HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Occupancy 1991-01-14CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Planning and Deve- qient Bui'l ding SafetY Divisiu' ??5 North 5th Street Spri ngfi el d, 0regon 97 477 7?6-3753 (Bus. ) 726-3769 (Insp. ) OCCUPANCY INSPECT APPLICATION SPRINGFIELD ?/a>/ DATE: /- ?-q/ JoB ADDRESS: ) D qt Yo tA ^/b A OWNER:c OT,.INERS ADDRESS:AK ftDrJT v d LJ€7 4oi APPLTCANT : C-/n EE rl L cl S e Lr A tZ€ l+U\ Po.ru\ MurE CEUT€A APPLICANTS ADDRESS:5ss Y rlj €u r{o.-f FOR ACCESS TO PRCPERTY--PLEASE INCLUDE TELEPHONE NUMBER tr?q -22 i t F- PROPOSED USE: SrP. I*?O RNb R oo urr )lrreE C E preR A $ 35.00 INSPEcTIoN FEE IS REQUIRED AT TIIE TIME OF APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY THE OI.INER OF THE PROPERTY TO BE INSPECTED./V 2'Le7^4 6 SI OF PROPERTY FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DATE OF I}trSPECTION:RECEIPT NIIMBER : /?D 72 DATE OF REPORT:DATE PAID: DATE OF CERTIFICATE OF CO},IPLIANCE: COMMET{TS: SP',-.'GFIELO DEVELOPMENTSEFY'CES PUBLIC I4|OFKS M ETRO POLITAN WAST EWAT ER MAN AG EM ENT 225 FIFTH SIFFEI SPRINGFIELD. AF,97177 (503) 726-3753 CERTIFIED LETTER January 25, 1991 McKay Investments 23OO Oakmont Way Eugene, OR 974OL Subject: Occupancy Inspection at 2095 Yolanda Avenue Sprin8field, Oregon. PTOPOSCd USC: EMERALD SOUARE AND ROUND DANCE CENTER City Job #910031 At your request, the Springfield Buildins Safety Division conducted an inspection of the brri]ding(s) at the above address. The purpose of the inspection was to determine the suitability of the buiJ-dine(s) for the proposed use as indj-cated. Based on the proposed occupancy, the existing conditions which are mentj.oned below do not meet the minimun Buildint Safety Code requirements Corrective measures nust be taken prior to occupancy to install, repair, replace or modify the following items in order for the buildint to conform to applicable safety codes: Structural 1. The proposed use is an A-2.1 Occupancy as defined in the Oregon Structural Specialty Code (SSC) The total calculated occupant load wi]] be limited to 6L3 occupants. The exlsting bui]djrlt complies with the SSC requirements for a Type IV Heavy Timber structure with the exception of existing concealed spaces. AIL concealed spaces, such as soffits and suspended c,ei'lirrg5 must be removed in order for the Srri'lding to comply with specific requirements for Heavy Timber Construction and the related occupancy and bujl-ding area Iimitations. 2. A minirnum of three exlts wi]] [s required with a combined total width of not less than 12 feet. At least two exits tnust be separated a distance l'lchlay fnv=e trn=rrts January 25, 1991PaEe 2 equal to not less than one-half of the length of the marimum cliagonalmeasurement of the space t,eing served, measured in a stra1ght linebetween the exits. Each required exit must be at least three feet wideand six feet-eisht j-nches hi€h. Handicapped access must be provided forat Least, one of the required exits. 3. Extt doors shall swing in the direction of exit travel. Ex[t doorsserving a occupant load of 5o or more for the proposea use sharl not beprovided with a lock or latch unress it is panlc haidware. ssc 331g(a) 4' A total of eisht water closets and four lavatories are requjred for theproposed occupancy' and at. least one drilking fountain must be provided.urinals may be substituted for required water closets as long as theratio of water closets to urinals does not exceeJi-l" 3. The requi.rednurnber of santtary fixtures sharl be divided equally b"t*""n mares andfemales. 5. The open sides of the upstairs loft must be protected by a guardrailhaving a uinimum heiSht of 4? irrctres. c;F*rr Eu.i.rdrnif_B ftrl* EuRh ul.I.E,_iBwhich are not accessible to the pubJic sharl have intermedialte rajrs suchthat a sphere 12" in diameter cannot pass through the raiLs. siclzu 6' The buildSng interior must be provided with exit i'numination having anintensity of not less than one foot-candle at floor leveL whenever thebuildins is occupied. Exit i]]umin6tion r^r'i.Il neinelly be provided by thepremises' wirint system, however, in the eVent of its fairure,i'l'lumin3tiqn shall be provided by an emertency system supplled fromstorate batteries or an on_sj.te generator. 7. Provide five fire extinguishers (min. S lb. ABC Type), located so that themaximum distance .to an extinguisher from any location does not exceed 7s,.Mount extinguishers between 3-5 feet above the floor. coordtnatepracenent requirements r+ith the city Fire Marshals office. Electrical 8' Alt electrical junction boxes and fittings sharl be restored to safeoperating condition, including repair oi uroken pr.i= -""d instarlation ofapproved covers where they are broken or rnissing. Plumbins g' ArL unused plumbing drains sharl be properiy ptusged or capped to preventthe passage of sewer tases into the itructure. The above items are requirements for the exlsting structure orrry.Additional provisions of the city Development codl, such as landscaping orother site imp:-ovements to satisfy millimum Development standards may be , McKay Investments January 25, 1991 Page 3 required. Please contact the Development Code Division of this officeregarding any necessary improvements to the site. If you have any questlons or need clarification of the above requirements,please carl the Bui.lding safety Division at 726-37sg. Sincere.ly, Lisa Hopper Building Technician CC: Dave Puent, Building Official Greg Mott, Deve.lopnent Code Administrator CITY OF OREGON SPF|r,. .iFIELD DEVELOPME'VTSERY'CES PUBLICWORKS M ETROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAG EM ENT 225 F I FTH SIF!: i SPRINGFIELD, OR 97:77 (503)726-'-1753 November 2, 1990 Mr. Doug HcKay McKay Investment ComPanY 2300 Oakmont lIay Eugene, 0R 97401 Subject: Use of property at 2095 Yolanda Dear Hr. McKay: As a follov-up to our phone conversation of LO/3t/90, I thought it might be useful if you had a vritten explanation of the status of your Yolanda property' and all pending actions that might affect this property. Your property lras rezoned from Community Commercial (CC) to Neighborhood Commerciai tifCt to achieve plan-zone consisteney. The development and use standards of the NC zone have caused the larger building on your property to become a pre-existing non-conforming structure and, therefore, subject to the provisions of Article 5 NON-CONFORMING USES. You viII note in Seetion 5.050 of the enclosure I have sent you, that you may continue to use this building for any use permitted in the NC zone as long as the building is not abandoned or vacant for 90 consecutive days. Ve have attempted to relieve this non-conforming status by amendment to our Code. A recently adopted 0rdinance removed all building size limits in the NC zone thereby alloving ott-street parking, building setbacks and landscaping requirements to dictate the size of a building. Although this Ordinance vas the subject of a citizen-initiated referendum, the City Council voted to reject this reflrendum based on a filing error. This action by the City Council has alloved Lrs to schedule Lane County Planning Commission (11113190) and Lane County Board of Commissioners (12/4 and t2/19/90) public hearings to adopt this Ordinance. lthe final action by the Board vilI include an emergency clause therefore the effective date of this Ordinance, and the date your building vill no longer be non-conforming, vi11 be L2/20/90. The City atso is processing a major revision of the entire Development Code, inctuding substantial additions to the permitted use list in the NC zone. I have enclosed these for your information. Tvo other issues ve discussed were sever service and annexation. The City does not oppose non-contiguous annexations initiated by private property ovners if there is a need for City services and those services can be extended. It is my understanding that sanitary sever could be extended to your property, but the cost to engineer, build and acquire easements vould be your responsibility. rf r can be of any further assistance, prease contact me at your convenience. Cord ialIy,wffiGregory Mott Planning Division Manager