HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1988-06-03city of springfield 225 n- 5th street INSPECTTONS: 726-3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A. locorroN oF srcN (ADDRES s) 1333 First Street ,/ CornelEirst Street and Centennial LECAL DESCRIPTIOI.I /J-cr\-)L - 33 TA.Y LOT HtSal./ ouNER oR PRorERTY TLC Properties-USA, Limited Partnershipoue (s03) 646-5186 eopness 5I50 SlL Griffith Drive,Beaverton, O4egon zrp 97005 oIJNER OF Srcl't cIF OTI{ER THAN pROpERTy oWNER) same ADDRESS SAMC PHONE SAMC NAME OF BUSII'rESS, TUo{, ETC PE oF .BUsrI:ESs Convalescent D.USE AIID CHARACTER OF X tornury INCIDEI{TAL X oousle FAcE -- SINGLE FACE MLTLTI-TACE P.EADER BOARD BILLBOARD SIGN: E VENDORS, CONTRACTORS SIGN l-(s03) 646-s186 SPFTINGFIErlI I N FO RMATION : 726-3753 ^nnDrcc crry LTcENSE rmt"tBER License upon approvals SIGN I,IANUTACIURER (IF OT}ER THAN ERECTOR)PROSIGN Ore n 97005 EXP. DATE TYPE OF WORK: x EPGcr X er.trR RELOCATE OTHIiR @ @ @s sion B.STP.UCTURAL TYPE Of SIGN: I'ALL X TNSESTAWOING ROOT PROJECTING OTI{ER / .' C. ?al? 'LiT I,IAROUEE I'NDER I4AROUEE . EXISTING SIGNS ARE THERE ANY EXISTITIG SIG}IS? X YES G uo SIZE IN SO ALL EXISTING SIGNS rOR EUSINESS, ETC.16 SQ FT 'I.ltLL srcN HAVE ELEcrp.rcAL wtntuc? Yes IT YES, MTICE APPLY? NITCtNTCffiil XILLM{INATED (INDIRTCffi L]GHTED) ELECTRICAL COTITRACTOR 'Tn ea LISC.NI,JMBER PICIIf, I or.tod H ADDRESS Dlr'lErrSIoNS, UTSTALLATIoIT & CoNSTRUCTIOIT TorAL HETcHT ABovE GRADE 48" VEP.TICAL DI},IENSION OF SIGN .411 DI}IEI.ISION FROM GRADE TO ., II BOTTOM OF SIGN TIIrcKl{Ess oR DEprn 5-L/ 4" - DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LrNE? _YES :!_NO IF YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS TIORE THAN 12" 6VEr.- pueI,tc pRopEp.Ty rHE srGN EREcroR I.IUST FILE WITI{ THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/}IER LIABILITY AI,ID PPOP- ERIY DA}IAGE I}ISUP"AI'ICE POLICIES. E NFIT 66"HORIZOMAL WIDTII OF SIGN i.. DESCRIBE TYPE OR YATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED OT. Carved redwood,gold sign skirt, painted lettering, split-faced rock base to match building t. K'uorru oF srGN: $3'ooo'oo 'srTE INFOFXATIOIT (LAUD lrSE) -- EXTSTINC USE OT BUILDI}IG OR LAND (OR I.AST USE IF VACANT) Existing Convalescent Home IINDOOR BUSINESS _OUTDOOR T4ERCHANDISIITG PB.OPOSED USE OP BUILDING OR I,AND: Same J ADDp.ESS 11121 SE Division Street, Suite"B" , Portland O (503) 2s3-0525 'I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAIINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that allinformation is true and correct, and I further certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with Ehe Springfield Sign Ordinance, the Uniform Sign Code as adopced by the City ofSoringfield and all other Ordinances of the Ciry of Sprinqfield and che laws of the Srace of Cregon oercaining to t!'te worli rJescribed he!crn. I f'urther certi.fy that mv lligr'. ContractorI-t-cense wiEh che City _of Springfield is in ful1 force and effecr as- recuired by-Springfield Codes8-2-6(3) and 9-7-2Q(2). I will request all reguired sign i.nspecEiond listed'on'che'approvedpermic. NAME V.P. trrlaterford Development & Const. Co. SICT{ATURE B e S. DaI 1e ?,6'3-aa P L EAS E R E A D 1)i;ffi:Aseparateapp1ication1srequired'foreachseparatesign'asdefined 2) Electrical: Any P-eru{t issued under thls application will lnclude wiring in or on slgn structure,EEe suPPIy -wirei io. "o""""tiotr-*,r"c u" "or!i.a-Jr, "., electricar p-ermiE. Electrical conneccionElust be made onry by a state Licensed srectricar Lontractor. rrlurninated signs (borh incernally el$":X::="al1y) irust conform co sJcrion"-i:i:+*ta) a <si -i"i g:7:rii-;i-;["-sFli"iii"ia sign or_- 3) Hlans Required.:. Ihr" -applicaEion ls to be submltted wlth two complere seEs of plans showing di-mensions and ireight of.sign; advertising message-on sign; locatioi-of sign-on pl"t.ity r.riEh dl- ::":i:i:_-lo-ProPerEy llnes, ,structural details-of suptiii i;;i;;; iraciig anci' fobrini=; o"r".r"r"of consEruction for sign and sign strucEure,; electriiil equipre.,E'""a-fi!f,riiii;-iir.--!nd locarion 9-f-e1_i15ing."+q":.on property f6r the same busienss, a1l is;;q;ir;d to tet"rilinq comnliance wirh 9ne sPrlngtieLcl Sisn.ordinance (Art.icle 7 of the Springfield Ciry Code). Also,.dhow the follow-ing inforuralion on che plot plan (plan showing proi,e"i! irn"" a"i io..lion oi-ii.s""), a) show the location of ar1 exisring sign(s) as well as proposed slgn(s).b) Show the lenglh of the scregt frontage taken up by the business or butlding. For wa1lsigns, show rhe length of the building fronEage. c) show the locacion of entrances open to the public and drlveways.4) when-required, because of design,.size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations mrst be pre-pared-by a licensed engineer or sha1l conform to design standarf,s on flle at the Building pivi-sion Offlce. 5) 6) 7) B) e) Plans of lnsufficienE clarity or detail will be retutned to the applicant wlth no permit beingissued. Signs must Ineet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the SpringfieldComprehensive Zoning Code. !9Tl-: ,No,sign.rray be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overheadelectrlcal conducEors in excess of 750 volEs, or less than 5 feet in-any direction-froo overheadelectrical lines whlch are energized at less'than 750 volts. If a sign is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this peroit, the permit shallbe void. Insoections : a) 9i!e Inseec,tion - to be rnade before the sign ts placed. Usually, rhe Fooring Inspecrion(iE-aFFlIEE5E,qrayb-em:de-atthesametiieasi:heSiteInspec,tion.ffi-tion i.s to be made afEer hole(s) is e:icavaEed, but prior to the placement of conErete. b) Flnal Inspection:- to be oade upon corylecion of all work. c) Electrical - all electrical signs must be lnspected for electrical hook up after the signgrr r.s Eurned on.is erected and before the sl cAr.L roR rHE REQUTRED INSPECTToNS ON IrrE 24 lrorrR TNSPECIIoN LINE AT 726-3769 SIGN DIS rRrcr-B.e>A,3JJ,\ZONE DISTRICT TOTAL SQUARE'FOOTAGE OF SIGN /Fr REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: : . .rt,^, /- t' jZ:SATEILOCATION I . -:-FOOTING OR }{dTITOD OF ATTACIT,IENT iz;ELECrRr.* lq 4!rw/J- + | OTIIER SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISTIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ?e*.u.-\()ec.-$.-^5l^",tt S'\^. ADDITIONA.L INTORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT I'IAY BE ISSIIED: APPROVED BY < ELECTRICAI PERMIT FEE: TOTAI.: (r'>t4 nbt 5<)I ff.'"ron a2 5 RECEIPT SIGN PERMIT FEE: JOB # DATE CLERK SURC}IARGE: fl OO SECTION DATE