HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1990-12-28.. RESI"-:NTIAL.. C1MBINAII0N rtrPLI CAI I0 N /PERMIT225 Notth ith Stneet Sprtngfi,ell,, 2tegon 9?4?? Buitding Diuision ?26-3753 SPRINGFIELD Job Aeaa,eaons lhp Onten: A&reaa:Phone: Atz Ho* drbd1116 Deeoribe Nor,.k: Detc of n Additian Geneml 2.6't769.6,uotden) etate youn city ilcaignated job ntnben,ittcpoctiotr, contraotore o-i ancre'nane 'ii pt_n mnbcn.aftq 7:00 on utLL be nnd,a ttu nezt-wri;rrr'a;U: Iot, Citl Deeiguted,Job llunber fo: rccpotoibi-l.ily of tts penrit lotd*,!Y?t'. and t at the pandt catd ieuLvlc@n apprcved pLot elall l,.etuin fron the ,.SuiUing at the frcni, Buitdblg Sita tle prooertu aLL- tiinaa.' t:Itstll, b nad,e thc dre &1, o;:C;;A"ri;; job a&noea, typa .9cqu,eets receiucd of ircpeoticnbefon 7:00 c.t rt LA lhe to 8ee aLtlat L iwpectiotts nmd.e@3 at tha thattine,Prc?E"ecoh L8addrese rea,labicLacateilof of,tlE at Sotilag eanet ecg;oei ct propstfii tinc Septic totk p-.ilped d liliad nth linal -,t'then aboue itaze arc csalcted.oid uhen C-erc1ition ia cryieli";;-;7;r"-twe noued tC pr.arioce cieaneiip.--* Etookittg od, Sat-up Plwtbitrg connecticne -- o€uet and, waten Aaceeoory Euilding ,Pl -: Aftcr -pcnchee, eki,rting, decke,etc. ape oarpietcd. Eet-uo fotme. to be md,eprion tc aet after uP of aL wrk is cooetcd. ryOtrni t 1OUNDANCN: lo bc tm.d.ea-laqf traruthoo a?a excauated, atd !o^y: *, ereoted,, but prtot toPouriilg ccrlof.ta. DRYilALL .qtSpEeEON: ?c be nod.eafteri aLL drywll ia in pla.ce,but prtor fu any tayttzg. tttq trenchee. ffi",ltoor inaula,tion or decking. ry-E 4t!D.8,eAM: - ro be nade prior toLrurxaLLatlcn of floor inauhtion otcucklng. UASONRI: Steel beana, g79u!it1g aocotd.otce utth 2415. Location, bond,or vertioala in a,B,C. Section IIOODS?OW: canpleted, After irctallation i,e w,aLL ghcae inapaciions halue been,,tuta (Du apprcve!. FTPEPE!9B: tutor to p-kcirq fsrirsm:y*,@ befone itwtns ;nspeZ- FRArlIilci lttut be requected aftan ffii7lr?Lwl,:'\Yf Wi,,*;;d- 2yaq !. ohhncga, etc. naat- be 1?lP.L..t9d. .-llo.tpr* ie to be ci-cecLecl util, -thio itupecticd laiD3en,raclo otd, app|oed. qUEB .4 Ap"?clctt Ap:pN: Aftet fornsate -ere,cteC but prioi to poumngcore?ete- SIDVALK S. DR|VEIAI: po:" all con_ :\"!.2. p*.i"q vi th-in e tneot rtsht _oll{1, to ba toCe aften all Zxca- latlng canplete I fom wk d oub-mse naterial in pla,se. IEICE: Men canplate -- houiCeg_c,te; or louabla eections throughP.A.E. E FIIIAE - --- AIL ptojaot condittbne, such aa.thareqlllfect Land,eccping, eto., mtat be inetalkt.ion of e;ncet tteea, co;:tolatioa of {aeaati e fied bo fone tt,o Bur LD r ;;c u:ini- If,"" i' nr*" r, "d.MEgIIANICAE I*i,Y:i?:ffi ,*:;lfiii:ifi;y**W"2ru#"h2.;,ffii11ffter,heFirut?LmbtryV unu tuctuctt T .ALL I,IAIIilCLES AIID CLDAIIOU?S MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE,AD,IASTIEN? rO BE M4DE.Ar ilO COS? ?O CYY P:;e 1 of 2 Ics Lot il r/ tr D T r tr [.lwG-Q/S Jcb Nwnbcr 7.one Refererce llunbers:L-COG #: Bed-rooma: Lot Faee| -Lot Sq. Ftg. f of Lot Cooetage # of, Storiea lotal Eetght Topogruphy INT TXPE ITEN FTG x fnterior Cormer Panlurdle CuL-de-eac D Accesg th tubin Garaae C@Dort Acceaaoru TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. I.5 r Date Paid: t: Si4ned: Building Volue & Permit fhid permLt ia granted on the eaprele condition tlut the eaid conatmrction'elall, tn aLL reepecta, conform to the Orditwnce adopted by the City of Sprittgfield, i,ne'l,uding the Zoning Crdi.rance, regulating the conatnrcttcn and uae of buildtttgs, and may be euapend,ed or teool<ed at ary tine upon oio- lati,on of any prooisione of eaid 1tdittarcee. * * BuiWing Pemit lotal Clargea Stdte Plumbing Permit No petson elnll conettuct, inetallr- altet ot clange-eng nebt.crr ecieting il*r6ti or dtai,nage eyetan in uhole ot in patt, unleee euch petaon ie the iLiit p"o"iL""oi o1"o oZlid pt.b.o'e lie-ene-b' encePt tlst a -p?r*o.? na! 49 plfiU{"g *"k to'property uTyLch i,a ouned, Leaeed oi operated by the appl.i- cant. Electricol Permit llhereStatela,ltequilesthattheelectri-calwlkbeiloneby.attEleatrLcal;.;;i;: 7i" "tiotiz"tionT,ti"-_of thia -pernit etutt ttot be oalil until, ln" UO"t'hae been aigned iy the EleatrLcal contractot' N0.FEE CHARGEITEM EiJturea Reai.dential (1 bdth) Seuet Phnbing Pentit State tleu/Eetend Citcttits Senfiae rs8 CIIARCENC.IT9M F'uttace PIU'S Exlunet Eood Vent Fot \.\v_ \()U Mecho nicql Permit Permit leauoue Meelunical Pendt ENCROACHMENT .- Secartta Depoeit Stofdge llaintenanee Pcmit C'utbcu! Sidanlk Penee Elect"icdl ta.bel 'ltobile Hone I HAIE cAREpIJLLy E0AI,jINED the conlpleteil apoltcation for pernit, atd do herebu certifg tlnt aLL infomat-ion heneoi ie tmte ;nd cbfiect' @ld I 'i;;;"r-;'";tiilra- ti"iZiv''i'a on wrk perfonted ehall be done in aecot- '#";i; "rt; lii oiui,ii2""'ir li- Al:i .Li 'sp4;Z!;;LjZr:*!# ,ff" ,?of o'#r._* State of 0regon pertaining to the wrk Ce pANcy tyitl be nace zT';:;;' "ii"z:;i;;ilr;1- pn ^t""ton bf 4," Buitding Di- uieion. I furthen c'ertify that -onhy "ontiioii'" and enplcyeee who ane in L*pl.tl"i""ttt cn{ioi.oiss 'ttt be-ueed on bhi'e proiect TotaL Dat6Signed * /z*zg -20 I11AL M2ultl DUE: ^ * CHAIIGE'FEE Rop- Sa- fta-