HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1991-05-08wqbN,lz CITY OF SPF OBEGO'U SPRI. FIELE, DEVELOPMENTSERY'CES PUBUC yvtOFKS M ETRO PO LITA N WASTEWAT E R M AN AG E M E NT 225 FIFTH SIBEEI SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-s753 May 8, 1991 Hs. Chris Lyman ICA Mortgage, Inc. 703 Broadway, Suite 600 Vancouver, IJA 98660 RE: Mc Kenzie Hanor Living Center, Springfield' 0R Your No. L-2749 Our No. 89-10-173 Dear Ms. Lyman, In our telephone conversation on Hay 6r you requested additional zoning information. Mc Kenzie Manor Living Center is located on property vhich is zoned Low Density Residential (LDR). This zoning district is our single family residential district. There is no numeric suffix as you may find in other jurisdictions. Uses other than single family residential structures may be permitted upon meeting certain siting standards or require a pubtic hearing before the Planning Commission. The Springfield Developnent Code considers Mc Kenzie Manor Living Center a residential care facility vith more than 1.5 persons. In the LDR District' this use requires Discretionary Use approval from the Planning Commlsslon. Hc Kenzie Manor Living Center received this approval in 1989. Site PIan Reviev vas also required and approval vas granted in 1990. If the facility vas destroyed, one or both of the reviev processes mentioned above may be requlred prior to reconstruction. I hope thls addresses the concerns you had. If.you have any other questions' please caII me at (503) 726-3777. Since H. Karp Associate Planner )+d.d , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development Serviees Department DATB OP LBTTER 0ctober 18, 1989 APPLICAITT Bruce Dalrymple, Vice President Vaterford Development and Construction Company 5150 SV Gri'ff ith Drive ' Beaverton, 0R 97005 SIIBJBCT CITY J0URNAL NUMBER 89-10-174. Type II Site Plan Reviev to discuss a proposed expansion of an existing 153 bed intermediate and skilled care nursing home to accommodate an additlonal 24 beds for a total of 177 beds. Renovation plans of theexisting building are planned to include additions to dietary/kitchen, residentdiningr laundry, administration, and resident common spaces. Employee and generalparking viII be increased onsite. AII nev parking areas vil} be landscaped. Theproperty is located at 1333 North 1st Street (Assessor Map 17-03-26-33, Tax Lots 501and 504. The zoning is Lov Density Residential; the Metro PIan Designation is Lov Density Residential. ACTION PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN APPROVAL subject to: Requirements under Site Plan RevievCriteria of Approval (See Attachment 1) and Discretionary Use approval from the Planning Commission (public meeting scheduled for November t, 1989). VBAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO OBTAIN FINAL SITB PT,AN APPROVAL? 1 A Pinal Site PIan dravn to scale is required vithin Diseretionary Use approval from the Planning Commission. need to be shovn on your Final Site PIan: a. A irrigation plan for the required landscaping. 90 days of the date of The folloving revisions of the site be removed and b Street trees along North 1st Street and Centennial Boulevard at 30 feet on center c d Additional trees in the northeast employee parking lot island. The existing landscaped area along North 1st Street must remain for a depthof at least 15 feet. A hedge in front of the parking area is required to screen vehicles e f. Site drainage for the parking area in the northeast corner connect to the existing on-site system. The first tvo parking spaces north of the north access must replaced vith landscaping. lJaterford Type II Site Plan Page 2 g Replace the gravel vith grass or concrete in the 2 L/2sidevalk and curb on North 1st Street. foot space betveen the h. A sight obscuring fence along the north property line abutting residentialproperties. i. A four foot public utility easement for sanitary se\,/er along the northproperty line running east from North 1st approximately 120 feet, thenrunning north approximately 40 feet. j. The location of the required 0regon State Health Division approved doublecheek valve assembly on the fire protection system. k. The number of employees on the busiest shift. A a signed public utility easement for the sanitary sever. The easement villneed to be on a city form and recorded at the applicant,s expense. 2 3 A signed Development Agreement. approval of your Final Site Plan. This agreement vill- be prepared by staff upon APPEAL If you vish to appeal this Type II Site plan Reviev decisionr you must do so vithin 10 of the date of Discretiona Use decision of the Plann Commission. Your e, Art c at 726-3759 if you have any appea mus t n accor ce vr e Deve opment QIIBSTIONS Please calL the Planning and Development Departmentquestions regarding this process. PREPARBD BY Ga . Karp Associate Planner Copy To: DRC Members Llerner G. Ni s t Ier, Jr . , ATTACEHENT 1 FINDINGS CRITERIA OF APPROVAT (Ref. SDC 31.060). lxl DEU0NSISATED CoHPLIANCE rIITE APPLICABLB STANDARDS Op TEIS CODE. This application vill have demonstrated compliance vith the applicable standards of this Code only after Discretionary Use approval from the Planning Commission and vhen the Final Site PIan has been approved and the Development Agreement has been signed. lxl PRoP0SED oN-srTB AND oBF-SITE PUBLTC IUPRoVBT{ENTS ARB SIITFICIETiTT T0 ACC0HiloDATE TEB PROPOSED DEVELOPHBM. DEVELOPUENT PI.,ANS EAVE BEEN UODIFIED TO CONPORil rITH PUBLIC FACILITY PI^ANS AI{D CTTY STANDARDS. The proposed development has frontage on Pioneer Parkvay l,lest, Centennial B1vd., and North lst Street vhich are fully improved. A11 utilities are available to this property. The Final Site PIan needs to shov the connection to the City's storm sever system for the employee parking proposed in the northeast corner of the site and the required 4 foot public utility easement in the northvest corner of the site. [XI INVENIORTED NATTIRAL AI{D EISTORTC FEATI'RES OF TEIS STTE EAVE BEEN ADEQUATBLY CoNSTDERED rN TEB PROJECT DESIGN, CoNSISTENT IIITH I{ETRo PLAN potICrES. There area. are no identified natural or historic features in the proposed development lxJ TEB DESIGN OF TEE PROPOSED DBVBLoPI{ENT, AS CoNDITIONBD, HTTTGATES IDEIiITIPTBD NEGATIVB THPA TS AI{D RESOLVES IDEIITIFIED I,AT{D USE CONFLIGTS. Reduetion of the 20 foot side and rear yard setbacks for parking - the proposal shovs a 5 foot setback for the additional parking proposed. A sight obscuring fence and parking lot trees vill be required in addition to the hedges shorun on the plan Parking Lot Planting Standards Ref. SDC 31.140(3): Parking lot planting areas shall include one tree that meets City street tree standards in accordance vith Seetion 32.050 of this Code and at least 4 shrubs, 5gallons or larger, for each 100 square feet of planting area. Shrubbery that abuts public right of vay or that is placed in the interior of any parking lot shall generally not exceed 2 l/2 feet in height at maturity. Parking Iot planting ardas shaI1 include: (a) Parking and drivevay setback areas specified in the applicable zoning district; and (b) Five percent of the interior of a parking lot, if 24 or more parking spaces are located betveen the street side of a building and an arterial orcollector street, and are visible from any street. Page 2 Vaterford Findings [XI PARKING AREAS AND TNGRESS-EGRESS POIMS EAVE BEBN DBSIGNED SO AS TO PACILITATETRAPFTC AND PEDESI"IAN SAFETY, TO AVOID CONGBSTTON AND TO HTNIUIZB CTJRB CUTS ONARTERIAL AND COTLECTOR STRBETS. [X] PARKING AI{D CIRCTIIATION AREAS I{UST BE PAVED AND STRIPED AND SEEBL STOPS HUST BEINSTALLED. The parking at the vest end of the property near North 1st Street is existing.No nev access points are being requested Uy- the applicant. pioneer earkvay andCentennial Blvd. are Minor Arterial-s. North Lst street is a locaL street. Theexisting development reeeived approval from the City in the,60,s to take accessfrom North Lst Street. The parking standard is .5 spaces for each bedroom, hovever additional spaces arerequired for employees. The number of ernployees on the busiest shifi must beshovn on the plan. The plan shovs paving and- striping. The 5 foot landscapedstrip vi}I be curbed. SPECIAL USE STANDARDS (Ref. SDC 16.100(7)(b)) [X] THESE FACILTTIES SEALL HAVE A FR,OI\IT YARD SETBACK OF 15 FEET AND SIDE AND REARYARD SETBACKS OF 20 FEET. THE PI,ANTED SETBACKS FOR PARKING I,OTS AND DRTVEIJAYS}IAY BE REDUCED TO 5 TEET VHEN TEE DIRECTOR DETERHINES TEAT ADEQUATE BIIFFERING EASBEEN PRO\IDED. The l-5 foot front yard setback must be retained (see rtNo parking...." belov).The south (side yard) setback along centennial BIvd. viII requi.e sireet trees at30 feet on center. These are. required by the Metro plan, the East Kelly ButteNeighborhood Plan and the Springfield Development Code. The north (sidl yard)setback may be reduced to 5 feet if a sight obscuring fence, hedges and paikinglot trees are installed. The east (rear yard) setback may be redueed to 5 feetif hedges and parking lot trees are installed [XI A HINIHTIH OF 25 PERCENT OF TEB LOT SEALT BE OF PI.,AT,ITED HATERIAL. The pran shovs that 36.4 percent of the site is landseaped. TXI NO PARKING SEALL BE PERHTTTBD ITTTEIN TEE FROIII YARD SETBACK. SHALL BE SCRBENED FROU PIELIC vItEg. REQUTRED PARKING The l-5 foot front yard setback must be retained along North 1st street. Streettrees vill be required in this setback at 30 feet on center. A hedge vill berequired to screen parked vehicfes. Tvo parking spaces at the northvest cornerof the site must be removed to maintain the 15 foot setback (vhich must beplanted) and for traffic safety reasons. \-{ Page 3 Vaterford Findings [X] POR STRUCTTIRES ON TEB SPRINGFIBI.D EISTORIC INVEMORY, AI{I EXTERNAL I{ODTFICATION SEALL BE FIILTY COHPATIBI^E rITE TEE ORTGINAL DESIGN. This criterium is not applicable in this case. la SITE PLAN REVIEV DEVELOPMEM AGREEMENT THIS DEVELOPHEIiIT AGREEMEM, hereinaf ter rrAgreementrr, is entered into this 36lh day of ftfltl,My_, 1990 (the rrBffective Datetr) by and betveen the Cfty Of SPRINGFIELDI- heGinaf ter rrCi tyrr , andrrApplicantr', in accordance vith Secti 3.090(3), and 3.100(3). on Sec t on 3), 3. inaf ter 080(3), RECITALS IIHEREAS, on the -3o$a^y ot .4tVCfAK)/ , 1990, the City approved the Final SiteP1anApp1icationsubmittedbffiorthepurposeofa11oving: CITY JOI.IRNAL NUMBER 89-10-174. Type II Site Plan for the proposed expansion of an existing 153 bed intermediate and skilled care nursing home to accommodate an additional 24 beds for a total of 177 beds. Renovation plans of the existing building are planned to include additions to dietary/kitchen, resident dining, laundry, administration, and resident common spaces. A11 ner., parking areas vilt be landseaped; additional landscaping viIl be required in some areas already landscaped. The location of the property is 1333 North 1st Street (Assessor,s Map L7-03-26-33,Tax Lots 501 and 504). The Planning Conmission granted approval of this use on November 1, 1989 (Jo. No. 89-10-173). VHEREAS, in consideration for Site Plan approval, the issuance of a BuildingPermit, and the issuance of an 0ccupancy Permit, as specified in the Springfield Development Code Section 31.090, Applicant agrees to comply vith a1I the standards ofthe Springfield Development Code and Springfield Municipal Code vhich may beapplicable to this development project unless modified or excepted by the Site Plan Reviev Development Agreement, Planning Director, Planning Commission, Building Official or their agentsr of, the Fire Marshal, which modifications or exceptionsshall be reduced to vriting. VHEREAS, in consideration for Site PIan approval, the issuance of a BuildingPermit, and the issuance of an Occupancy Permit, as specified in the Springfietd Development Code Section 31.090, Applicant agrees to comply vith the followingspecific conditions imposed by the City as part of the Site Plan approval: 1. AII improvements must be constructed/installed as shovn on the Final Site plan dated January 30, 1990. A signed publie utility easement for the sanitary sewer. The easement vi11 needto be on a City form and recorded at the Lane County Courthouse at theapplicant's expense. THEREFORE IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOING RECITALS VHICH ARE EXPRESSLY MADE A PART OF THIS AGREEMENT, CITY AND APPLICANT AGREE AS FOLLOUS: AGREEMENT 1. FINAL SITE PLAN. The applieant has submitted a Final Site plan inaccordance vith section 31.080 of the springfield Development code. Site Plan Development Agreement 1 W 2 2' STANDARDS. The applicant agrees to fulfirl aII applicable standardsspecified in the Springfleld Development Code and the specific standards listed inRECTTALS prior to occupancy' unress certain standards have been deferred to a raterdate in accordance vith section 31.110 of the springfield Development code. 3. c0NDrrr0Ns. The Applicant agrees to fu1fill all speeific conditions ofapproval required by the City tisted in RECITALS prior to occupancy, unless certainconditions have been deferred to a later date in accordance vith Section 31.040(4)(b)of the Springfield Development Code. 4' MoDIFTCATI0NS. The applicant agrees not to modify the approved Final SitePlan vithout first notifying the city. t'todifications to the Final Site plan shall berevieved in accordance vith Section 31.100 of the Springfield Development Code. 5. MATNTATNTNG THE usE. The applicant agrees to the forloving: (a) The building and site shall be maintained in accordance r*,ith theprovisions of the Springfield Development Code in order to continue the use. (b) It shall be thg continuing obligation of the property ovner tomaintain the planting required by Section 31.140 oi the Springfieri oevefopment Codein an attractive manner free of veeds and other invading vegEtation. In addition,plantings in the vision clearanee area shall be trimmed t6 meEt the Z L/Z foot heightstandard in accordance r.rith Section 32.070 of the Springfield Development Code. (c) Parking lots shall be maintained by the property olrner or tenant in acondition free of litter or dust, and deteriorlted pivement- conditions sha1l beimproved to maintain conformance vith these standards. (d) Undeveloped land vithin the development area shall be maintained freeof trash and stored materials in a mor.red and attractive manner. undeveloped landshall not be used for parking. 6. In addition to atl other remedies vhich may be provided by lav or equity(including but not limited to penalties provided Uy appilcable State Lav or CityOrdinances), Applicant agrees that City may enforce ippii""nt,s responsibilities byvithholding Applicant's Final 0ccupaney Permit, .ni'terminating any Temporary0eeupancy Permit vhich may have been granted. 7. Any Final Site PIan approved becomes null and void if construction does notcommence vithin one year of the date of this Agreement. rN WITNESS VHERE0F, the Applicant and the City have executed this Agreement as of thedate first hereinabove vritten. APPLICANT BY: BY: Site PIan Development Agreement 2 5. ERqce 6-;-m {Auuaray 30 l19oDate -.---'-€t u/4,7. STATEi-OF 3 o0REGON, County of tr^ pL<2 , 1990. V. Pe e e r untary act. Be Lw,; rsonally appeared the vho acknovledged the instrument to bove nameda f. , County of ,1 act. ore me: t CITY BY: ersona y app c or e m strator the above named My Commission expires 3- tf - 1L | - sa'1o Date t vo , vho acknovledged the foregoing instrument tore me: No tary c r 0regon My Commission expires Site Plan Development Agreement 3