HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1995-01-20Gi' January 20, 1 995 Torn Marx City of Springfield Public Works Department 225 Fifth Street Sprirrgfield, OR 97477 SUBJECT: 3054 YOLANDA STREET BUILDTNG S|TE Dear Torn, After inspecting the foundation at 3054 Yolanda Street, the following recommendations travebeen made: Dig a sump area near the northeast corner of the footing, where water can drain andbe pumped away. tL Remove gravel area ln the kitchen section of the foundation to 3,,below the existingf oundation. Place 3" of compacted gravel into area stated in (2) 4' Place No' 4 rebar 24" o'c- into above stated area and attach to existingfoundation. 5' Thoroughly clean and roughen existing foundation prior to concrete pour. 6' Pour concrete to a depth of 4" above top of existing foundation. 7 ' il:",iln".""trete to cure for a minimum of 7 days prior to any activity which may clisturt, Following these recomrnendations will remedy the foundation probrerns encountered due toconstruction during the recent hcavy rain fall. 0F ofr€60N, u PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS I.AND SURVEYORS BUILDING DESiCI. 'i. 806 N. NINTH STHEET COTTAGE GROVT, OR€Ci.,ii ,I ,. TELEPHONE: (503) 942-0126 FA_X: (Ji.t;j ,t42,7 )r;) 1& P& T-he rernaining section of the foundation appears toif care is taken during the placemrni of the home. be sound, and no problems shorrld occui Sincerely, Jeff van den Eikhof, EIT Job No. gSOt l GIHt q(- 1 tNcAF January 2-1, 1995 Tom Marx City of Springfield Public Worl<s Department 225 i-ifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 SUBJECT: 3054 YOLANDA STREET BUILDING SITE Dear Tom, trnspected the foundation at 3054Yolanda Street prior to placement of concrete, and tound the srte adequate. All standing water had been removed from the formed area, and the concrete had been cleaned as recommended, Bebar placernent had also been adjusted to recornmendations. I also reminded our client to keep all heavy equipment away from foundation, and to continue draining sump area during the curing period. lf thes€ recommendations are followed, there should be no further problems with the f oundation. Sincerely, PROFESSlONAL ENGINEERS I.AND SUHVEYOHS BUlLDING DESIGNERS 806 N. NINTH STREE1 COTTAGE GBOVE, OiIEGOII97424 TELEPHONE: (503) 942 0126 FAX: (503) 942-/!,J5 l,s-rfso, Jeff van den Eil<hof , EIT GlNT I