HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-11-21Reeetpt # ' APPLrCA',tt)N/PERl,ff? 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield, )regon 97477 Buildi,ng Dtuision 7 26-37 53 SPFTTI\IGFTELT'- .. RESIPqNTIAL.. c-7.=-elob I'ocation:2 Adsessots Map #!c,s lat # Da Subdittision: A,met: =rAddyess6 Phone city:zip:7 Deecz,tbe tlork: b.yf*- @p4e ,A7*naq Date of AppL *g n Value Additicn RemoCel General Y X Page 1 of 2 tztro ( \,'7 .ecbLgnea: Oot", W L caL C o n I j "u c ti on_.L !2w! e" reeponoibility of the holdez, to aeecatd is Loeated L yemain on the Iour City that aLL inspeetions ?t.l4e frcnt of theBulLding Site at all' It io the fron the*Bui'!.ditq forme ?o be nadeprior tc set permit after uP of at?eet, and, that theDl.uicion appro"*ed p pezmit Lan shcl ee nade at the pyope? t*ne, that eceh a4dress is reaCab:-.PloPe"tY. job aCiress,tape 26-3769 (yeeordet) "t:!" yoy City desigrn.ted job nttnbet,,tnspection, Cont?actc?s cr Attets nan, LrZ'pi_r" numbet.after z:oo on tiLL be mad) ;i;-;;r:;;"7ii" *r.Requests receixed of inspee befcre 7: ;icn 00 an Job g ,/c>5, , uot,k is couered. ont ?o be rm.Ce a?e etected,but priot toWurtngecnereta Scritanl seuer capped at ptopetty Lhce Septic totk yatryed and filled. ttth gra;tel FinS.L-- It\ten abcue itens aye ccnrpLeted.and uhen C-aolition ie complete'"";-;;;"_tute nooed and. preriaee .tZ"i.i;;."*^'- Plwnbing eonnections __ aaoe? otd, uater ElectricaZ Connection _ Bloekirry, set_uc i!^!l*!l"S conneetione m;st be qpprct;eCoej ore requesting eL ectz*ical L""p"2.:iZl'" Aeeessory* BuiHirtg *y, -:- Aftet, -pcrehes, akirting, deeke,exc. ax'e canpleted. To be aLL DEUOLilTOX OR B r LLrq trenchee. ta, Jtooz. tnsuZation or decking. -J # 4y1ru: ?-9 be nade prLot toLns^tdllaticn of floor l*"Utiii oiaeckLr1g. > t. , u, )_ ut:til these inspeetions haue be)inad,e cnd. oppnouZC. IIPEPI!.ACE: pr.ior to placirg facinanaterials and before **rlin tf;;;:;Z_ nwdw;"ix"L:21"Dut p"ior to any taping.. Y4S,1NR!: Steel Loeation, bond.Deons,. gtouting or oez,tieaZs in Z.n;?:*"" ?,tith u.B.c. section W*^L:::,!;-," SI2ETIALK & DRI,r,ryWAy: For aLL ecn_c?^exe paoing uithin street riol"i_of-eAt to be naCe after aLL "iia_ !1!i"s lotne.Lltg a foi Lntk & sub-oase material in pZace. e Hcmes UOODSTOI'E: ccrnp Leted. After instal\ation is Blocking and. Set-up v pRA-llINc: I,fust be ?equested af+Dh {{i it $rizl:' lfr' lii rizzii"t - iWY: "'r'.'1;nX",:o i? ;.ryti!; . ?e^1:e1 -uantil -thi s inspe. U o" -ti" Deen trude anC approued ffE: hllzen conplete __ pz,ouiCegace6 o? nouable sections tnnoujtP. a.E. ALL project eond,itions,,such ae the i.nstallar,n?r:f street trn"",To,pli*ir*-requined Landsecpirq' zto" iit-iz "iiiZii"a uron"- inn-iui'irti, E^NAL can be requested.. FINAL BUILDfN?: The pinaZ Building fnnlect.EZeetrieal, attC Mecharieal fnspect.{oro t or;r?, mtst be requested -after the linal plunbing' Deen nade and approoec. )q PTilAL PLUMBIIIC PTNAL MECHANTCAL tl,1 FINAL ELECTRICAL \4 Lol ' lt t I *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOLI?S MAS? BE ACCESSTBLE,ADJUSTIIENI ?O BE M4DE /.? IIO CCS? ?O Cr?Y -t/ m JOB NO Zone: Int Sq. Etg. % of Lot Cooerage # of Stortes Total Height ?opography #soLAR ACCESS REQ.- vLOT ?WE _ fntetior _ Cormer _ Panlund.Le CUL-de-sac Sources lleat l.t Date Paid: Reeeipt #:Z Plumbing erm L-COG+ BeCroons: Building Volue & Permit This perrnit is granted on the erp?ess eondition tlat the said eonstruction slwLl-, in aZL z.bspects, conform to the Crd'Lttance adopted \iy the Citg of Springfield, includtng the Zoning CYdinance, regulating the ccnstvacticn and. use of buildings, and may be suspen-d.ed oz, reookeC at cny time upon uic- Lation of dly prcrsisione of said Ordirwnces, ,( Euilding Pemrit State Iotal Clnrges Plwnbing Penrit State taL TotaL aa ir No pereon slull consfuact, inotallr- altet or eltange -arty nelJ)-cr existing -pl**l.i or dtainage systan in ulwle or in part' mle19 sueh person is the iuiol p"o"rnr"oo o7"o t:Llti ptwnter's Lic-ens-e, es:eept tlnt a ???son ^ou 4o- ptGOl,.hg uork to poopnity ihi"h i" olmed, Leaeed or opetated by the appli- eant. r ,t //- /2-€a Date THAwcAREFtJLLyEQAMINEDt?eeonpletedapplicationforpernrLt'anddo herebu certifa il*;;i:;"1"i;'-"ttLn t'n"noi{ is t,ue ittd' cbrreet' and t '{rr1l""r"7"ri1?y tiot*Z"a- i"A- "1t uo?k pe?forned slnlL be done in aecor- 'dance wLth *rn ooailrlZZ""',ir liZ Al; -L? bp;nsfield, .a,.d th,z -Las of the * state of ,regcn pe*taining to the uov,k ceiLrib'eh hnnban, cnd' ttat N0 )ccu- pt_Ncy *LLL be nnde'#"';;;' ";;";i"i ittnZTT' prt-it"ion bf g,u Bui?'dtns DL- uision. r fwthet'Zt";;!tu"i';i";"ia-;;;;1;;;;;' *'d enplcvees uho are in ;;p1;;*;'rttt oas- iot."o"ss uiLL be used on thie proieet -\Ll '21 //-AV'7-Z-Z- Lot Faces - Setbacks Df House Caraqe Access. NoPth \ast Firep South West ITEI"I x Value t'b,tn fuacc Carpot,t Accessot u Hrrz*>e</55;H TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 c 7 5*a / -77 Signed CEARGE .2. NO,ELLITEM Ei^xtutes Residenti.al (1 bath) Sanitary Saser Hater *G3 lr-""_ ,, c'>' -7,/r>, Electricol Permit Whet'eStateLa.,tneqrtit'esttnttheelectrLcaluorkbedoneby-onEleetr[cal contractor, the eleeti."co:tf,o"|,il"- of this _pennit sTnLL ,oi b. oalil until ;t;-'L"b;1-'t-s been si,gned iy the Electrical cont?actor' ITEM ZZ ---q7 Ila,t/E*end CitcuLts Setruice 7-€7State ?otaL nt, A DalFEENC.IT9M htnzee PTU'S bhanat HooC Vent For llcodstooe Mechqnicol Permit PermLt Issurnce Mec?nniceL Permit ENCROACHMENT -- Permit Cvrbcut 4 Si.da,talk .24 Mobile ltonte TO?AL AMOI,I\IT DUE:^daz-r/Signed /,)lt 7 Date Zl- ,t'f (DCLUe) I t8B