HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1990-05-24Job tpeation: ?c.r lot llAeceseore Map il Subdioision: aumer: PhoneAddt ess: DescrLbe h'ot'k: ValueDate of App Licatian Additicn RonoCeL I,lechanica l,ec E,r a1 tll" RESID;,.lTlAL" zzs North srt s,r,n#""oN'2N/PERMrr SprLngfield" 1regon 97477 Building Divisio.n 726-37 53 General Plurnbi Srr El-ec tt:cl-an to aee Located on tha LL726-3769 (Yecordet) state Yout'city It ia lhe responsibility of the permit loder fron the street' anC that the permtt -card is'*euilding Euiciot appro"*ed PLan thcLL lemaln that aLL inaPections are nade at the ftont of the ProPettY' Building Sitc at aLL'times. SPRTNGFIEI.D inspaction,Conttacto"s or O'mers after 7:00 on tvtll be nade the neat :nrking dai1. lout' City Desigr,ated Job Nwnber fs: at the ptope? time' that ecch addtees is realabl'e destgtt'zted j ob nmber" ncme cnd Plane nunbcr, ob aCiress, tYPe of insPeelicnJ' P,equests rccei.ibd befcte 7:oo cn ,DO?t",E Date: P:?OCSDU1E FOR rNSPECrroN,E\-Q\EST :ca requested and uhen liou D,LL be reaay '*iLL be nade the sante dcy, requests ' , fot nade Tn SITE INSPECTION: eccaoation, but lo be tmde after prtor tc set uP of 'IOlt 0R fonne. decki.ng Sani,lory setser capped at propetty Line Septic tank p'"trped artd fi'Lled uith gratel\N1ERSLAB PLUMBTNG, Er{clRr=cAL e WcnAlicAI; ro be nade before anY ffi7{i6tteted. FOOTINC & FOUNDAIICN: Io be tmCe aftet trenches are etcavated ang fo*" *n erected, but Priot to pourtng ecncrete. u NDSRGPOUTTD PLUMDIN\ sgryEP, .w'4T84' DRAINAGE: To be nP"7e PrLor Eo JLb- ffi-f,iinchee. .f floor inauktion or decki'ng' P}ST AND BEAM: To be nade Prior to TGffiG{of floor i'nsu7'a'tion or DRYWALL INSPECII1N: ?c be rmde ;jffifl-A,ytraTia .in Place, but Pnior to cnY taPl'ng' MASINRI: Steel Location, bond ffiiigrouting or oerticals in io"onlddr."e vith u.B.c. section 2415. Final - l{hen abctte itens dre eatpleted ind uhen Catolition is catplete- o! atruc- iin ^ound and prenrLaes cleaneC up' WOODSTO',/E: cctnpTaiA. After instalXation ie Hcmee Blocking otd Set-:tP Plumbing connections -' aa)er otC uater Electri.cal Ccnnection - Blocking' set-u', and olwrbinq eonnections mtst be dPprctec ;; ; ;r;- ;;a; """ s t ins eL ec lri c aL in s P e c : i o:t Accessory Bui.Hing CURB & APPR=C4CH APP:1N: . After ,lynsde-erecteC but Prion to Pourlng concrete. SIDEilALK 4 DRIV.It-illy: Fon aLL con- "";ie oaolw dithin stneet t'ight- )i*'. tu be nade after all' exca- iLtl"b'.anptete. & fona wnk & sub' fuse naterial in PLace' No to .these inspecttons FilIAL PLUIIBINC FIIIAL MECHANICAL ?IIIAL ELECTBTCAL pcrches, Leted. skirting, decks, nade attd aPPnoued'. FIP.EPLACE: PrLor to Pkciu7 facing ^at;fiffi artd before froning insPec- tion. FRA|'|INC: ltust be requected after ffiovat of nough Plwrbing' 3l'ectm-ilL a nectwrieal. - ALL roofing iiael.rrg 8 ehtrmeYs' etc' rrust be . conoleled, lto r'tcrk ie to be con- 'initna until this insPectton lue 'been nade anC aPPtooed' Pittal - After etc. are eonP ?ENCE: h4ten conPlate -- ProuiCe ffi-o" notsabli sections through 'P.U.E. -..:ALLpt,ojecteond,l)tions,'suchasthei.nstallationofgtreettreea,coryLctionofthe required Latdsccpirq, atc., nw-st-'b" "iliitlia b"fo;n-;hz';U1'{oinc FIiaL can be requested' F^NAL BUTLDTN,: The Einal But)Ldi,g rnapectio.n mtst be reqtested.cfteP the Final Plunbi'ng (j ;:r-;i;:;;:'*z uZi-"i'iZi i"pnii;o"' i.*''to been nade atd approuea' ,AI,T, HANIICLES AI'ID CLEA}IOUT!; IIII::T DE ACCESSIBLF'ADtttSTltEM fO BE t'ltlDE /'r t:O CSST T0 CM Papolof3l A trorrrn uo u 6 tr soLAR AG qss REQ'-L.COG* Eedr.oona: J B NO. Zone: totaL Pf,an Ercniiet f HAW CAREFULLy EXil4INED ttte completed applieation for permit' and do hereby certify tlat aLL infornation heteon is ttae and cotrect, anC r furth-er eertily that any ard aLL Dork pe?fomed slall be done in accor- dance vLth the- lrdinancbs of the city of Sptlngfield' ard the La,ts of the State of 1regon pettaining to the urrk Cee*ibcd herein, cnd tlat N0 occu- PANcy ,,vitl bZ naie of any structwe uitho;tt permi$ion of the Building Dt- uision. I further certii'g that ofly eontracto"s ar,.d enplcyeee uho ate in eonpliance uith 1RS ?01.0ss uiLL be ueed on this proiect g'7{-70 + Building Volue & Permit lhispermiti.sgrantedontheegPresgcond.itionthatthesaid.consty'uctionslall, in aZL t,especti,- confgrnio the 1rdirwnce adopteC liy the C:ty 2f i fi tii fl i t a, includ)Jng' til. uil'"g cYdinanc e, r eg ulati.ttg .th e c c n s t ru.:l:" :., ^ "ira "rZ of 'buildi.ngsi and riay be- suspended ot neookeC at cny tl'me upon olc- Lation of any prculsions of aaid O?dinances' Access. Value TOTAL VALUE t FTC A )t * S.D.C. 1.5 x P. L.House # of Stories Lot Faees - Bui.Lding PemrLt ?otal Chargee State Date Paid: Signed Recaipt ll: LOT TYPE _ Interior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac Iot So. Ets. 7 of Lot Corterage- Total Hetght Topogrc,PhY Plumbing Permit No penson slall consttact, installr- alter or clunge -any net)-ct' eristing ;L;;biA or iooirogu systqn i--n ahoie or'. in patt, unless such person is the inia-L p"on"n""o, o|"o rllid. pl*rbnrts Lic-ens-e, e&9ept th'at a ??"s?nna7 49 ptiitihg uork to propnity ,hi"h it oaned, Leased oi operated by the appli'- canl;. CHARCENO,DTF Ftbtures Resi.dential (1 bath) Seuer Pl'anbing Pernit State Electricol Permit Ithere State Lad requi?es th,at the electrical uork be done bg,an Electrieal Ciitiortoo, the eliettical portion of this permit shaLl not be oaliC until the Label las been signed by the Electrical Conttactot" lotal r1'EM * Na,s/E*end Circuits Senice pnn CIIARGEI!SM I t'>Ltt fJ,q- Mec Permit Erhanst. Hood Hcodstooe Vent F@1 Penmtt fssucnee Meclranical Pendt honicql -- ENCROACHMEN? -- Secaz.itu Deposit Stotage Mainterunce Parmit C\tbeu! Sida'talk Penee Eleetrical Iabel Mobile Hone 'TOTAL AIIOUIIT DUT: * Data )t rTEM Waten