HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-08-25N LINE C()MBI NATI ON APPLI CATION/PERMIT69 -3753 Job Address EIIERGY SOURCES Heat llater Sq Sq Sq Ftq. l'lain Ftg. Access. Ftg. 0 l,lew IGE[ep. Use m,JJ _o -Ox Legal Description ""LE/"D 0),our Address .4--l-u,i/Phone Bui'lclino.Perm Fami I y Resider n scr ra 'e., Build Single Cons truct r Phone U name addres s exDr res ohone no. Pri ma Structura I El ectri cal Mechanical n ame address (l'i cs- no exol res ohone no- ) \ Pl umbi El ectri ca I ttlechani cal PLUt{B I NG ELECTR I CAL MECHAN I CAL FFF C HARGE NO FFF THAACF NO FFF CHARGF Each single fixture Residence of SQ FT furnace/burner to BTU' s Relocated buildinq (new fix. additional ) New ci rcui ts al tsor extensions Floor furnace and vent S. F. Res i dence ( I bath)SERV I CES Recessed wal I Soace heater and vent Duplex (1 bath) each Additional bath Temporary Constructi on Apol iance vent seoa ratp tlater service Change in existing res i dence Stationary evap. cool er Sewer multifamily, conrn. or Industrial Vent fan with sinole duct Storm Sewer 0f .amps. Vent system apart from heatino or A.C. c0Mr.1./rND. FEEDERS Mechanical exhaust hood and duct Instal I /al terlrel ocate di stri b. feeders [,,lood stove/heater 0f amps. ISSUANCI OF PFRI{IT TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES I,'HERE STATE L{I,I REQUIRES thAtshall not be valij until the labe tlte Electricai work be done by an ElectriI has been signed by an Electricai Supervi cal Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit sor and returned to the Building Division CARE FUL L comp app ca ti on fo r 0e rml t and do hereb.y cer tha +a '1 nfio rma t 1 o n hereo n is true the City be made and of of Boa onl c0 rrec t a nd T f U rthe r cert ,l f_v t ha t any and a1 te of Oreqon n of the Bui I work oer fo rmed S hall be done work descri further cerf exempt the .055 w'i'l I be I n accor da nc e wl t h the 0rd I nan fSori anyrdi ysu ngfi e) d a nd the Laws 0 f th e S ta DC rta 'I n 1 ng to the bed herei a nd tha t NO OCCUP Ar.t wl l 1structurewlthoutthepermlss'I I di n9 Di vl s 'I on I t 1 fy tha t my re g 1 stra t 'I n vJl th the Bui I der s s '|n fu I I force a nd effect a s req u1 red by ORS 701 05 5 tha t ,l ba s 'I s for exempt 1 0n 'I s no te d hereo n a nd tha L bc 0n trac tor s and emr)0yees r.lho a re 1 n comD I I ance WI t h 0tls 701 us ed on th 1 s p roJ ect l.lAtlE (pl ease pri nt 3n7r,t &,/sz IGNATURE rE f -zf-/5 Zone__Tyoe/ Cons t -ts So. Ftl,. ilai Val ue Fire Zone Bedrooms.Load Sq. Ftg Acces s X lue Flood Plain Stories 0cc.y Grou Val ue TOTAL VALUATION-- Ftg. 0ther U ,1 - Pl an Ck. Conrm/Ind 65%/8ldo Per Fee 1 rVe 57 opment e Plan Ck. Res 30%/Bldq Per Fee PLUI4BING PERMIT Charges and Surcha rges Fence D6mo ELECTRICAL PERI1IT Charges and Surcha rges Sidewal k A/C Paving Total Cornb. Permit I,IECHANICAL PERHIT Charges and Surc harges Curb Cut IOTAL 3't bb+ Addres s : ltsF oilr Y/ BUILDING PIRMIT Charges anC S u rc ha rges PERMIT VALIDATION ,46, E3 Permi t Cl e C\uoX- -r( t: btrfiq COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERHiT (CAP) I. Applicant to furnishA. Job AddressB. Legal Description l. example- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference 17 03 43 2. example- Lot l. Block 3, Znd Addition to Springfield Estates C. Name, etc. of owner and construct'ion lenderD. Energy Sources 1. example- 1250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot garage 2. example- if new project, check new - if addition, check add, etc.F. Building permit information:1. example - construct single family house with an attached garage 2. example - remodel existing garage into family room3. example - convert single family residence into FEEtiiFant (change of-use)G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of the Structural Specialty CodeH. DESIGN TEAI4 AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Building Division Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons regarding design information or job site corrections, etc. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical, & Electrical SchedulesA. Except where blank spaces occur in the descriptionportion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjacentto the appropriate item(s) to be installedB. Ful1 Plumbing, l'lechanical, and Electrical Schedules are avaiiable at the Euilding Divisionl. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated2. If the item(s) to be installed are not covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consult thefulI schedulesC. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF I,IILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULESD. As noted on the CAP, the label must be delivered to theelectrical contractor for signature by his electricalsupervisor. The generai contractor is not authorizedto sign the electrical label Applicant to sign and date lJhenever possible, the initial application will be. used asa worksheet only. I'lhere possible, Building Division Staffwill prepare a type written copy and return it to theapplicant at the time the actuai permit is issued for his s i gna ture. Fees and Charges P'lan check fees are due and payable at the time of theapplication, and no plans wiil be processed until thesefees are paid. All other fees and charges are due andpayable when the permit is issued. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY II. III. IV v I e ec rea2 tn or forced air qast/eiectrical cei E. Squa r valuati 0n, e or solar PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAI.ICY: Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: Additional Project Information : PLANS REVIEWED BY: datenamena tu res'l g (