HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1989-06-05/44- Lane County Authori za,ttott fon JlhPnc 74nl< 4PtreJc,i/AL FOR OFFICE USE ONLY il!.ill"i*"' t /^r-gL :\CMiSHIP /a RANGE OZ H.3.sSECTION lZoo Eour oF S-J'BDI\tISION/PARTITION (if applicable)LOTlPAF.(:EL BLOCK PROPOSED USE OE PROPERTY Zfnesidential n rnaustrial Commercial Public 3et joLANrA a) Pe.r^r6r?er5 97+'t7 LOCATIO}I ADDRESS L]1?YSTREET Pw A^r5 nle4 JdSl- €.trF aF J. rt/- (beN€€ 3i sr { '/oxau}4' DTEECTIOX'-TO SIIE lt DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK - BE SPECIEIC f./gtnl RESr l€,rlcE DECI,ARED 9 VALUE # OF E},IPLOYEES SUPPLY Proposed Exi s ti = OF BEDF.OOMS Z # OF STORIES I TELEPHONE NUMBER ttdr-27851/+^r€. €oqE!€ 2zLP'-l Jaaau54(:/., t:% F{oer-t OiiNERIS NAME AND ADDRESS J4cs ta/rlSoil TELEPHONE NUMBER SA*14 CoNTRACTOR'S lrAI,tE allO OSn * '5co.r- rn/r-t. Ruse (6*-lsn 44lo+ TELEPHONE NUI.,IBER 4(2ASd \-AoTr |!/'J,4 PLtUa C tYl OE 5Pe,n<Frt(5ttsb' Hoe^t ZA^rE Ed6€^E 9744 I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COI4PLETED APPLICATION !-OR PERMIT, arrd do hereLy certify t-hat a].1 infomation hereon is true and correct, and that I have the following legal interest in the property,[o*r.t of record; Icontrat,t purchaser;[l-uthorized agent. I fLlther certify that any and all work performed shall. be done in accordaitr:e with the Ordinances of Lane Couty and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCIPANCy will be nade of ar,! st.rtrcture without the pemission of the Building Division. I fur- ther cerEify that registration with the Builder's Board is in ful1 force anc effect as required by ORs 701.055. that if exempt the basis for exenpti is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors md employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I HAVE REID AND CHECKED IHIS APPLICATION THOROT'GHLY. STGNATURE DATE ru<$rozz ll/rl" QUDE ta'ra a/+la> NAMEIp-ls-se prr;t, Date COMI1ENTS: Date /& t UseGrouD ". o. o SAi -6/ D PLANS EXAMINATION: Installation Record Issued?f v." fln"tr SANl of "r, fl pmxurNc,zzoNrNG Minimum Setbacks: cot!!\1 lraximum Depth CS , sl re ar RIZATION IIAS Partition S Lineal Feet of Drainfield GaIlon Tank BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS Parcel * Parcel t"rr"2fr ION: s. r. * READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR /\t BY OFFICIAL,/DES IGNEE r ORS DATE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISIO 125 EASTSTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION PERMIT , 6874061, cr4-2s R* o T Installation Specifications: SETBiTCKS AND OTIIER CCIiDITIO:'1S OF APPROT,IAL llUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVO- C;]ION OE !!IIS PE'{I,lIT, CITAIIO:J UND:R PROVISIONS OF LA\E:OU::TY'5 INFRACTION ORDI:;ANCE, AND,/OR OTHER RE}IEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW. IiHEN RE.i.DY FOR INSPTCTION, CALL 687_1065. A }1INI}IUi1 OF AT LiAST 21 IIOURS ADVAI;CE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- ffisr.l--il-al6ttre-To1Iowingin:crnationready:permitnunber,jobaddre5s,type ot inspeccion, when it HiIl be ready, your name and phone nunber, and any special Cirections to site. BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: I. Foundation Inspection: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when aIl;;IE;i;-fTfu-E; fondacron are delivered on the lob. i{here concrete from a centraL mixingpl.ant (comonly Lermed ''transit mixed") i.s to be used, materiaLs need not be on the job. 2. Conctete Slab or Under-aloor Insoection: To be made arter alI in-s1ab o! under-floor building EE?vTrE-e;.r.pmmt, co I t, pipin.J .ressories, and oti.er anc j.IIary equrpment. irems are inplace but beiore any concrete is poured or floor sheathing i-nstalled, including the subfloor. 3. Framing & Insuiation Inspections: To be nade after the roof, all franing, fire blocking, andbracing are 1n ?lace and all pipes, fireplaces, chinneys, and vents are complete and alI roughelectrical and plumbing are approved. Al1 walI rnsulation and vapor barrie! are in pJ,ace. 4. Lath and/or LyJ)M Boari. rnspection: To be made after al-l lathing and qypsum board, interi.or and exter.ior, rs iI) place but before any plastering is applied and beiore gypsm board joj.nts and fasteners are taped and finlshed. 5. Final Inspectj-on: To be made afcer the buitding is conpl.ete and before occupancy. APPROVAI REQUIRED. llo work shalL be done on any palt of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successj-ve lnspection without first obtaining the approvat of tlte buil-dj.n9 official.Such approvaL shall be- given cnly after an lnspection shalI have beer made of each successi.ve stepin lhe ccnstructj-on as j.ndicated by each of lhe inspecticns requireC NOIE: AII building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not li"mited to: A. Block l^rallr To be maCe aftsr reinforcing is 1n p1ace, but befo.e any grout is poured. Thisirepectlm is required for each bond beam pour. There wilL be no approvat untii the plumbinq and electrical inspections have been made and apDroved. B. l"lood stove: To be made after completion of nasonrv (if applicable) and when instal,Iation isffip1etq Installation shall be in accordance with an appiovea, nationally recognized testingagency and the manuiacturerrs installation instructions. C. Mobile Home: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approvedwi-septic systen for setback requirenents, blockj,ng, footing connection, tiedowns,sk.!rting, and plwbj.ng coonections, l. Footings and piers to conpLy with State foundation requirenents for mobile hones or asrecomended by the nanufacturer. 2. Mobj.le home mj-nimum fj-nish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a flood-plain management letter. 3. Mobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shaIl, be installed and ready for inspec-tion within a! Ieast 30 days after occupancy. TieCowns and skirting shal,I be instal-led Per enc.losure. D. Swiming.PloI: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above gradewhen pool is installcC. APPROVED PLANS I1UST BE ON THE JoB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORXING HOURS. THIS PERMTT WILL EXPTREIF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR I1ORE THAN 180 DAYS.SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION I.IAY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST TiIE POiIiT OT REQUIRED INSPECTIOiIS HILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN I]ISX. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEh'AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEUS: I. Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance. 2. UPon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued, the permit holder shallnotify the Lane county Department of Planning and cotrmunity Development by submittj.ng thei.nstallation record form. The Departsent shaIl inspect the construction Lo determin; if itconplies with the ruies contained in this division. If the construction does comply wi!h suchrules, the Department shalI issue a certi.ficate of satisfactory complelion to the p;rmiti holder.If the construction does not comply with such rules, the Department-shalt noti.fy tire permitholder and shall require satrsfactory completion before issuing the certificat;. Failure tomeet the requirements for satisfactory compLetion wtthi-n a rcasonable time constitutes a vro-Iation of ORS 454.605 to 154.14.: and this rul-e. Setbacks - Subsurfacc S.wa9c ql:losal Septic Tank Drainfi.eld arom: lnterior propert,/ lines I0, IO' ECae oi road rrailt-of-way 10' 10t Burldrnq founCation 10'HeIIs, other Hate! sources 50, 100 ! s T FOR OPFICE USE ONLYLane County Authori za,tuon' for, -)6tr rtc i-4^.1 r: 4 irl1:lc'r/A /- :\)WNSHIP /'/ RANGE OZ /q'. -3. 3SECTION TAX LOT lZc>6 Eour or SJBDIVISION,/PARTITION (if applicable)LOTIPARCEL BI.OCK PRCPOSED USE OP PROPERTY 7l'iresidential ! rndustrial Commercial Public 3ogl --/oua r.ty A ...J P'C lNrriF ,f r D q'74-1 1 :,CCATION ADDRNSS 7fDSTREETCITY t)*1 xl LVEL{- P If-.,l>tl JUST- aF tr oF s. n/. ao&,v6..' 3J sr' { -/ocA^trvt ,IRECTIONS TO SITE D=SCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK - BE SPECIE'IC rrJE t",t RFS r nfaJCE DECI,ARED S VALUE f OF EI,IPLOYEES SUPPLY ProposedExisting - OF BEDROOMS .> f OF STORIES I TELEPHONE NUMBER .,'16 i .278 '",TF1 YA(,/1^')')'(\(/a l5/ff1 r-foi"^,/. AilF. F.:ri Fr-ttr 974(3,/l OiNERIS NAME AND ADDRESS ..JA< r.- t,r,/tcsor.J CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND OSR fl . 5Co-- tt/P{. [€*JUF f.b^rs? 4410{- TELEPHONE NWBER iifi*1r TELEPHONE NUMBER 4/", i -..) /',ar; ) (NA!{E AND ADDFnss) C (T.l ,r.q ..Ybz'i tv"-t Qu D€- l'5A Otr 5l:,c.',N{<r,1*{5 AIO^:r.l /.l'r ,.JE E J6Fr.L'rq'k+cYl' I IIAVE CAREFULLY EXN,IINED THE COTIPLETED APPLICATION !'OR PERMIT, ar'd tlo hereby certj,fy that all inforration hereon is true and correct, and that I have the following legal interest in the property,Iorn.. of record; Icorttrac;t prrchaser;fiiuthorized agent. i f:rther certify that any and aLl work perfomed shaU be done in accoldarxje with thij ordir)anccs of Lane Cowty and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining !o the work described herein, and that No oCCUPANCY will be made of ar,l, st-ructure witlrout the pcmission of the Building Division. f fur- titer cerlify that registration with the Builderrs Board is in full force and effect- as requi.red by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exenption is noted hereon, and that onLy subcontractors ild emp).oyees vho are in compliance wj.th ORS 7Ol-.055 will be used on this project- I HAVE READ AND CXECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. ,,; /,t1e;> NAIiE (please print)STGNATURE DATE $ozt d*.l.,QL,qE \'t? lt u,/,, /.t|le YOUR AUTHORIZATION 9AS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS:READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY Parcel Size rearc", f rorra..,,. "........ Date: /r;a GrouDf] pr,eus EXAMTNATToN: COM}IENTS: Date Use tr B. P. i+50n-6rtr InstaIla' Speci fic, COMI'IENTS / Partition * .,,-1 SANITATION : S. I. l{ ;f'-of Trenches(\ rnstallation Record rssued? ! vu= fl rr" l4aximm Depth Parcel * COt'tl\ENTS Lineal Eeet of Drainfield/ .. /'r... ,.: r /'";:,, GaIIon Tank /, ) (t r'{ Date: r.1./., ,. .. fl pmlturtlc,zzoNrNG Minimum Setbacks: Li -- I r,.:''ti' ,(., (pcx oRS 456.aos DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT . DATE DtvtstoN, 6874061, 125 EASTSTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION ct4-25 R* N $ i '"' .. :Q $ q. t\\ $] N \1 \\ }.\ $\ft$ i. \$ '$.\\ ,d ( o s ! t t, .) 'i,''il ". ,'tl ' It:* *r '.1. -:.i .4. i.l j'..; l\, ', h',i .! ,!..:$. :.$. :\tr\. ,-$..,_x-;:: i',., i ' ! t .'t.. I tI, GArr \r-51 /iq, i.i ."1i...'.l t.. 1 f r"1 '., ,; ..t. t. .. t,, , , ::i-. :' :.li l o 1o'LEQ(. o \ s o a , 57' G"o a- -qt t", lM G*t..TANR . ,3ai'lT 49 a* 2#4 rt{N. ,,oery /rME.l A#4 /oI I L-.. t,2I v:,.,* ? i. ,/^, t f r'-74 1l 1i' PEo'tus:ED' DilcE :I r 5 PA i: '/6 \ .;, ; --l; J.. '' a ll * \'-+ , i.) :. :, :t,, ., . !.I,l 2. l' oo til ,: . ,,, !, lt ,\ ..