tbinq uork to p?o?e!? uitch ie omad, Leased or opo*ated bg the qllcant. PLI]MBINA PMMZI Sani Sanev saBrdI.4L rdTAL CHAROES State Surcha,zae IJlpne State La., requires that the eiact-ical. uonk be dnte bg an Elactpical Ccntractor, th.a electical por- tion of thie penrtt alull nbt be oalid until the La- bel lae been aigaed bg tlo ilectriczl Ccnt?artor. The Eleetrtcal Safetg Ea,t does not !2qua"e . ?e"sonto obtai,z a License ae ot electrician arl/cr elec- tylca! co,ttuaczcr fp twke ot alectr)cal ins::Llcticn on go?ettg which is oued, by hineei;' ot a -atbet of kts 'i,tmedi.c-"e .'a,rilV uhieh'ta not *ttez=ed icr sale, Lease ct rent. ELECIETCAL PEP\'T! TdTAL CHARGES Co-ststction SUETOlAL MECHAilTC.4L PSRAIT SAilCIAL Ezhatst Hood Vsttt Fot vood PTan Ewilte Date I EAW CAREPALZY EXAMINED the cotpleted application fot pennit, @td. doh*eby cefiify tlat all infoarution hereon is tnte old, cortect, old. I ftztler cqtify thdt @tg awl aLL tnrk perfcnned shall be done ia accot- d.atee u?ih the Otiitwtces of tle city of Springfield, and tha Lane of the State of 2rcgon pertaining tc the uotk deedibed herein, @d ttat NO 0C- CWAflCy vtLL be nada of @q stT.tcttne tLthput penrteticn of the BuildbtgDi,sision. I f,ttther certifg tltat only .ont?dctora od. et:ployeea alo atein eorryLiance vith ORS ?01.055 ttill be tsed on lhis prciect. A!'OAIIT D!!E 5idatalk \Lectrieal Label qprosed plot slall yanein on the tuilding at allilNWIT DUE 7ru EltcR2AcEt'Eln Seatr) ttnee Penrit Lot Fecee: douae ACCe3S FEE.S ilainenoee