HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1988-12-20.. RESIDEI''-lAL". APPLICATION/PERIIIT 225 North 1th Street Springfield, )regon 97477 BuLlding Ditsision 7 26-37 53 Job Locaticn:I Aasessore l,lap #032 Subdiuision: A,mer Addt,ess: i o Ci ll ldditicn RenoCeL Date of App Lication Value CeneraL ELectrical ConsJngrien_!en4g! SPFIINGFIELD It ia the responsibiLity oi the permit taldez, to see that alt inspec^tions are r,ade at the pYopet time, that ecch addtesa is realabie from the stre'et, and that the pirmtt catd ie Located at .th-e. fro11 of .the -property.iSrilding Dittision approxed plan sVnLL remain on tha Butlding SiL: at aLL tines. pRocEDUp4FOR,rySpECTIOil,lS-QyESr;cALL 726-3769(t'econder) state your City cesigru-ted iob number, job acitess, type of inspecli'or requested. and.uhen Aou uLLL De ready 7or tnspactio,n, Conttactor" o'i asners"ncne-and piuie nunber, Pequesis receited befcre 7:00 an t:iil be nade the sdr,e day" requests-made after 7:00 on uvill be nade the neat tnrkirg day. i (t.,Iour City Desigr,ated Job Nwnber Is g8f SITE INSPEC?ION: ?o be nade after escauatl;n,nut pr.i.ot, tc set up of U N DER S LAB p!,!Wf! 4, 8!Ell!ll!L__4 INSIJT,AT]ON/VAPOR BARRIER IILSPECTION : To-be made after aLL insulaticn atd required uapor barriera ate in place bui befiore any Lal:h, g4psun boarC or rnLL couering is applied, and before ary insuLation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTI1N: Tc be madeafi;Vn-Sruat-is in place' but pnior to cny taPing. MAS1NRI: Steel Location, bond 666ijgrouting or uerl;icaLs in accordance vLth A,B.C. Section 2415. NOODSTO'IE: After installation is cctnpletcd. CURB & APPRCACIT AP:?)N: Af!;er fotms ate enecteC but prior to Pouring concrete. SLDEWA\,X & DRIITEWA!: For aLL con- crete nau@Arifn s tre et right- of-ucA, to be made after all, e*ca- oating conplete & fotn unrk & sub- base material in Place. PENCE: h4ten conPlete -- ProoiCe gates or nouable sections through P, U, E. ALL project condttions, suc!'r as the i.nstaLlation of street trees, aonol-eLion_of the required. Landsccping, etc., rmtst be satisfied before the BUILDINC FI1IAL ean be z'equested. PINAL BUfLDING: The tinal Building fnsp,ection mtst be requested after the linal Plwnbing Electrical, and Mechanical fnspeetions ltauc been nade and approoeC. i--1 UND||RGP?U!]D PLUMEING. SEWP, W,ATER, '. I inatnact: To be naCe prioz' bo fil- Lirg trenchee. 11 unnenrLooR pr,utgrNc & ttECHANtcAL:ilof floor insulation or decking. MECHTilICAL: To be made before any idiE-li-iuot,ud. F)OTINC & E1UNDATICN: To be naCe ;f;;;-tz.e"ct; at e e"cattated attd forns ate enected, but prior to pouring ecncreta. POST AND BEAM: To be made ptiot, to Lation orZnstallii{oi of floor insu deckirq. RO!]AI PL,A!,IBII1G. ELECTNICAL & I,IECH- ANICAL: No uork is to be cotet'ed GiT-these irrcpections haoe beer, made arul approoed.. FIPEPLACE: Ptior to placirq faeingmaterials and before froning inspec- t.ion. FRAllIllG: lhtst be requested aften apptoual of rough plunbing, electri- cal 8 neclnnieal. ALt roofing bracing 8 ehitrmeys, ete. rntst be cotnpleted. !1o ucrk is to be con- cecled until this inspection ltas been made anC approoed. PTilAL PLUI,IBIIIG TlINAL I4ECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ."t ci Tar Lot ll0e 0 6- -2Phone7 /8 ,*, 77{7 tscceiPt ll I z-f3/ CO *zo - Signed: tt do Date 6 11, -74 l(ll {,rt 6 l,lechari.caL DEI.IOLITIAII OR :.:OV!: BUILDi;|CS Sanilary setset capped ct property Line Septic Lutk punped and filled trith gra;sel Pinal - t{Iten abcte itens are ecnpleted and uhen Cenclition is complete or strue- ture notteC anl. preniaes cleaneC up. l,lobile Hcmes Bloeking and Set-uP Plunbing connectians -- aaiet' otC uatet Electriccl Ccmnection - Blocking' eet-up and plwnbing connect'tons mist .be apprcued befoic nequesting eleclri,cal inspec-ion Accesoory BuilCittg Final - After pcrckes, skirting, decks, etc. at'e conpleled. Page 1 of 2 I *ALL \LANHCLES AND CLEAN)UTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTNE\II T0 BE r.',lADE /.7 ll0:3sT T0 cI?v h'ork: a SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-JoB *o ESI it c*L-CO Bedrooms: Enerqu Sout ces TupeLot Faees - Setbacks !!eat Df House Cat aqe Access.htate? lled.ter North Range East Fireplace South Hoodstoue llest I of StorLes Total Height Topography LCT TYPE _ Intericr _ Corner _ Panlwndle CuL-de-sac Iat Sq. Ptg. I of Lct Cctterage -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This penntt is granted on the ecpr.ess condition tlnt the said-eonsttwction slnll', in all r.Zspects, confonnio the lrdinance adopteC V:y the City o! Springfield, ineludrng the \oning Crdinanee, regulating the ccnsttacticn and use of bulldings, and may be suspended ot' reuokeC at cny t'lme upon oic- Lation of any prcoisions of said ovdir,anees, Sq. F?G Signed: X VaNEM S.D.C. 1.5 x e TOTAL VALUE Date Patd: PLanDuilding Permit Total Changes State Plumbing Permit No person slnZl consttaet, install., af,ter or elange cnA nel _c? eristing ptunttrq or drainage syste:n dn utnle or in part, unless such person is the Legal pbsses"or ofa r;alid plurnbet'ts License, eccept that a pelson na! 4?ptunt'tig aork to propert?J uhich is oumed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. PLwnblng yerr:Lt T'EE CHARGErTEM State Sani Seuet, Fi.stt*es ResiLential (1 bath) Electricol Permit Were State Lans requires ttnt the electrical uot'k be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical pottion of thb pernit slwll not be oaliC until the Label has been signed by the Electrical Contractot'. 15, f LL L 5, Neu/Ertend. Cincuits Sez"uice Stete Total NC f JL CIIARCE State Mechqnicql Permit I,lcodstole Yent Fat Esharct HooC BTUIS PermLt Issuenee Meehanicel Permit .- ENCROACHMENT -- Secaz.itu Deposit Stord.ge Ihintenanee Petmit Clrbcut Sida,talk Pence "z-o5IELec Mobile llcme Receipt ll: PLarT ExonineP uo-xe ,/).)z- I HAVE CAREFULLy IIXAMINED tle eompleted application fo? pertnit, and do ier:nby eet,tifA that aLL infoz,mation he*eoi- is true artd cotu'ect, and" I futth"en onntT-n that any ard aLL ao.tk perfotmed slwll be done in aceor- "drn". ,,rtth thZ" OtdinancLs of the City of bpr"Lngfield, and th_e La;s of the state of 0regon pertaining'to the uork cescribcd herein' end tlnt N0 occu- pANCy uitt bL ,rude of any" structure uithout peyrnissi_on of the Building Di' uision. I fut,ther cet'tifY that only contractot's oid enpLcAees uho dre Ln eonpl'r-ance iltt, ons 701.-055 utLL be'used on this proiect TotaL j T)TAL Al4)UltT DUE: *6-q5 Sign // Date ?,one : / IT!M It