HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2000-11-14SPRINGFIELD Job# 00-01668-01 COMMERCIAL PERMIT City Of Springfietd Community Services Division Building Safety Page 1 of2 IRftNSfi:01-CI001?81 DffTE:NDU 14 ?OOfi At{T REID:I $ 1EO.?6 IHAF{GE: [ftSHIER:0tl 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477 Location Of Proposed Site: 1333 00001st St Spr AssessorsMap#: 17032633 Lot: Block: Addition: Job Number: 00-01 668-01 Office:726-3759 lnspection Line: 726-3769 Tax Lot#: 00544 Subdivision: ctTY oF SPR1NGF1ELq OREGON Owner: Marquis Care Address: 1333 1st St Scope Of Work: Reroof Reroof Phone Number: City/State/Zip: Repair 541 -746-6581 Springfield, OR97477 Vatue: $23,600 Contractor Type General Contr Contractor All Roofs Northwest lnc 4089 W 1 1Th Ave, Eugene, OR 97402-5623 Registration # 54264 Expiration Date 9t2t03 Phone 541-342-4177 Quad Area: # Of Units: Constr. Type: Water Heater: Office Use - Land Use: Zoning Code: Bedrooms: Range: # Of Buildings: Occupancy Group Heat Source: Sq. Footage: To request an inspection call the 24 hour recording a1726-3769. All inspections a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will working day Required lnspections -Priortoinstalting# WORK ISNOTtr :D OR lS ABANDONED FOR Roofing Area (Sq Main: I # Of Stories: Height (feet): Current Units: Proposed Units Census Code: Does not apply Total: Building Permit Accessory: 1111412000 3783 23,600 $164.50 Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount 80 DAY PERIOD Construction Types: Occupancy Groups: # Of Buildings: # Of Bedrooms: Handicap Access? f] Job# 00-01668-01 Page2 of 2 Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount Building State Surcharge For Building Permit Building Administrative Fee Total Building 1111412000 1111412000 3783 3783 $11.52 $4.94 $180.96 Grand Total By signature, I state and agree that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information herein is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon. I further state that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that the proj address is readable from the street, that the permit card approved set of plans will remain on the site at alltimes duri nature Date is located at the front of the property, $180.96 //-///-0 --#',&q^__ 3-2?-1999 3: l3PM F ', 8,A53242635 P.2 ND-24A-CAPET]I U.L.CLASSA /SLOPE FMCLASSA/SLOPE RANGE:0" to 2" RANGE: O'to 2' PERFOHMANCE ENGINEEHED ROOF SYSTEMS NAILABLE DECK PLYV/OOD DTCK r" HEAD FASTENER (TyptcAL) I SEI INTO ROOFING ASPHALT ]WO LAYERS CONPLY A-IV ONE LAYER CONSASE W-I IV MECHANICALLY FASIENED ONE LAYER CONGLAS CONCAP SEI INTO ROOFING ASPHALT APPLICATION**MATEHIALS THE ROOF DECK shall be tlrm, cloan, dry and cmoolh torlh€ appllcallon of roollng materlals. Plyvr,ood sheathhg shall be cupported on all edggs and properly nalled. Ply clips aro not ellowed...cross t locking ls allowad. CANT STRIPS shall b€ nailed lo lh6 deck with proper lenglh m€chenlcal fastonors placed l2' on cent6r. CONBASE W-1 lV tlase shoel shall be applled al rlght angles lo lho conllnuous iolnls of lh6 suilacr to be oofed. Basesheotshall be hpped2" on sidesand6'on onds. Lapso lhellowolwaler16overorpar8llel lo, butneveragalnsl, lhe laps. Ertend h\,o lnches above lhr top ol the canl strlp at lhe bass ol walls and vertlcal surfacas, Mechanlcally faslen9'o.c.onthslapsandslagusrtsD(2)ro1"r818'o.c. 12'dist nllromsachedge.nflemale:Machrnicallylrsten wlth apprct Bd lapdclaple molhod, Rows ol lapo ihall bo 12'o.c. Staplo spacing shallcomply with manufaclurer's requhcmentB, EMBEO two (2) plies CONPLY A-lV ln chlngle faehlon, lapplng 19'wlth a 17' exposura. CONPLY A-lV shall be lapp€d so th6 llo!,y of waler ls ovsr or parallal lo. but nevcr agalnst, the laps. All end laps shall be at leasl 4' and adjac.€nt €nd lap8 shafl be at loasl lZ ap8rt, EMBED lh6 lull width of each sheel h hot asphalt appllBd at a nominel rate (r 30 lbs. p€r lClo sq. tl. o[ mol sree. Eacfi ply shall be llghlly broomed, uslrB a moderalely sofl commerclal push broom, a9 lt is applled. All pli6s Bhall: extend two lnchss abors lh€ lop o, lho canl stdp. colidy adhered. Buckles or llshmouths shall b€ cul and r€palred I propedy. VALLEYS/WATERWAYS Bhell rocolvo an sxtra lay6r of CONPLY A-lV whlch shall be 8t least 36'wlde. lt shall< €xlend at leasl 0' up incllnes oul ol €lleys. This ply shall bo lald on top of bas6 she€l prior to applicatlon of other plles. Ented lhe lull width of eadr shoct in a unilorm rnopdng of hol esphalt 6ppll6d at a nominal rate ol 30 lbs. per lq, sq. fl. ol rcof area. CONCAP shaI be cul lnto 12-18'longths and alloryed lo llallon. Applyparallello underlylng roollng. CONCAP shatl be lapped 2' on sidas and 6' on ends. Macenl end laps shall be slaggerad al least 3' apart. Lap Bo lho ,low ol water ls over or parallel lo, bul never againsl, the lap6. Emb6d tho lull wldlh of aach 12- ,l8' length lnlo a unllorm solid rnopping ol hot asphalt applled at a nominal rale ol 25 lbs. per 10O sq. ll. of rool area. THERE MUST BE COMPLETE CONTACT BETWEEN CONCAP AND MOPPING ASPHALT. ON SLOPES exceeding 1-12'per toot, allroollng shall be applied parallello lh6 slope ol deck. On slopes 2" per tool awJ oraetsr, lhe ply 6hesl9 and sudacing shset shall be 'back-nallef to th6 deck as degcrb€d ln the 'General BsqulrBmonlr' sacdon. 'Retsr lo rGensral Requiromonts' ,or proper m€ll poinl ot asphalt for slop€ hvolved. "ALL applicatlon requirements trom tho 'General Requlremonls- soctlon ara consldered pan of rhe8e specilicalions. MATERIALS REQUIRED PER IOO SOUARE FEET OF ROOF AREA: Mechanical Fastenere As required CONBASE W-1 lV, 'l ply 25 lbs. CONPLY A-lV,2 plies 22 tbs. Asphalt', plies (2 @ 30 lbs.) 60 lbs. Asphalt', surlace 25 lbs. CONCAP, 'l ply 75 lbs. Acressories and Flashing Materials as Bequired 1/99 a:rlnltfll.rnaT ED FIEEE a:r./rnt pEflnlla'':frl nf)ll/lpAnlY etnr cr^ilnaDn c.momparEEErb'