HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1988-03-17"5.9 g- /- t&' ,TIOil .J. rl VE CAREFULLy EXN.|INED II{E NAr,IE ase appl icable ,ION PROPOSED WORK - BE SPECI'IC 5 NAIIE AND a ,/t/ S NAT4E AND rPT,/PAir.CSi ,. /.. CIl'Y ZIP (r relry cctti,fy that all infomation hereon is true and correct, and thrt l rave thc follffing legal, interest ra(::- prlrchaseri D ruthorized agene.I f:rther cert.i.fy that any and aI si:li th'l ardrDances of Iane Couty and the taws of the State of Oregonr rtaining to the {ork described herein, and thaC NO OCCUPANCY eill }E Mde of aLi'slructure uithoue the pemission of the Building Division. f fur-:her ccrtify that registraLion uith the Builder,s Board is in full force nnd ef fect as required by ORS 7O1.O55, that if exempt thc basis for exenpcimrs noted hereon. ud that only subcontractors ud enployee s vho are in coopliance uith OR.s 7Ol vilL be used on this project. I HAVA READ ANDAPPLICATION THOROUGHLY, COTTPLETED APPLICATIOJX l'OR pERttIT, ar,J ,Io hr in the propertr,,ffir.". of record; tr".,,,.I pork perfored shall bc done in occorda:rr:- SICNATUR.E DATE FOR OFPICE USE ONL,Y SEC IUN 1c1 cJ OF/.t-oT aLocK FFOTOSED USE OF PROPERTY nFto.ia".,ti.t n rnaustrial. [.-l e,ru:.i"Cc,rrunercial 57r-L-'-d DECIARED S VALUE OF * ol:t{ATER 8Q"ropo..d I rxi.sring TEI.EPHONE NUHBER7</-t{tr TELEPHONE NU14BER_-s1/ryF_ READ THIS SECTION CAREPULLY. I preuurnc,zzoNrNG Zone Hinimum S€tbacks: CO!,I!IENTS: cL, fro.t YOUR AUTHORIZATION '{AS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 'I Partition I Parcel *ParceI Size cL, sr interror rear H s ANITATION: s. I. ll B. P. t Lineal Feet .ef t)r.rinfjeld -'-'. Date )q"haximw Depth of Trenches rnstallation Record Issued? ! v". fl N" Ins talla tion Speci fications : callon' Tank _./'.-'., i\ ,,.:!. ,,. .i ; ;-i,.cold\ENTS .-- /.,,.t,'z'\,'t.i,..u..i.,Lnu.",_ .t---, )...:'i- 0 -i;Leu!' li*i*i,rib*,Use COM}iENTS: Datc: PERMIT APPROVED BY BUII,DING, OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (oer oRS 456.805 (l) )DATr'. LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687.4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OFIEGON 97401 Cr.L- DE1\rrlDCr.' 17r\D TrtqDE.rrrnTr\\T Tr\.rF,nE)M?\rFTr\f{ ,r'b6* S,/r a2 Lane County Authorization fon i:;?l;z;*",€/z-t4 *'52 E-9 I iit<: tr .:r' : I i!i.. i.. '';:. :..i ,'T "i ht'. &"5-,d;l 'i -. ri:: r:ll ,: :.. ,i, rri .ifji :i:.'rl. t I .li star l: l'il, i:l ,a liii,; t !25 E 6lh ::i:r:l Etrgz3 I ',-,| . i:; 7 i ! tj ',,i -:; ',: i . .. ;lr ..;' . : XLD 400 ,7po81 &' i.': .- , :{i ). ,,$; , r, ,.o ll . ?:ri:--'{i,, , i.. lij.,.i: uli Itl .:i .;ld. + iai- , i: ,ir..iii r;.,.:i'''" .. i',: t:&H"t / Y / 7'1327; /NSr,+tt-'/5D' -DR*NL/NE /z- 60.f / - Jt>', /o' o..:r,,'' e qb*z- D:S:zr*); *rnoNz) un*try/N ,yo, Sezg SYSTEM. '. . rir.k< FRo^4iL/^/4 +^/bi,i/or'Sgg4<t< ru/q hJaz-c: ,' -\:3) )o NDT b,<r lE or<. ,,p+g,o oNi ':1 : 'DR REPL41E/u/E.I)-T 'h,pa-,, /.tzt- \ .,,, ^.a il I I iir I I I i ',,QF/fi','v-F' .t., 1,: tr" '' ., : x t. .. Sr ii, , ...: .l : Ir i: ilr ,, l ',I : i. i.. ";:. -:r to :l ,l 7,4,!./ .t ea "? ,f" E /t4ffi. PR 2 i _ ).(-t :;,), /.', 84 D2 .: .: .l ':' i.;" i,,.. l" !l'l' i;itl ii-;{,., ...-;.1 rcm Gnt - frN)< PEo,4'ii?D. 57' 6" i. _,' ) t * o /o r/z 1o'LOC/H' I Ttifi,; ,f I I ..o F PEP4/,< o II $1 n 2#/ -/ tO T {'l I 3a '\;,,b * I , ttUN. aplp-4, ,/IMES /F/842 /€ka 2 /o i' lA/)2 6q,/o /-% ,/^? rf r-t'.)c I I ..1 ; i II a E t.,l",. "ti Y iu. ,/6 tI, ') '. a. :+ li i. c , 42' , a a 48' ,4g - -l j ,'} - .! ,. t. l---._ 4.. t. i i. ''a,. l. .":.! '.; ( d"c66-8g ?-/-PP Lane County Authori zafirot:^ for,OF'FICE USE ONLY }Jwl;SHIP.M,tT *M SECTIONp 3,3 TAX LOT t flour oF I,OTIPARCILappr BLOCK ;RCPOSED USE OF PROPERTY ,F([."ia..,t;..t [-l rndustrral fle,.,uri..Cc,rrunercial CI,:'YTIO}J ZLP ON OF ED WORK - BX IFIC DECI,ARED S VAIUE h/A}ER S *er"o""JI nxiitinq TELEPITONE NUI"IBER7€ qF,S NAME ANb TELEPHONE NWBER.c? - F DATE CO4PLETED APPLTCATIODI I'OR in the propertrrffin". . work perfomed ii,a\f u" , u !he wi I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE PERMrr, arid iro hrreL\, cettif), that arr. info*ati.on hereon is true ad correct, and that Ithe following 1e9a1 inlerest of record;q(,rirra1;lj prrrchasef ;I f:lther certify that any and aJ-l authorjzed agent.done in occoldalt,;,, ritl, tLe OrC!!)ances of Lane Comty and the Laws ofpertaining to the work described herein, and that No the State of OregonoCcUpANcy will be nade of 3r.i s?r,rctther certify that registration 0i ure without the pemission ofth the Bui.lderrs Building Division. I fur-Board is in full force dnd effect asis noted hereon. and that required ORS 701.O55. that ifonly subcontractors ild exempt the basis foremployees who are with ORS 7Ol be used on thisAPPLICATION THOROUGHLY.Project. I ITAVE READ AND Date: rnstal-Lation Record rssued? fl r"= f] uo DaLe: r t/2 Use COItri'lENTS T Parcel of l)rai ield of s. r. #B. P. * .IAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDIUONS: CO!1}lENTS Parcel, # intertcrr rear coI&UENTS Lineal Eeet Maximm DepthSpeci fica calIon Tank READ THIS SECTION I pr,axnrnc,zzoNrNG: llinimurn Setbacks:cL, front Zone partition # C L, side ffro*r*orro*, Installation CAREEULLY. YOUR AUIHORIZATION BY LANE COUNTY IGNEE ORS OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 25 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INI'ORMATTON 687-4061 cL4-2s Rg+ izi'^ii i*"lfld:-&7 (/ BU]LDING DIV]SION: : sETB;,.KS AND orilai cc:;Dirro:ts oF APPRot'rAL llusr BE sr;1:crl"r'oEstR\"'D' \'roLATror'cA:{ Rl:suLT IN REVo- C:'TID:,i oF T]lIS i,i::]}1Ii, C]T;TIc:; L:],:D5ii ?RoVIsio::S oi Lns. '-JL::;t'.] ]\FR;CTICN oF.Di:i.l:ic!, irl-D,/oR oTllER RiiIEDTES ALLOViED BY LAW. !{HEN READY aoR I).lsPac?IoN, CAL:68r--.106i. A tlINIlluil OF nT L:;\ST 2i IIOI-FS iDV'\::'E lJoTICS FOR INSPTC'- ffi,vi..fr.',".noiotlolir9in:cra3t:on.e3dy:icrnitnumber,]obaddre5s,lypeof i-nspecrron, uhen it urII be reagy, your "*n u.! !l:or. ,:un5er, and:anl s?ecibl''dtrcctions to'site- NIQUTN:D lISPECTICNS: I. lorlgatfe! Inspectlon: To be made afte! trcnchesl are exEavated and fQrms erected and Uhen all natcrials aor affincotron are aiarlvered on tire lob. ;i-nere corcrete ircn a certrar nixing plant (comnonl'y ieimea "iransit mr:<ed") is to be u;ed' naterrals 'eed not be on the job' 2.concreteslabtrUnder-:.loorlnsPection:Tobemaieai}.eraLlin-slaborunder-floorbuilding re?v]:e "q-ulPment, conourt, ptpt^g utt"ttoii"t' u"a otner anclllar!'equipment items are in pLace bur ir.ro.u-lny-"o"...ti, i. por."a-o. iioor.i.euti.i.9 installec, including the subfloor' 3. Framing & Inilration Insoections: To be made ar tpr !he roof, arr iraning, frre blocki'ng, and bracrng .r. ,^-tri*# ilffi".,-iitIoi"..r,-.iion.1r", ..i1 .r".t" are conplete and all rdgh ;i::;;i.;t ";;;iiili^g-.'"-.i,pl""la.--eii ruri '..ur"iion anc vapor barrier are in place' 4- Lath and,/or gIj)sum Board L!!!SSffga: To be made after aII lathlng anc q)'Psum board' interior and exterror, ,?gi"ffi.ffi.."i pi."i"ii"g is appliea a.d b"ao.. g)'psm board joinLs and lasteners are taped and finished' 5. Final InsPection: To be.nade after the'buildinq is complete and befora occupancy' AppRovAL REeurRED. :lo work shalr be done on any part o!'-he building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive r.spection withouL',first obteinrng Lhe aPprovar-of rhe building-official-' such approval sn.rr [J.-ii"e" cniy -rt.r an inspection shaII have been nace of each successive steP in the constru..ron i! i;;;;";;;'bv each of thl :ns;ectitns re:uirec' . u6ts: A11 building Permits require j-nspections for Lhe uork authorized' such as but not linited to: A. Block I'lal-l: To be made after reinforcing is ta place' but before lny qrout is poured' Thi's InElEctlon i" i.Iiiili-r"i-"u"n u"na b;;;;;".. -in"r" "ir'r be no approval until che prumbinq andeIectrj-car-ii"p."ti"".havebeenmadeandapProved. B. ilood St'ove: To be made after completion of nasonr'r' (i'f applj'cable) anC uhen installation is ampretn rn.iuii.tion shaLl be in accordance witt an approved, nalronall-y recognized tesLing agency ani th.";;;;;;;;";eiis instatration insLructions' C. !1obi1e Hone: An inspection 1s requi-red after the.Toq]lt h"T: is connected to an approved Sewer or '.p.'"-..i..!*-io. u"t;u"i ruquiie^ent., bloiking, iootinq connecticr, tiedownS, irirting, and plwbrng connections' 1. Footings and piers to co.mply'with State founCation requi-rements for-mobil-e'homes or as recomended bY the manutacLurer' 2.-Mobilehomeminimumfinishf].oorelevationshallbecertifiedvhenlequi'redbyaflood. Plarn nanagement Ietter' 3.ilobilehonetiedowns'whenrequired'andskirtingshallbeinstalledandreadYfcrrnspec- tion ai.thin at least lo days arter-l."rpu.cy. Tiedowns and sklrtlnq shall be instarl-ed Per enclosure. D.swiminqPooI:BelowgradewhensteelisinplaceandbeforeconcreLeispoured.Abovegrade ;nm Eoo=f -lE-instaI]cd ' nPPRovEDPLqNSyUSTBEoNTHEJoBsITEATALLTIMESDURINGWoRKINGHoIIRs.THISPERyITWILLEXPIRE rE woRK DOES NOT AsCii wirrtrN r30 DAys, on rr wonr rs susPENDED oR ABiNDONED FOR iloFE TIIAN 180 DAYS' SUSPENSION OR REVOCAiiON ilAY OCCUP' IF TII1S PITTiT.WES ISSUED ON TI{E BA51S OF INCO}IPLETE OR ERRONEOUS lNFORMATION. ANYoNEPRoCEEDINGPASTTttSPoII;ToTREQUIREDINSPECTIoNsWILLDosoATTI,IEIRowNnISK. SUBSURFACE .\ND ALTERNATIVE SEI^IAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: I. Pernits sha1l be cffective for one year from the Cate of issuance' 2.UPoncompletlnqLheconstructionforwhichapcrmithasbeen_issued,chepermitholderShall norify rhe "..3 ;::";;";;;;;;;;.';; pir""i"g',"a comuniLy De-velopment bv submj'ttine the instaLlatlon record form. The Department sh;LI inspect the cdnstrlction to determine if i'l compries wrtn ii:e-iures contained i. tni.. Jiri.io".' rf the constluction does comPly with such ruIes, the Department shall issue . "a5trri..i. oi satis!actorv completlon Lo the Permit; holder' , If rhe construcrion .loes nol io*pry ,rt-i-urbn t"r.r, tne"odpartilt''rrr"ii "tt:ry t'he pormit ". ' holder and shal"l requrre satrsfactor)';";;i;ti;;-;;fore issuinq the certific'1te' Fdilure to neer rhe requrremenLs for sariif4cL..y;;;li;ai;n.rrthin a reasonable !ine constit!tes q v.1.o- Iation of ois 154.605 to 454 '745 and thi's rulc' Ser'backs - Subsurfacc q:fllg Sf!-t'e:3f scptic Trnk SI-rlnry-l-q : ron: Ixlcrror properti' lincs i9: l9:ECte o: roa(i rr:lrt-of-w'ly Li' IlLrtloinq foun(latjot L0' itclls, other sai{lr sources 30' !00' \ _i EP 506 - r( bt \/. / t, f , l, I {o 5la/ \'o/ )a'4r l'J^OC rc{t n l-):::'' , \ S,.r ,* le $, oME Et' f)c,(sa,u /7Az/7 3 3 /z-oa 4...',' - / g,*rg*Z - $I ii I I ItI f l t t, (i},,**ACTIVITY INFORI|IIATION SHEET LAXO M^N^c.MrM O'vr((nbo.rr,t*^r ril rlnih wrr. Pleaso complete alt ltems above dotted llne FILLING our * LTNES wtLL GET you tNFoRMATtoN oNLy I *DATE r7__l .t _leN- *PERSON MAKING REOUEST ADDRES TEL *pnopeRTY ADDRES OR MAP & PARcEL Nuuaen (0n tax maps in the Assessment & Taxation Dept.) ACIUAL PROPERTY OWNE ADDBESS CITY TELEPHONE (BUS) (HOME)_ STAFF WILL DETERMINE - orrO{Q,p-{7/'2y' Townshlp Range Section Tax Lot Township Range Section Tax Lot Township Range Section Tax Lot TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: *REQUESTlaescribe what you want to Zoned Zoned Zoned Flood Plain Flood Plain Flood Plain A aca------ES Directions to site arratrartrrrarrrrrttstaff use onlytttaarraarrarraa.aa, Com ments: Land Management Division, Public Works Department 125 E. 8th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401 phone 6g74061 - SW i,'4 3W z'4 Sec llr i .,,,. ,.. .. i. r'r l./i LANI (,OUHT Y r.. t6. Saaratt?@rtl2 ;-:: l,:r, 3 3 LOCANNC A55\JMTS rt-0 'JOi ot9-c)4 ( 6(E @ XD rtf I iCO t2Ol l3.ll ! j I I I il'l I I !- a o I I o I t\ {, *._l -A U ,l I I _l_ ( ttrlt) r3@ 0t9-oc tl !, la troo o jt?, FI ,a@ I l1 I <tl 7O ,3Oi t- r" aa.U !'itl r i.-.r,r'rs,r I '-vJ E(A l:rff, I + r. oqr r.rrrl tl rtfprilI - I +lt;lirlc 3'0 1o ! .ac .6 E;i{LN L.ANE: CfiI.JNTY DEf:,I' HNV },16T TiH(:HIF.'T + 5O6T}g DATE O3O1S$ AF'F![.ICAN1' HII]H-TON, CEI--II.. AI}DR ?O34? HIt-l." RD., SFRINGF'IEL.D, ORE6ON TL* 1?0?1?330{ ?O0 SUBt}rV LoT BLK r NE:u Ert-Dt; TYF'H L'"SH X ITDRHS 0 UNIT,S O0{ 5T0RIE.S *trLD6S 001 FH0NE 746 :5S5$ fiI,INER I.II"IU HICKSON, CECIL. ADDH ?0342 HII.-L TID., SF.EIN6TIE:LD, OREGON {]NDH AI]F.L NO ACT'ION DHSCR.IF,TIilN SQ FT UNIT[$,S'T VALUAT]:NN FEH DAYAT FFlr= Br., I ln rrt-, I itrlaItr' =BF' ] F L- '$t.'I X./BATH : SlalFt : FT , tlTR : F]' . RA IN : f:"1' i TK.CH HE.CHANICAL F'EH ;SUR ST'ATE SURI:HARGE 5i{ ':) I.,CK PT.AN CHECK F'K.E i;$DS LC 506tl$ SDSS t ?0.00 $SpEQ 5.OO s Boo E :, a o l -* Boo e!., o 3 ) CAT'G : AF f:' ,1"88U: 1 TAKHN T'Y RLH FrI SDS 51 FCK 2 H.ST. C$},IF'LL.T]:ON DATE r -(s DEFilSIT ln( RA o'rFl 1 25. OO CK l:' (Dam,,ACTIVITY INFORI/IATION SHEET .: Pleaso complele all ltems above dotted llne ' il"'"::*f;f,Yii1 ?I:1f - FILLING our * LTNES wtLL GET you tNFoRMATtoN oNLy *DATE ,1--lJ--l-eE *PERSON MAKING REOUEST ADDR CITY TELEPHONE ACTUAL PROPERTY ADDR CITY P- TELEPHONE (BUS) (HOME)_- Eae *pnopeRTY ADDRES s OR MAP & PARCEL NUMBER (Found on tax maps in the Assessment & Taxation Dept.) Townshlp Range Section Tax Lot Townshlp Range Section Tax Lot Township Range Seclion Tax Lot STAFF WILL DETERMINE - Zoned Flood Plain Zoned Flood Plain Zoned Flood Plain TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY !N SAME OWNERSHIP: *REQUESTlaescribe what you want to do b o.r.t Directions to site ataarrarrrfrrfr:rattstaff use onlytttrrraarrr.r..aaaaa Com ments: Land Management Division, Public Works Depanment 125 E. 8th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401 phone 6874061 HCTIT SIIP ff* Lane Countg APPLICATION # LOCATION J)Fr NAME ADDRESS The Lane County Building and Sanitation Division cannot proceed with processingyour application because: 1. n Incomp'lete app'lication (items def icient). Address and/or djrections to app'lication site. roposed number of bedrooms in dwe11ing. Approvable plot plan (see attachment). Notjfication of date test holes will be ready. tr tr q 1 I 2 3 Verification of existing system required (see attachment). Two test holes (2'x4'x5' deep) required for expansion or repairof existing sewage disposal system in the area of the proposed drainfields. 4 tl oth er: ,2 r o{)ffito!@? J- -J ?\fJ from to OFFICE HOURS PHONE If no response has been received in regards to this matter by the application will be denied. M, LANE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Courthouse-Publjc Service 81dg. / 125 E. Bth Ave. / Eugene, 0R 97401 / 687-4051 / -W 'A-'*--*S IGNATURE c DATE- T IME- TAXLOT L1021e33 200 a4 DECSN LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISt3N/PLA{NING PERHIT PROCESSING SYSTEH HTSTORY OF PLANNG ACTIONS HARDCOPY JLB OI1B8 011 8 84 01 1 884 G!"f c JLB 011884 c11884 C,.lf'{ P C,fMP r.1Mp 4 B ** TOTAL RECORDS IN THE CATEGORY (TAXLOT L1A21933012001 =5 STEP.NR R EF ERR AL ARF A DATE RECVD TAK EN BY D ATE C OIIPLD DA YS TAKEN ACT I ON TA(N 03 05 05 06 2 0 0 0 4 I APLPD 013084 GMC a20384 C ]MP o l)a teaTO: . Land Di vi sion Sect'ion *&eglonal Planning --rFlrnntng iesearch -Ioalng Enforcenent _Envi ronrental Heal th lltlater Pol I ution Control _*Soils Data _Flood Management _._Transportation PI anni ng -.-.- Assessment & Taxation _Parks Division -__Lane Real Estate Di v ' _._.Lane Publjc SafetY __Lane Public Lancls _- Lane Legal Counsel - _ _ llous i ng & Conuit. Dev ' . . - [-rlrlt I xtt'lts iott 5t't'v icc *,_..Lane I r.tns i t District . J_Lane Reg. Ai r Pol . Auth. / l,later' 0istrict" B,r-tNtgu+) _X_scnool District t* 11 (_Fi re Di stri ct__ SpE/4t6.F!€to _ -Bounda ry Commi ss j r:n ___Po rt of S i us I aw *_ Plan Dept X I jty of SF_EtN44'€z? .- Et,lEB __-N.[.l. Natura"l Gas -{ Pacif ic N.l'1. Bell -X- 5. t--t . B f/F(lrz /'c' __ Tri-Agency Dog Control LCDC ,l .r l.r' I tr t t, , l. l'y itate lli ghrray tii vision State [nvi ron. Qual tty "tate Dr:[rt. of [,rndS '; Lcr t (, I r ., ii & Gatrrg t t.r tc tleo I . & Mi neral I n, 5tate Veterinaridn Dune:, Nat'l Rec. Area Siuslaw liat' I [,"rrest l,J i I I .rrrrc. L|"e Na t' I Forest ilLrreau of L arrd l"lgnrt. 5oi I Corrservir ti un Service f.lt'p1, O{ [:rigilteCrS I r-,d. AvraLron ArrLhor ity I r-' d . Contrn ltrr i L- ir t. t o rt s Cornil . n oLher-- R*tr-4g-t- A.aaa€ss. Utlrer' From: LAT{E COUNTY LAND MANAGEI"IENT DI V I S I ON 125 tast 8th Avenue, Eugene, 0regon 97401 Phone: 687-4061 A request for'land use actjon, as described on Data Surmrary and,ittached sr:hernatic has been received by the Planning Division, If significant inrpact is evrdent, please send cornrents to Landlhnagemnt Division by- ,/: !3-A1- Specific concerns 0f your agency should be addressed in addition to adverse impacts on general I ivab'if ity of the area and i ts l'uture clevelgpment. For addi tional information, contact- GeaZAg Cct/zEr,'-/ DATA SUI'IMRY: Journal No. O Zone Di srr i<. L - A_AT_./ +t___- _ Appl i cant_ EZ a/Z_-.--&.lEF_-S4.t\1-Lot size P rope rty Addres s-g S ZA-ZJ. /- {W Ma 1r - l -7:: e. 7 :" / 9.3:**- -.*Ezr{_48_€14-M_g7477 l'irr I ut M lzoa PR0P0SAL ?r tt PE-4-_ZA, q2.f- I ?,1,€€€L t4,4 4- 1Z/ 2Aa-d-. - *xZ - - - l ^d / -1--1 E -4/ - z?'t'< €: <'_'- COIS4ENTS (Reverse Side May Be Used): -_!.arc-e_1-_{l-_[a_s q,btai-ned an exjs.tjng -system.gVql-Uq!iq.n-. report and plot plans (O-tg-gq) Parcel #2 has been approved for sewage disposal (84-21 Public tlater is ayailable through Ra'inbow Water District. M. l.'liller March I5, l9B4 .___..t{e i ghborhood GrouP--.--_ -,a4 Qrrce/ *zfas "y'/ad'{ a.a Fdfr PK.ITAIL U'TCH IS PEP(nnED rO 8€ SCOS'E20,{.16' d EA',T 9.9' OFf,* IIfl @PNER OF fHE FgLtx !rcorT o.Lc Na52 €yrs /4a /i",I (ct /ot /rr hE( c} e e eilI,L gc i'iititr (PER b/ro a)a /.n2, aobi/o /,1,0 L/q,I u)?^ - YOLANDA bitn, lsrneer ,tsts oF trtilt$s b 6n FOu9 rccx NA1L sEr ,rN jUQWY NO. 22071 o einsge. r5'E tct.ll''.t7' oil.) b() oi$!ftqt I l\!tInt l.J et tln tdd r+oso!htl It l.tl.)o oo(r) tIo:hocot l. trtt{ e 1-o l..(/) ]r) Y Fr)o ao'a FoUND 3/4" t.R. oF Nggogs'ty t8t.o5', $ / ) UNKNOVN OPIoIN I500!N)'E o.5'PROPERT SURV I 2r.tt'sw l7s, R 2 W, W. M, 1LANEY, OREGON I t-lrta l$ l'r APPROVALS t L.O. t C.t sq t oaso\ 9.(p' @t t7r turvctcrt &AEEATIYI-- OF I EO.OO', rESr ffi4 Q, t rr,:r HILE*,.' (5.t.91.211 12,760 S.F(O.29Aa) PARCEL tr WLLE PLUPIAJSE lt, Po a 80.oo', UNKNOWN ORIaIN 16,125 gF( O.37Aa) PARCEL I ,?.t' tot.o5' I HOUSE tot.tl' FouNo 5/a't.R PARTITION t{o. 0-t4 OT 3 THOf,PEOI . IIC. col8ut flIo EIolItttS t 3ulDtrot3 207 A SInEET SGILB: -.l" r 5o' GflELD, oBEGoil }tltt ?ELEPll0tlE : s03/ 126-sl0l */ DITE - FEB 28, 1984 DDI$I: L. cl-snil 001 I0: 675 H^USE /o/. /4' t/bn- \0 J- \\ t t T I h [-.. @rc 7V'atK $Ttt ilitr {-l q I I I y{,:AtE /'= 9' t ltt N h h, h x h $ s'u DATE EI rnlt&,"/*. /p/. og' SAN/TAT/ON PLOT PZAN FA< FLAY5 ELLEFSON PROE,PTT /lAP /7-oz-n-3 TAX/oT ZSoo PrtRcEu / - /vl 8-A4 /qE4.tevbPt-*v,l/tN*co^lsaLTMlrszol q. STRE€T SPrU,YAFtatb, e.(.. q74V nl'-ii,'"i#l t) usTrNcr bPru4Fln-b sHotuN /s, ,4PDg6,y64lfrE /-*7e!. z) SWzc- TA^/< pu^4pfu /?BZ 3) naa*u *t/N//vlurvl /so'r?ep44a6rno rT eR*/Npa^b 4x8,.4)l*,a &uN7T A/ST/Nq sYSIE,v1 Et4+t-,ua7/oN Rffi/{T#as-a+ APP,<av& *t*Ra{ 1/1s+ YOLAUbA STR.EET i \ #ffiMtt.,GrF- Lane County Authorization forr {if app e 5Tt1nEi' ;'1. CITY AIP ; il: il' 0i' i, ,' ';: : '.: ' irjt. i,, UA l: .r" ,:[$l: r ] !:EdJ. ri r not , d i.tc.0. ) 'i .&t[ Q}I PROFERTY :J]i 1P SiITE ED '{ORK-. BE SI'ECIFIC rlAt{ii osR f (:Atfirv$,Ir! a(ird)nrffo Tns @{prrErED App,&ICA?IO|{ F$R ptsRl'tlT. and d* hereby certify that all" lnfofe.tlon hdrcor} ls truG 6nd eorrcct , ard thnr I ..:.cwirg lag4l irltirest in the property;L-l*.ut of racordg n c$trrct purchaserl autihoriasd agcnt sith ,vld€nce of auth$rl$I.{ttachcd.trr:;:li.(y:i.hat,*n{ and {li rork porforn€dl ohall be dono ln rccordinee lrith the Ordl nancee of li&nc Corr$ty arrd thr Lars of,*hd 6ta*i ef OfeiofiE) tlli- rjatE 4or€rlbcd hrroin, anit that HO OCCIJpAI{Cy wl]l b6 mad* af any e truetu!'e without the perniselon of tha Buildin! Dlvlf,ton. t fur-,, :Jrat yeglst$ction vith thg Builderrs Board is in full force and effect r:i:4$, &wl tlt&t mly Eubcontrr.ctqrs an{ ctlployere vho arG ln coorlianco wl , , i: n|Fi,ri:iitl{s; Tt*oRDuGHLv. l{A!!lE {Illcase print) as required by ORS ?O1.055, that lf fixes!)t tho baBlg for rdelq)tith oRS 701.055 vill bo usod on this preJ€et; t HAr/f *fe$ }.tED SIGNAflJN'$ATE POR 0rrlcE usg oHty Applicatlon/ P6rm1t I T$ro Copies of Plane three Copies of Plots Fl"anp Mechr/Plumbing Checktint Lega1 Interest, Document Plan Check Info $heet NANCE SECTION TAX LOT [our oF t&tlPARcEL BIPCK [f]Residential .H I commercta] fJ xndustrlal f r*rri* PROPOEED USE OT OF E! ting 11; 'i ',l)IS $ECT:IOH CAREPUI,IJY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION IIAS BESN BASED ON THE TOLLOWIMG CONDITXONS, Zon6 Partieion il Parcel, * 1: r!rN1?*j I In flood hazard areaa fl ro [l ves, SEE ATtACHED sHEEr Date: Date::-.}lJr F'I;l l,',X?I$Ilt S. I. *B.P.* ." Il.a r ir:n ;. f, ira e "'ons I Gillon Trnk Lln.rl Faet of Dralnfiald Install-at,ion necord Issued? [ X"q fit!" l.laxl&wa Depth of ?renshes l:j ,: , r.;;i Ax;'illli}lTIOH : IVp€ Date: Buildinq Eee !'1e*h/Plmbg Fee P] ans Check Fee state surcharqe DEQ Surcharge TOTAL TEE $ .-'l!:iqT$: ueie!_*_. *LJ CONSTRUCTION AUIHORI ZED BY TI{IS PER!{IT Deccriptlon Sq. Ft. fixed Eee/ flsodplsin feeunlt' cost subgurface Feeo ) P $ $ c I i, f $re-tit- AppRovl5ev-surmrNs oriir.raiT-oEsffi |ANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEME|'IT OlvlSlON, S874.0e1, 125 EASTSTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OFTEGON 97401 : INFOR.MATION * or sToi{IEs ' . tl' I, ti ParceI $iac rear )l'A .l.t.rAlir0N I o YOLANbA srRE* c,q/q/N4L .lt*/NF/€/b 4R€A X baXolZS 7457-11* srz@i. s,7, 9,4-6" atT $RHNqaal .4f,,a*"(o.+sua uary) Fo/< 'o VI ,.oh $ g*VE /,,g envb P/-p!N/Nq t:.r)rtlJ't)t-7ftJ 7t 20'q q. -srReer S tiat s CTFte$, Oe . AH't7 ?fl,b- 65e;5' &.o' SaNrz-AT/o^/ PLoT PLAN FLoTS ELI-EtroN TY tvlP /7-oz-/qi ft'l2DT 23oo QARGL 2 nS,-T, a.,tr-oit /vl 8-94 ffiau4"qy /?A+ sl T la' EXIST/.Vq NELL /2,760 sq. FT to' to' Noffi: y /NSrttt-t- /so' -DR*NL/NE / 2- 60'* /-3a /o' o.L., E qUH* DrSret BufroN .SySTTM. Z) *t*,Vry/N /O' StrgfrK FRo/-l pRop* /-/N4, Ar*b /Oa'StrB.q<,< ft@tu1 h/5.Z-u. 3) lo NoT b<r vE oR P,+<t< eN OR REPLr4c-tulENT bR+tN 47*;z-i.. -qREr+E _ , o a RAINBOW WATER DISTRICT *"Proudlg seruing North and West Springficld. February 20, 1984 Mr. Harry Taylor Land Planning Consultants 209 'Q" Street Springfteld, 0regon 97 477 SUBJECT: Water service to property of F]oyd Ellefson, Bop # 17-02-19.3.3, tax lot .l200, partition # M-8-84 Dear Mr. Taylor, Rainbow l'later District, a special service district operating under Chapter 264,0regon Revised Statutes, will 'instal'l the water mains and service lines to the above referenced property. l,later service lines will extend to the lot lines of each lot. Rainbow Water District is responsible for the maintenance of the lines and will furnish domestic water to this property. The installation and provision of water is subject to al1 charges, rates, rules and regulations of Rainbow Water District. Si ncerel y, RAINBOt,, tilATER DISTRICT Timothy Ha ey Superi ntendent I /' ""J. 1550 N.42nd St. . P.O. Box B o Springfield, OR97477 .5031746"1676 2lson &lhorpsrln, lnc, Engineering Surveying Planning FebauatA 23, 1984 PRO?ERTY OESCRIMTON FOR FLOYD ETLEFSON PARCEL I Beginning a"t a. P.K. Na,i-L tha.t .U South 0o 05' Ea,st. 2894.46 {eet and Ea,st 9.90 $eet (nom the Nortlwe,st Cotne.t o$ the Felix Scott Dona,tion Land. CLa,im No. 52, Township l7 South, Rangz 3 Weat o{ the Willnnette Metr.i-dian; nun thenee South 88o 55) Ea,st 1109.46 {eet; thrznce South 0o 05' Ea,st 30.00 {ezt; thence South 88o 55t Ea,st 80.00 {eet to a 5/8 inch itton ttod ,set on the Southetlq night-od-LntJ ol Voland.a Sttteet, ,said. Inon rcd al,so being the Tnue Point o( Beginning; nun thenee along the daLd Southe-tlq ttight-od-unq South 880 55' Ea,st 101 .14 de-et to a 5/8 inch iton nod rct on the Ueatettlq nigltt- o{-utaq o( 31 ,st Avenue; tJtence along ,sald 0)eatenlq nigttt-o{-unq Sot,-th 0o 03' 10" East 159.50 $zet to a 5/8 inch i,ton ttod; thencz Lea.ving aaid 0)e,stenl4 ttight-o(-unq Nonth 88o 55' Oe,st l0l .05 $eet to a 5/8 inch itton nod; thencz Nonth 0o 05' \le,st 159.50 (ezt to the Ttue Point o{ Beginning, in Lanz Count4, )negon. PARCEL II Beginning a.t a ?.K. NaiL that ia South 0o 05' Ea,st 2894.46 (eet and Ea,st 9.90 (eet dtom the Nonthwe,st Connett o( the Felix Scott Oonation Land Cla,in No. 52, Toum,thip 17 South, Range 3 \le,st o$ the Ulillanette Metidinn; nun thence South 88o 55' Ea,st 1109.46 (eet; thence South 0o ls'East 30.00 (eet to a 5/8 ine.h itr-on nod,set on the Southetlq night-o$-unq o( Vo.Lando. Sfueet and nattzing the Tnue Point o( Beginning; ttun thence South 0o 05' Eoust 15q.50 ,[eet to a 518 inch iton tod; thence South 68' 55' Ea,st 80.00 {eet to a 5/6 inch.iLton nod; thence Noath 0o 05' 0)e,st 159.50 (eet to a 5/8 inch itton ttod; thenee Notth 88o 55' tle,st 50.00 {eet to the Tnue Point od Beginwtng, in Lone Counttl, )tegon. 207 "Q" Street a Spri ngf ield, Oregon 97 477 a 503/726-5104 FOUND PK. NAIL WHICH 15 PEPORTEO TO BE SOOOS,E 2894.46' A EAST 9.9' OFrHE N'f CORNER OF THE FELTX SCOrT D.L.C. NO.52 ZONINGt AGT/U t{Ikto a e If, e f t7S, R3ry ) SURVEY FIL UM. ( AS PER E 2 YOLANDA STREET ilo9..16'/ EASIS OF EEARINGS b a;r) FOUNO rcCK NAIL SET IN SURVEY NO. 22074 o cir)sggo 55'E 2.87't8t.t4' FOUND 3/4,,1.R. OF s83003 ORIGIN t.2'bqt) ot rl) blo oi llD oolr)ql e, =\ Eq 5 (r) t Lt{ (r) q- Rro o =f, e 50.o' \ o: roo oot \ovo\ [..t{ tUtL (r) ;5 ibb ].J ra)o oo(/) FOUND 3/4,, I.R. OF N88055'w t8t.o5' SURVEYUNKNOWN ORIGIN s 50039'E O.5'PROPERT Y LL F }-I(,)l rrI 29.91' SW 4 5EC.I9,TI7S, R2W, WM LANE COUNTY, OREGON APPROVALS Y a:r, o oot ob tl!}\ cHatnuAfl, L.o.R.C.u a.(r) q t at5o\ 9.OO' F COUflTY SUPVEIOR -AAENAIUE- - o;5/8"t.R. SET WrH PLA,flC t.D. CA P THE pUR?OSE OF TH\S WAS TO COMPLy W|TH rHE CONOtrrcNS 9F A?PROVAL EO? P4RTIT!_OII __ No. a-ai. iiE Ctoxr-or-iir FoR yoaANDA srREEr wAs DEn€RMWE? fHR!.l rHE REcoUsrqtrr' rott-oF suRVEy-u6.z2orl a lsr srREEr BY su1!/Ey NO-2_36_O1. _rHE g_ALANCE_-OF rHE eoUubairEs- weiE bETeauwEo 8y oBSERT|NG REcoRo EEAR|NGS A D|STANCES. J rEsr xotE+ Lb rEsT H2LE* ,o, ( s. t. 84- 2t) 12,760 5.F(o.29Ac.) PA RCEL II WELLA PUMP HOUSE t oooo' 80.oo', \ b,ooo a a a' btc) o; k) totr4------r FO,ND Urr",.*. / ] UNKNOWN ORIGIN t6, 125 S. F ( O.37 Ac. ) PARCEL I t7.5' tot.05' o\ HOUSE PARTITION No. 8-84 COISUT.TTIG EIGIIEESS & SUSUETOEE 207 A STBEET $GILE: -l" = 5O' dlOB I0:673 503/ 726-5104 DITE:FEB 28, 1984 DBIWI: L. oLSoN 0r & THoInPsor, lfc. GflELo, 0BEGo!{ 97477 TEbEPHONE : -