HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Mechanical 1990-11-01APPLICAN1ITT?ERMI? 225 North ith Street Spr"ingfietd' 2regon 97477 Building Dtuision 726-37 53 .. RESIDE'"TIAL...SPHINGFIELD iD//e)t-,t/ P ) rt.tob Locaticn: Assessors mp I 17 O 1q?-, 'rc.z Lot t Lor 24 ft..a / S.tbdiuisioa:,? car U,a 43r tl Asner: Address:5 ci Additicn Rcnoil.eL Date of ra 0 bF 'Z: L ) 6a; {.nt*ot* Describe h'onk: Value Phoe /-ot66'7 7 Siql.ed:0r* Date:N\X leneral P lurnb i :.1ec nrca ti ccCL. g Iilec ErlcianStrDe It io ,he respoacibility o! the permit ho_Lden to eee that all inapec-tions are nade at the p?oper tine, that ecch cddress is neaaab'te fran the stre'et, anl that the perrtt.catd ia. located qt.th.". frolt of ,the-property.iAuitdirg D.luisiot apptou-ed plan.sfu:Ll remain on tha Building Sitc at alZ tines. pRocgDUpE FOn IilSpECtION RgQtlES?:cALL726-3769 (recordet,) atate yout, City cesignated iob ms:ber, iob acdtees, type.of inape-cltcn iayio"_i*pcction,cont?acto"sirasnera-ncr,laindphonenwbcn.Requegt8teceitedbefcre7:00g:t .,;it ae rade the sire dcy, tequests-mcde afier ?:00 on vtll be no.de the nctt wnking day. l l l l SITE INSPEC?ION: ?O bE nade after ezcav;ilon, -but prior tc set uP of forns. FIIIAL PLUUBIIIC FIilAL t4EcilAilICA., FINAL ELEC"ISTCI,L INSULATION /VAPOR I]ANRIER II]SPECTION : To be rmCe after aLL insulaticn aYd rcquited oapon ban'ie?s are in Place but before ang Lath' gypsun baat4 or tnLL coueting is applied, atd before ay insulation is concealed. Iottr City Decigra.ted Job Nwbet Ie : DRYUALL INSP1Ca!ON: Tc be nade Tfter-dtT6au"lTls in p'lace, but prior to cnA taPing. I,IASONRI: Steel location, bond iifrilgouting ot' uerticals in accondotce vith U.B.C. Section 241S. I,IOODSTOVE: ecnpleted. After installation ie UNDERSLAB PLUI'{BIIIC. ELEC"TRICAL & tAcnrtltlcat: lo be made befoz'e any GiE-Fi5o*ed. FCOTINC 1 F)UNDATICN: lo be nnCe afier-iieniiis are etcattated and forns are erected' but Prion to pouring ccnctete. u lt Dl Rc !?o u lt D P LUM 3 I NC,L !tte3r_ tt!!L\)adniTtuct: ro ie naCe prtor bo fil-TIQ't'in.hes. '-1 unoenrmoR pLutgr:lc E ttECttAttICAL:)of floor insulction ot' decking. 1 Posr AND BEAM: ?o be nade prtor to ) GitaTTitGn of floot, insulation ot' deckittg. -t Rollctt Pl,ullBrlrc. Et,EnnTcAL ,Q l,lEcll- I - until these inspeetions hatse beer: nade and. aooroued.. 1 n pucti wion to plcci.r4 facing -l ,rcc;;l;G and before'1'ronini in"p"L- tion. a F\Atlllc: Itust be tequested after ) "pfrrnt of rough ptir,Aing, eiectni- cal E neclanieal. ALL noofing braeing C chirmeya, etc. rrust be conpletcd. llo ucrk is to be eon- cecled until this inspectton las 'been nade anC appnor;ed. cuRB & APPRCACII APPO!: ate eneeteC but prion concrete. Aftet fornsto pouring SIDEIIAL\< 3 DRII.EI,IAY: Por aLL con- crete piuing dithin street night- of-txa-, to bc made aften all erca- oating canplete & for-n wnk & eub- base tmterial in Plaee. AIL ctoieet condttions, such as the i.nata|lation of 8!r'eet trees, cOn-olotion-of the'";;rri'r;:a*i;"a"iip.t"g, ctc., mtat be aatisficd before the BUTLDIN? FINAL can be requested. qINAL DaTLDIN7: The Finat Buitding lnepection tuet bc requeated altet the ltnal Plwnbing eto"t"ii"1,-'ai Mecharical Inspectlons -hquc been nade atd apptooed' llI OR Sanilary seter eappCd at propcnty Line -t , .,, ,r*t t..,'Jlrta hli/Idr,'r,;,1 i..l;l t. , t Septic totk p:r:rVed atd filled vith gra:sel Ftnal - l:\ten abcoe itens are eotpleted and ahen Cernlition is canplete oP stlntl- ture noueC attd. premiees cleaneC up. ltobile Blocking and set-tp Plunbing conneetions -- aa)eP qd, uater Electttcal Ccmnection - Blocking, eet-ut and plwnbing eonnections rrust be apprcr;ed before requeating eleclical inspectio:': Aceeacorl BuilCing Pinal - After pcrches, skirting, decks, etc. ate conpleted. Pqelof2'Ar,r, ilAN!rcr,ES AND cr,EAilotlTg tltt'rT nE AC(:ESSIBLIi, AD,IUSTltgllt TO 8E tt.4lrq !1.T ll0 CCST T0 Cl?y r 17 Ymtet: l{hen eonPlete -- ProviCe J W.;,or mouable sections througli l-] t l L-co cSOLAR<<CESS REQ'-JOB NO. BeCroans: tat Fdces - Buitding Votue & Permit Thispermitiagnartedontheerpreascotd.itiontlu'tthesaid'consttactionshall' in atl reepccti,"';.;;;;i;-iie ordinance adop.te'l 6v the c.itv of Springfield, inc!-uding' tiZ 2lnlng Crdina-nc-e' regulctittg thZ ccnstraet!-t:., ^otd uae of buildings,'ii^rv o""euspended on reuokec at cny t1ne upon utc- tation o1 ony pnoulaione of said 2rdinances' I ,l Building Permit State total Clangea Date Paid: ll: Sigtted Plumbing Permit No pereon al@ll construct' ins!al!,- alter or clunge -cnY ned.ct' existing ptmbi,g o, drainage ,i"rt-r- i)-iiie' or in part, inlesl such person is the Lesal poeseesor of " rLlii"pi.rtJn;i tto.i""Z, e=cept that a pb:.son nm'g do plunbing uork to p".P;;;;*;h;;;";'";;;e; 122'"a on operated bv the appli- cant. Electricol Permit vhete state Lan requirea th.at the electnical oork be done by -an slectrical Contractor, the etectrZia;lor,ii"- o7 tnis -p"iti it-tt "ot- O" oali.d until it;- k;;1'Li i"Li- ats"nd 4 tne Etec*ical contrdcto?' Mechqnicol Permit State Stcte Total Pendt fssuance llechanicel Permit , , UALE PLan Ezctntner I HAW CAREFULLy ilXANINED tle completed aoolication for pernit' and do hereba certi.fv *"t-"1i-i'1"'*tion hereiT ie true ittd correct' an'd I ^Dth-ercertifv*at-Ziy-i'naLLuorkpetfotnedatallbedoteinac'o?--danee vvith the ordi;;:;2""'if 7i" r;ti -Zf 'slpii"ifi"ta' snc th'e 'tana of tha * stabe of 1reson p"*ifr:"i:"s"''r;;i,;;i.{,?n"LtfioZ here)n' ?'1'd r}nt No ccc:t' pANCy till be tmde of ala_ etruo.tura urth;;l' puitiiion of the Buitding Di' uidion, r further z'"nl,;jg tha.t- -otly contrac'tote at.d ezplcyeee ul:o are ttt catpliance u;,* cniT'oi'b"ss "i'tt' bc-uar,d on chi' proieot t- t: Catage Aaceaa,IlouseP. L. No/,th FireIEastItSouthLLllest Iat Sq. Ptg. z of Lot Cooerage- t of Stories total P.eight TopograPhY xI?EM tlain Cfifade cdrDort Accessota TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 r - CHARCENO.FEE Eir.twes Resilential (1 bath) Sanitary Seoer llcter CHARGENO.FEE Res, Sq. fts. tlea/Eabend Cireuits Taflpordry Sensice CIIARCEFSENC, Fvrnace gTll'S blonet llood Vent F@r tlcodstore i1-n -10.tu _ t5 db 1.75 7lo.>5 .- ENCROACIIMENT -. Sectritv Depoait t,laintenance Pcrmit Cu.rba* sida'talk tlobile llane T?TAL AI\OUNT DUE:' Atte -rd TOT TYPE _ Interior Cornel Pantundle - Cul-de-sac (Uclue) ITEM Plunbing Pernit Total Fltargee . .- Surclarqe Sutclaroe { 1